Angela's Reviews > Iron Kissed

Iron Kissed by Patricia Briggs
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it was amazing
bookshelves: urban-fantasy, 2013-read, review-books-done, kindle, 2014-read, 2015-read, 2017-read, 2018-read, poc
Read 3 times. Last read February 1, 2018 to February 3, 2018.

February 2018 Reread. Buddy read with Sarah and Erica.
January 2017 Re-read: Buddy read with Sarah

December 2015 Re-read: Buddy read with Sarah: Every time I start this book I have a huge sense of anticipation and - at the same time - a huge sense of apprehension. This is one of my favorite books in the series and considering it deals with one of the most difficult triggers (for me), that's saying something. So, TRIGGER WARNING (AND SPOILER): this book contains rape.

It is not gratuitous, nor is it graphic, but it happens. And it never feels like one of those things that happens just to make the heroine suffer (as I've read in so many books). It's a real trauma and it's handled with care and delicacy.

The relationship developments in this story are what really drove me. We learn so much more about everyone that this is the book that ended up cementing my love of ALL the characters in this book. Samuel's quiet despair - and care, in spite of that; Adam's stubborn, steady love; Ben's ... well, I'll let you read and find out. Then, through it all, tying everyone together, is Mercy. It's her strength of heart, I think, that draws so many people to her. When she claims someone as hers, that's it. They're hers. She will do anything for them, anything to help them. This doesn't mean that she forgives or forgets easily, but that she still loves - always. I love that about her. I also love that she's smart, and she knows how to work around the autocratic ways of the Pack.

Another reason this is my favorite book (of the first three) is that it deals so much with the fae and their artifacts. The fae in this series are fascinating. These aren't the fairy-tale fae that you've read about (unless you've been reading the really dark stuff). They're dangerous, not usually nice, and incredibly tricky. Though they can't lie, they do the next best thing and obfuscate with truth. And I love them. I always want more of Mercy's dealings with them. Probably because they kind of scare me.

I will say that I'm not a fan of where the book ends. It's a hell of a cliff-hanger - and not necessary. But, luckily, you can now pick up Bone Crossed immediately and pick up right where it left off. And that's just what I did.

Original Review:
Mercy at one point thinks, in this book, that she's suddenly not quite so anonymous in the preternatural communities anymore. That after spending nearly 15 years without any significant contact with them, she's been absolutely embroiled in mess after mess for the past couple of years.

First it was helping Adam get Jesse back, then she owed Stefan for that one. After helping Stefan, she ends up owing the fae. And this is where we pick up Iron Kissed.

Fae are getting murdered on the reservation, and they have no idea who's doing it. Zee and Uncle Mike call Mercy in to sniff around and see if she can come up with anything. And she does. But then things go bad. Zee's arrested for murder of a human, the fae look to be leaving him to hang, and Mercy won't stand for it.

I loved this book. It's a page-turner for me to this day (several re-reads later), and I can never put it down or stop reading it. We get a lot more insight into Mercy's relationships with Samuel and Adam, and how his claiming her as his mate affected him and the pack, in this book. And I'm glad to say I was ecstatic when she chose.

I don't want to say too much about this and risk spoiling anything because it's such a wonderful book. But I will say that there's some very hard moments in it. Heart-breaking, and wrenching, and they had me in tears several times.

And it does end on one big cliff-hanger, though the main story is tied up. It was hell waiting for Bone Crossed to come out when I first read this.

P.S. I loved Ben from, nearly, the first moment we met him, but I have to say my love and care for him solidified in this book.
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Quotes Angela Liked

Patricia Briggs
“Some people are like Slinkies. They aren't really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to my face when I push them down a flight of stairs.”
Patricia Briggs, Iron Kissed

Reading Progress

March 14, 2013 – Shelved
March 14, 2013 – Shelved as: urban-fantasy
March 14, 2013 –
March 15, 2013 – Shelved as: 2013-read
June 23, 2013 – Shelved as: audible (Audible Audio Edition)
June 23, 2013 – Shelved (Audible Audio Edition)
June 23, 2013 – Shelved as: urban-fantasy (Audible Audio Edition)
August 9, 2013 – Shelved as: to-read (Audible Audio Edition)
August 9, 2013 – Shelved as: audible (Audible Audio Edition)
September 21, 2013 – Shelved as: review-books-done
October 25, 2013 – Shelved as: kindle
March 5, 2014 – Started Reading (Audible Audio Edition)
March 5, 2014 – Shelved as: audiobook (Audible Audio Edition)
March 6, 2014 – Finished Reading (Audible Audio Edition)
December 3, 2014 – Shelved as: second-copy (Audible Audio Edition)
December 9, 2014 – Shelved as: 2014-read (Audible Audio Edition)
November 20, 2015 – Shelved as: 2014-read
December 22, 2015 –
0.0% "I love this book. And I think I'm prepared for the heart-break it's going to cause me, this time."
December 22, 2015 –
4.0% ""You need to choose," he told me intently. "Adam or Samuel or neither."

"I know."

"I didn't brush my teeth with gunpowder this morning so I could go shooting my mouth off, Mercy, but this is serious."

I like that 'neither' is an option - it always is, but it's not often presented that way in triangles. (And if you hate love-triangles, it's resolved in this one)"
December 22, 2015 –
5.0% "Zee and I rose mostly in silence from West Richland, all the way past Richland and on through Pasco. I knew better than to try and get something out of the old gremlin until he was ready to talk, so I let him alone until he decided to speak--at least after the first ten or fifteen questions he hadn't answered.

December 22, 2015 –
6.0% ""We may not be able to lie...but truth and honesty are rather different."

One of my favorite things about this series is the way that the fae can't lie, and yet don't always tell the truth. I love the twisting of words and figuring them out."
December 22, 2015 –
14.0% "I started back to the truck and Zee cleared his throat very quietly. I looked at him, but he just stared back. Just as he had when he was teaching me to put together a car and I'd forgotten a step...right.

I met Uncle Mike's gaze. "This ends my debt to you and yours...Paid in full."

He gave me a slow, sly smile that made me glad Zee had reminded me. "Of course."
December 23, 2015 –
14.0% ""If you two are finished playing Cowboy and Indian out there, some of us would like to get their beauty sleep."

I looked at Warren. "You heard 'um, Kemo Sabe. Me go to my little wigwam and get 'um shut-eye."

"How come you always get to play the Indian?" whined Warren, deadpan.

"'Cause she's the Indian, white boy," said Kyle.

December 23, 2015 –
18.0% "In Oklahoma, there had been a witch burning last month. The ironic thing was that the woman who burned hadn't, it turned out, been a witch, a practitioner, or even Wiccan--which are three different things, though one person might be all three.

She'd been a good Catholic girl who liked tattoos, piercings, and wearing black clothing.

*sigh* I wish that this wasn't so relate-able to here and now."
December 23, 2015 –
21.0% "Maybe my mother had been right, and I should have been a lawyer. She always maintained that at least as a lawyer my contrary nature would be an asset.

My mother used to tell me the same thing. :P"
December 23, 2015 –
29.0% "Werewolves put great value on eye contact--and I'd blithely used that all my life. I have no trouble dropping my eyes, acknowledging anyone's superiority and then doing whatever I please. Among the werewolves, once dominance was acknowledged, the dominant werewolf could, by custom, do no more than cuff me out of his way...while I then ignored him or plotted how to get back at him as I chose.

December 23, 2015 –
29.0% "Though Zee had been my friend for a decade, I knew very little about the fae side of his life. I knew he was a Steelers fan....

LOL! This would make my fiancee very happy, being a Steelers' fan herself."
December 23, 2015 –
31.0% "I was contemplating just how many close calls I'd been having lately. If the vampires didn't hurry, the fae or some other monster would kill me before she got a chance. What had happened to all the years of carefully keeping to myself and staying out of trouble?"
December 23, 2015 –
45.0% "Zee had told me not to help him.

Uncle Mike told me to stay out of it.

But then I'd never been very good at listening to orders--ask anyone.

Too true."
December 23, 2015 –
50.0% "The first thing Samuel said was, "You have a real gift for getting into trouble, don't you? That was one thing I forgot when you left the pack."

"How is any of this my fault?" I asked hotly.

He sighed. "I don't know. Does it matter whose fault it is once you're sitting in the frying pan? And as my father used to point out, you find your way into that frying pan way too often for it to be purely accidental."
December 23, 2015 –
50.0% ""You're Welsh, for heaven's sake. You know about the fae."

"You're Indian," he said in a falsetto that I think was supposed to be an imitation of me. "You know how to track animals and build fires with nothing but sticks and twigs."

I gave him a haughty stare. "Actually, I do. Charles--another Indian--taught me."

December 23, 2015 –
60.0% ""Killing Mercy would be a mistake," he growled. "My da had Mercy raised in our pack and he couldn't love Mercy more if she were his daughter. For her he would declare open war with teh fae and damned be the consequences. You can call him and ask, if you doubt my words." was as impossible to doubt the truth in Samuel's voice as it was to believe that he'd be mistaken about Bran.

<3 <3"
December 23, 2015 –
61.0% "There were four cars parked in the driveway and a '72 once-red Mustang with a lime green left fender parked on the street in front. I pulled in behind it because it's not often I find a car that makes the Rabbit look good.

December 23, 2015 –
63.0% " young man got up and presented methods sure to protect you from the fae, among them salt, steel, nails in your shoes, and putting your underwear on inside out.

I can't imagine that having your underwear on inside out would do anything to protect from the might just make them think you're weird though."
December 23, 2015 –
68.0% "Just because a promise becomes desperately inconvenient doesn't mean you don't have to keep it.

I love Mercy."
December 23, 2015 –
78.0% "

*chews nails*"
January 6, 2016 –
94.0% ""So how far are we going to walk?" Warren asked.

I staggered a few steps, fell on my side, and then dragged myself forward weakly before hopping back up and continuing to walk briskly down the shoulder of the highway.

"If things get that bad, I'll give Kyle a call and tell him he needs to come pick us up," Warren said dryly.

January 6, 2016 – Shelved as: 2015-read
January 26, 2017 – Started Reading
January 29, 2017 – Finished Reading
February 6, 2017 – Shelved as: 2017-read
February 1, 2018 – Started Reading
February 3, 2018 – Finished Reading
February 5, 2018 – Shelved as: 2018-read
January 5, 2019 – Shelved as: poc

Comments Showing 1-5 of 5 (5 new)

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Choko Great review!!!

Angela I am, too! Especially because the trauma and healing of it stick with her for another couple of books, too!

But this is one of the best handlings of it that I've read - especially in UF.

Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin I'm glad you loved it Angela, this is one of my favorite series. I need to start a re read some day!

puppitypup Angela, well done! You put voice to my thoughts with perfect symmetry.

Angela I'm loving my reread!

Thank you! :)

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