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Retired Challenges > April SA Word Challenge

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message 1: by Lu (new)

Lu | 12672 comments Mod
The word is SWEM or CNA. Lets get started!

Use the books you finish in April to fill out the word, using the first letter of the first word in the title (excluding 'the', 'a' or 'an') or the first letter of the author's name, middle name or surname.

Good luck everyone!

message 4: by Lauren (last edited Apr 29, 2013 07:21AM) (new)

Lauren Smith C - The Cutting Room by Mary Watson
N - Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson
A - The Bone Dragon by Alexia Casale


S - Stolen Lives by Jassy Mackenzie
W - Wolfhound Century by Peter Higgins
E -
M - The Cutting Room by Mary Watson

message 5: by Kelly (last edited Apr 29, 2013 12:31AM) (new)

Kelly (kelstretch) ✔C- Changeless
✔N- The Nightmare Affair
✔A- Eve and Adam by Katherine Applegate and Michael Grant

message 6: by Carolien (last edited Apr 26, 2013 11:43PM) (new)

message 7: by Liezel (last edited Apr 30, 2013 12:44AM) (new)

Liezel (liezkl) | 736 comments S - Scarlet - Marissa Meyer
W - Whistling Past the Graveyard - Susan Crandall
E - Like Water for Chocolate - Laura Esquivel
M - Un Lun Dun - China Mieville

message 8: by Claudia (new)

Claudia (claudiavstoomanybooks) | 1779 comments ✔S- Susan Hill - The small hand
✔W - William Richter - Tiger
✔E - The Eternity Cure - Julie Kagawa
✔M - Marissa Meyer - Scarlet


message 9: by Carolien (new)

Carolien (carolien_s) | 2624 comments Mod
Well done Claudia!

message 10: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer (jevine) | 882 comments S - The small hand / Susan Hill
W - City Girl / Lori Wick
E - Exposed: misbehaving with the magnate / Kelly Hunter
M - The Magicians nephew / C S Lewis


message 11: by Varla Fiona (new)

Varla Fiona (dory_42) | 1332 comments Mod
CNA done and one letter left (book one third read) for SWEM!!

message 12: by Claudia (new)

Claudia (claudiavstoomanybooks) | 1779 comments Overachiever!

message 13: by Varla Fiona (new)

Varla Fiona (dory_42) | 1332 comments Mod
HeeHee!! I could say I am on leave, but that only started two days ago, so I don't think it helps much!

message 14: by Carolien (last edited Apr 26, 2013 11:44PM) (new)

Carolien (carolien_s) | 2624 comments Mod
Done with SWEM. No chance of being an over achiever - well done, Varla! Enjoy your leave.

message 15: by Kelly (new)

Kelly (kelstretch) Done with CNA, thought I could manage SWEM over the weekend but then we went away!

message 16: by Varla Fiona (new)

Varla Fiona (dory_42) | 1332 comments Mod
You still have until tomorrow night...

message 17: by Kelly (new)

Kelly (kelstretch) I'll try.. But I'm not sure there's time..

message 18: by Barbara (new)

Barbara | 4434 comments Mod
Congrats everyone!

message 19: by Lauren (new)

Lauren Smith Finished CNA! I just need an 'E' book for SWEM But don't think I'll be able to make it, unfortunately. I might try anyway, because I can always use it for next month's word if I don't finish in time.

message 20: by Carolien (new)

Carolien (carolien_s) | 2624 comments Mod
Jennifer wrote: "S - The small hand / Susan Hill
W - City Girl / Lori Wick
E - Exposed: misbehaving with the magnate / Kelly Hunter
M - The Magicians nephew / C S Lewis


This was you first Word challenge! Well done.

message 21: by Lu (new)

Lu | 12672 comments Mod
Awesome everyone!

I think I got you all?

message 22: by Liezel (last edited Apr 30, 2013 12:44AM) (new)

Liezel (liezkl) | 736 comments finished SWEM

message 23: by Carolien (new)

Carolien (carolien_s) | 2624 comments Mod
Congrat Liezel!

message 24: by Varla Fiona (new)

Varla Fiona (dory_42) | 1332 comments Mod
Finished SWEM. Overachiever status achieved.

message 25: by Liezel (new)

Liezel (liezkl) | 736 comments well done varla

message 26: by Lauren (last edited May 01, 2013 11:06AM) (new)

Lauren Smith Well done! I missed SWEM by about 150 pages, but at least there's an E in DOEK :)

message 27: by Barbara (new)

Barbara | 4434 comments Mod
Congrats everyone on finishing!

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