Kon R.'s Reviews > Robocalypse

Robocalypse by Daniel H. Wilson
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's review

it was amazing

I understand that is book isn't a must-read,  but damn did I have fun. The narrative is broken up into short stories. Each one relates to the other in some way and we get to revisit some characters multiple times. I read a review saying that this format ruined the experience versus a traditional narrative. I'm going to have to disagree. There is so much going on in world that a single viewpoint would fail to capture it all effectively. Instead we are treated to glimpses of everything going on of importance.

I don't think this story has any slow points. Nothing feels long-winded or anecdotal. It's pure action from start to finish with some really cool memorable characters. The author really went out of his way to cover all aspects of what a man vs machine war would look like and it's fucking gruesome. I didn't expect so many horror elements to it.

This was a fantastic stand-alone novel, so I feel like the sequel isn't necessary. With that being said, I'll eventually check it out, but I'm 100% satisfied with this entry alone. If you're looking for a fast-paced sci-fi thrill ride of a book then this is a great candidate. I'll definitely check out more works by this author.
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Reading Progress

March 17, 2022 – Started Reading
March 17, 2022 – Shelved
March 18, 2022 –
15.0% "Each story is creepier than the last"
March 18, 2022 –
50.0% "What a fun collection of short stories"
March 21, 2022 – Finished Reading

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