The Next Best Book Club discussion

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message 1: by Lori, Super Mod (last edited Mar 21, 2009 04:43PM) (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10442 comments Mod
Nominations are closed for the month.

I have opened the polls for voting. If you look to the right you will see the link to the polls ---->

Have at it!
We have until 3/23 to get the votes in. Once the polls close, I will announce the winners for April!

message 2: by April (new)

April (booksandwine) | 954 comments I nominate Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones for Cateogory 1 (fiction/non-fiction).

message 3: by Becky (new)

Becky (beckyofthe19and9) Oryx & Crake by Margaret Atwood for category 1.

message 4: by Catamorandi (last edited Mar 16, 2009 03:02PM) (new)

Catamorandi (wwwgoodreadscomprofilerandi) | 1045 comments Laughing in the Dark: A Comedian's Journey through Depression - Chonda Pierce - Category 2.

message 5: by Becky (new)

Becky (beckyofthe19and9) That's a shocker Fiona! ;)

message 6: by April (new)

April (booksandwine) | 954 comments Fiona wrote: "April wrote: "I nominate Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones for Cateogory 1 (fiction/non-fiction)."


Uhm, now that makes my life so much harder.

Err err...

[b:I Capture the Castle|3112..."

Awww, I didn't mean to. I just ordered it and figured I might as well nominate it. :-)

message 7: by Rory M. (last edited Mar 16, 2009 03:41PM) (new)

Rory M. For regular fiction...
Indigo by Marina Warner

message 8: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie (sbez05) | 556 comments Lori,

Would Smashed, Squashed, Splattered, Chewed, Chunked and Spewed by Lance Carbuncle work for Category 2? If so, that's my nomination, as I bought the book but haven't read it yet. :)

message 9: by Lori, Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10442 comments Mod
Stephanie, heck yeah it would! Its fricken hilarious!

message 10: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie (sbez05) | 556 comments Yay! Then that is my nomination. Thanks!

message 11: by Kristen (new)

Kristen Harvey Brokedown Palace by Steven Brust for Category 1.

message 14: by Jessica (new)

Jessica | 1000 comments Category 2-Why We Suck by Denis Leary

message 15: by Jamie (The Perpetual Page-Turner) (last edited Mar 16, 2009 09:21PM) (new)

message 16: by Jeane (new)

Jeane (icegini) | 4891 comments Already??Still need to start reading angela's ashes for march.
I have a problem here...and maybe won't nominate any book as I think I haven't read many humorous books..really can't think about any for the moment.

message 17: by Kate (new)

Kate | 119 comments Category 2(Humorous) The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams.

Noticed that a lot of people have this on their to-read list. Its definitely worth reading at least once :)

message 18: by Lori, Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10442 comments Mod
Recap of Yesterdays nominations:

Howl's Moving Castle - Diana Wynne Jones
Oryx & Crake - Margaret Atwood
I Capture the Castle - Dodie Smith
Indigo - Marina Warner
Brokedown Palace - Steven Brust
Dead Until Dark - Charlaine Harris
Like Water for Chocolate - Laura Esquivel

Laughing in the Dark: A Comedian's Journey through Depression - Chonda Pierce
Smashed, Squashed, Splattered, Chewed, Chunked and Spewed - Lance Carbuncle
Uh-oh - Some Observations From Both Sides Of The Refrigerator Door - Robert Fulghum
Why We Suck - Denis Leary
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams

Lookin good! Keep em coming.

message 19: by [deleted user] (new)

Until I Find You by John Irving - Regular Fiction

message 20: by Carol (new)

Carol (caroldias) Jeane wrote: "Already??Still need to start reading angela's ashes for march.
I have a problem here...and maybe won't nominate any book as I think I haven't read many humorous books..really can't think about any..."

I´m not in the humorous book wagon too.. So I´ll stick with the Cat 1 nomination only lol

message 21: by Jackie (new)

Jackie (thenightowl) Cat. 2- Fool by Christopher Moore

message 22: by Lori, Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10442 comments Mod
I was wondering when that was going to be nominated :)

message 23: by Jackie (new)

Jackie (thenightowl) LOL..I think people were waiting on me since I called it out last month.

Elizabeth (Alaska) Category 1
The Friday Night Knitting Club by Kate Jacobs

message 26: by Jen B (new)

Jen B (jennybee618) For Category 1:
The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga

message 27: by Jamie (last edited Mar 17, 2009 11:08AM) (new)

Jamie Category 1 - Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn

message 28: by Lori, Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10442 comments Mod
Megha, Fool has already been nominated. Please edit your post and choose another if you like.

message 29: by Valerie (new)

Valerie Then We Came to the End by Joshua Ferris for category #2.

message 30: by Jill (new)

Jill (wanderingrogue) | 329 comments For category 2:

Lea's Book of Rules for the World by comedienne Lea DeLaria. She's the voice of Helga on The Oblongs if you ever watch Adult Swim on Cartoon Network. I've done bits of hers for speech classes before and they've always killed. She discusses everything from her ex-girlfriends to the time that her immaculate knowledge of Judy Garland got her an apartment. A very funny lady.

message 31: by Allison (new)

Allison (sockweasel) | 432 comments I'd like to nominate

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón

in Category 1. :)

message 32: by Morgan P (new)

Morgan P | 172 comments I would like to nominate:

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (Category 1)

message 33: by Joanna (new)

Joanna Compton-Mys (coldsnap) | 101 comments I nominate The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde for the fiction portion of category 1: regular fiction/nonfiction.

message 34: by Robin (last edited Mar 18, 2009 09:06PM) (new)

message 35: by Adam (new)

Adam | 37 comments How about A Confederacy of Dunces for category 2.

message 36: by Potjy (new)

Potjy | 127 comments I nominate The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson for category 1.

message 37: by Lori, Super Mod (last edited Mar 18, 2009 04:32AM) (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10442 comments Mod
Recap of the noms so far:

Howl's Moving Castle - Diana Wynne Jones
Oryx & Crake - Margaret Atwood
I Capture the Castle - Dodie Smith
Indigo - Marina Warner
Brokedown Palace - Steven Brust
Dead Until Dark - Charlaine Harris
Like Water for Chocolate - Laura Esquivel
Until I Find You - John Irving
American Wife A Novel - Curtis Sittenfeld
The Friday Night Knitting Club - Kate Jacobs
The White Tiger - Aravind Adiga
Ella Minnow Pea - Mark Dunn
If On a Winter's Night a Traveler - Italo Calvino
The Shadow of the Wind - Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
The Eyre Affair - Jasper Fforde
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Stieg Larsson

Laughing in the Dark: A Comedian's Journey through Depression - Chonda Pierce
Smashed, Squashed, Splattered, Chewed, Chunked and Spewed - Lance Carbuncle
Uh-oh - Some Observations From Both Sides Of The Refrigerator Door - Robert Fulghum
Why We Suck - Denis Leary
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
Fool - Christopher Moore
Then We Came to the End - Joshua Ferris
Lea's Book of Rules for the World - Lea DeLaria
Good Omens (The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch) - Neil Gaiman
A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole

message 38: by Lori, Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10442 comments Mod
Robin and Adam, please dont forget that the authors name is part of the requirement for the nomination to be accepted!

message 39: by Joanie (new)

Joanie | 714 comments You guys have beaten me to the punch on 4 books I was thinking of nominating which is good and bad I guess...good because now I can nominate something else but bad because how am I ever going to make up my mind?!?!

Cat. 2 Are You There Vodka It's Me Chelsea by Chelsea Handler (is that okay or does it have to be fiction?) I'll change it if need be.

message 40: by Lori, Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10442 comments Mod
nope. the second catagory, as long as its humorous or written by a comedian, its ok. So Joanie, you are good!

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads (susannag) | 1736 comments For category 2: My Life and Hard Times, by James Thurber.

message 42: by Jeane (new)

Jeane (icegini) | 4891 comments Fiona wrote: "Jeane wrote: "Already??Still need to start reading angela's ashes for march.
I have a problem here...and maybe won't nominate any book as I think I haven't read many humorous books..really can't th..."

Just whatever book I can nominate?

message 43: by Jeane (new)

Jeane (icegini) | 4891 comments Persuasion by jane Austen for category one.

message 44: by Wendy (new)

Wendy | 246 comments Cat2 Fool by Christopher Moore gets another vote.

message 45: by Lori, Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10442 comments Mod
Wendy, we are not voting right now. Only nominating. And once something has been nominated, it doesnt need a second or third.

Is there something else you want to nominate that hasnt been nominated yet?

message 46: by Robin (new)

Robin (robinsullivan) | 997 comments Lori wrote: "Robin and Adam, please dont forget that the authors name is part of the requirement for the nomination to be accepted!"

Whoops! Sorry boss thanks for reminding me I updated my nomination ;-)

message 47: by Lori, Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10442 comments Mod
Wawa, we are not voting yet.
I havent changed the thread title....

please remove your post.

message 48: by Maree (new)

Maree Cox-Baker Fiction Cat1

Mercy Among the Children by David Adams Richards

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