The Perks Of Being A Book Addict discussion

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ARCHIVE - BOTM nominations > June 2014 BOTM

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message 1: by Kristie, Moderator (Retired) (new)

Kristie | 5824 comments Hi everyone! Time to nominate the book you would like to read in June!

➙ Please nominate only ONE book.
➙ Books do not need to be seconded.
➙ Do not nominate books that have already been read as a BOTM.
➙ Do not nominate books that are the second or later in a series.
➙ Do not use this thread for author self-promotion.
➙ No erotica.

Additional tips -
Please use a book link, if possible. If it's not possible, please include the author's name. I want to make sure I include the correct books! You can add a synopsis from the books Goodread's page, if you like, but it is not necessary.

Directions to add a book link:
This can only be done when online and not when using an app.

When typing in the text box, on top of the box there is a link that says "add book/author". Click on that and a new box will appear. Type your book name in the space provided and click on "search". When you see your book, click the "add" button to the right of it.

To add a link that just has the book name, you can click "link" at the bottom of the "add book/author" box. The link is the automatic setting. To add a book cover, click on "cover" at the bo

message 3: by Kristie, Moderator (Retired) (new)

Kristie | 5824 comments I nominate My Name is Rapunzel. I've been wanting to read this one for a while now!

My Name is Rapunzel by K.C. Hilton

My tale has been told again and again, and I’ve heard each one. Except for my hair, I barely recognize the pitiful renditions. Muddled versions, crafted to entertain laughing children…but the children wouldn’t have laughed if they’d known the real story. It wasn't their fault. They didn't know the truth. Nobody did.

My name is Rapunzel. I will tell you my story. I will tell you the truth.

message 4: by Silvia (new)

Silvia Turcios | 395 comments I nominate Eragon (The Inheritance Cycle, #1) by Christopher Paolini Eragon

message 5: by Ash (new)

Ash (morethanfairytales) | 115 comments I nominate The Intern's Handbook: A Thriller by Shane Kuhn.

The Intern's Handbook A Thriller by Shane Kuhn

Blurb excerpt: "Interns are invisible. That’s the mantra behind HR, Inc., an elite "placement agency" that doubles as a network of assassins-for-hire, taking down high-profile executives who wouldn't be able to remember an intern’s name if their lives depended on it."

message 6: by Natalie (new)

Natalie (creativecountry0407gmailcom) | 88 comments I will nominate Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson by Julianne Donaldosn.

message 7: by Lauren (new)

message 8: by Natalie (new)

Natalie (creativecountry0407gmailcom) | 88 comments @Kristie: Can you please post a full list of the books nominate so far when you get the chance? Thanks in advance.

message 9: by Amanda (new)

Amanda (amandapandas) I nominate Shatter Me (Shatter Me, #1) by Tahereh Mafi by Tahereh Mafi

message 10: by [deleted user] (new)

I nominate And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie.

message 11: by Shawna (new)

Shawna Natalie wrote: "@Kristie: Can you please post a full list of the books nominate so far when you get the chance? Thanks in advance."

Have a little patience, she always does post the list.

message 12: by Kristie, Moderator (Retired) (new)

Kristie | 5824 comments Natalie wrote: "@Kristie: Can you please post a full list of the books nominate so far when you get the chance? Thanks in advance."

Natalie - I always update when I have the chance. However, I can only update the list from my laptop and that is not always available. I can not update when I am at work, school, or internship, so there will be several hours between updates. It is updated now.

message 13: by Donna (new)

Donna Nowosielski | 143 comments Into the Deep (Into the Deep, #1) by Samantha Young I nominate Into the Deep by Samantha Young

message 14: by Mary-ellen (new)

Mary-ellen (missy666) | 545 comments Kristie wrote: "Books nominated so far:
My Name is Rapunzel
A Favorite Son
The Intern's Handbook: A Thriller
[book:The Cuckoo's Calling|16160797..."

I nominate The Wild Girl by Kate Forsyth.

message 15: by Marc (new)

Marc Lax (mlax) | 9 comments I nominate The Book of Lost Things by John Connelly.

message 16: by debbie (new)

debbie rhoades (420pennylane) | 7 comments i thought we already read The Cuckoo's Calling?

message 17: by Shawna (new)

Shawna debbie wrote: "i thought we already read The Cuckoo's Calling?"

You are right...oops!

I change my nom to 11/22/63.

message 18: by Bre (new)

Bre Dang | 20 comments I nominate Throne of Glass

message 19: by Kristie, Moderator (Retired) (new)

Kristie | 5824 comments debbie wrote: "i thought we already read The Cuckoo's Calling?"

Thank you for catching that! :)

message 20: by Karen (new)

message 21: by Kim (new)

Kim Roers soderstrom | 6 comments I nominate Steelheart(Steelheart) by Brandon SandersonBrandon Sanderson

message 22: by Kristie, Moderator (Retired) (new)

Kristie | 5824 comments Kim wrote: "I nominate Steelheart(Steelheart) by Brandon SandersonBrandon Sanderson"

Sorry, Kim! The poll is already created. Please feel free to make that nomination for July when the new thread opens. You can go to vote for our June BOTM here:

message 23: by Kristie, Moderator (Retired) (new)

Kristie | 5824 comments Hi everyone! The winners of our June BOTM poll were The Book of Lost Things and Shatter Me.

The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly The Book of Lost Things discussion:

Shatter Me (Shatter Me, #1) by Tahereh Mafi Shatter Me discussion:

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