Hulttio's Reviews > Rakesfall

Rakesfall by Vajra Chandrasekera
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A “dark science fiction epic” dealing with “the connectedness of all struggle against oppression” from Vajra Chandrasekera? Sign me the hell up. If the publisher is doing ARCs, I hope I am the first consideration.
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Reading Progress

January 2, 2024 – Shelved
January 2, 2024 – Shelved as: to-read
July 2, 2024 – Started Reading
July 5, 2024 –
page 70
23.03% "Definitely not for the faint of heart."
July 6, 2024 –
page 90
29.61% "Somehow, we're back in Luriat..."
July 11, 2024 –
page 145

Comments Showing 1-2 of 2 (2 new)

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message 1: by Seung (new) - added it

Seung I haven't read anything from this author might have to check out The Saint of Bright Doors.

message 2: by Hulttio (new) - added it

Hulttio Seung wrote: "I haven't read anything from this author might have to check out The Saint of Bright Doors."

If you like off the beaten path urban fantasy and magical realism, a fantasy that isn't afraid to be relevant and political, then you definitely should check it out. Probably my favorite debut author in recent years.

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