Obsessed with True Crime discussion

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Archive > What are you reading in 2016? Anything goes.

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message 1: by Lady ♥ Belleza, Gif Princesa (last edited Feb 09, 2016 11:33AM) (new)

Lady ♥ Belleza (bella_foxx) | 3646 comments Mod
Post your current read. We are just a bunch of nosy, I mean interested people!

Feel free to post reviews in this thread.

message 3: by Rita (new)

Rita (crimesleuthjunkie) | 1146 comments Belleza....I am reading The Innocent Killer by Michael Griesbach. It is quite interesting.

message 4: by Lady ♥ Belleza, Gif Princesa (new)

Lady ♥ Belleza (bella_foxx) | 3646 comments Mod
Rita wrote: "Belleza....I am reading The Innocent Killer by Michael Griesbach. It is quite interesting."

reposting to add the link: The Innocent Killer: A True Story of a Wrongful Conviction and Its Astonishing Aftermath by Michael Griesbach

message 5: by Rita (new)

Rita (crimesleuthjunkie) | 1146 comments Son of a Gun Belleza....I am almost at the end of the same book you are reading. Wow.....we are both reading The Innocent Killer! I just love the coincidence........ we gotta tell Fishface and K.A. and Koren.......and, ......well, you know.

message 6: by Koren (new)

Koren  (koren56) | 1560 comments Masquerade by Lowell Cauffiel

Rosemary: The Hidden Kennedy by Kate Clifford Larson
Rosemary: The Hidden Kennedy Daughter

message 7: by Nikki (new)

message 8: by Koren (new)

Koren  (koren56) | 1560 comments Bree wrote: "I'm reading Crimes Of Josef Fritzl"
If I remember correctly he was the one that kept his family in a basement for almost 20 years, right?

message 9: by Nikki (last edited Jan 20, 2016 08:58AM) (new)

Nikki (breelark) | 3 comments So far he is only keeping one of his daughters locked up in the cellar. But I'm not even halfway done yet, so who knows.

message 10: by K.A. (new)

K.A. Krisko (kakrisko) | 1288 comments A coincidence! I just watched a documentary about Fritzl last night!

message 11: by Lady ♥ Belleza, Gif Princesa (new)

Lady ♥ Belleza (bella_foxx) | 3646 comments Mod
Rita wrote: "Son of a Gun Belleza....I am almost at the end of the same book you are reading. Wow.....we are both reading The Innocent Killer! I just love the coincidence........ we gotta tell Fishface and K.A...."

No Rita, I'm not reading it, I reposted your comment to add the link to the book.

message 12: by SouthWestZippy (new)

SouthWestZippy I am reading goodreads. After I get my books moved and shelves like I want them then I will get on with my reading books life.

message 13: by Lady ♥ Belleza, Gif Princesa (new)

Lady ♥ Belleza (bella_foxx) | 3646 comments Mod
SouthWestZippy wrote: "I am reading goodreads. After I get my books moved and shelves like I want them then I will get on with my reading books life."

YAYYYYYY! (Can you tell I'm happy to see you?)

message 14: by SouthWestZippy (new)

SouthWestZippy ♥Belleza★✰ wrote: "SouthWestZippy wrote: "I am reading goodreads. After I get my books moved and shelves like I want them then I will get on with my reading books life."

YAYYYYYY! (Can you tell I'm happy to see you?)"

Yes yes I can tell. LOL Thank you

message 15: by Rita (new)

Rita (crimesleuthjunkie) | 1146 comments ♥Belleza★✰ wrote: "Rita wrote: "Son of a Gun Belleza....I am almost at the end of the same book you are reading. Wow.....we are both reading The Innocent Killer! I just love the coincidence........ we gotta tell Fish..."

Oh, I didn't realize that Belleza. DANG and DOUBLE DANG

message 16: by Beth (new)

Beth Carpenter (emma2009) | 46 comments Just started 'CALIFORNIA' by Edan Lepuki

message 17: by Shelley (last edited Jan 23, 2016 01:38PM) (new)

Shelley | 1225 comments Reading Blood in the Snow: The True Story of a Stay-at-Home Dad, his High-Powered Wife, and the Jealousy that Drove him to Murder by Tom Henderson

What a textbook psychopath this guy is! I don't need to be Dr. Hare to label him one either. Too obvious.

Great read so far. I find some of the sentences a bit "run on" that can take me out of the reading for a sec but that's minor.

UPDATE: Finished. Great case but I am not keen on the writing style. Would recommend it though!!

message 18: by Clare (last edited Jan 24, 2016 12:29PM) (new)

Clare  (clarebears) Just started listening to The Night Stalker

The last time i listened to this I woke in the middle of the night and i thought someone had their hands round my throat.

message 20: by Koren (new)

Koren  (koren56) | 1560 comments Shelley wrote: "Now reading the The Yoga Store Murder: The Shocking True Account of the Lululemon Athletica Killing by Dan Morse"

I have this on my TBR list. Will look forward to your review.

message 21: by Fishface (new)

Fishface | 17209 comments Koren wrote: "Masquerade by Lowell Cauffiel

Rosemary: The Hidden Kennedy by Kate Clifford Larson
Rosemary: The Hidden Kennedy Daughter"

I have badly wanted to read that one, Koren. I look forward to your review.

message 22: by Fishface (new)

Fishface | 17209 comments Clare wrote: "Just started listening to The Night Stalker

The last time i listened to this I woke in the middle of the night and i thought someone had their hands round my throat."

Now that's what I call effective writing!

message 23: by Koren (new)

Koren  (koren56) | 1560 comments Fishface wrote: "Koren wrote: "Masquerade by Lowell Cauffiel

Rosemary: The Hidden Kennedy by Kate Clifford Larson
Rosemary: The Hidden Kennedy Daughter"

You will probably not look at the Kennedy's in the same light again.

I have badly wa..."

message 24: by Shelley (last edited Jan 26, 2016 05:06PM) (new)

Shelley | 1225 comments I just finished The Yoga Store Murder: The Shocking True Account of the Lululemon Athletica Killing by Dan Morse

Highly recommend this one. Very well written and balanced.

message 25: by Lady ♥ Belleza, Gif Princesa (last edited Mar 05, 2016 02:07PM) (new)

Lady ♥ Belleza (bella_foxx) | 3646 comments Mod

message 26: by Shelley (last edited Jan 26, 2016 05:07PM) (new)

Shelley | 1225 comments Read Deadly Voices: The True Story of Serial Killer Herbert Mullin by C.L. Swinney

Short book and a quick read. A strange case and I am still not sure what to make of Mullin.

message 27: by Rita (new)

Rita (crimesleuthjunkie) | 1146 comments I cannot stand short books. Glad you posted it Shelley!

message 28: by Shelley (new)

Shelley | 1225 comments Rita wrote: "I cannot stand short books. Glad you posted it Shelley!"

Rita: I am curious. Why don't you like short books?

message 29: by Shelley (new)

Shelley | 1225 comments I started reading The Alcohol Murders: The True Story of Serial Killer Gilbert Paul Jordan but wasn't getting into it. Maybe later.

Meanwhile, started The Anatomy of Evil by Michael H. Stone. So far so good. I have been wanting to read this for a long time now.

message 30: by Rita (new)

Rita (crimesleuthjunkie) | 1146 comments The Alcohol Murders is one book I haven't heard of and I was wondering if you would recommend it Shelley?

message 31: by Rita (new)

Rita (crimesleuthjunkie) | 1146 comments Now I will add The Anatomy of Evil to my 'want to read' list.

message 32: by Alise (new)

Alise Stevens | 1 comments have just started reading The Stranger Beside Me by Ann Rule. random find at a great local bookstore yesterday, can't seem to put it down. hoping that my book light won't die! lol

message 33: by Koren (new)

Koren  (koren56) | 1560 comments Rita wrote: "The Alcohol Murders is one book I haven't heard of and I was wondering if you would recommend it Shelley?"

Rita, the Alcohol Murders is a short book, it may just be an e book, I'm not sure. You can get it free from Amazon right now if you have Amazon Prime.

message 34: by SerialReader (new)

SerialReader | 1 comments I'm watching "Making a Murderer" on Netflix and I'm also reading The Innocent Killer, by Michael Griesbach. Great reading!

message 35: by Shelley (new)

Shelley | 1225 comments Rita wrote: "The Alcohol Murders is one book I haven't heard of and I was wondering if you would recommend it Shelley?"

Sorry, didn't see your question. I can't recommend it - at least not yet. I started it but wasn't "feeling it" and started another book. :)

message 36: by SouthWestZippy (new)

SouthWestZippy This was a fast read for me.
A Ghoul's Guide to Love and Murder

message 37: by Katherine (new)

Katherine (katherinekafes) | 1 comments I'm reading Columbine by Dave Cullen. Can't put it down!

message 38: by Fishface (new)

Fishface | 17209 comments Katherine wrote: "I'm reading Columbine by Dave Cullen. Can't put it down!"
I'll be interested to know what you think of that one.

message 39: by Koren (new)

Koren  (koren56) | 1560 comments Katherine wrote: "I'm reading Columbine by Dave Cullen. Can't put it down!"

That is a good one.

message 41: by Rita (new)

Rita (crimesleuthjunkie) | 1146 comments Gosh Zippy, this looks very touching and emotional. I will put it on my wish list!

message 42: by Rita (new)

Rita (crimesleuthjunkie) | 1146 comments Katherine wrote: "I'm reading Columbine by Dave Cullen. Can't put it down!"

Katherine, that was an exciting book to read. You can't put it down, niether could I.

message 43: by Rita (new)

Rita (crimesleuthjunkie) | 1146 comments Shelley wrote: "Rita wrote: "The Alcohol Murders is one book I haven't heard of and I was wondering if you would recommend it Shelley?"

Sorry, didn't see your question. I can't recommend it - at least not yet. I ..."

No worries Shelley. I will track it down.....somewhere. lol

message 44: by K.A. (new)

K.A. Krisko (kakrisko) | 1288 comments Just finished Nanodaemons and Village of the Dead for my review group. Both were quite good, the first one a futuristic imagining of the life of nanotechnology and the second a creepy little horror vignette that's part of a serialized novel.

message 45: by Saysayg (new)

Saysayg | 16 comments Rita wrote: "Katherine wrote: "I'm reading Columbine by Dave Cullen. Can't put it down!"

Katherine, that was an exciting book to read. You can't put it down, niether could I."

One of my favorites. It was so interesting how the media coverage and the truth were so divergent.

message 46: by SouthWestZippy (new)

SouthWestZippy Rita wrote: "Gosh Zippy, this looks very touching and emotional. I will put it on my wish list!"

I can see you liking it Rita.

message 47: by SouthWestZippy (new)

SouthWestZippy Rita wrote: "Katherine wrote: "I'm reading Columbine by Dave Cullen. Can't put it down!"

Katherine, that was an exciting book to read. You can't put it down, niether could I."

YES it was a good book.

message 48: by Saysayg (new)

Saysayg | 16 comments I am reading: Blood Royal-A True Tale of Crime and Detection in Medieval Paris by Eric Jager.

message 49: by Fishface (new)

Fishface | 17209 comments I am greatly enjoying There Is No God and He Is Always with You: A Search for God in Odd Places. You can always count on Brad Warner for a good read.

message 50: by K.A. (new)

K.A. Krisko (kakrisko) | 1288 comments Just finished Velia and the Magician: Book 1 of Alexios. It has nothing to do with magic, it's an historical novella set in 1924 Harlem.

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