Jessie's Reviews > Play Dead

Play Dead by Annabel Chase
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The Rant: So tired of people and ghosts telling Lorelei what to do. So frustrating. Also, IF IT SEEMS TO GOOD TO BE TRUE IT IS! FFS! And why is it everyone else gets to have their secrets but heaven forbid Lorelei has a secret. And why does she keep stupid secrets, like ones that others should KNOW for their safety and the safety of others? Oh the frustration in this one. Granted, this book came nowhere close to the frustration other books have evolved in me, I didn't want to throw anything or beat my heat on a wall or need to walk away for a day or two, but grrr.

Now the review: Not gonna lie, this one took longer to finish than the others. Maybe because I knew the next book wasn't available yet? Lorelei shows her stupidity in this book, not just with taking in someone who gave her up to the corporation but also by being the worst liar ever, not sharing things with people she should, and making extremely poor decisions (although I didn't see the twist that was revealed due to her stupid choice). If the fates don't know you, here's a hint, don't give them anything, nothing, zilch. I know that Lorelei's big heart is what makes her special but come on, learn that killing one person could save countless other lives, it's like she learned nothing from the lake battle. This book builds on that wonderful slow burn, until it ********. This book gets a 2.5/5 for spice. It also leaves on a slight cliffhanger. Personally if there were no more books, I'd be a little sad but not overly and very little anger over it. At this point I don't think she will ever finish the castle (it would be almost comical if the castle was destroyed during a battle), Kane isn't going anywhere, she has friends and a family she has chosen. The corporation is too big for her to take down, so really, what else is there?

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June 25, 2024 – Started Reading
June 25, 2024 – Shelved
June 27, 2024 – Finished Reading

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