The Seasonal Reading Challenge discussion

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message 1: by SRC Moderator (last edited Nov 30, 2016 09:06PM) (new)

SRC Moderator | 6445 comments Mod
The Winter 2016 challenge will begin at 00:00, ET December 1, 2016, and end at midnight, 24:00, ET, February 28, 2017.

This is where you will need to post information about completed tasks - updates to the Readerboard will be based on what is posted HERE AND ONLY HERE.

Please do not delete or edit any post in this thread!! Even if the post is not reflected on the Readerboard yet, I've often logged the post on my spreadsheet already and I will not know that you've made the changes. I do not go backwards in this thread to pick up points. If you need to make a change, just make a new post.

Please refer to the posting requirements for what must be included, and to the Rules of the Challenge and FAQs that will help us keep the challenge running smoothly.

1. You MUST post a link to books claimed for a task. Be sure that you have linked to the correct edition. See How-to and links to books in your completed task posts. The links must be posted with the individual tasks - a list of links elsewhere in the post is not sufficient.
2. If you are claiming a Golden Oldies ticket you must specifically request a ticket along with the individual task by claiming "Golden Oldie" and stating the original publication year. A list of titles or years elsewhere in the post is not sufficient.
3. If you are claiming a Big Book ticket, you must claim it along with the individual task post and specifically state that it is a Big Book ticket claim. You must include the number of pages in the book, and a link to the edition you used to establish page count. Simply including the number of pages or providing a list of books elsewhere in the post is not sufficient.
4. If you claim a book that only exists in e-book form, you MUST provide either a line reference to the approved book spreadsheet or the post number in which the book was approved. See the ebook only verification thread.
5. If the task requires a cover element, you MUST include the cover when you post.
6. Remember to include all "Required" task elements.
7. If your book was approved in the Help Thread for the task, the Genre Verification thread, the Not Really for Kids thread, or the Not Really a Graphic Novel thead, please indicate that in your post.
8. Post tasks in numerical order, from smallest to largest.

Any problems with task postings will be posted in the Questions/problems thread. Please post there if you have a question about your points, Golden Oldies or Big Books.

Good luck and have fun!

message 2: by Jasmiina (new)

Jasmiina F (slipperbunny) | 476 comments Jasmiina F

5.5 - December, January, February:
Read a book with the number of pages as listed on Goodreads that includes the number 1 or 2:

Civil War: Captain America/Iron Man by Ed Brubaker.
Pages: 224

Points this post: 5
Total points: 5
Golden Oldies this post: 0
Total Golden Oldies: 0
Big Book Tickets this post: 0
Total Big Book Tickets:
BBooks - 500+: 0
BBooks - 750+: 0
BBooks - 1000+: 0

message 3: by (・Θ・) (new)

(・Θ・) (eat-the-rich) | 7 comments 5.1 - The Ancients
Read a book written by an author whose first and last name initials can be found in ANCIENT

Hygiene and the Assassin by Amélie Nothomb

5.3 - Sole Survivor
Read a book that is number 1 in a series.

Pines by Blake Crouch

Points this post: 10
Total points: 10
Golden Oldies this post: 0
Total Golden Oldies: 0
Big Book Tickets this post: 0
Total Big Book Tickets: 0

message 4: by EShay (new)

EShay Fagan (eshay11) | 561 comments 5.1
Author initials found in "ANCIENT"
Poirot Investigates by Agatha Christie
*claiming GO ticket, published in 1924*

Points this post: 5
Total Points: 5/1075
Tasks completed: 1/60
Books Read: 1
Golden Oldies: 1
Big Books:500+(0)750+(0)1000+(0)

message 5: by Trish (new)

Trish (trishhartuk) | 3318 comments trishhartuk

10.8. On the Coast

Read a book set at least 50% in one of these countries with a coastline on the Mediterranean Sea - Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Monaco, Montenegro, Slovenia, Spain, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey.

The Yellow Dog, Georges Simenon
Set in Concarneau, France.
Golden Oldie: First published in 1931

Points this Task: 10
Books Read: 1
Golden Oldie: Yes – The Yellow Dog was published in 1931
Big Book: No

Total Points: 10
Tasks Completed: 1
Golden Oldies: 1
Big Books: 0

message 6: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Bramble | 200 comments SarahBR
10.4. Fire and Ice
Talking as Fast as I Can: From Gilmore Girls to Gilmore Girls, and Everything in Between by Lauren Graham
F in Fast
I in I
R in Girls
E in Gilmore

I in Gilmore
C in Can
E in Gilmore
meeting the task requirements for all letters in the words Fire and Ice being met.

Points this post: 10
Total points: 10
Books posted: 1
Tasks complete: 1
Pages this post: 224
Total pages as of this post:224
Big Book Tickets:0

message 7: by Cait S (new)

Cait S | 738 comments Cait S

5.4- Best Laid Plans
Read a book that fits one of the Fall 2016 5, 10 or 15 point tasks.

Survive by Alex Morel

This fits task 5.4- Flowers, author initials found in CRANESBILL GERANIUM.

Points This Post: 5
Tasks Completed:1
Total Points: 5

message 8: by Whitnie (last edited Dec 01, 2016 01:04PM) (new)

Whitnie | 280 comments 5.3 - Sole Survivor
Read a book that is number 1 in a series. It must be identified as #1 in a series in the Goodreads metadata (series #1).

The Hippopotamus Marsh

This book is #1 in the Lord of the two Lands series

5.5 - December, January, February

December is the 12th month, January is the 1st and February is the 2nd. Read a book with the number of pages as listed on Goodreads that includes the number 1 or 2.

Steampunk! An Anthology of Fantastically Rich and Strange Stories

This book has 422 pages

Points this post: 10
Total points: 10
Golden Oldies this post: 0
Total Golden Oldies: 0
Big Book Tickets this post: 0
Total Big Book Tickets: 0
Total Books Read: 2
Tasks Completed: 2

message 9: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth (ebpnd17) | 735 comments Elizabeth P

Task 10.6 - More Following Through!
Book by author first read in 2016

The Fourth Bear by Jasper Fforde

I first read a book by this author in November of 2016, so this author was new to me as of 2016.

Points this Post: 10
Total Points: 10
Total Tasks: 1
Golden Oldies: 0
Big Books: 0
Total Books: 1

message 10: by Dee (new)

Dee (austhokie) | 8528 comments Delicious Dee

15.10 - The Plane! The Plane!
Fly by T.A. Foster - there is a jet on the cover

Total this post: 15
Total overall: 15

message 11: by Jonquil (last edited Dec 01, 2016 04:58PM) (new)

Jonquil | 1059 comments Jonquil

5.1 - The Ancients

author initials in A nc I ent Ilona Andrews

Ilona Andrews
Kindle Edition, 157 pages 12/1

approved for length post 5917

Points this post: 5
Total points: 5
Books posted: 1
Tasks complete: 1
Pages this post: 157
Total pages as of this post: 157

message 12: by ♞ Pat (last edited Dec 01, 2016 04:39PM) (new)

♞ Pat Gent | 777 comments Pat

15.8 - Not-So-Secret (leavening) Agent
Task Description ~ Read a book where ALL the letters N A H C O O O (3 O’s) are found in any combination of title, subtitle and author’s name.
N - in uNinteresting
A - in vAmpire
H - in tHe
O - in Of
O - in accOuntant
O - in unadventurOus

The Utterly Uninteresting and Unadventurous Tales of Fred, the Vampire Accountant (Fred, the Vampire Accountant, #1) by Drew Hayes The Utterly Uninteresting and Unadventurous Tales of Fred, the Vampire Accountant by Drew Hayes
Completed ~ 12.1.16
Pages ~ 291

Points this post ~ 15
Total Points ~ 15

Tasks Completed ~ 1
Books Read This Season ~ 1
Pages Read This Season : 291

Ems Loves to Read (esondie) | -33 comments Emsreviewsbooks

5.10- Your Own 8th Wonder

I read Someone to Love by Mary Balogh.

Task 20.5. Bigger is Better - Loafer's Task: The Long and Short of It

Option 2: I read The Last Chance Christmas Ball by Mary Jo Putney. It is a collection of short stories.

This post: 25
Total: 25
Read: 2
Finished: 2

message 14: by Deborah (new)

Deborah | 1573 comments Post #1

5.8 - Full Moon

Using LONG with word variation LONGER

And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer


15.5 - B-I-N-G-O!

Using the B in BINGO

Britt-Marie Was Here

Points this post:20
Total Points:20
Books read: 2
Tasks Done: 2

message 15: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne (perletwo) | 1586 comments perletwo

5.1 - The Ancients -
Read a book written by an author whose first and last name initials can be found in ANCIENT.

Three Blind Mice and Other Stories by Agatha Christie
First printed in 1950, this qualifies for a Golden Oldie ticket.

5.2 - Location, Location, Location - Read a book set at least 50% in a location of an ancient wonder: Egypt, Iraq, Greece, Turkey.

The Curse of the Pharaohs - Egypt

Points this task: 10
Total points: 010
Golden Oldies ticket requests: 1
Big Book ticket requests: 0
Books read: 02
Tasks completed: 02

message 16: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth (ebpnd17) | 735 comments Elizabeth P

Task 10.3 - They're Old!
Genre Historical Fiction on main page

Like a River Glorious by Rae Carson

Points this Post: 10
Total Points: 20
Total Tasks: 2
Golden Oldies: 0
Big Books: 0
Total Books: 2

message 17: by Fandury (new)

Fandury | 957 comments FANDURY

15.4 - To Tell the Truth
Option 2: Read ONE book that fulfills both option 1 Book A and Book B.

Read a book with a question mark "?" and/or one of these interrogative words: who, whose, whom, what, where, when, why, which, how, whether, whence in the title or subtitle.


Read a non-fiction book.

How to Survive a Horror Movie: All the Skills to Dodge the Kills by Seth Grahame-Smith

This is a nonfiction book with "How" in the title.

Points this post: 15
Total Points: 15
Books Read: 1
Golden Oldies: 0
Big Books:500+(0)750+(0)1000+(0)

message 18: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Bramble | 200 comments SarahBR
Task 20.5. Bigger is Better - Loafer's Task: The Long and Short of It
Option 1:
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon This is listed at 11th on the first page of big books worth reading list completing option 1.
I listened to the Audiobook but the MMPB is 627 pages so I am claiming a big book ticket.

Points this post: 20
Total points: 30
Books posted: 2
Tasks complete: 2
Pages this post: 627
Total pages as of this post:851
Big Book Tickets:1

message 19: by Denise (new)

Denise (lifewithnoplot) | 66 comments ** READERBOARD NAME DENISE M **

Task 5.3 - Sole Survivor - Of the ancient seven wonders, only one, the Great Pyramid, exists today. Read a book that is number 1 in a series. It must be identified as #1 in a series in the Goodreads metadata (series #1).

The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman

This is the first book in the His Dark Materials trilogy.

This Post: 5
Total Points: 5
Books Read: 1
Completed Tasks: 1

message 20: by Katie (new)

Katie | 241 comments KATIEGIRL

10.7 - Rollin on the River

A book with Environment as a main page genre.
Fire Season: Field Notes from a Wilderness Lookout by Philip Connors

Points this post: 10
Total points: 10
Total tasks: 1
BB total: 0
GO total: 0

message 21: by Laura (new)

Laura | 109 comments Luara

5.3 - Sole Survivor #1 in a series

The Humbug Murders by L.J. Oliver
Ebenezer Scrooge Mysteries #1
*approved in help thread (post 6)

Total points
This post: 5
Total points: 5

message 22: by Daphne (new)

Daphne (daphnesm) | 486 comments Reader Name: Daphne

1. X & X title
The Librarians and the Lost Lamp
2. X or X begin title
The Lost Scrolls

message 23: by Beth F (new)

Beth F | 669 comments 5.10- Your Own 8th Wonder
Fables, Volume 2: Animal Farm by Bill Willingham

15.7 - Tales of Middle-earth
Fables, Volume 3: Storybook Love by Bill Willingham
Shelved as 'fantasy'


message 24: by Andy (new)

Andy Plonka (plonkaac) | 4047 comments Andy P.
Task # 5.4 - Best Laid Plans

Read a book that fits one of the Fall 2016 5, 10 or 15 point tasks
This book fits the requirement for Task 5,4 Read a book by an author whose first and last name initials are found in CRANESBILL GERANIUM The Blue Zone by Andrew Gross by Andrew Gross CRANESBILL GERANIUM
Points this post: 5
Total points: 5

message 25: by Lois (new)

Lois | 2404 comments 5.5 - December, January, February

A book whose number of pages as listed on Goodreads includes the number 1 or 2: The Season of Us by Holly Chamberlin
Goodreads page count=320 pages

Points this post: 5
Total points: 5

message 26: by Valerie (new)

Valerie | 426 comments Val TX

15.4 - To Tell the Truth -
option 2: Read ONE book that fulfills both option 1 Book A and Book B.

Book A: Read a book with a question mark "?" and/or one of these interrogative words: who, whose, whom, what, where, when, why, which, how, whether, whence in the title or subtitle.
Book B: Read a non-fiction book.
Where Am I Now? by Mara Wilson

This post and total:
Points - 15

message 27: by Jessica (new)

Jessica (bookwrm526) | 1876 comments Bookwrm526

Task #15.7 - Tales of Middle-Earth
Read a book with a main page genre that contains Fantasy. I read Of Sorrow and Such by Angela Slatter.

Points this post: 15
Total points so far: 15

message 28: by Jen (new)

Jen Scott | 420 comments Jen UT

5.4 - Best Laid Plans

Fall Task 5.8 - Bronze
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling
IL: MG - BL: 6.7 - AR Pts: 14.0
Found on page 2 item 145

Points this post: 5
Total points: 5

message 29: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne (perletwo) | 1586 comments perletwo

10.8. On the Coast -
Read a book set at least 50% in one of these countries with a coastline on the Mediterranean Sea - Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Monaco, Montenegro, Slovenia, Spain, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey.

The Black Mountain - Montenegro

Task 20.5. Bigger is Better - Loafer's Task: The Long and Short of It - Option 2: Read a book that is a collection of short stories or essays.

Octopussy and the Living Daylights

Points this task: 30
Total points: 040
Golden Oldies ticket requests: 1
Big Book ticket requests: 0
Books read: 04
Tasks completed: 04

message 30: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia (cynthiabaxter) CYNBAXTER

#10.03 – They're Old!

Task: Read a book with History or Historical Fiction as a main page genre.

Book 1: Karolina's Twins by Ronald H. Balson

Points this post: 10 points
Total points to date = 10 points

BB tickets this post: 0
Total BB tickets to date: 0
GOLDEN OLDIE this post: 0
Total “GOLDIE” tickets to date: 0

message 31: by Deborah (new)

Deborah | 1573 comments Post #2

5.3 - Sole Survivor

Real Murders (Aurora Teagarden #1)

Points this post:5
Total Points:25
Books read: 3
Tasks Done: 3

message 32: by Daphne (new)

Daphne (daphnesm) | 486 comments Reader Name: Daphne

A: 1st in series
The Halls Of Stormweather
B: 2nd in same series
Shadow's Witness

message 33: by Lois (new)

Lois | 2404 comments 15.8 - Not-So-Secret (leavening) Agent

All letters NAHCOOO found in any combination of title, subtitle, and author's name: The Two-Family House by Lynda Cohen Loigman

LyNdA COHen LOigman
The TwO-Family House

Points this post: 15
Total points: 20

message 34: by Christine (new)

Christine | 843 comments Christine V

10.7. Rollin on the River
Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly, which has the main page genre "Food and Drink > Food".

I read the indicated audio edition. Link to the top MMP: Confesiones de un chef = Kitchen Confidential (Punto de Lectura)

Points this post: 10

Total points: 10
Tasks completed: 1
Books read: 1
Golden Oldies: 0
Big Books: 500=0, 750=0, 1000=0 (Total BB tickets=0)

message 35: by ♞ Pat (new)

♞ Pat Gent | 777 comments Pat

10.1. Let's Follow Up
Task Description ~ Read a book from The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend listopia.

#13 on the List
A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks
Completed ~ 12.3.16
Pages ~ 240

Points this post ~ 10
Total Points ~ 25

Tasks Completed ~ 2
Books Read This Season ~ 2
Pages Read This Season : 531

message 36: by Book Concierge (new)

Book Concierge (tessabookconcierge) | 4310 comments Task 10.5 – Noel!
No ‘L’ in title or author name
C is for Corpse by Sue Grafton

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

This Post: 10 points
Total points to date: 10 points
Golden Oldies (pub 1950 or earlier): 0
Big Books Read: (0) 500 pg / (0) 750 pg / (0) 1000 pg
Total Big Book TICKETS: 0

message 37: by Kay Kay (new)

Kay Kay | 64 comments Karrie

5.10- Your Own 8th Wonder
Read a book of your choice. Getting the hard ones out of the way! :)
The Vanishing Point

Points this post: 5
Total points: 5
Golden Oldies this post: 0
Total Golden Oldies: 0
Big Book Tickets this post: 0
Total Big Book Tickets:
BBooks - 500+: 0
BBooks - 750+: 0
BBooks - 1000+: 0

message 38: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne (perletwo) | 1586 comments perletwo

Task 20.1 Most Improved Player - CynBaxter's Task: Christmas in the Caribbean -
Option 2 - Read a book set in one of the Caribbean countries or written by an author who was born or currently lives in one of the Caribbean countries. REQUIRED: Please indicate the country in your post.

The Man With the Golden Gun - Jamaica

Points this task: 20
Total points: 060
Golden Oldies ticket requests: 1
Big Book ticket requests: 0
Books read: 05
Tasks completed: 05

message 39: by Christi (last edited Dec 03, 2016 06:59AM) (new)

Christi Reynard | 406 comments Creynard

30.1 - Maya's Task : Good Things Come in Pairs

Book 1: Blurred Lines by Lauren Layne
OPTION 11st in the Love Unexpectedly series.
**approved for length on SRC ebook verification list (#386 on 12/2/16)**

Book 2: Good Girl by Lauren Layne
2nd in the Love Unexpectedly series.
**approved for length on SRC ebook verification list (#983 on 12/2/16)**

Points this post: 30
Total points: 30
Tasks completed: 1
Books read: 3

message 40: by Cindie (new)

Cindie | 1780 comments 5.5 - December, January, February

December is the 12th month, January is the 1st and February is the 2nd. Read a book with the number of pages as listed on Goodreads that includes the number 1 or 2.

I read When in French: Love in a Second Language, which has 256 pages per Goodreads.

points: 5
Books read: 1
task completed: 1
pages read: 256

message 41: by Judy (new)


Task # 10.4 Fire and Ice
Her Christmas Family Wish by Lois Richer

F, I - F am i ly
R, E- hER

I, C, E - rIChEr

Task # 15.6 Multilingual
Hitler: Ascent, 1889-1939 - My native language is English. This was originally published in German, I read the English translation.

Points this post 10+15 = 25

Total points 25

Tasks completed 2
Books Read 2

message 42: by Daphne (new)

Daphne (daphnesm) | 486 comments Reader Name: Daphne

10.6. More Following Through!
New to you author in 2016 - state they were NTY
The Shattered Mask by Richard Lee Byers
New to me in 2016 - Read Dissolution Jan. 2016

message 43: by Wanda (new)

Wanda (wanda71) | 1770 comments Oma1229

20.2. Rookie at the Top - Justme's Task: Fun & Games

REQUIRED: Identify in your post the option you chose.

I chose # 2- Dungeons & Dragons

Read a book with either a two word title in which both words begin with the same letter, or by an author with the same beginning letter for first & last name. Middle names/initials should be ignored. No books with multiple authors can be used.

Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day by Winifred Watson

Claiming Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Dayas GO book as it was published in 1938

Total Points-20/1075
Completed Tasks-1/60
GO Books (1)
Big Books 500-750 pages (); 750+pages()

message 44: by Hannah (new)

Hannah (sparklebot) | 31 comments Hannah Mo

Task 10.5 No L in title or author name

The Vicious Vet by M.C. Beaton

Points this task: 10
Total points: 10
Tasks completed: 1

message 45: by Nick (last edited Dec 03, 2016 12:28PM) (new)

Nick (doily) | 3114 comments Nick KY

Post # 1

5.1 Ancients I read Background to Danger by Eric Ambler, inits in AnciEnt.

5.2 Location I read The Oresteia: Agamemnon / The Libation Bearers / The Eumenides by Aeschylus, set in Greece.

Points This Post: 10
Total Points So Far: 10

message 46: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne (perletwo) | 1586 comments perletwo

Task 20.4. Golden Oldies - Mhairi's Task: The Nightmare Before Christmas -
Option 1: Read a book with a skeleton, skull, or bones on the cover or one of these words in the title or subtitle.

Flash and Bones by Kathy Reichs Flash and Bones

Points this task: 20
Total points: 080
Golden Oldies ticket requests: 1
Big Book ticket requests: 0
Books read: 06
Tasks completed: 06

message 47: by Katrina (new)

Katrina (katrinasreads) | 205 comments KATRINAT

10. 2 A book title with ING in one of the words
Everything I Never Told You, Celeste Ng

Points this post: 10
Total points: 10
Golden Oldies this post: 0
Total Golden Oldies: 0
Big Book Tickets this post: 0
Total Big Book Tickets:

message 48: by Darlene (new)

Darlene | 656 comments Queen Bee Darlene

5.5 December, January, February - Read a book with the number 1 or 2 in page count

Lily and the Octopus by Steven Rowley Lily and the Octopus

320 Pages

5 points

Points this post: 5

Total Points: 5

message 49: by Sassafrass (new)

Sassafrass (sass-a-frass) | 891 comments 15.6 - Multilingual: Read a book that was originally published in a language other than your native language.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo My native tongue is English and this book was originally published in Swedish
***at 644 pages, this is a BIG BOOK***

Total Points this Post: 15
Total Points in Challenge: 15
Books Read: 1
Tasks Completed: 1
Golden Oldies: 0
Big Book Tickets: 500+(1); 750+(0); 1000+(0)

message 50: by Nicola (new)

Nicola Tyson | 216 comments Readerboard Name: Nicola T

Task: 15.7 - Tales of Middle-earth
Read a book with a main page genre that contains “Fantasy”
I read Cursed by Jennifer L. Armentrout

MPGs at time of posting:
Young Adult 305 users
Fantasy > Paranormal 302 users
Fantasy 174 users
Romance 160 users
Romance > Paranormal Romance 76 users
Fantasy > Supernatural 71 users

Points this post: 15

Points in total:15
Tasks completed:1
Books read:1

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