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Publishing and Promoting > 2017 promote your book on my website

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message 1: by S. (new)

S. Sawyer (sawyer1211) | 3 comments To promote your book go to my website at!!!

Alright my fellow writers, it’s a new year, so I’m doing another one of these book promotions to give y’all an opportunity to introduce your work. I know how difficult and trying self promotion can be for a writer, especially when all we really want to do is write. And as I’ve said before, us indie writers really need to be helping each other out when we can.

So have at it…I want to know about you, your book, and where to find it. Happy New Year!

message 2: by Chadi (new)

Chadi Nassar | 29 comments Hi! Thanks for the opportunity! I'm interested :) how do I proceed?

message 3: by Kristina (new)

Kristina Beck (kristina_beck) | 1 comments Hi. I would like to know as well. Thanks!

message 4: by S. (last edited Jan 06, 2017 07:35AM) (new)

S. Sawyer (sawyer1211) | 3 comments Hey! Just share all your information in the comment section of my post on my website

message 5: by S.Q. (new)

S.Q. Orpin (sqorpin) | 20 comments Hello, I'm the author of three books in my contemporary romance series. Catwalk, Dream, Hope, and Trust. The next three books in this six-part series will be out this year. I'm always looking for better ways to promote and market my series, and love the sharing community that supports Indie authors.

message 6: by Lily (new)

Lily MacKenzie (lilyionamackenzie) | 63 comments What a great service to us writers! Thanks!

message 7: by S. (new)

S. Sawyer (sawyer1211) | 3 comments Lily wrote: "What a great service to us writers! Thanks!"

You are so welcome, Lily!

message 8: by Sheila (new)

Sheila Cronin | 116 comments S Sawyer (not chadi) thank YOU for this opportunity. Sorry for name error on website post. I zigged when I should have sagged!

message 9: by Sarah (new)

Sarah King | 3 comments Hi Sawyer, I have just added a post - thanks so much for the opportunity!


message 10: by Kenneth (new)

Kenneth Brown | 4 comments I have two books,and I'm working another, how do I go about promotion on your website,

message 11: by Kim (new)

Kim Padgett-Clarke | 8 comments Hi Sawyer

Just posted details for Made Of Glass on your website. Many thanks for this opportunity.

message 12: by June (new)

June Ahern (juneahern) | 78 comments Thank you! About my books at or on Goodreads:June Ahern - or see below

Novel: The Skye in June, Scottish immigrant family in San Francisco, four girls come of age during the early days of the '60's. Issues of a changing environs & family, abusive father, depressed mother, one daughter with unusual ability to see a hidden secret to be found in the Isle of Skye. Starts in Glasgow, Scotland. Great history about both cities.

Novel: City of Redemption: When Flower Power explodes into Fire Power. Begins in 1984 a woman in prison for murder of a roommate. Again, a Scottish woman running away from her son's murder, arrives in San Francisco during the Summer of Love to fall into the dark underbelly of the time: drugs, plots against Black Panthers, and murder with a touch of falling in love.

Two non-fictions: Paranormal, How to Talk with Spirits: Mediums, Seances, Ghost Hunts and The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Psychic Reading.

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