Jordan's Reviews > Assistant to the Villain

Assistant to the Villain by Hannah Nicole Maehrer
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did not like it

ohhhhh this was BAD

Fire the editor. Stop publishing books based on influence and not talent. Someone get this women a grammar tutor.

What a waste of three days.
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Comments Showing 1-9 of 9 (9 new)

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message 1: by em (new) - rated it 3 stars

em i completely agree about hiring based on influence! it takes away opportunities from other talented authors!

message 2: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie Nickols I DNF’d after the prologue, it just felt so cheesy :(

Jacki Completely agree. I didn’t even know about the tik tok presence and it allllll makes sense now.

Jordan lol considering this book was pretty much a shameless money grab & churning a profit is about the only thing this author did successfully here, I think she’ll be fine. if not, at least she can dry her tears with bank notes.

Devon Rose I think it’s weird that there are people going into negative reviews about this book and arguing with the people who left the review 🤔 like, you saw it was negative if you didn’t agree you could have just moved on by and continued your life 🤷🏼‍♀️

NicAlba Oh my gosh! Yes! The editor didn't do a thing!

Alice 9% in and I'm already seeing small plot inconsistencies

message 8: by Ash (new) - rated it 2 stars

Ash @Ava L. "I felt someone needs to stand up and say just how not ok this is." Girl what
I've seen you comment under multiple negative reviews and it's frankly weird. You are acting like these negative reviews are so mean/cruel, but they are incredibly normal for bad reviews and are voicing valid issues with the book. These are people who are expressing their frustrations and disappointment over a books they bought and were excited to read.
Anyone who puts themselves out there with their art, or even on the Internet in general, needs to be able to handle negative feedback without it being incredibly sugarcoated.
"I'm also allowed to voice my opinions" yet you are bashing the negative reviewers for their opinions??

FanWithBloodyNose I'm starting to wonder if Ava is the author or someone related to the author because they're only replying to negative reviews in this book.

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