Bella P (semi-hiatus)'s Reviews > Reckless

Reckless by Lauren  Roberts
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bookshelves: currently-reading

Buddy Read with Noi and Lindsey

'For the reckless souls who dare to love and be loved.' <-- Dead
'What has she done to me?'
His limp body swings over my shoulder with every step I take.
'Will her grave be the next I dig?'

"Go on, my Silver Saviour. Be my undoing."
This quote has me DEAD
I would sell both my kidneys to have this book early 😁😅
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Reading Progress

October 19, 2023 – Shelved
October 19, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
July 6, 2024 – Started Reading
July 7, 2024 –
page 280

Comments Showing 1-50 of 55 (55 new)

message 1: by La (new) - rated it 1 star

La Ra I’ve already written every scene I want to happen in my head just to pass the time 😅 #obsessed

message 2: by Bella (new) - added it

Bella P (semi-hiatus) @La
I’m going to need you to type them out and send them to me immediately 🤭

message 3: by Annabella (new) - added it

Annabella I would banish myself to the Scorches desert to get this early

message 4: by Bella (new) - added it

Bella P (semi-hiatus) Annabella wrote: "I would banish myself to the Scorches desert to get this early"

I would join you in the banishing.

message 5: by Naelle (new)

Naelle your caption is everything haha

message 6: by Bella (new) - added it

Bella P (semi-hiatus) @Naelle
I’m dead serious Lauren Robert’s can have them

luna_inthesouth Girlll same!!!

message 8: by Bella (new) - added it

Bella P (semi-hiatus) @luna_inthesouth
You gotta do what you gotta do

message 9: by benedicta (new) - added it

benedicta SO RELATABLE ❤️

message 10: by Bella (new) - added it

Bella P (semi-hiatus) benedicta wrote: "SO RELATABLE ❤️"


message 11: by Jess ✨ (new) - added it

Jess ✨ I already preordered it 😅 so I get your feeling ❤️

message 12: by Bella (new) - added it

Bella P (semi-hiatus) Jess ✨ wrote: "I already preordered it 😅 so I get your feeling ❤️"

I finally preordered it the other day I'm so excited!

maddie precisely

message 14: by Bella (new) - added it

Bella P (semi-hiatus) @maddie

౨ৎ✧˚  a's reading corner  ˚✧౨ৎ (semi-hiatus) Can’t wait for both Kai and Paedyn in their villain era 👀🫠

message 16: by Bella (new) - added it

Bella P (semi-hiatus) @a’s reading corner
Yesss, it’s also going to be interesting with Kitt’s POV in it 🤭

Hafsa ♥️ Writing a book (trying) @Annabella - take me with u gurl!! Don't forget me, I beg

message 18: by terra (new) - added it

terra Me too gurl me too

message 19: by Bella (new) - added it

Bella P (semi-hiatus) @terra
At least I’m not the only one 😂

Hafsa ♥️ Writing a book (trying) Where did u get this quote???

message 21: by Bella (new) - added it

Bella P (semi-hiatus) hafsa wrote: "Where did u get this quote???"

It's on her Instagram I think

Hafsa ♥️ Writing a book (trying) Great. Thanks. I don't have insta. I can't breath help ;)

message 23: by Bella (new) - added it

Bella P (semi-hiatus) hafsa wrote: "Great. Thanks. I don't have insta. I can't breath help ;)"

Haha, if I find any other quotes I'll post them here 💙

message 24: by persia (new) - added it

persia same here, god knows how long it’s been since i’ve actually enjoyed reading up until this evening 😭

message 25: by Bella (new) - added it

Bella P (semi-hiatus) persia wrote: "same here, god knows how long it’s been since i’ve actually enjoyed reading up until this evening😭"

For real 😭

Madissen Lauren really knows how to torture us…July can’t come soon enough 😅

message 27: by Bella (new) - added it

Bella P (semi-hiatus) @Madison
She really does, we’re almost there just hold out a little longer 🤧🥹

Hafsa ♥️ Writing a book (trying) @Bella P - Okay, thanks! (They better kiss jn this book)

message 29: by Bella (new) - added it

Bella P (semi-hiatus) hafsa wrote: "@Bella P - Okay, thanks! (They better kiss jn this book)"

They really better

Hafsa ♥️ Writing a book (trying) But again... it IS a trilogy... so maybe in the third book? I would actually die if that's the case

message 31: by Bella (new) - added it

Bella P (semi-hiatus) hafsa wrote: "But again... it IS a trilogy... so maybe in the third book? I would actually die if that's the case"

No don't put that out into the world you'll curse us

Hafsa ♥️ Writing a book (trying) @Bella P - I'm sorry! ;( I will stalk the auther and beg her to... idk! Smth, anything, to make it better, and she better not ruin the book

message 33: by Bella (last edited May 22, 2024 09:08AM) (new) - added it

Bella P (semi-hiatus) hafsa wrote: "@Bella P - I'm sorry! ;( I will stalk the auther and beg her to... idk! Smth, anything, to make it better, and she better not ruin the book"

I think I need that kiss between them more than air at this point

Hafsa ♥️ Writing a book (trying) @Bella P - Frr tho, like.. there's no air TO breathe if we don't get that kiss ASAP, there's still a whole month left... is time slowing down?? Are the seconds going by SLOWER TO TOTURE ME?? US?? If that's case for more ppl

♡︎adrianna♡︎ OMGGG BELLAAA

message 36: by Bella (new) - added it

Bella P (semi-hiatus) HazoufaDZ wrote: "@Bella P - Frr tho, like.. there's no air TO breathe if we don't get that kiss ASAP, there's still a whole month left... is time slowing down?? Are the seconds going by SLOWER TO TOTURE ME?? US?? I..."
Less than a month to go I hope I just get a kiss already

message 37: by Bella (new) - added it

Bella P (semi-hiatus) ♡︎adrianna♡︎ wrote: "OMGGG BELLAAA"

The quotes she's teasing are everything

Clace  Logan That quote is in the teaser as well the first two chapters, it came in the book 'Powerful'

message 40: by Bella (new) - added it

Bella P (semi-hiatus) Clace wrote: "That quote is in the teaser as well the first two chapters, it came in the book 'Powerful'"

I'm aware that's where I got it from

message 41: by Bella (new) - added it

Bella P (semi-hiatus) Rose Herondale-Greenbriar-Warner-Hawthorne-Brekker wrote: "Im dead."

Me too, me too

Sophia No isn't driving everyone bonkers that Kai and Paedyn didn't kiss and that annoying imperial interrupted them? I seriously wanted to throw the book across the room.

message 43: by Bella (new) - added it

Bella P (semi-hiatus) Sophia wrote: "No isn't driving everyone bonkers that Kai and Paedyn didn't kiss and that annoying imperial interrupted them? I seriously wanted to throw the book across the room."

It definitely drove me bonkers, fingers crossed we get that kiss

Hafsa ♥️ Writing a book (trying) @Bella P - frr 5-6 days!!!

Hafsa ♥️ Writing a book (trying) @Sophia -LOLLL. But fr tho. I wanted to as well. But I read it on kindle so... couldn't. And it took all my self restrain, lol

message 46: by Bella (last edited Jun 28, 2024 07:26AM) (new) - added it

Bella P (semi-hiatus) Hafsa wrote: "@Bella P - frr 5-6 days!!!"

We just need to be patient a little longer 🤧

message 47: by Kacey (new) - added it

Kacey Daniels {hiatus} I’d sell my soul to have this book right now. “She is my inevitable.”

message 48: by Bella (new) - added it

Bella P (semi-hiatus) Hafsa wrote: "@Sophia -LOLLL. But fr tho. I wanted to as well. But I read it on kindle so... couldn't. And it took all my self restrain, lol"

Personally I just stared at the wall for a while

message 49: by Bella (new) - added it

Bella P (semi-hiatus) @Kacey
I would too, the she is my inevitable makes me want me want to die they need to be together 🤭💗

Hafsa ♥️ Writing a book (trying) @Bella P - 3 days!!! Dying rnnn

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