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Challenges: Monthly > June 2014 - Clue! YLTO Style

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message 1: by Janice, Moderator (last edited Jun 02, 2014 05:55PM) (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 57141 comments Who did it? Was it Professor Plum in the library with a candlestick? Or was it Miss Scarlet in the kitchen with a knife? The possibilities are endless.

This month's challenge is going to be an exploration of the mystery genre, and your task shall be to read a mystery book with one of the characters, locations, or murder implement from the game, Clue, in the title or the author's name.

Note: In order for a book to qualify for the challenge, it must be based on the author's name "on the cover" and not on a pseudonym.

Only the bolded words listed below will be accepted:

Who did it?
Miss Scarlet, (will accept Scarlett), Professor Plum, Mr Green, Mrs White, Mrs Peacock, Colonel Mustard

Where did it happen?
Kitchen, Ballroom, Conservatory, Billard Room, Library, Study, Hall, Lounge, Dining Room, Cellar

What was the murder implement?
Rope, Lead Pipe, Knife, Wrench, Candlestick, Revolver

Bonus points will be given if words from 2 or 3 categories appear in the title or author's name... IF you can find them! There will be no bonus points if two or more words from one category are used (example - The White Peacock)

General Rules:

1. The book may be in any format - paperback, ebook, audiobook.
2. The book may NOT be combined with the Year Long Chunkster Challenge.
3. The book must be read between June 1 to June 30 (based on your own time zone).
4. The challenge is for one book. You may read more books if you chose, but only the highest scoring book will apply.
5. The book must be 150 pages or more determined by the issue you read. If reading eBook or audiobook page numbers will be determined by the issue that comes up on a Goodreads search.

Scoring: (Count all qualifiers that apply)

Genre: - Must be a mystery
5 points – Historical Mystery
4 points – Police/Detective
3 points – Paranormal Mystery
2 points – Cozy Mystery
1 point – Whodunit

Note: Exception to the rule - you may count only one genre! Because there are so many connotations and crossovers as to the specific type of mystery, pick the one that best suits the book you read. Consider the intent of the author. Did the author intend the book to be historical? Or did he/she intend it to be a whodunit (Agatha Christie). Ask for a ruling if in doubt.

5 points – Writes under a pseudonym (Specify)
4 points – Born or resides in the country where you reside.
3 points – Uses an initial.
2 points – Is male.
1 point – Is NOT a Goodreads author

Title: - Subtitles count
5 points – Is two words long.
4 points – Has the proper name of a person or place in it. (Specify if not obvious.)
3 points – Is a play on words.
2 points – Have two or more words starting with the same letter (exclude a, the, but, or, etc.)
1 point – Starts with the word "The"

Cover: (based on the edition you read)
5 points – Has a murder implement on it. (May differ from the game items.)
4 points – Has blood on it.
3 points – Has a person's face on it.
2 points – Title is under the author's name.
1 point – Black is a predominant colour (over 50% of the cover).

5 points - Set in Scandinavia
4 points - Set in Germany
3 points - Set in New York
2 points - Set in Canada
1 point - Set in England

5 pts - 600 - 1000 pages
4 pts - 500 - 599 pages
3 pts - 400 - 499 pages
2 pts - 300 - 399 pages
1 pts - 200 - 299 pages

Bonus points:

5 points – if you have words from two difference categories in the title/author's name.
10 points – if you have words from each of the three categories in the title/author's name.
3 points – In honour of “National Bathroom Reading month”, count 3 points if you read more than one page of the book in the bathroom. This one's for those who like to soak in the tub while reading (not to mention the other).
3 points – In honour of “National Columnists' Day”, count 3 points if there is a reporter or columnist in the story.
3 points - In honour of "Garfield the Cat Day", count 3 points if there is a house cat in the story.

message 2: by Peggy (new)

Peggy (pebbles84) | 15787 comments Thanks for another awesome challenge Janice! It's going to be quite the challenge (as should be!) to find a book with one of those words in the title. I'm off to investigate!

message 3: by Lisa (new)

Lisa (lisathebooklover) | 9244 comments Ooh, great challenge Janice!

message 4: by Marnie (last edited May 24, 2014 12:30PM) (new)

Marnie (marnie19) | 2869 comments Thanks for putting this up... I am in the mood for gophering.

I've already read A Study in Scarlet but just putting it out there because it was the first book to come to mind.

I'm off to gopher :)... Yippee!
Btw - another clever mods are the best!

message 5: by Elsbeth (last edited May 24, 2014 12:35PM) (new)

Elsbeth (elsbethgm) | 1152 comments I'm still thinking, but already found two on my TBR: The Scarlet Pimpernel and The Woman in White. Maybe I'll read one of those...

Seems like another wonderful challenge!

message 6: by Lisa (new)

Lisa (lisathebooklover) | 9244 comments Marnie wrote: "Thanks for putting this up... I am in the mood for gophering.

I've already read A Study in Scarlet but just putting it out there because it was the first book to come to mind.

Sherlock: A Study in Scarlet came to my mind straight away too Marnie! I haven't read it before and it has been on my TBR for ages. I think that is about to change! :)

message 7: by Elsbeth (new)

Elsbeth (elsbethgm) | 1152 comments Oh, one question: I thought there were 6 'who did it?'-characters?

message 8: by Elsbeth (new)

Elsbeth (elsbethgm) | 1152 comments I just checked (I have the game myself): you forgot Colonel Mustard - does Mustard count as well?

message 9: by Esther (new)

Esther (nyctale) | 5052 comments Oh... Drat. i just finished listening to Justice Hall.

Well, this will take some research. Great idea!

message 10: by Peggy (new)

Peggy (pebbles84) | 15787 comments I think A Study in Scarlet might be too short, it's only 108 pages...

message 11: by Marnie (new)

Marnie (marnie19) | 2869 comments Peggy is is too short :(

I read, and loved The Scarlet Pimpernel but I'm not sure I would classify it as a mystery.

Janice? I'm only asking because I would definitely read another in this series.

message 12: by Almeta (last edited May 24, 2014 01:39PM) (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11145 comments My favorite board game!☺

No Colonel Mustard?

Wouldn't you know, I'm reading The Monkey Wrench Gang for May's challenge!☻

I have to go with Study In Scarlet. This edition has newspaper clippings, photographs, diary pages, etc. to help me solve the mystery. This version has 192 pages and my library has it. Sounds like fun.

message 13: by Peggy (last edited May 24, 2014 01:03PM) (new)

Peggy (pebbles84) | 15787 comments I just came across Miss Zukas and the Library Murders, which I think fits under the cozy mystery genre.

I looked through lists of 200 favorite historical mystery books and 200 favorite cozy mystery books, and that one and Woman in White were the only fitting books I found so far.

message 14: by Marnie (new)

Marnie (marnie19) | 2869 comments The Body in the Library would work too. I'm going to go back to the Library challenge to see if I can find a title.

message 15: by Elsbeth (new)

Elsbeth (elsbethgm) | 1152 comments Marnie wrote: "Peggy is is too short :(

I read, and loved The Scarlet Pimpernel but I'm not sure I would classify it as a mystery.

Janice? I'm only asking because I would definitely rea..."

Well, it is on nr. 85 of the 'The Haycraft-Queen Definitive Library of Crime, Detective and Mystery Fiction'-Listopia.

message 16: by Lisa (last edited May 24, 2014 01:12PM) (new)

Lisa (lisathebooklover) | 9244 comments Peggy wrote: "I think A Study in Scarlet might be too short, it's only 108 pages..."

I just flicked through my copy of Sherlock: A Study in Scarlet and it has 212 pages. Phew! :)

message 17: by Peggy (new)

Peggy (pebbles84) | 15787 comments Lucky you Lisa! :D

message 18: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 57141 comments Elsbeth wrote: "Oh, one question: I thought there were 6 'who did it?'-characters?"

There are!! I missed Colonel Mustard. Will fix.

message 19: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 57141 comments Marnie wrote: "Peggy is is too short :(

I read, and loved The Scarlet Pimpernel but I'm not sure I would classify it as a mystery.

Janice? I'm only asking because I would definitely rea..."

Yes. It is shelved as a mystery.

message 20: by Peggy (new)

Peggy (pebbles84) | 15787 comments Oh! Do subtitles or series titles count? Janet Evanovich has a whole Stephanie Plum series.

message 21: by Marnie (new)

Marnie (marnie19) | 2869 comments That's great Elsbeth!... I so enjoyed it and would love to continue the series...sounds like the right time!

message 22: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 57141 comments I read Peggy's msg (#2) and started a reply. I got lost in gophering and when I came back there were quite a few suggestions already.

In spite of there being quite a few words allowed, I'm coming up with few options. We may have to help each other out.

Here are some mystery titles I have already read that fit:

The Woman in White
The Summoner by Layton Green

My wishlist:

The White Devil
White Fire


All Janet Evanovich's books from the Stephanie Plum series would work,
The Body in the Library
The Conservatory
The Rope

message 23: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 57141 comments Here's one for Cherie: The Revenant of Thraxton Hall: The Paranormal Casebooks of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

I'm not going to panic that this may be too difficult of a challenge. It may just require a bit more gophering. Be sure to click on the links for the different types of mystery genres because they have lists that should help. That's where I found The Revenant of Thraxton Hall.

message 24: by Lanelle (new)

Lanelle | 3796 comments I've looked through my books, and I think Jane and the Unpleasantness at Scargrave Manor might get me the points of all the books I own. I'll keep searching though.

message 25: by Lisa (new)

Lisa (lisathebooklover) | 9244 comments Question Janice, would a bottle of poison on the cover count as a murder implement or does it have to be one of the ones listed in the criteria?

message 26: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 57141 comments Peggy wrote: "Oh! Do subtitles or series titles count? Janet Evanovich has a whole Stephanie Plum series."

Yes, sub-titles do count for this challenge. I made an exception because I thought it would give people a better chance at getting the bonus for having words from more than one category.

message 27: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 57141 comments Lanelle wrote: "I've looked through my books, and I think Jane and the Unpleasantness at Scargrave Manor might get me the points of all the books I own. I'll keep searching though."

Sorry, but it doesn't have any of the allowable words in the title or author's name.

message 28: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 57141 comments Lisa wrote: "Question Janice, would a bottle of poison on the cover count as a murder implement or does it have to be one of the ones listed in the criteria?"

It will work.

message 29: by Peggy (new)

Peggy (pebbles84) | 15787 comments I'm sure it won't be too difficult Janice! Several books have been posted and it's fun to actually have to do some research to come up with a good book. I already have three that I'm interested in reading now :)

message 30: by Lisa (new)

Lisa (lisathebooklover) | 9244 comments Great! Thanks Janice!

message 31: by Elsbeth (last edited May 24, 2014 01:29PM) (new)

Elsbeth (elsbethgm) | 1152 comments Found another: when you type 'murder in the library' you get several books (among which an Agatha Christie The Body in the Library).

message 32: by Lanelle (new)

Lanelle | 3796 comments Janice wrote: "Lanelle wrote: "I've looked through my books, and I think Jane and the Unpleasantness at Scargrave Manor might get me the points of all the books I own. I'll keep searching though."


I think I may have missed an important rule. Thanks for the clarification. I'll keep looking.

message 33: by Almeta (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11145 comments Lisa wrote: "Question Janice, would a bottle of poison on the cover count as a murder implement or does it have to be one of the ones listed in the criteria?"

The 50th Anniversary edition of Clue has a bottle of poison added to the list of possible murder weapons.

message 34: by Dawn (new)

Dawn (caveatlector) | 1786 comments I have a question.
1) With the required words in title or authors name, does it have to be the actual word or can it be within a word? Such as using Shall because hall is in it or the author Greenwood for green

message 35: by Almeta (last edited May 24, 2014 01:53PM) (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11145 comments Janice wrote: "I read Peggy's msg (#2) and started a reply. I got lost in gophering and when I came back there were quite a few suggestions already...."

I knooow!☺ I was typing in message 2, and went off to look up Mr. Boddy (Mr. Black in the UK), got distracted by the page numbers in A Study in Scarlet and when I got back 10 people had posted ahead of me!

message 37: by Elsbeth (new)

Elsbeth (elsbethgm) | 1152 comments I think I'll go for The Woman in White. What genre would this be?

message 38: by Marnie (new)

Marnie (marnie19) | 2869 comments The Woman in White is a wonderful book- I hope you love it. I would guess historical mystery :)

I am going to read The League Of The Scarlet Pimpernel.

message 39: by Almeta (last edited May 24, 2014 02:10PM) (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11145 comments Dawn wrote: "I found a couple others that would work:
...The Case of the Missing Servant by Tarquin Hall..."

Hmmmm. I have The Case of the Missing Servant at home...unread.

message 40: by Dawn (new)

Dawn (caveatlector) | 1786 comments And then you can tell me if it's any good....

message 41: by Lisa (new)

Lisa (lisathebooklover) | 9244 comments Elsbeth wrote: "I think I'll go for The Woman in White. What genre would this be?"

I agree with Marnie, I would put it under historical mystery. I hope you enjoy it Elsbeth. I thought it was brilliant!

message 42: by Dawn (new)

Dawn (caveatlector) | 1786 comments The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America would work too.

I am having a particularly hard time finding anything with more than one category word though!

message 43: by Elsbeth (new)

Elsbeth (elsbethgm) | 1152 comments Lisa wrote: "Elsbeth wrote: "I think I'll go for The Woman in White. What genre would this be?"

I agree with Marnie, I would put it under historical mystery. I hope you enjoy it Elsbeth. I thought ..."

I think I will, thanks, Marnie and Lisa! I've read No Name and The Moonstone recently and loved them both very much. so I guess one more Wilkie Collins won't harm me ;)...

message 44: by Lanelle (new)

Lanelle | 3796 comments Okay, trying again. *fingers crossed* How about Eye of the Crow: The Boy Sherlock Holmes, His 1st Case by Shane Peacock?

message 45: by Lori Z (new)

Lori Z | 2037 comments Here's a few I found:
Death of a Kitchen Diva
White Elephant Dead
Dead, White, and Blue
Dead, White, and Blue This isn't a duplicate, it's a different book and author.
Murder With Peacocks I don't know if this is acceptable with Peacock being plural. Janice?

message 46: by jaxnsmom (new)

jaxnsmom | 8341 comments Almeta wrote: "My favorite board game!☺

No Colonel Mustard?

Wouldn't you know, I'm reading The Monkey Wrench Gang for May's challenge!☻

I have to go with Study In Scarlet. This ed..."

Almeta - I am shocked at you! I can't believe you aren't reading The Scarlet Ruse by John D. MacDonald!! I didn't see it on your tbr...

message 47: by jaxnsmom (new)

jaxnsmom | 8341 comments Lanelle wrote: "Okay, trying again. *fingers crossed* How about Eye of the Crow: The Boy Sherlock Holmes, His 1st Case by Shane Peacock?"

Good one - it's got Peacock in it :)

message 48: by jaxnsmom (new)

jaxnsmom | 8341 comments Janice - could you add Poison to the first post? I was confused to see it ok'd in the questions, and I bet many others won't realize it's ok either.

message 49: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 57141 comments Almeta wrote: "The 50th Anniversary edition of Clue has a bottle of poison added to the list of possible murder weapons."

After researching the game and it's editions and variations, I decided to go with the classic.

message 50: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 57141 comments Dawn wrote: "I have a question.
1) With the required words in title or authors name, does it have to be the actual word or can it be within a word? Such as using Shall because hall is in it or the author Green..."

It has to be the actual word. The word may be plural, as in knives.

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