SciFi and Fantasy Book Club discussion

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Old, Closed Posts > August Fantasy Nominations

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message 1: by Brooke (last edited Jul 16, 2009 06:18AM) (new)

Brooke | 0 comments Books Published Since 2000 won our fantasy theme pick for August. Now we need to nominate some!

Since this has the potential to produce a lot of nominations, I'm going to keep the nomination period short and have a few rules:

1) One nomination per person. I'd like you to nominate the very best fantasy book published since 2000 that you can think of.
2) A nomination must be seconded in order to make it to the poll for voting.
3) One 'second' per person.
4) Books must have been published starting January 1, 2000. If it's not so clear cut, for example, if it was published in the UK in 1999 and in the US in 2000, bring it up and I'll make a decision.
5) Please stick to fantasy. I will veto anything that seems more appropriate for our SF months.

I know that's a lot of rules, but since so many books have been published in the last 9.5 years, I want to make sure we don't have a poll with 50 choices! If the restrictions end up restricting us TOO much, I'll determine if we need to alter them.

Please list books as Title, Author.

Nominations will run through the end of Saturday, July 18, with the cut-off being midnight US Eastern Time. Again, if this ends up being too restricting I'll alter it.

message 2: by Tomi (new)

Tomi | 2 comments The Lies of Lock Lamora by Scott Lynch

message 4: by Marc (new)

Marc (authorguy) | 348 comments The Flame in the Bowl Unbinding the Stone, by Marc Vun Kannon, published 2002

message 5: by Grey (new)

Grey (spaceharper) | 12 comments Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, Susanna Clarke

message 7: by Susanne (new)

Susanne (suslikesturtles) | 13 comments I second The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie.

message 8: by K-tice (last edited Jul 16, 2009 06:39AM) (new)

K-tice | 1 comments A Game of Thrones by G. R. R. Martin

message 9: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Vazquez The Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold

message 10: by Morgan (new)

Morgan (neimanmarxist) | 3 comments Wasn't sure if the books had to be stand alone, if so I will change my vote. Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey pub. 2001.

message 11: by Lu (last edited Jul 16, 2009 06:46AM) (new)

Lu Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr published 2007

message 12: by Robin (last edited Jul 16, 2009 06:46AM) (new)

Robin (robinsullivan) | 346 comments Avempartha by Michael J. Sullivan Part of a seris but can also be read as a stand alone.

message 13: by Brooke (new)

Brooke | 0 comments Books don't have to be stand-alone, although I think we usually stick with the first book in a series/trilogy. So you're good, Morgan!

message 14: by Gregory (last edited Jul 16, 2009 07:02AM) (new)

Gregory (gregamused) | 3 comments Mistborn The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson

(Ok, it's on my bookshelf so I'm mildly cheating.)

message 15: by Jon (new)

Jon (jonmoss) | 889 comments I will second Mistborn the Final Empire

message 16: by Michael (new)

Michael (bigorangemichael) | 187 comments I would like to nominate The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

message 17: by M.D. (new)

M.D. (mdbenoit) | 115 comments The Giver, by Lois Lowry

message 18: by Beverly (new)

Beverly (bevhale) | 8 comments The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

message 19: by A.F. (new)

A.F. (scribe77) Karavans by Jennifer Roberson

Lauren (Sugar & Snark) I second Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr

message 21: by Kathy (new)

Kathy (thebrainlair) Mistborn I third the nomination

message 22: by Rita (last edited Jul 16, 2009 07:27AM) (new)

Rita Webb (ritawebb) I second The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. I've been wanting to read that.

message 23: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Vazquez I second The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

message 24: by Brooke (new)

Brooke | 0 comments M.d., The Giver was published in 1993, and therefore is not eligible. You are welcome to nominate a different book, though.

Kathy, since Mistborn has been seconded, it will already be on the poll. If you'd like to use your 'second' for another book, go ahead.

message 25: by Usako (new)

Usako (bbmeltdown) | 89 comments I'll second Kushiel's Dart.

message 26: by Shannon (new)

Shannon  (shannoncb) I nominate Maledicte by Lane Robins.

(K-tice, we did A Game of Thrones earlier, and also it was published in the 90s)

message 27: by Shannon (new)

Shannon  (shannoncb) I second Karavans by Jennifer Roberson.

message 28: by Angie (new)

Angie (anrich02) | 4 comments I will second the Curse of Chalion if no one else has. Lovely book.

message 29: by Jakub (new)

message 30: by Jakub (last edited Jul 16, 2009 09:19AM) (new)

Jakub (jnareb) | 29 comments The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss (fantasy, 2007)

I'm sorry, I didn't noticed it was already nominated

message 31: by Usako (new)

Usako (bbmeltdown) | 89 comments I'll nominate A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray (fantasy, 2003).

message 32: by Leana (new)

Leana (craftychick) | 14 comments Beverly wrote: "The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman"

I second the Graveyard Book By Neil Gaiman!!!!!!!

message 33: by Leana (new)

Leana (craftychick) | 14 comments My official vote is for Game of Thrones by G.R.R. Martin. I need some motivation to read this book. I only got about 70 pages in so I need to pick it up again but I just don't want to.

message 34: by Sarah (new)

Sarah | 243 comments I'll nominate Nation by Terry Pratchett. (fantasy, 2008).

Shellie (Layers of Thought) (shelliesshelves) | 5 comments How about A Shadow in Summer by Daniel Abraham.
A Shadow in Summer (Long Price Quartet, #1) by Daniel Abraham

message 36: by Jakub (new)

Jakub (jnareb) | 29 comments Furies of Calderon by Jim Butcher, first book in high fantasy series Codex Alera, from 2004.

P.S. How many nominations do we need? Is there a limit? Should there be?

message 37: by Christine (AR) (last edited Jul 16, 2009 08:55AM) (new)

Christine (AR) | 5 comments oops, you guys already read the book I nominated, so I'm changing it to The Steel Remains.

message 38: by Peregrine (last edited Jul 16, 2009 09:07AM) (new)

Peregrine The Alchemyst, by Michael Scott. Delacorte Press, 2007. First volume in series: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel.

message 39: by Leana (new)

Leana (craftychick) | 14 comments Lu wrote: "Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr published 2007"

Ive already read and loved this book, so I didn't second it. But I wouldn't mind if it's the pick. I have read the second one as well so I just need to read the last book that just came out.

message 40: by Brooke (new)

Brooke | 0 comments Jakub wrote: P.S. How many nominations do we need? Is there a limit? Should there be?"

Right now, 9 have been both nominated and seconded. Should I let this run through my original cutoff date, or should I cap it at the first X # of seconded nominations?

I'm open to any opinions.

message 41: by Jakub (new)

Jakub (jnareb) | 29 comments
Brooke wrote: "Jakub wrote: P.S. How many nominations do we need? Is there a limit? Should there be?"

Right now, 9 have been both nominated and seconded. Should I let this run through my original cutoff date, ..."

I think some reasonable upper limit would be good idea, otherwise votes will be spread thin. Something like 15 or 20 books... limit we probably wouldn't need with the requirement of seconded nomination, and limit to one ack per member.

message 42: by Brooke (new)

Brooke | 0 comments I like using the seconding method, since it makes it more about which books people are really interested in reading, rather than just a first-come-first-serve list of books.

I'll keep an eye on the final list and possibly put the kibosh on this if it gets too large despite the limits I've already imposed. I'm just making this up as I go, hoping that most people who want to have a say get a chance.

message 43: by Morgan (new)

Morgan (neimanmarxist) | 3 comments I second Nation by Terry Pratchett.

message 44: by Bill (new)

Bill (kernos) | 426 comments Best Served Cold by Joe Abercrombie. I just got this today.

If I use the book tag for this, it goes to the wrong book, how can one differentiate books with the same title using the book tag?

message 45: by John (new)

John  (johnanealio) | 17 comments Blood of Ambrose by James Enge

message 46: by Jon (new)

Jon (jonmoss) | 889 comments Kernos wrote: "how can one differentiate books with the same title using the book tag? "

I always use ISBNs.

message 47: by Janny (new)

Janny (jannywurts) | 156 comments I will second Karavans #1 by Jennifer Roberson.

message 48: by Jessie (new)

Jessie (jschaffe) I'll second Furies of Calderon. Great series.

message 49: by Chris (new)

Chris  Haught (haughtc) | 888 comments I'll second Avempartha...

message 50: by Jadey (new)

Jadey (sorayume) I nominate Daughter of the Blood by Anne Bishop

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