Lourens's Reviews > The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect

The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect by Roger    Williams
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's review

it was amazing

This book has two sides, which tend to alternate:

1. Full-on nerd science fiction, a captivating possible rendition of the computer intelligence singularity. Complete with alternative quantum theories and a metaverse (sort-of) before it was cool.

2. Detailed descriptions of the most twisted, gruesome torture and sex. To the question "what would living forever in a post-scarcity world be like?", the answer here is dystopian. Everything, and especially pleasure, is boring. But pain is just a little less boring. So let's get skinned alive, or raped by a zombie, shall we?

At times uncomfortable, but never dull.
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February 21, 2022 – Started Reading
February 21, 2022 – Shelved
February 22, 2022 – Finished Reading

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