Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies's Reviews > Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling
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's review

it was amazing

I last read this book when I was 14 years old, given that I'm almost 32 now, I have a whole new perspective on it. Despite the fact that I gave this book 5 stars previously, I have to admit that it didn't grow on me until this, my second read.

Confession time: I didn't like Remus or Sirius.

*Khanh ducks as rotten fruit and eggs are thrown her way*

OK, OK, I'M SORRY! I've since changed my mind! Notice that I used the past tense.

Obviously, there will be spoilers for the book below, for the 1.5 of you who haven't read this yet.

I can't even recall why this book wasn't memorable to me. All I remembered was that Sirius - and what happened to him - was terrible, but he's like meh to me; I just never connected with him as a character. Remus was a werewolf and I've never liked werewolves. The Marauders in general were just a bunch of rowdy teenaged boys, and having been the target for teasing from rowdy, rude teenaged boys in my youth, I just didn't care for the way they were portrayed. And I was right, somewhat, James, et al weren't perfect. They bullied Snape, they were little shitheads.

Yes, eventually they became productive, admirable members of society, but I just didn't like them at first.

I guess this is one of those books that just takes time to grow on you.

This is the last Harry Potter book in which Harry is a child. Before his life - and this series - was visited by the spectre of death. I'm not talking about the long-ago deaths of James and Lily, of course Harry has experienced deaths before, but it was distant. I'm talking about the future deaths where Harry lost people he actually remembered, and respected, and loved. That's what I mean when I say that this is the last book in which Harry is a child, because as hard as his life was until now, he still had his innocence.

Children believe that their heroes are unerring. One of the rites of passage to adulthood is the realization that heroes fall, like everyone else.
Harry stared up into the grave face and felt as though the ground beneath him was falling sharply away. He had grown used to the idea that Dumbledore could solve anything. He had expected Dumbledore to pull some amazing solution out of the air. But no … their last hope was gone.
I know that everyone loves Sirius, but for some reason, he didn't click for me when I was 14. This time around, I could understand his character more. I could relate to his desperation, his frustration, and the hope that kept him alive all those excruciating years in Azkaban.
‘I don’t know how I did it,’ he said slowly. ‘I think the only reason I never lost my mind is that I knew I was innocent. That wasn’t a happy thought, so the Dementors couldn’t suck it out of me … but it kept me sane.
I think for me, it took maturity and the experience of loss and frustration, well, life itself, in order to appreciate the hardship that Harry and Sirius and Remus went through.

Previously, this was a magical Cinderella-like tale about a boy in a room under the stairs. With this book, the story became twisted, and it became something more.

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Comments Showing 1-50 of 52 (52 new)

message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

Great review Khanh. I'll admit, I really liked Sirius at first, but like you, now that I'm older, my opinion's changed. I'm not sure why, I never liked Lupin. Even when I was a kid

message 2: by Laura (new)

Laura Interesting. I haven't gone back to re-read Harry Potter. Not sure how I would like or not like characters. I seem to remember that this third book was the first book of the Harry Potters that I did like.

message 3: by em_is_reading (new)

em_is_reading Great review! I totally see where you're coming from, though, even if I disagree. I am unashamedly in love with Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, especially Remus Lupin. <3

Stacie C I must admit that this wasnt my favorite and I felt like it lacked so much because Voldemort wasn't in it. Then I loved Sirius then we lost Sirius and then I loved this book and appreciated it a lot more.

ellie Yes me too!! For some reason it is always going to be different from the rest because Voldemort is barely mentioned it. This coupled with Hermione meddling w the new broom I remember that made me so angry! Ahahah oh well. It's still great :) I do think Sirius is overrated, my personal fave is James but ya

Alyson This has always been my favorite of the 7 books, but I get what you mean in the review. I'm glad you love it now!

For me, Lupin was an instant favorite (not sure why). I think also the fact that Harry was still a child (as defined in your review) but that the adventure at the end was definitely a notch or two above the previous books. The attention to detail and the way the whole climax fit together with the rest of the book was just exhilarating when I read it for the first time as a teenager. It also probably helped that I never liked Chamber of Secrets very much, so this coming right after was just SO much better (imo) that by comparison it was just the best. From then on, all the books would be compared to this one.

Shay This was the book that actually got me into Harry Potter. Then again, at the time I didn't like the first book. However, after seeing the first two movies, I wanted to know what happened next. So, I read the 3rd book and continued on. (Finally read the first two books within the last four years).

Hebah Interesting change in perspective. I thought the first two books were cute, but Azkaban was the one that I really loved, largely I think for Remus and Sirius. I liked getting to see that glimpse of the previous generation and what they experienced in You-Know-Who's reign.

Lindsay This is my absolute favorite of the series.

message 10: by [deleted user] (new)

It's really nice to hear this, because I'm kind of similar. I did start off loving Sirius when I first read the books, but that kind of went away as I got older. I just couldn't really connect with him and I think my original love for him was more about how Harry felt than about how I felt if that makes sense. But hearing you say that rereading it as an adult made you understand him and relate to him more is pretty nice, because I'd really love to get that feeling back, or at least (if it doesn't come back) have an opinion on him that I didn't make when I was like 8 or 9 years old!

Mac Dubista Keso The Bibliobibuli v(=∩_∩=) Wow, great review as always. I always look and stalked your profile because of awesome and hilarious also informative reviews. Great that you loved the story. And I think I will re-read hp series this summer hoping to buddy read it with my friends. My favorite book in the series is book 3. :)

Brenda Now it's time to go to Harry Potter world!

Argona Great review!

Strona po stronie It's my favourite HP book and the first one that I've read.

Vaneesha Prisoner has always been my fav book of the series- I can't quite articulate why. I'm so glad you gave it a second chance!!

Nidhi Bhatt I'm so happy you now like Sirius. I too think Marauders were a bunch of rowdy wealthy teens who bullied people like Snape and were not good at all to anyone. I too hate such people. James Potter is not by far a character I like in HP series except that he is Harry's dad and died protecting him.

message 17: by runedbooks (new) - added it

runedbooks Same same! I thought James and Sirius were annoying and rude at first too - I've seen and heard rowdy boys like them at my school picking on people for no reason but their appearances, but at least James & Sirius have changed. It irked me that a lot of people glorify the 'Marauder's days' during the time where they were jerk-ish, because I'm totally anti-bullying, even if Snape did deserve some when he became an adult.

Penny This has always been my favorite book of the series, I first read it when I was 16 by that time I had already experience a big family loss but I never related to my reaction to the books before now I've always like Lupin and Sirius, even if I can't excuse Sirius and James.

☆Stephanie☆ I love when you read a book you've read before, and you appreciate it on a whole other level. In my teaching reading to adolescents class, our book discusses the importance of re-reading a book: as we have new experiences, our experience with the book changes and becomes new. I can relate. ;)

Short  Reviews I could stand that fucker James.
Bastard. He bullied my lovely Snape....

Yeah, yeah I know he changed :D
But I still dislike him. Rowling never really showed any memories of him being a decent adult - so I admit I'm being biased.

Short  Reviews Prisoner of Azkaban was my one of my least favourite of the books *dodges tomatoes*
I know it sounds silly but I love Hermione and I just couldn't get over how Ron was always picking fights with her and how Harry would go to Ron's side and just, ahhhh I hated it.
It kinda ruined the book for me a bit.

Short  Reviews Then again that was my opinion from my childhood years!
I wonder if I'd change my mind if I re-read it now as an adult...

Aditi I find that I cannot read the Harry Potter books again, no matter that in school I read and re-read them so often that I still remember dialogues and even entire scenes nearly verbatim. I loved and love those characters, that world, and I still think they were quite complete on their own, but being an adult and experiencing loss has brought newer perspectives to many of those characters... I find that I both love Remus (different from the earlier adoration) and am quite out of patience with him. He may have been a Gryffindor, but certainly made cowardly choices. The stories have become these happy little retreats to visit nostalgically once in a while.

message 24: by Anu (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anu I think Sirius and Remus have always been my favourite characters. I can't put my finger on why they were my favourites as a child, but as an adult, I think I can appreciate the sort of rawness that they exude as characters. Also, their love for Harry makes my heart ache. :'D

Garron Potter Me and my friends are like the marauders

Marisol Garcia I did like the idea of James Potter as a character. I feel like he's like an alternative Harry. How Harry most likely would have been had his life not been marred with tragedy. I think thats why Rowling madeJames like that. Ti show us what might have been for Harry.

Janinevillanueva I really really like this scene when harry and hermione always together
Harmione forever!! <3

message 28: by June (new) - added it

June oh my god it came out a long ago

Caroline I totally agree with your opinion on the Marauders, god I hated them, so mean :(

Vicky I always liked Lupin, all he wanted was to fit in, so I can relate to him in that way. I did like Sirius at first, but now, as a 30 year old, I don't like him much. He's an arrogant bully, egotistical and immature. He's like Snape, but on the good side.

Nidhi Bhatt True, now that I'm older I feel it too. Remus is my favorite too, I loved the idea of James and Sirius when I was teen but now I know them as the bullies they are. Also about the loyalty the marauders had for each other and how they eventually were loyal to their friendship till the end.

angie Same opinion about the Marauders, James and Sirius were just typical teenage bullies.

Geoffrey Richard Acres yet egen hi Okel wenen!
his so Fanni !!!

Henry G. *tosses an apple*

message 35: by Paloma (new)

Paloma *throws an egg*

Ashley  Gates aka Greek Chipmunk *throws an rotten tomato then realizes that you used past tense* I love Lupin, but at first I was weirded out by him. Then I realized he was #the best!!

message 37: by Tena (new) - rated it 5 stars

Tena I would envy people like you, who didn't know the hardships of life until they were 30-ish, but I don't think that's an advantage. Anyway... Sirius is my favorite character, so that could be a reason why I dislike your comment. I always sympathised with him, although I was twelve when I read the book.

Genevieve Badeaux Oh my god. Have you read the Mauraders fan fiction??? I didn’t like Remus that much until I read “All the young dudes” 100% recommend it. Oh and I’m a mauraders fan so don’t touch my babies.

Juliet the Book Slayer James Potter supremacy. James was a bully to a wizard racist throwing around the wizarding n-word at his best friend, so I don’t think that even counts as bullying tbh.

hasbi I stopped reading the review the second after I read "I didn't like Remus or Sirius."

message 42: by Ramiyan (new) - added it

Ramiyan good

message 43: by Dorothy (new) - added it

Dorothy My favorite of the whole series !!!!!!!!!!!!
Feelings: lol I love this book

message 44: by Dorothy (new) - added it

Dorothy My favorite of the whole series!!!!!!!!!!

message 45: by Dorothy (new) - added it

Dorothy My favourite of the whole series !!!!!!!

Adderley Rayna 🙂

Claire Lolley I am fourteen and reading it for the first time lol!!!!

Дилрабо I know that someones dont like the Remus or Sirius,,They are the HEROES!They died like heroes.Sirius in 6 th book Rimus in 7 th.

message 49: by Ramiyan (new) - added it

Ramiyan good

Blanka Kupczyk Nahh, i mean i see where your coming from with the marauders and shi but i personally LOVE Moony/Remus Padfoot/Sirius, Prongs/James, and YOUNG Wormtail/Peter

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