Tudor History Lovers discussion

Queen Jane - 456 Years Ago Today

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message 1: by Jennifer, Mod #5 (new)

Jennifer (jennifertudor) | 951 comments Found a neat little fact today that I thought I'd share: 456 years ago today, July 10, Lady Jane Grey was proclaimed Queen of England – a position she held for the next nine days.

message 2: by Nona (new)

Nona (goodreadscomnona) | 59 comments wonder what she would have been thinking this morning long ago? poor Jane, she really had no choice but obey her parents at such an age.

message 3: by Darbus, Mod #2 (new)

Darbus | 93 comments She had a sad end. Another pawn in the ever-going game of manipulation that is this world's politics. That metaphor was well used in The Last Boleyn A Novel. From what I know, Jane had no wish to be queen, and thought the position belonged to Mary.

message 4: by Jennifer, Mod #5 (new)

Jennifer (jennifertudor) | 951 comments She really didn't have a chance, did she?
I've never really read much about her, although I do know a bit of her story. I'll have to have a look around this group to see suggestions on good reading about her.

message 5: by MAP (new)

MAP | 60 comments Poor Jane. I've always had a soft spot for her; it seems her short life was nothing but one big misery.

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) Lady Jane Grey has always been one of my favorites. I think because she seems to be such an empathetic character. Although, since joining this group I am beginning to have a new respect for Ann Boleyn and others, Lady Jane Grey still tugs at my heart.

message 7: by Mrs. C. (new)

Mrs. C. | 6 comments The movie *Lady Jane* (1986), starring Helena Bonham Carter, is available now on DVD. In the movie, she is made out to be a threat to Queen Mary and the Catholic cause because she likes to read the pagan Greek philosophers, when, in fact, she lost her head for reading the Bible and cleaving to the Protestant cause. Mary, who was her cousin, sent her own priest to try to convert Jane so that she would not have to execute her, but the teenager stuck by her faith. I've long harbored resentment against her family members, who forced her into this horrible situation, but Jane herself was stalwart and would not recant even at the executioner's block, a decision that has resonated down the centuries as we who followed her in time are still moved by this episode of Tudor England.

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads (susannag) | 2107 comments One of the first books I read about the Tudors was about Lady Jane Grey.

I have no idea of the title; I would have read it in about 1978. Any thoughts on what it might have been?

It was, I think, a dark blue hardback.

message 9: by Laura Ellis (new)

Laura Ellis | 2 comments I had a history class on the Tudor/Stuart period in college and we had to do a Living History presentation and paper. I was Lady Jane Grey and have been fascinated with her ever since.

message 10: by Mary (new)

Mary (marydowning) | 4 comments Jennifer wrote: "She really didn't have a chance, did she?
I've never really read much about her, although I do know a bit of her story. I'll have to have a look around this group to see suggestions on good readin..."

Innocent Traitor by Alison Weir is really good. I didn't know a whole lot about Jane Grey before, but I learned a lot and really enjoyed the book.

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)

MAP wrote: "Poor Jane. I've always had a soft spot for her; it seems her short life was nothing but one big misery."
I know you really have to feel for her

message 12: by Jennifer, Mod #5 (new)

Jennifer (jennifertudor) | 951 comments Innocent Traitor by Alison Weir is really good. I didn't know a whole lot about Jane Grey before, but I learned a lot and really enjoyed the book.

Thanks Mary!

message 13: by Thalia (new)

Thalia | 99 comments I just finished Innocent Traitor. It was very good! It took a few liberties but it is fiction afterall. Before that I had only run into her as a small side story in novels about Elizabeth. I'm inspired to learn more about the reluctant nine day queen.

message 14: by Jennifer, Mod #5 (new)

Jennifer (jennifertudor) | 951 comments I'm really enjoying learning more about Jane in The Children of England, also by AW. Thought I'd share a little for anyone who, like me, doesn't know much about her.

The first part of the book takes place directly after the death of Henry VIII and goes into a lot of detail regarding Jane's feelings toward her parents and her preference to learning above all else, as learning was the only thing she could do safely, without fear of punishment. It also speaks of her betrothal to Lord Hertford being broken in favor of her parents' desire for higher position, as well as to fit the Duke of Northumberland's schemes to raise his family's stature by marry his own son, Guilford Dudley (younger brother of Robert) to Jane. AW states that Jane would have preferred to never marry at all but accepted that marriage was a part of her role as an one in line to inherit the throne. She did, however, 'hate the Dudleys' and refused to marry Guilford on the grounds of her previous betrothal. Her parents finally won that argument when they flogged Jane into submission. When reading about Jane, you can't help but feel for the sweet girl who would have preferred to sit with a book than sit on a throne. She was incredibly Protestant and very intelligent. It would have been interesting to see what sort of Queen she would have made or what sort of life she would have lived had she been able to follow through on either of these paths.

The second part of the book focuses on Jane and Mary after the death of Edward VI. I'll be reading that in about 10 pages or so. I'll write more when I learn it if anyone is interested although I highly recommend reading the book :)

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) Jennifer, I didn't find that book on the Alison Weir list, but it looks interesting. What am I missing?

message 16: by Jennifer, Mod #5 (last edited Jul 15, 2009 10:42AM) (new)

Jennifer (jennifertudor) | 951 comments Lyn wrote: "Jennifer, I didn't find that book on the Alison Weir list, but it looks interesting. What am I missing?"

Hi Lyn,
Here's the link for the book Children of England and I've added it to the bookshelf for the group. When looking for it to add it, I noticed that it's listed sometimes as The Children of Henry VIII instead of The Children of England: The Heirs of Henry VIII (which is what I have). My parents brought it back for me from a recent UK trip so I'm not sure if it's published under different titles for different locations or what?

Either way, The Children of Henry VIII isn't an accurate title as Jane is obviously not one. :)

Hope that helps!

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) Thanks so much Jennifer. I now have it on my list of to reads.

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads (susannag) | 2107 comments I think The Children of Henry VIII is the American title, as I've never seen anything else over here. I imagine the publishers thought it would sell better over here, with that title.

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) Not sure where to post this, but I am putting it in two places. Hopefully one of them is correct. Anyway - I just saw that a new book is coming out in September or October about Lady Jane Grey. It is called Lady Jane Grey: A Tudor Mystery by E. W. Ives, and according to Amazon Jon Guy thinks it is a well researched and written book. Just FYI

message 20: by Colleen, Mod #3 (new)

Colleen (nightoleander) | 1106 comments Good to know Lyn, it can go on the list the Mods are compiling for our Oct. read about Lady Jane Grey.

Also now it is a huge bonus about the Oct. read, I can hardly wait till I post the list of books to vote on to see which nine day Queen book will be chosen!

message 21: by Wen (new)

Wen (thespoilingone) | 140 comments Jennifer wrote: "I'm really enjoying learning more about Jane in The Children of England, also by AW. Thought I'd share a little for anyone who, like me, doesn't know much about her.

The first part of the book..."

Oh this book looks good. I have only read The Innocent Traitor about Jane and would love to read more about her. I am excited that Octobers read is about her too.

message 22: by Colleen, Mod #3 (new)

Colleen (nightoleander) | 1106 comments I have yet to read any books on Lady Jane Grey so I am really looking forward to the Oct. group read.

message 23: by Jennifer, Mod #5 (new)

Jennifer (jennifertudor) | 951 comments Colleen wrote: "I have yet to read any books on Lady Jane Grey so I am really looking forward to the Oct. group read."

Me too! :)

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) Colleen wrote: "Good to know Lyn, it can go on the list the Mods are compiling for our Oct. read about Lady Jane Grey.

Also now it is a huge bonus about the Oct. read, I can hardly wait till I post the list of ..."

Collenn - I just got a notice from Amazon that my preordered copy won't arrive until Nov 4, too late for our October group read. Bummer. but there are a lot of other good books out there!

message 25: by Colleen, Mod #3 (new)

Colleen (nightoleander) | 1106 comments Is this a re-print Lyn? It turns out I have the book on the Oct. GR already. Maybe already printed in the uk or something...

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) Colleen wrote: "Is this a re-print Lyn? It turns out I have the book on the Oct. GR already. Maybe already printed in the uk or something..."

Probably, I preordered from Amazon US, and the write up says it is supposed to be out October 2009, but my order says it will be delivered on November 4.

So - what is Oct GR?

message 27: by Colleen, Mod #3 (new)

Colleen (nightoleander) | 1106 comments Couldn't say Lyn, I will be putting up to poll for the book titles very soon though. Mod's are trying to get more involvement by making the gr more of a democratic choice. I amthinking it will be a fiction about Lady Jane but that's all I can tell you for now :)

message 28: by Thalia (new)

Thalia | 99 comments I hope a Jane Grey novel isn't going to be too hard to find. There aren't very many I don't suppose. Eagar to see what you come up with.

message 30: by Susanna - Censored by GoodReads, Mod #4 (last edited Aug 28, 2009 09:05AM) (new)

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads (susannag) | 2107 comments Those are the only two I know of, too, Thalia.

Though I swear I read a novel about Lady Jane Grey when I was about 13 that cannot have been either of them, because they weren't published.

I have no idea what it was, though.

Edited to add: I looked up "Lady Jane Grey" here and got a few more hits that were novels; but not many. Several from the 1970s.

message 31: by Colleen, Mod #3 (new)

Colleen (nightoleander) | 1106 comments Were they on the list I sent Susanna?

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads (susannag) | 2107 comments Most of them, yes. Sent you a response, btw.

message 33: by Colleen, Mod #3 (new)

Colleen (nightoleander) | 1106 comments I got it, thanks. I have found a couple sites with a great deal of Jane grey books that are classified fiction, YA/children most of which were published in the 60's/70's:



message 34: by Marie Z (new)

Marie Z Johansen (mzjohansen) | 52 comments Help!
I can;t find the place where we were speaking about the next read along on Jane Gray! What was decided ??
Thanks for help. Must order soon!

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) I think if you look at the poll, Innocent Traitor A Novel of Lady Jane Grey by Alison Weir got the most votes (18). I'm not sure if an official thread has been started yet, but we are starting Oct 1.

message 36: by Marie Z (new)

Marie Z Johansen (mzjohansen) | 52 comments Fabulous! Thanks!

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