Literary Fiction by People of Color discussion

5 AOC Made Shortlist For First Novel Prize

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message 1: by Beverly (last edited Sep 01, 2016 06:20AM) (new)

Beverly | 2905 comments Mod
The Center for Fiction has announced the shortlist for its annual $10,000 First Novel Prize:

The Castle Cross the Magnet Carter by Kia Corthron (Seven Stories Press)
The Girls by Emma Cline (Random House)
Here Comes the Sun by Nicole Dennis-Benn (Liveright)
Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi (Knopf)
How I Became a North Korean by Krys Lee (Viking)
We Love You, Charlie Freeman by Kaitlyn Greenidge (Algonquin Books)
What Belongs to You by Garth Greenwell (Farrar, Straus & Giroux)

message 2: by ColumbusReads (last edited Sep 01, 2016 07:08AM) (new)

ColumbusReads (coltrane01) | 4170 comments Mod
Thanks, Beverly. I'm reading Homegoing now and haven't read any of the other POC books. I did read the Greenwell book, however, and didn't care for it and I have Emma Cline's book here to read. Have you read any of the others?

message 3: by Louise (new)

Louise | 138 comments I aboslutely loved Homegoing. I'm reading The Girls right now and it's just not grabbing me much.

message 4: by Beverly (new)

Beverly | 2905 comments Mod
Columbus wrote: "Thanks, Beverly. I'm reading Homegoing now and haven't read any of the other POC books. I did read the Greenwell book, however, and didn't care for it and I have Emma Cline's book here to read. Hav..."

I did start the Greenwell book but put it aside as could not get into it and thought maybe I would pick it up again but after what you said probably will not.

I have The Girls to read (it was on my Labor Day read list) but a couple of book friends did not like it as much as all the buzz says.

I started The Castle Cross the Magnet Carter: A Novel was liking but was no in them mood for a BAB (800 p) so put it aside buy maybe it is time to bite the bullet and finish.

Here Comes the Sun - Read and recommend. It was a sold 4.5 read for me. I thought the author did a good job with the storyline and characterizations and put her own stamp on the Caribbean tale.

Homegoing - One of my top reads for 2016.

We Love You, Charlie Freeman - Another 4.5 read for me. It was a powerful and ambitious narrative that reflects the complexity of racism, communication, and religion and scientific experimentation.

How I Became a North Korean - I am on my library's hold list for this book.

message 5: by ColumbusReads (new)

ColumbusReads (coltrane01) | 4170 comments Mod
Oh, thanks so much Beverly and Louise I'm gonna pass on The Girls.

I've heard excellent things about Here Comes the Sun and also the Brit Bennett book The Mothers. Can't wait to read that one!

Breaking news!
My library just notified me The Underground Railroad is in. Really?! I just requested it. I guess an Oprah endorsement is not that influential in these neck of the woods.

message 6: by Carol (new)

Carol (carolfromnc) | 566 comments Beverly wrote: "Columbus wrote: "Thanks, Beverly. I'm reading Homegoing now and haven't read any of the other POC books. I did read the Greenwell book, however, and didn't care for it and I have Emma Cline's book ..."

I own and have no excuse for not having read We Love you, Charlie Freeman. Am on the waitlist for Homegoing. The Castle Cross the Magnet Carter looks fascinating, but, yes, I would find 800 pages overwhelming right now. Adding Here Comes the Sun and How I Became a North Korean to my TBR now.

Thanks so much for posting!

p.s. The Underground Railroad is sitting on the shelf at my library, e.g., no wait list. Oprah's endorsement likely has a negative impact in this area, which is a big shame.

message 7: by Beverly (new)

Beverly | 2905 comments Mod
Columbus wrote: "Oh, thanks so much Beverly and Louise I'm gonna pass on The Girls.

I've heard excellent things about Here Comes the Sun and also the Brit Bennett book The Mothers (and just love the cover).

I believe sometimes libraries can get extra copies of a book when it has a large hold list and then can return those extra copies when the holds get to a more "normal" level. I can see that happening with an Oprah bookclub pick which always increases library requests.

The one book that I would have liked to have made the shortlist is Behold the Dreamers by Imbolo Mbue. Another strong read for me.

message 8: by Nakia (last edited Sep 01, 2016 04:24PM) (new)

Nakia I picked up The Castle Cross the Magnet Carter earlier this year, but like Beverly, I wasn't in the mood for such a long book. Great writing though. I hadn't heard much buzz about it, so it's good to see it getting accolades.

We Love You, Charlie Freemen had great writing but the story line was a little too bizarre for me. Looking forward to Kaitlyn Greenidge's future projects, though, because she's very talented.

Homegoing is one of my Labor Day weekend reads. Scheduled to attend a book club discussion with Yaa Gyasi next weekend. Looking forward to delving in to this book asap.

And, I just got an alert that a copy of The Girls is ready for pick up at my library.

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