Making Connections discussion

ARCHIVES > Reviewer looking for books to read!

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message 1: by Ivana (new)

Ivana (thepalesirenx) I adore reading, and love reading a new, original story. If you believe your story is the one that fits that description feel free to email me ([email protected]) or message me here.

I can read only physical copies of books (paperback, hardback) so don't bother sending me pdfs, mobis...

I'll post my reviews on Goodreads and my blog. depending on the book I might also post about it on my Facebook, Twitter..

I can read any genre, as long as it's written well, including LGBTQ books!

message 2: by June (new)

June Ahern (juneahern) | 19 comments Happy you enjoy reading in-print books. I'll email you soon.
June Ahern

message 3: by Damien (new)

Damien Black | 9 comments Ivana wrote: "I adore reading, and love reading a new, original story. If you believe your story is the one that fits that description feel free to email me ([email protected]) or message me here.

I can r..."

Hi Ivana, thanks for checking in... I think you might well be interested in my debut novel, Devil's Night Dawning... Take a look at this link to see what other reader-reviewers have said about it:

... and if you're interested I will gladly send you a free review copy!

message 4: by Tana (new)

Tana (tana_t) | 14676 comments Mod
Ivana wrote: "I adore reading, and love reading a new, original story. If you believe your story is the one that fits that description feel free to email me ([email protected]) or message me here.

I can r..."

Ivana if you look in the group and see the arr threads everything is listed under different genre's all those books are looking for reviews. Take a look and see if there is anything you would like to read/review.

message 5: by Tony (new)

Tony Parsons (gambino71) | 1565 comments Goodreads making connections smashwords storycartel plenty of other websites pdf- free Amazon kindle

message 6: by Damien (new)

Damien Black | 9 comments Tony wrote: "Goodreads making connections smashwords storycartel plenty of other websites pdf- free Amazon kindle" Thanks for the titbit Tony, I checked out StoryCartel but they appear to charge authors for the privilege of giving away books to reader-reviewers.... Don't suppose you know of any other websites where I might be able to access reviewers for free?

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Devil's Night Dawning (other topics)

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June Ahern (other topics)