Trish's Reviews > The Kaiju Preservation Society

The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi
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's review

it was amazing

This book is dedicated to all the guys (and girls) out there who literally do the heavy lifting.

Do you like monster movies with dinosaur-like creatures and parasites? Then this is definitely for you.

Right at the beginning of the pandemic, Jamie felt pretty good about himself: he was a diligent worker with vision and enthusiasm. Until his appraisal turned out to be a sacking and his "boss" stole his ideas and sold them as his own.
As luck would have it, he soon crosses paths with a former acquaintance who offers him a job. Why Jamie doesn't realize it all sounds too good to be true, no idea. In any case, he ends up in an alternate Earth where kaijus rule.
For those who don't know: shame on you! Godzilla will eat you!
Turns out, these "pandas" are in mating trouble and not all humans want to preserve them and their world. Tourists are a menace in any world, I guess. So Jamie and his team need to get creative, evade huge-ass tree-crabs, and get some Twilight monsters to get a groove on, all while fending off more sinister threats.

The snark was big in this one. Muhahahahahahaha! Lots of pop-culture / scifi references, nods to greats of the genre such as Jurassic Park, as well as LOTS of hilarious convos and situations, not least thanks to some delicious revenge and definitely not least thanks to certain parasites. And have I mentioned the snark? *snickers*

I want this to be made into a movie. I want it to win lots of awards. This was such fun!

Also, Wil Wheaton knocked it out of the park with his narration of the audiobook. I stayed up waaay past my bedtime during the working week to finish this which should tell you all you need to know about just how addictive this is. Read it, I know you'll love it!
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Quotes Trish Liked

John Scalzi
“I tried being a vegan for a while, but I couldn’t live without cheese.” “They have vegan cheese.” “No, they don’t. They have shredded orange and white sadness that mocks cheese and everything it stands for.”
John Scalzi, The Kaiju Preservation Society

John Scalzi
“So we’re the monster police, too?” I said to Tom.
“Correct,” he replied. “The only real question is, who are the monsters?”
“They ask that question in every monster movie, you know. It’s an actual trope.”
“I know,” Tom said. “What does it say about us that it’s relevant every single time they ask it?”
John Scalzi, The Kaiju Preservation Society

John Scalzi
“I thought you liked reading books."

"I do, but if you only read books because you have to, it becomes much less fun.”
John Scalzi, The Kaiju Preservation Society

Reading Progress

December 27, 2021 – Shelved
December 27, 2021 – Shelved as: to-read
March 15, 2022 – Started Reading
March 15, 2022 –
3.0% "MUHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm only about 9 minutes into the audiobook and already have a belly-ache from laughing so hard! :D

The writing style is fantastic, the story has been hilarious so far and Wil Wheaton is knocking it out fo the park with his narration!"
March 15, 2022 –

Kaijus are the biggest, stupidest pandas you'll ever meet.

And some are called after friggin Twilight characters. *dies*"
March 15, 2022 –
51.0% "Sadly, I'm too tired to plow through this as I had wanted to. The book is FANTASTIC but I will have to wait to finish it until tomorrow morning.

Most interesting so far - aside from the literary/pop-culture references - is the kaiju biology."
March 15, 2022 –
74.0% "Fuck it, I can't stop now. I have to finish!

Wasn't there a movie (comedy) about three former employees wanting to kill their asshole ex-bosses? I think Jamie is missing a trick here! This is a great opportunity! Tree crabs, parasites, kaijus ... there are so many poor creatures that are hungry and Jamie could help them and himself in one go!"
March 15, 2022 –
March 15, 2022 –
95.0% "Yes, YES, YESSS! Screams. Make 'em scream, Bella! I want one asshole in particular to fucking suffer for what he's done. I WANT MORE SCREAMS!"
March 15, 2022 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-42 of 42 (42 new)

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Nataliya Wil Wheaton? Well, I suppose I’m getting it on audio then. Wheaton is awesome.

Trish Yes, he is, and especially in this one (you listened to the audio for Ready Player One, right? THAT good). And the book is popcorn-fun so I'm convinced you'll enjoy it (you better). ;)

Veronique So you finished it last night instead of sleeping :O) Wheaton is great too and does most of Scalzi’s audiobooks. Loved this novel so much for the fun time. Just pure unadulterated fun :O)

Trish I didn't know he did almost all of Scalzi's audiobooks but that's kinda cool. I bet Brad will be voluntelling me to more of his so I might hear more from Ensign Crusher. ;)

message 5: by Bradley (last edited Mar 16, 2022 08:33AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Bradley They're good friends in RL. :) And yes, Wil rocks. He also does Corey Doctorow's so much that Corey actually WROTE HIM IN A BOOK. So we had Mayor Wil Wheaton reading about himself to us. :)

message 6: by Vavita (new)

Vavita I will buy the audio then! Wesley Crusher, my love!

Sandra I loved the book, now I'll have to hunt down the audio!

Trish Bradley wrote: "They're good friends in RL. :) And yes, Wil rocks. He also does Corey Doctorow's so much that Corey actually WROTE HIM IN A BOOK. So we had Mayor Wil Wheaton reading about himself to us. :)"

That is so cool! :)

message 9: by Trish (last edited Mar 16, 2022 12:13PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Trish Sandra wrote: "I loved the book, now I'll have to hunt down the audio!"

Vavita wrote: "I will buy the audio then! Wesley Crusher, my love!"

*lol* Another soul caught, Brad. It's like playing Pokémon - we'll get them all! *evil cackle*

Bradley I recently got a little Mimikyu plushie. I know it's not the same as catching REAL Pokemon, but I'll tell you... it's close.

message 11: by Steven (new) - added it

Steven I heard John Scalzi is a tool. Have you heard that? BAHAHAHAHA.

Sandra Steven wrote: "I heard John Scalzi is a tool. Have you heard that? BAHAHAHAHA."
Only met him once in person at a reading eons ago. He was really nice to us then, but he may have been on best behavior.

message 13: by Steven (new) - added it

Steven Sandra wrote: "Steven wrote: "I heard John Scalzi is a tool. Have you heard that? BAHAHAHAHA."
Only met him once in person at a reading eons ago. He was really nice to us then, but he may have been on best behavior."

I don't really think he is. Just making a joke at the expense of a troll from Bradley's review of the same book!

message 14: by Bradley (last edited Mar 16, 2022 02:02PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Bradley *Sigh* the trolls are breeding. :)

Still, at least the quality of the trolls are improving. ;)

message 15: by Chase (new) - added it

Chase Sears what is even that bad abiout john scalzi my guy steven

Trish Chase, if you read all of Steven's comments, you'll know he made a insider joke.

Trish For what it's worth, Steven, I laughed. A lot. ;)

Trish Bradley wrote: "I recently got a little Mimikyu plushie. I know it's not the same as catching REAL Pokemon, but I'll tell you... it's close."


message 19: by Chase (new) - added it

Chase Sears Oh :)

message 20: by Steven (new) - added it

Steven Trish wrote: "For what it's worth, Steven, I laughed. A lot. ;)"

That's all I wanted! To provide some Laughs in the Time of Corona.

Trish Steven wrote: "Trish wrote: "For what it's worth, Steven, I laughed. A lot. ;)"

That's all I wanted! To provide some Laughs in the Time of Corona."

I figured. And it worked, don't fear. ;)

Bradley Steven wrote: "Trish wrote: "For what it's worth, Steven, I laughed. A lot. ;)"

That's all I wanted! To provide some Laughs in the Time of Corona."

Definitely an improvement over Cholera.

Trish I think that a cholera outbreak would have been less of a problem in 2020 considering that we already HAVE the meds needed to treat it and stomp out the fire. This, now, ... let's not get into it.

Bradley I think we need to keep an even playing field. No modern meds. And to be fair, when so many modern people are refusing modern meds, that IS a valid expectation.

message 25: by Steven (new) - added it

Steven You guys crack me up. I love watching your banter back and forth on your posts X)

Bradley What can we say? We love our dire. Our doom. Our gloom.


message 27: by Chase (new) - added it

Chase Sears I agree with Steven. You guys' banter on each other's posts is so funny.

message 28: by Chase (new) - added it

Chase Sears And, not to interrupt the conversation or anything, I think COVID is a lot worse than cholera would be. And modern meds (technically) wouldn't be cheating because we *do* have modern covid meds lol :)

Trish But I agree with Brad: all the stupid idiots refusing vaccinations or other modern meds now, shouldn't get Cholera meds either. Would also help with overpopulation.

message 30: by Chase (new) - added it

Chase Sears Yes that makes a fair point, I live an extremely conservative area of the US where quite a few people I know think that the vaccine is more dangerous than COVID.

message 31: by Chase (new) - added it

Chase Sears I forgot the in. *sighs* whenever I write a comment/review there's one little grammatical error that passes my check.

Bradley *pssst*

You're not supposed to *admit* that we hope that the stupids die off naturally.

It's better to say we hope everyone survives and other nice platitudes like "Bless your heart, honey" and preserve our holy detachment.


Trish There is a little button at the bottom right where you can edit comments so you can rectify those comments. I'm often not fast enough before someone replies/quotes me (error and all) but just saying. It bugs me, too, so I'm happy about the function.

message 34: by Trish (last edited Mar 17, 2022 07:12AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Trish Bradley wrote: "*pssst*

You're not supposed to *admit* that we hope that the stupids die off naturally.

It's better to say we hope everyone survives and other nice platitudes like "Bless your heart, honey" and p..."

Fuck that shit. You know I'm too volatile for it.

Sandra Trish wrote: "Bradley wrote: "*pssst*

You're not supposed to *admit* that we hope that the stupids die off naturally.

It's better to say we hope everyone survives and other nice platitudes like "Bless your hea..."

And in the north there's no equivalent that I know of for bless your heart...

Bradley Everyone steals everything. Go ahead. Adopt it. It's truly stupid to lose out on goodies because they might be "appropriated".

Look at Shakespeare. Almost EVERYTHING he wrote was cribbed from someone else. If you buy into the other too hard, you'll never say anything interesting at all. :)

To all the boring people of the world, I say, "Bless your heart."

Gregory Butera Jamie felt pretty good about himself: he was a diligent worker with vision and enthusiasm.

Interesting. Jamie is never called by a he or him in the novel. I read it as Jamie was a woman. Wonder how many people read Jamie as a guy instead...

Trish Gregory wrote: " Jamie felt pretty good about himself: he was a diligent worker with vision and enthusiasm.

Interesting. Jamie is never called by a he or him in the novel. I read it as Jamie was a woman. Wonder..."

I only know male Jamies and the narrator was a guy so ...

Gareth Howells I really enjoyed this book too - immediately did a video of it for my booktube channel - so good isn't it - but Scalzi has a great way of telling a story and there's some great ideas in it - as well as relatable characters.

Trish Yep. Plus: pure fun! :D

Nataliya Thanks to this book I learned what a “Kaiju” is. I know, I know… But I still need to find that Wheaton’s audio; library sadly did not have a copy yet.

message 42: by Trish (last edited Apr 07, 2022 01:04PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Trish In the meantime, may I direct you to the movie Pacific Rim? Nothing that will win any prizes, but soooo fun! And topical.

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