Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ 's Reviews > Leviathan Wakes

Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey
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Reviewed by: Rabid Reads

Here's another Jessica quirk: I LOVE sci-fi on screen, but I rarely like reading it. I have no idea why. Some things just are.

BUT. I binge-watched The Expanse last week, and it was good enough that it made me curious. There were no giant-insects-as-aliens, no surplus of tech gobbledygook, and no discernible artificial intelligence (the things that make me avoid sci-fi literature, even though I can usually handle the movie version), and what there was was mysteriously mysterious, plus, you know, SPACE, so pretty great, IMO.

The story revolves around two male MCs, Jim Holden, the XO of the ice-hauling freighter Canterbury, and Joe Miller, a washed-up, "prototypical Noir dectective" (description stolen from Mike , b/c it's darn near perfect, and I didn't want to bother coming up with my own lesser version).

Holden is a thirty-ish bright-eyed idealist whose naivete borders on unbelievable, given his dishonorable discharge from the UN Navy (for punching a superior officer who needed to be punched, if I remember correctly) amongst other things. He's also rather immature about relationships, convincing himself that he's in love with every female he lusts after. His actions would've been more consistent with someone ten years younger, but then he wouldn't have the experience to land his XO gig, so what are you going to do?

Miller . . . is a hot tepid mess. He's in his mid-fifties, divorced in what feels like the recent past, but in reality is probably going on a decade ago, and unable to move on. He's a drunk. He moves through life in a contradictory haze of apathy and regret. Then, when he's forced to face a personal truth that he's thus far insulated himself from, he latches on to his last assignment: a retrieval job for the rich parents of a young woman who has turned her back on her upbringing to champion the Belters, the dregs and underdogs of her world.

During his detecting, Miller becomes infatuated with the Earthen-turned-Belter freedom fighter. He's obsessed with finding her, convincing himself that if he can save Juliette Andromeda Mao, all of life's disappointments and failures will be worth it.

It's another stretch, or at least it was for me, but I'm inexperienced in all things Noir, so maybe that's my ignorance talking.

Regardless, both Holden's idealism and Miller's transference were stretches that I was willing and able to accommodate, in part b/c of the character growth both MCs went through from start to finish.

At first, I straight-up didn't like Holden. I thought he was an idiot, who recklessly made decisions that had consequences he couldn't begin to understand, and a manwhore who justified his manwhoring by believing his was in lurrrrve. Every, single time. *rolls eyes*

But just as I was about to write him off, someone schooled him about a little thing called REALITY, and that in conjunction with several other hard-earned lessons he eventually took to heart, he turned into someone I could admire. He was no longer an unrealistic dreamer, he was an uncorruptible man who stood by the principles that guided every aspect of his life.

Miller . . . damn near broke my heart.

The only other thing I'll say about him is that (view spoiler)

Something readers coming to LEVIATHAN WAKES post-Syfy series should know is that Chrisjen Avasarala doesn't show up until book 2, CALIBAN'S WAR. The absence of any female POVs makes this a very male-driven story, but I've been assured that problem (if you see that as a problem) is resolved in the later installments. CALIBAN'S WAR introduces not only Chrisjen Avasarala, but also a "space Brienne with power armor." (<------description also courtesy of Mike .)

*visions of Aeryn Sun dance in my head*


The first half of the book is mostly repeat, if you've watched the series, but I knew that going into it, and when I hit new material at the midway point, it took off. So that's also important to know: season one of the Syfy series doesn't cover the entire first book, only half of it.

So maybe it's consistently like this throughout the book for people who read LEVIATHAN WAKES prior to watching THE EXPANSE, but at around 60%, revelation upon revelation starting being revealed, and in a holy-crap-that's-so-cool or holy-crap-WTF?! kind of way, not an overwhelming bombardment of information kind of way.

I plowed through it, resenting every moment I had to spend away from it, and when I finally got to the ending, it was perfect. There were enough unanswered questions to keep me eager to read the next installment, while still having sufficient closure to be satisfying. And the closure allowed me to appreciate Corey's wry humor in a way I probably missed in earlier parts of the book, b/c too desperate to find out WHAT IS HAPPENING to pay attention to silly things like the subtleties of wry humor. Fred Johnson's reference to himself as a "marriage counselor" even made laugh out loud.

Verdict: LEVIATHAN WAKES by James S. A. Corey is sci-fi enough to satisfy the hardcore fans of the genre without being overwhelming to the rest of us who just kinda like space and the idea of intelligent life in the universe. This mystery is just beginning to unravel and I will definitely be reading CALIBAN'S WAR to find out what happens next. Highly recommended.

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Reading Progress

December 14, 2012 – Shelved
June 7, 2016 – Started Reading
June 7, 2016 –
page 6
1.04% "The mud caked around the reactor had structure to it like nothing she’d seen before. Tubes ran through it like veins or airways...Not mud, then.
An outcropping...shifted toward her. Compared to the whole, it seemed no larger than a toe...It was Captain Darren’s head.
“Help me,” it said.
June 7, 2016 –
page 80
13.82% ""Aggression against the Belt is what Earth and Mars survive on...” the masked woman said from Miller’s terminal screen. The split circle of the OPA draped behind her... “Don’t be afraid of them. Their only power is your fear.”
“Well, that and a hundred or so gunships,” Havelock said.
“From what I hear,” Miller said, “if you clap your hands and say you believe, they can’t shoot you.”

*giggle snorts*"
June 8, 2016 –
page 272
46.98% "“Captain,” Naomi said, a warning in her voice.
“Still,” Holden said, talking to Miller, “you hate a mystery.”
“I do at that,” Miller replied with a nod and a faint smile. “And you, my friend, are a damn busybody.”
“It’s been said.”
“Goddamn it,” Naomi said quietly.

Boys . . . Always looking for trouble, LOL."
June 8, 2016 –
page 307
53.02% "“Want to guess what the argument is about?” Miller asked.
“Hey, can we have a ride too?” Holden said mockingly with a Ceres accent. “Uh, no, we need you guys to stay here and, uh, keep an eye on things, which we promise will be totally safe and absolutely not involve you turning into vomit zombies.”

Way to keep your sense of humor in a crisis, Jimbo. Also, VOMIT ZOMBIES. O_____O"
June 8, 2016 –
page 388
67.01% ""After we get this thing done, I want the whole crew together. Just in case we need to get out in a hurry.”
Something painful happened under Miller’s sternum. Not a sharp pain, just a sudden ache. His throat felt thick. He coughed to clear it.
“As soon as we get the place secure, I’ll get in touch,” Miller said.

*lip quivers* *heart grows three sizes*"
June 8, 2016 –
page 437
75.47% "Oh, and aliens. Aliens that had tried to take over the Earth two billion years ago, and failed because Saturn got in the way. Can’t forget the aliens.

I've been accused of oversimplifying sci-fi things in the past, but--at least superficially--that sounds an awful lot like the opening sequence from PROMETHEUS . . . o.O"
June 9, 2016 –
page 443
76.51% "“I need a win, Naomi,” he continued. “I need to do something that makes a difference. Fate or Karma or God or whatever dropped me in the middle of this thing, and I need to know I’m making a difference.”
Naomi smiled at him and squeezed his hand. “You’re cute when you’re being noble,” she said. “But you need to stare off into the distance more.”

June 9, 2016 –
page 447
77.2% "“Oi, Pampaw,” Diogo said as the door to the public hall slid open. “You hear that Eros started talking?”
Miller lifted himself to one elbow.
“Sí,” Diogo said. “Whatever that shit is, it started broadcasting. There’s even words and shit.”

June 9, 2016 –
page 492
84.97% "Eros shouted.

Okay, seriously . . . This shit has got to stop.

And without so much as overcoming the grip of Miller's magnetic boots, Eros Station had dodged.

June 10, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-36 of 36 (36 new)

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message 1: by Simply Sam (new)

Simply Sam I started the series, TV not book, it is soooo good that I'm tempted to start the books as well. Hope the books work for you!

Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ Samantha ✣★✣NuclearRose✣★✣ wrote: "I started the series, TV not book, it is soooo good that I'm tempted to start the books as well. Hope the books work for you!"

Me, too. The show was awesome, and just confusing enough to make me want to read the books. Like WTH is that stuff?! You know what I'm talking about. ;)

Do you love Amos?? I really hope the book version of him doesn't suck . . . I don't think I've ever said that before. o.O

message 3: by Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ (last edited Jun 07, 2016 10:51AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ Incorrigible_bibliophile wrote: "I really enjoyed this book. I felt that the show followed it fairly closely up to a point and then the book veers away but honestly I preferred the book in the end. Hope you enjoy."

Thanks! I'm pretty sure I will. I'm all about the details. ;)

And come on, you've read it--is Amos awesome? (view spoiler)

Mike As much as I enjoyed the TV series, I found the book so much better. It does a better job laying out the politics of the solar system and I thought the TV series made the characters a bit too safe. While Chrisjen Avasarala doesn't appear until the second book, I found her book character to be much more awesome than the TV version. Probably because she can be the foul mouthed politician she was meant to be instead of the more standard deft political operator she was in the show (which isn't to say she isn't in the books, she is, but she is also so much more).

Also, just as a heads up, the series ended before the end of this book so you run the risk of spoiling the second season for yourself, just FYI.

Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ Mike wrote: "As much as I enjoyed the TV series, I found the book so much better. It does a better job laying out the politics of the solar system and I thought the TV series made the characters a bit too safe...."

Bah. I'm not worried about spoiling myself for the show. I think this is the first time I've not read the book first--if I'd thought I would ever read this, I wouldn't have watched it. *shrugs awkwardly* BUT. Now I'm more excited about reading it, b/c I don't already know what happens. :)

Thanks for the heads up about Chrisjen Avasarala. I'm sad I won't get to see her until book 2, but it's better to know, so I don't keep waiting for her to appear.

Mike Jessica ❁ Far Dareis Mai ❁ Rabid Reads wrote: "Thanks for the heads up about Chrisjen Avasarala. I'm sad I won't get to see her until book 2, but it's better to know, so I don't keep waiting for her to appear. "

Also, when she does show up in the second book you get A LOT of her, she is one of the POV characters and she is AMAZING! Hope you end up enjoying the book at least as much as you enjoyed the show!

message 7: by Simply Sam (new)

Simply Sam I haven't finished the series yet. I started to binge and then realized it will be sometime next year before season 2 is released so I backed off a bit. But I've been telling everyone I know to watch it! Amos definitely has that gray character thing going on, like the loveable psychopath, which I totally find appealing.

Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ Samantha ✣★✣NuclearRose✣★✣ wrote: "Amos definitely has that gray character thing going on, like the loveable psychopath, which I totally find appealing."

You say, 'psychopath,' I say, 'PRAGMATIST.' ;)

h o l l i s hahaha I like your first observation but I think that's definitely a result of sudoku brain. : ) I've learned there's certain shows I can't multitask (cough, text) during because the confusion later is too real. this was definitely one of those shows.

Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ Hollis wrote: "hahaha I like your first observation but I think that's definitely a result of sudoku brain. : ) I've learned there's certain shows I can't multitask (cough, text) during because the confusion late..."

YEP. I would agree, THE EXPANSE is definitely not a show for multitasking. Neither is GoT or ORPHAN BLACK, FYI. ;) I figured that out about halfway through, but by then I'd already decided I was probably going to read it, so I didn't stress about it.

I think it's going to be fun to keep track of other things like that as I go, LOL.

h o l l i s ^^ agreed! and, I mean, really.. they're all too good not to give one's full attention to anyway. resist the distractions, use the Force.

I look forward to seeing the updates!!

Shannon I haven't seen the show yet (I actually didn't even know it was a show when I started) but I've been slowly reading this book for a few weeks now. I think this is an excellent entry into scifi if you're not really that big of a fan/scared of the genre. It's very character-driven and not so ... spacey? You know, with a bunch of weird terms and technical info that goes over your head or is just boring.

I hope you like it because I'm enjoying it a lot so far.

Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ Hollis wrote: "^^ agreed! and, I mean, really.. they're all too good not to give one's full attention to anyway. resist the distractions, use the Force.

I look forward to seeing the updates!!"

Yet another perk of reading: it requires your full attention. ;)

Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ The Holy Terror wrote: "I haven't seen the show yet (I actually didn't even know it was a show when I started) but I've been slowly reading this book for a few weeks now. I think this is an excellent entry into scifi if y..."

Yeah, my primary issues with sci-fi are: yes, an overabundance of space/tech speak, I loathe giant insects-as-aliens, and AI freaks me the hell out. BUT. So far, this one has not fallen into any of those categories, so we're good. :)

toasters Never gave the TV show a shot after hearing from other book readers that it was incredibly underwhelming. Would love to hear your opinion of the show after reading the book! I loved LW; the writing is wonderful, but I really love the characters. Especially Amos ;)

Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ Jess wrote: "Never gave the TV show a shot after hearing from other book readers that it was incredibly underwhelming. Would love to hear your opinion of the show after reading the book! I loved LW; the writing..."

Amos is fantastic. He gets overshadowed a lot, but I still love him. I've got my fingers crossed that we eventually get his backstory. And I'll try to work some kind of comparison/contrast in my review, if I can make it work. ;)

message 17: by Candace (new)

Candace Great review, Jessica! :)

message 18: by Gr (new) - rated it 4 stars

Gr Amos backstory in the Churn novela

Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ Candace wrote: "Great review, Jessica! :)"

Thanks, Candace!

Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ Greg wrote: "Amos backstory in the Churn novela"

Yeah, I figured that was his. I'm looking forward to it. ;)

message 21: by Jo (new)

Jo Excellent review, Jessica!

Eon ♒Windrunner♒  Yep, another great review Jessica.

message 23: by Terence (new)

Terence Here's another Jessica quirk: I LOVE sci-fi on screen, but I rarely like reading it. I have no idea why.

I share this quirk with you. I think the visuals on screen bring things to life in a more exciting fashion than just reading it.

Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ Eon ♒Windrunner♒ wrote: "Yep, another great review Jessica."

Joanita wrote: "Excellent review, Jessica!"

Thanks guys!

Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ Terence wrote: "Here's another Jessica quirk: I LOVE sci-fi on screen, but I rarely like reading it. I have no idea why.

I share this quirk with you. I think the visuals on screen bring things to life in a more ..."

You speak sense, Terence. ;)

message 26: by Matthew (new) - added it

Matthew Davis Great review, looking forward to reading the book.

message 27: by Igor (new) - rated it 5 stars

Igor Ljubuncic Hear hear. This is a surprise. I was not expecting this review.

Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ Matthew wrote: "Great review, looking forward to reading the book."

Thanks, Matthew! I hope you like it.

Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ Igor wrote: "Hear hear. This is a surprise. I was not expecting this review.

Hey, I can do sci-fi sometimes. ;)

message 30: by Alexandra (new) - added it

Alexandra Yay, I'm not alone! I have a similar quirk, but for Sci Fi that are space stories. Like them in movies, not so much in books. Can apply to other kinds of Sci Fi too. So I do like some Sci Fi in books, typically non-space, character driven, but not others even though I may like them in movie form.

Thanks for the heads up, been eyeing this one so I snagged it.

Books are TARDIS Super intrigued by this brilliant review. I can't decide if I should start watching the series first. Because love SciFi channel series. Dark Matter and The Magicians, anyone? Or if I should devour the book before? Because doesn't get more read worthy than: ... too desperate to find out WHAT IS HAPPENING to pay attention to silly things like the subtleties of wry humor. The book. The book? Always the book.

Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ Alexandra wrote: "Yay, I'm not alone! I have a similar quirk, but for Sci Fi that are space stories. Like them in movies, not so much in books. Can apply to other kinds of Sci Fi too. So I do like some Sci Fi in boo..."

No, you are not alone. I do actually know a few of the reasons I prefer some sci-fi on screen, but it's long and boring, so I don't expound upon it. Space stories I can't handle in print b/c too much time waxing eloquent on incomprehensible (to me) hardware. I'm a very not spatially oriented person, so describing hyperdrives and super complex space traveling-enablers (that are also incomprehensible b/c science is hard) . . . No thank you, please.

Anyway, hope you like this one. ;)

Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ Books are TARDIS wrote: "Super intrigued by this brilliant review. I can't decide if I should start watching the series first. Because love SciFi channel series. Dark Matter and The Magicians, anyone? Or if I should devour..."

ALWAYS the book. And those are like the only two Syfy shows I haven't watched. Ugh. *adds to watchlist*

And thank you!

EchoBaz(Unofficial World's Fastest Reader) thanks for encouraging me to get on this book!

Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ MorteTorment(Unofficial World's Fastest Reader) wrote: "thanks for encouraging me to get on this book!"

Glad you liked it! 📚🖤🖤🖤

Lomahongva Great review! And it's a relief to know that Holden's character improves later on. And yay! Miller's... just Miller and I love and appreciate him for that. A great counterbalance to Holden. And the
worldbuilding and all those little doses of spacial poilitics and social problems.
I'm really enjoying the book, something I wasn't expecting and considering to five the show a try (watched some edit videos in YouTube and it looks awesome!).

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