Raelene's Reviews > Fiasco

Fiasco by Constance Fay
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it was amazing

Calamity was one of the easiest 5 stars I've ever given, so to say that Fiasco was one of my most anticipated reads of 2024 is an understatement. And while it hasn't topped Calamity for me, by no means did this disappoint. I was so, so happy to see that the narrator (Paige Reisenfeld) hadn't changed between the two books and tbh she may have done an even better job on Fiasco. The audiobook is so, so good.

While this absolutely can be read as a standalone, I don't think it should be. I think there's a lot of backstory, specifically about Micah, that would help a readers understanding and enjoyment of this book if they had read Calamity first. Cyn is in that book as well, but she's a pretty minor side character whereas Micah was a more prominent side character so you learn more about him. You also see Cyn and Micah meet and interact in Calamity, which I personally think it really important for their story.

That being said... there were times I felt like the romance was a little more tell than show. Their physical attraction was totally shown, and I did see an emotional connection with them sometimes too, but overall I felt like I wanted to see more emotional development between them. I did like the romance, I think I just wanted a bit more from it. However the physical attraction - hot. Well described and hot.

Apparently I'm going to just keep bringing up Calamity. While I really think you should read Calamity first for the backstory, do not expect to see much of the main characters (Temper & Arcadio) in Fiasco. They are mentioned and shown a few times, but it was very minimal. Since I love Calamity, and loved both of the characters, I really wanted to see more of them. However, Caro and Itzel were very prominently in this book. I am assuming part of that was to set up the next book in this series, Chaos, which is about Caro (I'm already dreading having to wait until 2025 for it!). I think if someone started the series with this book, while I'd still recommend they read Calamity because I love it, I don't reading this book would have caused someone to think 'I need to read Temper & Arcadio's story now' because they were just kinda... there.

This review is already so long yet I haven't even said what is probably the most important part - I love Cyn. She is such a cool and interesting character to read about. The story was totally different than the one in Calamity, but in a complementary way. I loved Madrigal, and the little storyline with Etolla made me laugh out loud. Vuur was a cutie, I'm not entirely sure they added anything to the actual story but sometimes it's fun to just have something cute added in. I liked Micah a lot, his personality once it really comes out was a bit different than I expected but he was a good match for Cyn. His nickname for her was both adorable and hilarious, and I loved that he was protective but not overbearing.

I cannot wait for Chaos, because I just adore these characters and this world that Constance Fay has created. Based on the description of Chaos, and the way this story wrapped up, I think it's going to have even less to do with Calamity (the ship, and likely the characters) and feel a little bit more like a standalone. However, I'm intrigued by Caro and can't wait to read her story. Especially if Paige Reisenfeld remains the narrator.

Such a good read, definitely one I would recommend and I have no doubts that I will be rereading it in the not too distant future.

I'll be your oxygen if you'll be my atmosphere.

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Reading Progress

November 22, 2023 – Shelved
November 22, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
June 4, 2024 – Started Reading
June 4, 2024 – Finished Reading

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