Choose Your Own Adventure discussion

CYOA Survey!

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message 1: by Aly (new)

Aly | 2 comments Hello everyone! I'm doing research for my final graduate school project on Choose Your Own Adventure and serialized fiction and would highly appreciate if you could take some time and answer a short survey for me. There are no right or wrong answers, I am interested in your thoughts and opinions!

Your responses will be anonymous, used purely for research and allowing-me-to-graduate purposes :-). If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me ([email protected]) or through GoodReads messaging. And feel free to pass this along to anyone you think might be interested!

Forever grateful <3.

message 2: by A.J. (new)

A.J. Lauer (ajlauer) | 3 comments Done! Feel free to contact me with further questions :)

message 3: by Ed (new)

Ed DeHoratius | 4 comments Hi Aly,

Just finished the survey. Thanks for doing that. I mentioned some of this in my survey but just wanted to give a more complete response. I have actually published a series of CYOA-type books called the Follow Your Fates series ( These are CYOA reworkings of the ancient epics, Iliad, Odyssey, and Aeneid (I'm a Latin teacher by day). They've been critically well received but it's a relatively small publishing house so not a lot of press / marketing to the non-classics community. They're written for middle-school aged students (as the original CYOA was) but my high schoolers love them (I tend to use them as quick activities in class), so as much as this is a plug for me it's also a plug for the genre in general. It has a lot of traction left in it, even in print. I know that online / digital projects lend themselves to the genre because of linking but I think that students like the kinetic nature of turning the pages, especially the non-linear approach to the narrative. You mentioned the nature of the choices in your survey; I'm happy to talk more about that if you like. And you also mentioned KickStarter, so I assume you know about the CYOA Hamlet? If not, check it out here: Pretty amazing. I actually contacted the author and we spoke on the phone. In any case, happy to help further if you like. Thanks again.

Ed DeHoratius
[email protected]

message 4: by Aly (new)

Aly | 2 comments Thank you both so much for your time and feedback!

message 5: by A.J. (new)

A.J. Lauer (ajlauer) | 3 comments I have seen the CYOA Hamlet! The author (Ryan North, of Dinosaur Comics fame) gave us a quote for our book :) He's a super-cool guy.

Here is my book: Armageddon: Pick Your Plot

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