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Book Nominations for Group Read > Lent 2017 Book Read

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message 1: by Susan Margaret (new)

Susan Margaret (susanmargaretg) | 538 comments Would anyone like to have a group read during Lent? If so, we would be choosing a free ebook or one that costs $1.99 or less. Post your opinions in this thread.

message 2: by Irene (new)

Irene | 909 comments I will nominate St. Francis de Sales's Treatis on the Love of God. It can be read on some free websites.

message 3: by Susan Margaret (new)

Susan Margaret (susanmargaretg) | 538 comments Irene wrote: "I will nominate St. Francis de Sales's Treatis on the Love of God. It can be read on some free websites."

I will second that nomination!

message 4: by Joseph (new)

Joseph (jsaltal) | 3 comments I nominate "Jesus Of Nazareth: HOLY WEEK; from the entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection." for Lent 2017.

message 5: by Susan Margaret (new)

Susan Margaret (susanmargaretg) | 538 comments Nominations for this group read should be for a free ebook or one that costs $1.99 or less. However, since only two books have been nominated, both of the above mentioned books will be up vote on the poll. The voting poll will be posted for one week and will close on the evening of February 27th.

message 6: by Joseph (new)

Joseph (jsaltal) | 3 comments Sorry about that. I missed that post about a nominee having to be a free E-Book or one under $1.99.

Susan Margaret wrote: "Nominations for this group read should be for a free ebook or one that costs $1.99 or less. However, since only two books have been nominated, both of the above mentioned books will be up vote on t..."

message 7: by Susan Margaret (new)

Susan Margaret (susanmargaretg) | 538 comments Joseph wrote: "Sorry about that. I missed that post about a nominee having to be a free E-Book or one under $1.99.

Susan Margaret wrote: "Nominations for this group read should be for a free ebook or one that co..."

No problem Joseph! ;-)

message 8: by Galicius (new)

Galicius | 491 comments You can read St. Francis’ “Treatise” for free on an Android device in google.books. There are several translations. The one by H. L. Sidney Lear ( which is recorded at librivox) is at:

message 10: by Susan Margaret (new)

Susan Margaret (susanmargaretg) | 538 comments Joseph wrote: "Since I already own Jesus of Nazareth, Part Two: Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection by Pope Benedict XVI would it be okay to go with tha..."

I apologize for the late response. We will not be discussing Part Two: Holy Week at this time, but hopefully we can in the future.

message 11: by Joseph (new)

Joseph (jsaltal) | 3 comments Susan Margaret wrote: "Joseph wrote: "Since I already own Jesus of Nazareth, Part Two: Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection by Pope Benedict XVI would it be okay..."

Okay. That's no problem. I'll go with the chosen selection, Treatise on the Love of God by Francis de Sales

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