Niah (novelniah) 's Reviews > Assistant to the Villain

Assistant to the Villain by Hannah Nicole Maehrer
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Like a Christian youth pastor this book is uncomfortably unfunny.
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Comments Showing 1-41 of 41 (41 new)

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Milo (if lost, return to hot fictional character) the way this made me cackle lol

message 2: by Ashley (new) - added it

Ashley (wickedreads) glad I'm not alone bestie

Devon Rose Whole heartedly agree

message 4: by Sbuseigh (new)

Sbuseigh 😂😂😂😂😂😂

message 5: by Tracy (new)


grace printing this out to go on my wall of favorite goodreads reviews

Yashira Mayte This review is funnier than 100% of the book.

G_occasionally_reads Omg, this review 🤣

message 9: by Rae (new) - rated it 2 stars

Rae This comment was funnier than the whole book itself

message 10: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Bergan LMFAO 🤣

Booky_Lou_Who Bwahahaha

message 12: by Jade (new)

Jade Ava, why are you going on every negative review and leaving rude comments?? its not a good look. like i said in the other review i saw you comment on, everyone is allowed to feel however they feel about the books they read. its not up to you to dictate how someone will review a book.

Sarah Best review I've read all year. Bravo.

Alyson @Ava reviews are not for authors. They are not “critiques” to help authors grow. That is not the job of a reader or even an advanced copy reader. Authors can get critiques on their own. And who put you in charge of giving your opinions on reviews? If you disagree, then just move along.

message 15: by Lo (new)

Lo @Ava, have you ever stopped to think "am I tone policing"? I'm sure that would save you a lot of time

message 16: by Carolyn (new) - added it

Carolyn Vandine West Why hating on a youth pastor? What does that have to do with this book?

message 17: by Carolyn (new) - added it

Carolyn Vandine West This seems to be an unnecessary attack on Christians. What does this have to do with the book?

message 18: by Diany (new) - rated it 1 star

Diany (Diany_in_bookland) This is the best review ever LMAO

message 19: by Gromance (new)

Gromance Then don’t read it 🤦🏽‍♀️🤣

Shannon Davis Boooo

Ella L. I agree with you Ava and Carolyn. What does this have to do with a youth pastor?? And isn’t the point of reviews and early readers to…review for the author??

message 22: by Alex (new)

Alex Ella L. wrote: "I agree with you Ava and Carolyn. What does this have to do with a youth pastor?? And isn’t the point of reviews and early readers to…review for the author??"

Perhaps the person who wrote the comment had an uncomfortable experience with a youth pastor, and that was the best life experience she could draw on to relate how she felt about the book?


message 23: by Sophie (new)

Sophie It’s great that Ava has had a friendly youth pastor, but that doesn’t really matter in this context. It’s a joke, based on the premise that many Christian youth pastors are uncomfortable and unfunny.

So that’s the joke. It’s using a stereotype. Saying “well MY youth pastor is funny!! :(“ doesn’t really matter. Because the joke uses a stereotypical youth pastor, not your personal experience.

Also yes, this is a funny “attack” at Christians, because Christianity is very problematic. So it’s okay to use them as the butt of a light-hearted book review joke. It’s not that deep. Moving on.

Mackenzie UHM YES

Niah (novelniah) Ella L. wrote: "I agree with you Ava and Carolyn. What does this have to do with a youth pastor?? And isn’t the point of reviews and early readers to…review for the author??"

no, reviews are never for the author. hope this clears that up for you!

Niah (novelniah) Ava wrote: "Lo and Alyson, allow me to introduce myself. I am someone who goes to church. I am a youth student and I adore my youth pastor. He isn’t like the youth pastors I’ve met in the past. So, Lo, I am of..."

I'm not reading this. I'm never going to read this. I would apologize but I'm not sorry. I already read Assistant to the Villain. I have suffered enough. I encourage you to talk about your feelings and this experience with your youth pastor and maybe they can help you work through whatever it is you have going on so you can find peace.

Niah (novelniah) Gromance wrote: "Then don’t read it 🤦🏽‍♀️🤣"

do you think I wrote this review before I read the book or do you think i read the book and then wrote the review. Which scenario seems more likely.

Daniela Niah 💀🤣💀🤣💀

message 29: by Nova (new) - rated it 2 stars

Nova Yup, I agree with you.

message 30: by Annie (last edited Jan 28, 2024 09:48PM) (new)

Annie Ella L. wrote: ". . .[I]sn’t the point of reviews and early readers to…review for the author??"

Every ARC I've ever received has been with the understanding that I will leave an honest review, not a biased one.

Niah, your review is fantastic, and these comments are a trip 🤣. Authors who don't know the first rule of the internet (never read the comments) are bound to make fools of themselves.

Mishelly loves I DNF’d at 3% I kinda am curious now all the Cristian pastor comments. 🤷🏻‍♀️

message 32: by Morgan (new)

Morgan The way I cackled at this


message 34: by Sofia (new) - added it

Sofia I read your review, then DNF’d at 9%, and I see your point exactly

Dahrose Succinct and so wonderfully accurate

charlie ☀️🐬🌺 idk if i should be offended by this or not bc my youth pastor is the funniest person i’ve ever met 😭😭

Niah (novelniah) charlie {jesus’s version} wrote: "idk if i should be offended by this or not bc my youth pastor is the funniest person i’ve ever met 😭😭"

Praying you meet funnier people 🙏🏾

message 38: by Niah (novelniah) (last edited Jun 28, 2024 02:14PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Niah (novelniah) Shannon wrote: "Boooo"

I hope this is the best book you ever read. *derogatory*

Starlin LOL this is so savage and actually laughable as a comment. I spent my unfortunate childhood among countless youth pastors most days and I can say as a matter of fact that this book does not at all have that vibe. If it gave cringe Chrizzo vibes I never would have gotten through it. I know it’s just your opinion, but I’m actually so insulted on behalf of this book that I’ve enjoyed so much, that I felt the need to comment this.

message 40: by Kayla (new) - added it

Kayla Your attitude in the comment make your review mean far less. Truly gross behavior.

message 41: by Rose (new)

Rose @kayla don’t take it so seriously 😅
i’m a Christian woman and found it funny

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