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message 1: by [deleted user] (last edited Mar 04, 2017 03:13AM) (new)


Little Shop of Horrors is a 1986 American rock musical horror comedy film directed by Frank Oz. It is a film adaptation of the off-Broadway musical comedy of the same name by composer Alan Menken and writer Howard Ashman about a nerdy florist shop worker who raises a vicious, raunchy plant that feeds on human blood. Menken and Ashman's Off-Broadway musical was based on the low-budget 1960 film 'The Little Shop of Horrors', directed by Roger Corman.
The 1986 film stars Rick Moranis, Ellen Greene, Vincent Gardenia, Steve Martin, and Levi Stubbs as the voice of Audrey II. The film also featured special appearances by James Belushi, John Candy, Christopher Guest, and Bill Murray. It was produced by David Geffen through The Geffen Company and released by Warner Bros. on December 19, 1986.

This year is the movie's 30th anniversary so to celebrate I came up with this challenge inspired by the memorable soundtrack.

Duration: 3 months from your start date


*To count a book towards a challenge you must read the majority of it after the start date of the challenge.
*Each book may only be used for one task
*For each book that you read please post a link to the book, the author and the date you finished it.
* Where more than one option is given for a task, please state which option your book relates to.
*Please explain briefly how your book fits a task.
*If the task relates to the cover of your book, please post the cover AND the book link.
*All genres and formats are fine.
*Re-reads are allowed.
*No page minimum.
*Please update your original post as you go but also post an occasional message to let us know how you're getting on, if you would like to.

*When you have finished please re-post your whole challenge as a new message or you will not be considered to have completed the challenge and we will not be able to award your Hall of Fame badge

Please see TLC Standard Challenge Rules for further details.

Track List

1. "Little Shop of Horrors" – Read a book with the word Little, Shop or Horror in the title OR with a main character who works in a shop.
2. "Skid Row (Downtown)" - Read a book set in a big city OR that has a character with money problems.
3. "Da-Doo" – Read a book that relates in some way to the lyrics of this song. Please explain briefly how it fits. (view spoiler)
4. "Grow for Me" - Read a book where somebody donates blood or is bitten by a vampire OR with a character who works as a gardener.
5. "Somewhere That's Green" – Read a book with a rural setting OR with a green cover.
6. "Some Fun Now" – Read a book that makes you laugh OR that has the letters F U N in the title (in any order).
7. "Dentist!" – Read a book where somebody works as or visits a dentist OR rides a motorcycle OR enjoys inflicting pain.
8. "Feed Me (Git It)" – Read a book where somebody cooks for other people OR where somebody tempts somebody else.
9. "Suddenly, Seymour" – Read a book with an alliterative title. (Title is at least two words and all words begin with the same letter.) Listopia for ideas OR where the m/c falls in love with someone they only considered as a friend.
10. "Suppertime" – Read a book with food on the cover OR where somebody's secret is discovered.
11. "The Meek Shall Inherit" – Read a book where someone gets an inheritance OR with a meek or timid character.
12. "Mean Green Mother from Outer Space" – Read a book involving aliens OR with a main character who is a mother.

message 2: by Sam (last edited Nov 30, 2016 01:25PM) (new)

Sam | 401 comments Little Shop of Horrors Challenge
Duration: 10/22/16-11/30/16

1. "Little Shop of Horrors" – Read a book with a main character who works in a shop.
Faefever- Karen Marie Moning- 10/27/16 (Mac works in a bookstore)
2. "Skid Row (Downtown)" - Read a book set in a big city
God Touched- John Conroe- 10/22/16 (New York City)
3. "Da-Doo" – Read a book that relates in some way to the lyrics of this song. Please explain briefly how it fits.
Eragon- Christopher Paolini- 11/8/16 (something came out of nowhere and person took it home- in the lyrics it was a plant, in the book it was a stone that turned out to be an egg)
4. "Grow for Me" - Read a book where somebody is bitten by a vampire
Vampire Academy- Richelle Mead- 10/26/16 (Lissa feeds off Rose to save Christian)
5. "Somewhere That's Green" – Read a book with a green cover.
The Second Book of Swords (Books of Swords, #2) by Fred Saberhagen The Second Book of Swords- Fred Saberhagen- 11/11/16
6. "Some Fun Now" – Read a book that makes you laugh
The Hammer of Thor- Rick Riordan- 11/30/16 (main genre Humor)
7. "Dentist!" – Read a book where somebody enjoys inflicting pain.
Tempting Evil- Keri Arthur- 10/24/16 (Deshon enjoys torturing people)
8. "Feed Me (Git It)" – Read a book where somebody cooks for other people
MindSighted: BlackWing Pirates, Book 1- Connie Suttle- 11/1/16 (Lissa cooks chicken fried steak for her sons and their guests)
9. "Suddenly, Seymour" – Read a book where the m/c falls in love with someone they only considered as a friend.
Personal Demon- Kelley Armstrong- 11/17/16 (Hope falls in love with Karl, who she considered a friend)
10. "Suppertime" – Read a book where somebody's secret is discovered.
Artemis Fowl- Eoin Colfer- 10/23/16 (Artemis obtains the secrets of the fairies)
11. "The Meek Shall Inherit" – Read a book where someone gets an inheritance
Deceiver's Bond- Katherine Bayless- 11/4/16 (Lire inherited Nick's estate after his death)
12. "Mean Green Mother from Outer Space" – Read a book with a main character who is a mother.
I'll Walk Alone- Mary Higgins Clark- 10/28/16 (Zan is Matthew's mom)

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome Sam!

message 4: by [deleted user] (last edited Dec 05, 2016 09:41AM) (new)

Little Shop of Horrors

Duration: 22/10/16 - 21/1/17
Progress: 12/12
Date Completed: 4/12/16

Track List

1. "Little Shop of Horrors"Read a book with the word Little, Shop or Horror in the title OR with a main character who works in a shop.
Little Girls Lost - Jack Kerley (30/10/16)
2. "Skid Row (Downtown)" - Read a book set in a big city OR that has a character with money problems.
Every Three Hours - Chris Mooney (25/10/16) - Boston
3. "Da-Doo" – Read a book that relates in some way to the lyrics of this song. Please explain briefly how it fits.
The Prisoner's Gold - Chris Kuzneski (6/11/16) - Main villain is an old Chinese man
4. "Grow for Me" - Read a book where somebody donates blood or is bitten by a vampire OR with a character who works as a gardener.
Thanks for the Memories - Cecelia Ahern (21/11/16) - Justin donates blood
5. "Somewhere That's Green" – Read a book with a rural setting OR with a green cover.
Nine Years Gone - Chris Culver (7/11/16) - Nine Years Gone by Chris Culver
6. "Some Fun Now" – Read a book that makes you laugh OR that has the letters F U N in the title (in any order).
The Affair of the 39 Cufflinks - James Anderson (4/11/16) - CUFFLINKS
7. "Dentist!" – Read a book where somebody works as or visits a dentist OR rides a motorcycle OR enjoys inflicting pain.
In The Blood - Jack Kerley (26/10/16) - 'Boots' Baker - "They got pain, he got pleasure..." (pg 335)
8. "Feed Me (Git It)" – Read a book where somebody cooks for other people OR where somebody tempts somebody else.
How (Not) to Kiss a Toad - Elizabeth A. Reeves (17/11/16) - Cindy works as a baker
9. "Suddenly, Seymour" – Read a book with an alliterative title. (Title is at least two words and all words begin with the same letter.) OR where the m/c falls in love with someone they only considered as a friend.
Liar Liar - M.J. Arlidge (12/11/16)
10. "Suppertime" – Read a book with food on the cover OR where somebody's secret is discovered.
Smashed Potatoes and Gravy - Ginny Gold (13/11/16) - Smashed Potatoes and Gravy (The Early Bird Café #5) by Ginny Gold
11. "The Meek Shall Inherit" – Read a book where someone gets an inheritance OR with a meek or timid character.
All the Blue-Eyed Angels - Jen Blood (23/10/16) - m/c Erin inherits an island
12. "Mean Green Mother from Outer Space" – Read a book involving aliens OR with a main character who is a mother.
The Christmas Party - Carole Matthews (4/12/16) - Louise is a single mother

message 5: by Barbara ★ (last edited Nov 24, 2016 10:45AM) (new)

Barbara ★ | 3106 comments Little Shop of Horrors Challenge
Duration: October 22, 2016 - January 21, 2017

READ: 12/12

✔1. "Little Shop of Horrors" – Read a book with the word Little, Shop or Horror in the title OR with a main character who works in a shop.
Sentenced to Death - Lorna Barrett (works in a book shop) 10/22

✔2. "Skid Row (Downtown)" - Read a book set in a big city OR that has a character with money problems.
Thirty-Two and a Half Complications - Denise Grover Swank 10/16
(m.c. owns a landscaping business that is in debt, needs money to save)

✔3. "Da-Doo" – Read a book that relates in some way to the lyrics of this song. Please explain briefly how it fits.
Shadow on the Sun - David Macinnis Gill 10/20
(line: like something from another world. book takes place on Mars)

✔4. "Grow for Me" - Read a book where somebody donates blood or is bitten by a vampire OR with a character who works as a gardener.
Tall, Dark & Dead - Tate Hallaway 10/18

✔5. "Somewhere That's Green" – Read a book with a rural setting OR with a green cover.
The Devil Wears Kilts - Suzanne Enoch 10/17
The Devil Wears Kilts (Scandalous Highlanders, #1) by Suzanne Enoch

✔6. "Some Fun Now" – Read a book that makes you laugh OR that has the letters F U N in the title (in any order).
Anyone But You - Jennifer Crusie 10/29

✔7. "Dentist!" – Read a book where somebody works as or visits a dentist OR rides a motorcycle OR enjoys inflicting pain.
Quicksand - Iris Johansen (villain is a serial killer who tortures his victims) 10/26

✔8. "Feed Me (Git It)" – Read a book where somebody cooks for other people OR where somebody tempts somebody else.
The Hunter - Theresa Meyers (heroine is a succubus who temps hero) 10/31

✔9. "Suddenly, Seymour" – Read a book with an alliterative title. (Title is at least two words and all words begin with the same letter.) OR where the m/c falls in love with someone they only considered as a friend.
Rainshadow Road - Lisa Kleypas 11/20

✔10. "Suppertime" – Read a book with food on the cover OR where somebody's secret is discovered.
The Twelfth Card - Jeffery Deaver 10/24
(140 year mystery involving a secret that m.c. needs to uncover)

✔11. "The Meek Shall Inherit" – Read a book where someone gets an inheritance OR with a meek or timid character.
The Lazarus Gate - Mark A. Latham 11/9
(m.c. gets inheritance from deceased father)

✔12. "Mean Green Mother from Outer Space" – Read a book involving aliens OR with a main character who is a mother.
Paper, Scissors, Death - Joanna Campbell Slan 10/30


message 6: by Joann (last edited Jan 18, 2017 11:47AM) (new)

Joann | 1366 comments Duration: 22/10/16 - 22/1/17
Progress: 12/ 12

Track List

1. "Little Shop of Horrors" – Read a book with the word Little, Shop or Horror in the title OR with a main character who works in a shop. The Travelling Tea Shop
2. "Skid Row (Downtown)" - Read a book set in a big city OR that has a character with money problems. The Pursuit
3. "Da-Doo" – Read a book that relates in some way to the lyrics of this song. Please explain briefly how it fits. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - “from another world”
4. "Grow for Me" - Read a book with a character who works as a gardener. The Lemoncholy Life of Annie Aster - Edmund is a gardener
5. "Somewhere That's Green" – Read a book with a rural setting Track of the Cat
6. "Some Fun Now" – Read a book that makes you laugh OR that has the letters F U N in the title (in any order). The Book of Letters I Didn't Know Where to Send
7. "Dentist!" – Read a book where somebody enjoys inflicting pain. Library of Souls
8. "Feed Me (Git It)" – Read a book where somebody cooks for other people OR where somebody tempts somebody else.Pies and Prejudice
9. "Suddenly, Seymour" – Read a book with an alliterative title. (Title is at least two words and all words begin with the same letter.) Charms and Chocolate Chips
10. "Suppertime" – Read a book where somebody's secret is discovered. The History of Love
11. "The Meek Shall Inherit" – Read a book where someone gets an inheritance OR with a meek or timid character. The Skull Beneath the Skin
12. "Mean Green Mother from Outer Space" – Read a book involving aliens OR with a main character who is a mother. The Guardian of Secrets and Her Deathly Pact

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome to the challenge Barbara and Joann!

message 8: by Marcella (last edited Nov 26, 2016 12:36PM) (new)

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome Marcella!

message 10: by Creative Caprice (new)

Creative Caprice | 103 comments Love this movie!
Little Shop of Horrors Challenge
Duration: Oct 23/16-Jan 22/17
Completed: 0/12

Track List

1. "Little Shop of Horrors" – Read a book with the word Little, Shop or Horror in the title OR with a main character who works in a shop.
2. "Skid Row (Downtown)" - Read a book set in a big city OR that has a character with money problems.
3. "Da-Doo" – Read a book that relates in some way to the lyrics of this song. Please explain briefly how it fits. (view spoiler)
4. "Grow for Me" - Read a book where somebody donates blood or is bitten by a vampire OR with a character who works as a gardener.
5. "Somewhere That's Green" – Read a book with a rural setting OR with a green cover.
6. "Some Fun Now" – Read a book that makes you laugh OR that has the letters F U N in the title (in any order).
7. "Dentist!" – Read a book where somebody works as or visits a dentist OR rides a motorcycle OR enjoys inflicting pain.
8. "Feed Me (Git It)" – Read a book where somebody cooks for other people OR where somebody tempts somebody else.
9. "Suddenly, Seymour" – Read a book with an alliterative title. (Title is at least two words and all words begin with the same letter.) Listopia for ideas OR where the m/c falls in love with someone they only considered as a friend.
10. "Suppertime" – Read a book with food on the cover OR where somebody's secret is discovered.
11. "The Meek Shall Inherit" – Read a book where someone gets an inheritance OR with a meek or timid character.
12. "Mean Green Mother from Outer Space" – Read a book involving aliens OR with a main character who is a mother.

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)

Creative Caprice wrote: "Love this movie!..."

Me too! Welcome to the challenge :)

message 12: by Sallie(GeorgiaGirl) (last edited Jan 20, 2017 04:24PM) (new)

Sallie(GeorgiaGirl) (shuga) | 196 comments 1. "Little Shop of Horrors" – Read a book with the word Little, Shop or Horror in the title OR with a main character who works in a shop.

2. "Skid Row (Downtown)" - Read a book set in a big city OR that has a character with money problems.

3. "Da-Doo" – Read a book that relates in some way to the lyrics of this song. Please explain briefly how it fits. (view spoiler)

4. "Grow for Me" - Read a book where somebody donates blood or is bitten by a vampire OR with a character who works as a gardener. Hungry for You, lynsay sands...finished~12.19.2016

5. "Somewhere That's Green" – Read a book with a rural setting OR with a green cover.

6. "Some Fun Now" – Read a book that makes you laugh OR that has the letters F U N in the title (in any order).
Turbo Twenty-Three, janet evanovich...01.10.2017

7. "Dentist!" – Read a book where somebody works as or visits a dentist OR rides a motorcycle OR enjoys inflicting pain. Christmas Caramel Murder, joanne fluke...finished~11.12.2016 (Norman is a Dentist)

8. "Feed Me (Git It)" – Read a book where somebody cooks for other people OR where somebody tempts somebody else. The Diva Paints the Town, krista davis...finished~10.23.2016

9. "Suddenly, Seymour" – Read a book with an alliterative title. (Title is at least two words and all words begin with the same letter.) Listopia for ideas OR where the m/c falls in love with someone they only considered as a friend. Wickedly Wonderful, deborah blake...01.20.2017

10. "Suppertime" – Read a book with food on the cover OR where somebody's secret is discovered. Wicked Craving, g.a. mckevett...finished~12.09.2016

11. "The Meek Shall Inherit" – Read a book where someone gets an inheritance OR with a meek or timid character. O Pioneers!, willa cather...finished~11.03.2016

12. "Mean Green Mother from Outer Space" – Read a book involving aliens OR with a main character who is a mother.

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome to the challenge Sallie :)

message 14: by ☘KathyD☘ (new)

☘KathyD☘ love this musical!

message 15: by [deleted user] (new)

☘KathyD☘ wrote: "love this musical!"

It's one of my all time favourite films! Can't believe it's 30 years old!

message 16: by Katherine (last edited Nov 12, 2016 03:20AM) (new)

Katherine | 220 comments ★✩★✩★✩★ Little Shop of Horrors Challenge ★✩★✩★✩★ 1st Nov - 2nd Jan 2017.
Read: 8/8

1. "Little Shop of Horrors" – Read a book with the word Little, Shop or Horror in the title. Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life 12/11/16
2. "Skid Row (Downtown)" - Read a book that has a character with money problems. The Hobbit 12/11/16
4. "Grow for Me": Seasons of the Moon Series, Books 1-4 3/11/16
5. "Somewhere That's Green" – Read a book with a green cover. Hit-Girl 3/11/16
6. "Some Fun Now" – Read a book that makes you laugh. When a Beta Roars 5/11/16
7. "Dentist!" – Read a book where somebody enjoys inflicting pain. The Grimm Prequels Book 5: 4/11/16
8. "Feed Me (Git It)" – Read a book where somebody tempts somebody else. Mermen 3/11/16
10. "Suppertime" – Read a book where somebody's secret is discovered. Croc's Return 4/11/16

Seasons of the Moon Series, Books 1-4 (Seasons of the Moon #1-4) by S.M. Reine Hit-Girl, la precuela de Kick-Ass 2 by Mark Millar Mermen (The Mermen Trilogy, #1) by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff The Grimm Prequels Book 5 (Prequels 19-24) by Cameron Jace When a Beta Roars (A Lion's Pride, #2) by Eve Langlais Croc's Return (Bitten Point, #1) by Eve Langlais The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life (Scott Pilgrim, #1) by Bryan Lee O'Malley

message 17: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome Katherine!

message 18: by Erin (last edited Dec 12, 2016 04:31PM) (new)

Erin | 467 comments Little Shop of Horrors Challenge
Duration: 11/1/16-2/1/17

12/12 completed, completed 12/12/16

Track List

1. "Little Shop of Horrors" – Read a book with the word Little, Shop or Horror in the title OR with a main character who works in a shop. Murmuration by T.J. Klune, read 11/15/16
2. "Skid Row (Downtown)" - Read a book set in a big city OR that has a character with money problems. ZA: And the Dead Shall Rise by I.D. Locke, read 11/21/16
3. "Da-Doo" – Read a book that relates in some way to the lyrics of this song. Please explain briefly how it fits. (view spoiler)The Midnight Gardener by R.G. Thomas, has beautiful gardens tended by a unusual stranger at night (he is a garden gnome). Read 11/4/16
4. "Grow for Me" - Read a book where somebody donates blood or is bitten by a vampire OR with a character who works as a gardener. Cronin's Key by N.R. Walker, read 12/12/16
5. "Somewhere That's Green" – Read a book with a rural setting OR with a green cover. Blood of the Earth by Faith Hunter, read 11/8/16
6. "Some Fun Now" – Read a book that makes you laugh OR that has the letters F U N in the title (in any order). Like Fire Through Bone by EE Ottoman, read 11/21/16
7. "Dentist!" – Read a book where somebody works as or visits a dentist OR rides a motorcycle OR enjoys inflicting pain. Peanut Butter and Jelly For Two by Jackie Nacht, read 11/1/16
8. "Feed Me (Git It)" – Read a book where somebody cooks for other people OR where somebody tempts somebody else. Wyatt’s Recipes for Wooing Rock Stars by Clancy Nacht, read 11/29/16
9. "Suddenly, Seymour" – Read a book with an alliterative title. (Title is at least two words and all words begin with the same letter.) Listopia for ideas OR where the m/c falls in love with someone they only considered as a friend. Dog Days by T.A. Moore, read 11/4/16
10. "Suppertime" – Read a book with food on the cover OR where somebody's secret is discovered. Magnified by Mell Eight, read 11/5/16
11. "The Meek Shall Inherit" – Read a book where someone gets an inheritance OR with a meek or timid character. Dinner at Jack's by Rick R. Reed, read 11/21/16
12. "Mean Green Mother from Outer Space" – Read a book involving aliens OR with a main character who is a mother. The Dragon's Pretend Mate by Marcy Jacks, read 11/11/16

Murmuration by T.J. Klune ZA And the Dead Shall Rise by I.D. Locke The Midnight Gardener (The Town of Superstition, #1) by R.G. Thomas Cronin's Key (Cronin's Key, #1) by N.R. Walker Blood of the Earth (Soulwood, #1) by Faith Hunter Like Fire Through Bone by EE Ottoman Peanut Butter and Jelly For Two (Paranormal Dentistry for the Fanged and Friendly, #1) by Jackie Nacht Wyatt’s Recipes for Wooing Rock Stars by Clancy Nacht Dog Days by T.A. Moore Magnified by Mell Eight Dinner at Jack's by Rick R. Reed The Dragon's Pretend Mate (Dragon Smugglers in Space, #4) by Marcy Jacks

message 19: by Kristy (last edited Nov 01, 2016 05:08PM) (new)

Kristy Little Shop of Horrors Challenge
Duration: 11/1/16-2/1/17

1. "Little Shop of Horrors" – Read a book with the word Little, Shop or Horror in the title OR with a main character who works in a shop.
2. "Skid Row (Downtown)" - Read a book set in a big city OR that has a character with money problems.
3. "Da-Doo" – Read a book that relates in some way to the lyrics of this song. Please explain briefly how it fits. (view spoiler)
4. "Grow for Me" - Read a book where somebody donates blood or is bitten by a vampire OR with a character who works as a gardener.
5. "Somewhere That's Green" – Read a book with a rural setting OR with a green cover.
6. "Some Fun Now" – Read a book that makes you laugh OR that has the letters F U N in the title (in any order).
7. "Dentist!" – Read a book where somebody works as or visits a dentist OR rides a motorcycle OR enjoys inflicting pain.
8. "Feed Me (Git It)" – Read a book where somebody cooks for other people OR where somebody tempts somebody else.
9. "Suddenly, Seymour" – Read a book with an alliterative title. (Title is at least two words and all words begin with the same letter.) Listopia for ideas OR where the m/c falls in love with someone they only considered as a friend.
10. "Suppertime" – Read a book with food on the cover OR where somebody's secret is discovered.
11. "The Meek Shall Inherit" – Read a book where someone gets an inheritance OR with a meek or timid character.
12. "Mean Green Mother from Outer Space" – Read a book involving aliens OR with a main character who is a mother.

message 20: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome to the challenge Erin and Kristy :)

message 21: by Sunshine✰✰✰ (last edited Jan 31, 2017 01:23PM) (new)

Sunshine✰✰✰ | 472 comments Little Shop of Horrors Challenge
Duration: 11/1/16-1/31/17
Progress: 10/12

1. "Little Shop of Horrors" – Read a book with the word Little, Shop or Horror in the title OR with a main character who works in a shop.

2. "Skid Row (Downtown)" - Read a book set in a big city - Chicago Summer Knight by Jim Butcher 11/11/16

3. "Da-Doo" – Read a book that relates in some way to the lyrics of this song. Please explain briefly how it fits.

4. "Grow for Me" - Read a book where somebody is bitten by a vampire Shadow Kiss by Richelle Mead 12/22/16

5. "Somewhere That's Green" – Read a book with a green cover. The Maze Runner (Maze Runner, #1) by James Dashner by James Dashner 11/9/16

6. "Some Fun Now" – Read a book that has the letters F U N in the title Flip That Haunted House by Rose Pressey 12/9/16

7. "Dentist!" – Read a book where somebody enjoys inflicting pain. My Hawaiian Vacation by Abby Fox 12/7/16

8. "Feed Me (Git It)" – Read a book where somebody tempts somebody else. Riding Red by Alexa Riley 11/10/16

9. "Suddenly, Seymour" – Read a book with an alliterative title. World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks 12/4/16

10. "Suppertime" – Read a book with food on the cover Lost and Fondue (A Cheese Shop Mystery, #2) by Avery Aames by Avery Aames 1/14/17

11. "The Meek Shall Inherit" – Read a book where someone gets an inheritance.
The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien 1/31/17

12. "Mean Green Mother from Outer Space" – Read a book with a main character who is a mother. On What Grounds by Cleo Coyle 11/21/16

message 22: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome to the challenge Sunshine :)

message 23: by Kelsi (last edited Feb 07, 2017 03:47PM) (new)

Kelsi | 85 comments Little Shop of Horrors Challenge
Duration: 11/1/16-1/31/17
Completed: 12/12

1. "Little Shop of Horrors" – Read a book with the word Little, Shop or Horror in the title OR with a main character who works in a shop.
Blueburied Muffins (1/28/17)
2. "Skid Row (Downtown)" - Read a book set in a big city OR that has a character with money problems.
Magic Strikes (11/2/16)
3. "Da-Doo" – Read a book that relates in some way to the lyrics of this song. Please explain briefly how it fits.
"and without warning, there was this total eclipse of the sun.
It got very dark and there was this strange
sound, like something from another world."
The Road by Cormac McCarthy Black cover (11/4/16)
4. "Grow for Me" - Read a book where somebody donates blood or is bitten by a vampire OR with a character who works as a gardener.
Marked (1/29/17)
5. "Somewhere That's Green" – Read a book with a rural setting OR with a green cover.
Nearly Departed in Deadwood (11/14/16)
6. "Some Fun Now" – Read a book that makes you laugh OR that has the letters F U N in the title (in any order).
Neil Patrick Harris: Choose Your Own Autobiography (11/5/16)
7. "Dentist!" – Read a book where somebody works as or visits a dentist OR rides a motorcycle OR enjoys inflicting pain.
One Foot in the Grave (2/3/17)
8. "Feed Me (Git It)" – Read a book where somebody cooks for other people OR where somebody tempts somebody else.
The Bronze Horseman (11/12/16)
9. "Suddenly, Seymour" – Read a book with an alliterative title. (Title is at least two words and all words begin with the same letter.) Listopia for ideas OR where the m/c falls in love with someone they only considered as a friend.
The Bad Beginning (12/12/16)
10. "Suppertime" – Read a book with food on the cover OR where somebody's secret is discovered.
I Know This Much Is True (11/20/16)
11. "The Meek Shall Inherit" – Read a book where someone gets an inheritance OR with a meek or timid character.
The Skystone (11/23/16)
12. "Mean Green Mother from Outer Space" – Read a book involving aliens OR with a main character who is a mother.
The Poisonwood Bible (1/8/17)

message 24: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome Kelsi :)

message 25: by Barbara ★ (new)

Barbara ★ | 3106 comments All done.

READ: 12/12

✔1. "Little Shop of Horrors" – Read a book with the word Little, Shop or Horror in the title OR with a main character who works in a shop.
Sentenced to Death - Lorna Barrett (works in a book shop) 10/22

✔2. "Skid Row (Downtown)" - Read a book set in a big city OR that has a character with money problems.
Thirty-Two and a Half Complications - Denise Grover Swank 10/16
(m.c. owns a landscaping business that is in debt, needs money to save)

✔3. "Da-Doo" – Read a book that relates in some way to the lyrics of this song. Please explain briefly how it fits.
Shadow on the Sun - David Macinnis Gill 10/20
(line: like something from another world. book takes place on Mars)

✔4. "Grow for Me" - Read a book where somebody donates blood or is bitten by a vampire OR with a character who works as a gardener.
Tall, Dark & Dead - Tate Hallaway 10/18

✔5. "Somewhere That's Green" – Read a book with a rural setting OR with a green cover.
The Devil Wears Kilts - Suzanne Enoch 10/17
The Devil Wears Kilts (Scandalous Highlanders, #1) by Suzanne Enoch

✔6. "Some Fun Now" – Read a book that makes you laugh OR that has the letters F U N in the title (in any order).
Anyone But You - Jennifer Crusie 10/29

✔7. "Dentist!" – Read a book where somebody works as or visits a dentist OR rides a motorcycle OR enjoys inflicting pain.
Quicksand - Iris Johansen (villain is a serial killer who tortures his victims) 10/26

✔8. "Feed Me (Git It)" – Read a book where somebody cooks for other people OR where somebody tempts somebody else.
The Hunter - Theresa Meyers (heroine is a succubus who temps hero) 10/31

✔9. "Suddenly, Seymour" – Read a book with an alliterative title. (Title is at least two words and all words begin with the same letter.) OR where the m/c falls in love with someone they only considered as a friend.
Rainshadow Road - Lisa Kleypas 11/20

✔10. "Suppertime" – Read a book with food on the cover OR where somebody's secret is discovered.
The Twelfth Card - Jeffery Deaver 10/24
(140 year mystery involving a secret that m.c. needs to uncover)

✔11. "The Meek Shall Inherit" – Read a book where someone gets an inheritance OR with a meek or timid character.
The Lazarus Gate - Mark A. Latham 11/9
(m.c. gets inheritance from deceased father)

✔12. "Mean Green Mother from Outer Space" – Read a book involving aliens OR with a main character who is a mother.
Paper, Scissors, Death - Joanna Campbell Slan 10/30


message 26: by Hazel (last edited Jan 26, 2017 12:36PM) (new)

Hazel (gator2u) Start Date: 11/25/16-2/25/17
Finished 1/26/17

Track List

✔ 1. "Little Shop of Horrors" – Read a book with the word Little, Shop or Horror in the title OR with a main character who works in a shop. Fly Me to the Moon by Mindy Klasky **main character Lexi works in a shop called The Christmas Cat** 12/24/16
✔ 2. "Skid Row (Downtown)" - Read a book set in a big city OR that has a character with money problems.The Museum of Extraordinary Things by Alice Hoffman **set in New York City** 11/27/16
✔ 3. "Da-Doo" – Read a book that relates in some way to the lyrics of this song. Please explain briefly how it fits. Stormlord's Exile by Glenda Larke **the stormlords created a huge foggy mist to block out the sun so they could advance on the other army** 12/22/16
✔ 4. "Grow for Me" - Read a book where somebody donates blood or is bitten by a vampire OR with a character who works as a gardener. Let the Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist ** this book is about vampires, lots of drinking of blood** 1/14
✔ 5. "Somewhere That's Green" – Read a book with a rural setting OR with a green cover. Finding Home by Lois Greiman **green cover and a rural setting on a farm in South Dakota ** 12/28/16
✔ 6. "Some Fun Now" – Read a book that makes you laugh OR that has the letters F U N in the title (in any order). Divorced, Desperate And Dating by Christie Craig **very humorous book** 12/12/16
✔ 7. "Dentist!" – Read a book where somebody works as or visits a dentist OR rides a motorcycle OR enjoys inflicting pain. Turn Coat by Jim Butcher **lots of demons and vampires who loves inflicting pain** 12/14/16
✔ 8. "Feed Me (Git It)" – Read a book where somebody cooks for other people OR where somebody tempts somebody else. The Cake Therapist by Judith Fertig **Neely makes wedding cakes, infused with flavors suited to the wedding couple** 1/26/17
✔ 9. "Suddenly, Seymour" – Read a book with an alliterative title. (Title is at least two words and all words begin with the same letter.) Listopia for ideas OR where the m/c falls in love with someone they only considered as a friend. Divorced, Desperate and Delicious **alliterative title** 11/29/16
✔ 10. "Suppertime" – Read a book with food on the cover OR where somebody's secret is discovered. December's Wine by Linda Shaw **Padgett found out he fathered a child ten years ago** 12/8/16
✔ 11. "The Meek Shall Inherit" – Read a book where someone gets an inheritance OR with a meek or timid character. Desperate Measures by Elle Casey **Aimee is very timid due to an abusive husband** 12/7/16
✔ 12. "Mean Green Mother from Outer Space" – Read a book involving aliens OR with a main character who is a mother. Remember Me by Mary Higgins Clark ** mother who is having PTSD after the death of her son, and husband is afraid to leave her alone with thier new daughter** 12/30/16

message 27: by [deleted user] (new)

Congratulations Barbara!

Welcome to the challenge Mary :)

message 28: by Marcella (new)

Marcella (sassymarcii) | 52 comments Completed!

message 29: by Elaine (last edited Jan 06, 2017 04:21AM) (new)

Elaine Howlin (elainehowlinbooks) Little Shop of Horrors
Duration: 3 months from your start date - Feb 28 2017

Track List
1. "Little Shop of Horrors" – Read a book with a main character who works in a shop. Real Vampires Have Curves 11/12/16
2. "Skid Row (Downtown)" - Read a book set in a big city. The Lesser Dead (New York) 2/12/16
3. "Da-Doo" – Read a book that relates in some way to the lyrics of this song. Please explain briefly how it fits. Claimed By Shadow 6/1/17 It got very dark and there was this strange sound Cassie attacked in the dark
4. "Grow for Me" - Read a book where somebody is bitten by a vampire. Dark Needs at Night's Edge 7/12/16
5. "Somewhere That's Green" – Read a book with a rural setting. Burning Wild 23/12/16
6. "Some Fun Now" – Read a book that makes you laugh. White Night 28/12/16 Harry makes me laugh
7. "Dentist!" – Read a book where somebody rides a motorcycle. Blood Rites 5/12/6
8. "Feed Me (Git It)" – Read a book where somebody tempts somebody else. Dead Beat 16/12/16
9. "Suddenly, Seymour" – Read a book with an alliterative title. The Blushing Bounder 22/12/16
10. "Suppertime" – Read a book where somebody's secret is discovered. Wicked Intentions 20/12/16
11. "The Meek Shall Inherit" – Read a book where someone gets an inheritance OR with a meek or timid character. Rebecca 30/12/16 Caroline is timid
12. "Mean Green Mother from Outer Space" – Read a book with a main character who is a mother. Proven Guilty 21/12/16

The Lesser Dead by Christopher Buehlman Blood Rites (The Dresden Files, #6) by Jim Butcher Dark Needs at Night's Edge (Immortals After Dark #5) by Kresley Cole Real Vampires Have Curves (Glory St. Clair, #1) by Gerry Bartlett Dead Beat (The Dresden Files, #7) by Jim Butcher Wicked Intentions (Maiden Lane, #1) by Elizabeth Hoyt Proven Guilty (The Dresden Files, #8) by Jim Butcher The Blushing Bounder (Iron Seas, #0.4) by Meljean Brook Burning Wild (Leopard People, #3) by Christine Feehan White Night (The Dresden Files, #9) by Jim Butcher Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier Claimed By Shadow (Cassie Palmer, #2) by Karen Chance

Completed 6/1/17

message 30: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome to the challenge Elaine :)

message 31: by Sam (new)

Sam | 401 comments Finished!!

Little Shop of Horrors Challenge
Duration: 10/22/16-11/30/16

1. "Little Shop of Horrors" – Read a book with a main character who works in a shop.
Faefever- Karen Marie Moning- 10/27/16 (Mac works in a bookstore)
2. "Skid Row (Downtown)" - Read a book set in a big city
God Touched- John Conroe- 10/22/16 (New York City)
3. "Da-Doo" – Read a book that relates in some way to the lyrics of this song. Please explain briefly how it fits.
Eragon- Christopher Paolini- 11/8/16 (something came out of nowhere and person took it home- in the lyrics it was a plant, in the book it was a stone that turned out to be an egg)
4. "Grow for Me" - Read a book where somebody is bitten by a vampire
Vampire Academy- Richelle Mead- 10/26/16 (Lissa feeds off Rose to save Christian)
5. "Somewhere That's Green" – Read a book with a green cover.
The Second Book of Swords (Books of Swords, #2) by Fred Saberhagen The Second Book of Swords- Fred Saberhagen- 11/11/16
6. "Some Fun Now" – Read a book that makes you laugh
The Hammer of Thor- Rick Riordan- 11/30/16 (main genre Humor)
7. "Dentist!" – Read a book where somebody enjoys inflicting pain.
Tempting Evil- Keri Arthur- 10/24/16 (Deshon enjoys torturing people)
8. "Feed Me (Git It)" – Read a book where somebody cooks for other people
MindSighted: BlackWing Pirates, Book 1- Connie Suttle- 11/1/16 (Lissa cooks chicken fried steak for her sons and their guests)
9. "Suddenly, Seymour" – Read a book where the m/c falls in love with someone they only considered as a friend.
Personal Demon- Kelley Armstrong- 11/17/16 (Hope falls in love with Karl, who she considered a friend)
10. "Suppertime" – Read a book where somebody's secret is discovered.
Artemis Fowl- Eoin Colfer- 10/23/16 (Artemis obtains the secrets of the fairies)
11. "The Meek Shall Inherit" – Read a book where someone gets an inheritance
Deceiver's Bond- Katherine Bayless- 11/4/16 (Lire inherited Nick's estate after his death)
12. "Mean Green Mother from Outer Space" – Read a book with a main character who is a mother.
I'll Walk Alone- Mary Higgins Clark- 10/28/16 (Zan is Matthew's mom)

message 32: by [deleted user] (new)

Congratulations Sam :)

message 33: by AndaM (new)

AndaM | 62 comments Quarterly Challenges > *NEW* Little Shop of Horrors Challenge

12/01/16 - 02/28/17

1. "Little Shop of Horrors" – Read a book with the word Little, Shop or Horror in the title OR with a main character who works in a shop.
2. "Skid Row (Downtown)" - Read a book set in a big city OR that has a character with money problems.
3. "Da-Doo" – Read a book that relates in some way to the lyrics of this song. Please explain briefly how it fits. (view spoiler)
4. "Grow for Me" - Read a book where somebody donates blood or is bitten by a vampire OR with a character who works as a gardener.
5. "Somewhere That's Green" – Read a book with a rural setting OR with a green cover.
6. "Some Fun Now" – Read a book that makes you laugh OR that has the letters F U N in the title (in any order).
7. "Dentist!" – Read a book where somebody works as or visits a dentist OR rides a motorcycle OR enjoys inflicting pain.
8. "Feed Me (Git It)" – Read a book where somebody cooks for other people OR where somebody tempts somebody else.
9. "Suddenly, Seymour" – Read a book with an alliterative title. (Title is at least two words and all words begin with the same letter.) Listopia for ideas OR where the m/c falls in love with someone they only considered as a friend.
10. "Suppertime" – Read a book with food on the cover OR where somebody's secret is discovered.
11. "The Meek Shall Inherit" – Read a book where someone gets an inheritance OR with a meek or timid character.
12. "Mean Green Mother from Outer Space" – Read a book involving aliens OR with a main character who is a mother.

message 34: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome AndaM :)

message 35: by [deleted user] (new)

Finished on msg #4 :)

message 36: by ☘KathyD☘ (new)

☘KathyD☘ Little Shop of Horrors
November 1, 2016 – January 31, 2017

Completed — 12!

“Little Shop of Horrors” ➔ main character works in a (tattoo) shop
Good Girl Gone, Tammy Falkner – 12/5/16 – ✮✮✮✮✮

“Skid Row (Downtown)” ➔ set in a big city (New Orleans)
Sins of the Night, Sherrilyn Kenyon – 11/2/16 – ✮✮✮✮✮

“Da-Doo” ➔ relates in some way to the lyrics of this song (characters experience some weirdness while attending a wedding celebration, including lights going on and off)
Ball & Chain, Abigail Roux – 11/10/16 – ✮✮✮✮✮

“Grow for Me” ➔ character is bitten by a vampire
Demon from the Dark, Kresley Cole – 11/22/16 – ✮✮✮✮✮

“Somewhere That’s Green” ➔ rural setting
Determined to Obey, C.J. Roberts – 11/13/16 – ✮✮✮✰✰

“Some Fun Now” ➔ story makes you laugh
The Home Court Advantage, N.M. Silber – 11/14/16 – ✮✮✮✮✰

“Dentist!” ➔ character enjoys inflicting pain
El Diablo, M. Robinson – 11/9/16 – ✮✮✮✮✮

“Feed Me (Git It)” ➔ character cooks for other people
Flirting with Fire, Kate Meader – 11/17/16 – ✮✮✮✮✰

“Suddenly, Seymour” ➔ features an alliterative title
Rogue Rider, Larissa Ione – 12/7/16 – ✮✮✮✮✮

“Suppertime” ➔ main character’s secret is discovered
Touch & Geaux, Abigail Roux – 11/3/16 – ✮✮✮✮✮

“The Meek Shall Inherit” ➔ features a timid character
A Dom is Forever, Lexi Blake – 11/6/16 – ✮✮✮✮✰

“Mean Green Mother from Outer Space” ➔ main character who is a mother
Lethal Rider, Larissa Ione – 11/8/16 – ✮✮✮✮✮

Good Girl Gone (The Reed Brothers, #7) by Tammy Falkner Sins of the Night (Dark-Hunter #7) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Ball & Chain (Cut & Run, #8) by Abigail Roux Demon from the Dark (Immortals After Dark #10) by Kresley Cole Determined to Obey (The Dark Duet, #3.5) by C.J. Roberts The Home Court Advantage (Lawyers in Love, #2) by N.M. Silber
El Diablo (The Devil, #1) by M. Robinson Flirting with Fire (Hot in Chicago, #1) by Kate Meader Rogue Rider (Lords of Deliverance #4; Demonica #9) by Larissa Ione Touch & Geaux (Cut & Run, #7) by Abigail Roux A Dom is Forever (Masters and Mercenaries, #3) by Lexi Blake Lethal Rider (Lords of Deliverance, #3; Demonica, #8) by Larissa Ione

message 37: by [deleted user] (new)

Congratulations Kathy :)

message 38: by Erin (new)

Erin | 467 comments Little Shop of Horrors Challenge
Duration: 11/1/16-2/1/17

12/12 completed, completed 12/12/16

Track List

1. "Little Shop of Horrors" – Read a book with the word Little, Shop or Horror in the title OR with a main character who works in a shop. Murmuration by T.J. Klune, read 11/15/16
2. "Skid Row (Downtown)" - Read a book set in a big city OR that has a character with money problems. ZA: And the Dead Shall Rise by I.D. Locke, read 11/21/16
3. "Da-Doo" – Read a book that relates in some way to the lyrics of this song. Please explain briefly how it fits. (view spoiler)The Midnight Gardener by R.G. Thomas, has beautiful gardens tended by a unusual stranger at night (he is a garden gnome). Read 11/4/16
4. "Grow for Me" - Read a book where somebody donates blood or is bitten by a vampire OR with a character who works as a gardener. Cronin's Key by N.R. Walker, read 12/12/16
5. "Somewhere That's Green" – Read a book with a rural setting OR with a green cover. Blood of the Earth by Faith Hunter, read 11/8/16
6. "Some Fun Now" – Read a book that makes you laugh OR that has the letters F U N in the title (in any order). Like Fire Through Bone by EE Ottoman, read 11/21/16
7. "Dentist!" – Read a book where somebody works as or visits a dentist OR rides a motorcycle OR enjoys inflicting pain. Peanut Butter and Jelly For Two by Jackie Nacht, read 11/1/16
8. "Feed Me (Git It)" – Read a book where somebody cooks for other people OR where somebody tempts somebody else. Wyatt’s Recipes for Wooing Rock Stars by Clancy Nacht, read 11/29/16
9. "Suddenly, Seymour" – Read a book with an alliterative title. (Title is at least two words and all words begin with the same letter.) Listopia for ideas OR where the m/c falls in love with someone they only considered as a friend. Dog Days by T.A. Moore, read 11/4/16
10. "Suppertime" – Read a book with food on the cover OR where somebody's secret is discovered. Magnified by Mell Eight, read 11/5/16
11. "The Meek Shall Inherit" – Read a book where someone gets an inheritance OR with a meek or timid character. Dinner at Jack's by Rick R. Reed, read 11/21/16
12. "Mean Green Mother from Outer Space" – Read a book involving aliens OR with a main character who is a mother. The Dragon's Pretend Mate by Marcy Jacks, read 11/11/16

Murmuration by T.J. Klune ZA And the Dead Shall Rise by I.D. Locke The Midnight Gardener (The Town of Superstition, #1) by R.G. Thomas Cronin's Key (Cronin's Key, #1) by N.R. Walker Blood of the Earth (Soulwood, #1) by Faith Hunter Like Fire Through Bone by EE Ottoman Peanut Butter and Jelly For Two (Paranormal Dentistry for the Fanged and Friendly, #1) by Jackie Nacht Wyatt’s Recipes for Wooing Rock Stars by Clancy Nacht Dog Days by T.A. Moore Magnified by Mell Eight Dinner at Jack's by Rick R. Reed The Dragon's Pretend Mate (Dragon Smugglers in Space, #4) by Marcy Jacks

message 39: by [deleted user] (new)

Congratulations Erin!

message 40: by Elaine (new)

Elaine Howlin (elainehowlinbooks) Would The Blushing Bounder be ok for #9. "Suddenly, Seymour" – Read a book with an alliterative title. (Title is at least two words and all words begin with the same letter.)?

message 41: by [deleted user] (new)

I really meant for all words to begin with the same letter like The Two Towers or Aiding and Abetting but I think other people have used titles that began with 'the' or 'a' and I've allowed it so yes, that will be fine :)

And now I really am away - Merry Christmas!!

message 42: by Elaine (new)

Elaine Howlin (elainehowlinbooks) Thank Caroline. Happy Christmas!

message 43: by [deleted user] (new)

No problem Elaine. Hope you had a good Christmas :)

message 44: by Elaine (new)

Elaine Howlin (elainehowlinbooks) Completed my post

message 45: by [deleted user] (new)

Congratulations Elaine!

message 46: by Emeli (last edited Mar 07, 2017 01:12PM) (new)

Emeli Webb | 326 comments I love musicals so will try this
1. "Little Shop of Horrors" – OR with a main character who works in a shop.
Valentine's Rose
Mc rose works in a flowershop just like seymour
Finished 12/2
2. "Skid Row (Downtown)" - Read a book set in a big city Spoiled Rotten Young, Hot, and Talented 3 set in New Orleans
Finished 26/1
3. "Da-Doo" – Read a book that relates in some way to the lyrics of this song. Please explain briefly how it fits. (view spoiler) The Last Concubine the book is set in ancient china finished 4/2
4. "Grow for Me" - Read a book where somebody is bitten by a vampire A Bevin Hero bevin is bitten by rian and ronan his two vampire mates finished 7/3
5. "Somewhere That's Green" – Read a book with a with a green cover. Just That Easy by Madeline Kirby finished 5/3
6. "Some Fun Now" – Read a book that makes you laugh Yes, Professor finished 16/2

7. "Dentist!" – OR rides a motorcycle
Riding Her Rough finished 10/2
Mc torque is a biker
8. "Feed Me (Git It)" – OR where somebody tempts somebody else.
You Tempt Me finished 19/1
Young virgin is tempting her older billionaire lover
9. "Suddenly, Seymour" – OR where the m/c falls in love with someone they only considered as a friend.
Berzerker mcs brian and landon start as friends and end up as lovers finished 3/3
10. "Suppertime" – OR where somebody's secret is discovered.
Between the Lies spencer uncovers grahams secret identity as a dragqueen finished 17/1
11. "The Meek Shall Inherit" OR with a meek or timid character.
Under The Stars finished 22/1
Mc jackson is mild and timid
12. "Mean Green Mother from Outer Space" OR with a main character who is a mother
Brett's Little Headaches
Mc laurie is a single mom
Finished 29/1

message 47: by [deleted user] (new)

Welcome Emelie :)

message 49: by [deleted user] (new)

Congratulations Joann :)

message 50: by Hazel (new)

Hazel (gator2u) Completed 1/26/17

Message #26

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