Nature Literature discussion

Book of the Month > August 2017 suggestions

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message 1: by Becky (new)

Becky Norman | 879 comments Mod
Hello everyone,

Please list your August Book of the Month suggestions here and include a link to the book if possible. This thread will be closed on Saturday, July 15 when the poll goes up. Thanks!


message 2: by Becky (new)

Becky Norman | 879 comments Mod
As a reminder, all of our previously-read Books-of-the-Month are here if you want to avoid duplicates;

message 4: by Pam (new)

Pam Kennedy | 79 comments I am hoping that our book is one I can't resist as I have been so behind. Just finishing Hidden Life of Trees and have skipped some months.

message 5: by Pam (new)

Pam Kennedy | 79 comments I will suggest Life Everlasting by a favorite author Bernd Heinrich - I will post a link when I get on the computer

message 6: by Pam (new)

Pam Kennedy | 79 comments I think you'll enjoy my review of Life Everlasting: The Animal Way of Death.

message 7: by Sher (new)

Sher (sheranne) | 1201 comments Mod
Pam wrote: "I will suggest Life Everlasting by a favorite author Bernd Heinrich - I will post a link when I get on the computer"

Pam wrote: "I am hoping that our book is one I can't resist as I have been so behind. Just finishing Hidden Life of Trees and have skipped some months."

Pam nominated a fantastic and profound book. Showing my bias here, but Heinrich is a favorite nature writer for me, and this book brings up some terribly interesting discussion topics. plus it would be so interesting to get input from our readers in countries other than the US--(regarding green burials).

Life Everlasting: The Animal Way of Death

Here's link, so you can check out the book directly.

message 9: by Alanna (new)

Alanna Frick | 1 comments Judy wrote: "The Outermost House A Year of Life On The Great Beach of Cape Cod by Henry Beston The Outermost House: A Year of Life On The Great Beach of Cape Cod by Henry Beston"

I've been wanting to read this one!

message 10: by Katherine (new)

Katherine Hauswirth | 44 comments Hello, all. I am throwing my own book into the ring, for consideration. I hope that's OK!
Some info on The Book of Noticing: Collections and Connections on the Trail. John Muir said, “When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” So is the case for each walk-inspired essay from Katherine Hauswirth. Each reflection hands you talismans that you can turn over thoughtfully in your palm. Hauswirth’s meditative reveries reflect on the deep connections between what we experience outdoors and our day-to-day existence as humans, peppered with thought-provoking facts as well as treasured words from other lovers of the natural world.

message 11: by Natalie (new)

Natalie Tyler (doulton) I am new so don't know if I am eligible to make a nomination, but if I am I would like to suggest Ring of Bright Water

or, if you prefer newer books then How to Tame a Fox (and Build a Dog): How the Silver Fox Became a Dog

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