Beyond Reality discussion

City of Golden Shadow (Otherland, #1)
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Previous BotM--DISCUSSIONS > City of Golden Shadow: Finished Reading **SPOILERS**

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Candiss (tantara) | 1207 comments Here's a general topic for people who have finished reading City of Golden Shadow by Tad Williams.

Caution: Spoilers are likely in this thread!

message 2: by Shel, Moderator (new) - rated it 5 stars

Shel (shel99) | 2847 comments Mod
I've read the entire series, and it's been a few years so I'm a little fuzzy on what happens when in each of the four books - I don't want to spoil future books for anyone, so can someone give a quick rundown of what's happened by the end of this one? Then I can comment without fear of ruining anything for anyone :)

message 3: by Chris, Moderator (new) - rated it 4 stars

Chris (heroncfr) | 859 comments Mod
I found this to be a densely creative story. I thought the pervasiveness of virtual reality to be believable, as well as the idea that you can master commands to shape that reality from inside. Several characters were memorable -- the old man and the little girl, the Wicked Tribe, and certainly !Xabbu. But I can't say that enjoyed the book. I had to slog through too much outright evil for no specific purpose, and I still don't have a clue as to what motivates our villains or why they need to trap children's minds. While I can admire the author's fecund imagination, I find that I am not interested enough in the story to continue to the other books.

message 4: by Random (new) - added it

Random (rand0m1s) | 1091 comments Remember, it is a 4 book series and many many questions will remain unanswered until the 3rd and 4th books.

I also read this one many years ago so my memory is a little sketchy. There is, however, a Wikipedia article on the series who gives a synapses of each book which might help you out.

I was one of the early adopters of the Internet, back when most people had no clue it even existed. I see a lot of what was introduced here as a potential expansion of what we have now before we even had what we have now. Actually as a serious game player, I have to say I adore the concept of plugging in to be online and totally immersing yourself in another world.

For anyone who might be interested, there's a MMO either out or still in development based upon this series. I've not yet looked into it seriously but just knowing the world, it could have potential.

There are a number of threads in these books, various groups of people that run parallel to one another. I have to admit, I was massively bored by the thread surrounding Paul Jonas and his purpose doesn't really come to light until the later (possibly 4th) book.

I have to admit, I enjoyed Orlando and Sam the most. Quite possibly because I could relate to the environment they were interacting with better. (Anyone here an old MUD player?)

Renie and !Xabbu would be second. I actually found Renie's father to be an interesting character, though maybe not as obvious in the first book. I also liked the thread with !Xabbu and the inevitable loss of some cultures due to the invasiveness of technology and modern society.

message 5: by Kathi, Moderator & Book Lover (new)

Kathi | 3956 comments Mod
My memory of this book and the series is not very clear, as I read it many years ago, but I recall being fascinated by the virtual reality immersion and being confused by some of the storylines that were slow to unfold. But it was engaging and creative.

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