Ashley's Reviews > City of Golden Shadow

City of Golden Shadow by Tad Williams
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: never-finished

This novel, to me, is 780 pages of nothing. With five main characters, there is a lot of running around, random descriptions that seem to me are pretty uneccessary, and a LOT of confusion. When a new chapter starts, there is a tendency of character switching, so you are left with a few pages just trying to figure out which character you are focusing on. If Williams only focused on Renie and !Xabbu, I would have been content with this novel, considering that's where most of the focus is on, anyways.

Pros: When the story actually focus' on a single character and continues with the plot, it is actually pretty entertaining.

Cons: Random breaks, no cliff-hanger chapter endings, unneccessary detail, random POV (point-of-view) character switching... the list can go on.

Judgement: I personally couldn't muster up the will to finish this novel. I got through about half of it until I said "Enough is enough... I need something better to read." I'll probably save this for winter or summer break, when I absolutely have NOTHING better to do.

Meh, it was less than okay. 2/5 stars.
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Reading Progress

November 3, 2009 – Shelved
Started Reading
November 19, 2009 – Finished Reading
December 31, 2010 – Shelved as: never-finished

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Neko Rose Flawed review. Character switching is smooth, every other chapter is Renie, then it swaps between 4 and its pretty easy to realize who that chapter is about. and your Cons are wrong. There are no random breaks, there ARE cliffhangers a lot that make you want to read the next segment focusing on them. All detail is necessary to set the scene in your mind since its a book not movie. This isnt worth 2 stars, its phenomenal.

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