Shakespeare Fans discussion

Shakespeare And Movie Versions > Chimes At Midnight

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message 1: by B. P. (new)

B. P. Rinehart (ken_moten) | 72 comments I just finished watching Orson Welles' adaptation of the King Henry IV plays called Chimes At Midnight. It is interesting take on The Henriad from Falstaff's point-of-view, similar to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead. It is done as good as you can imagine an Orson Welles movie to be and the battle scenes are very reminiscent of Akira Kurosawa. Has anyone else seen this movie?

message 2: by Monica (new)

Monica (mismoniker) | 14 comments I haven't but that sounds amazing!

message 3: by B. P. (new)

B. P. Rinehart (ken_moten) | 72 comments It is. Orson Welles manages to merge the two Henry IV plays in just the right way. He considers this his best movie as well.

message 4: by Candy (new)

Candy | 2796 comments Mod
I'm thinking of watching this in the near future. Maybe in late spring we could do a drop viewing?

message 5: by Dee (new)

Dee | 25 comments I’m up for that! It’s been on my to-be-viewed list for years. Actually…what is a ‘drop viewing’? Whatever it is, sounds good!

message 6: by Candy (last edited Jul 01, 2024 11:01AM) (new)

Candy | 2796 comments Mod
Its a typo!!!!

Oh my god...I have too many things on the go. I am so interested in watching Chimes At Midnight. Let me see if I can find a copy....

In the mean time I have been doing a Final Cut tutorial...and I feel after hours of lessons I've got bit of an indoor confidence I can use the feature now. I'm putting first attempts of my documentary together. It takes time and for me...a lot of quiet time which I seldom seem to be able to find. I need day dreaming time because I am writing a sorry of diary essay voice over for the documentary.

Then I am also trying to get my Youtube channel more visitors. I have been making ASMR button collection videos. if you feel like you have time to subscribe to my channel...that would be great. It's free. Here is the link:

And I just had a precise accepted for a conference in October....I shall share the proposal with you all here as I'm using some of the approach Cormac McCarthy!

One One Seven Tennessine
“Good luck lies in odd numbers ... They say, there's divinity in odd numbers, either in nativity, chance, or death” Shakespeare
What do the patterns of pagination mean in McCarthys novels? Is it numerical composition, numerology or maybe a memory system? What could the repeated numbers 46 mean on page 46 of Blood Meridian? (*) The passage aligns the gang with the stars above and perhaps that relates to the 46 stars in Guadalupe’s mantle? Is there significance having number seventeen on page eleven in Stella Maris and number seventeen on page seventeen in The Passenger? I believe McCarthy has a lot of fun with numbers in his work bringing a suppressed design found in some ancient artifacts to his own contemporary work. Is it a coincidence that the Periodic chemical element 117 was co-discovered at Oak Ridge. so close to Knoxville?
(* 25th anniversary edition)

I have also been approached to do a collaborative essay on Blood Meridian with a friend professor John vanderheide.

These various projects have a fair bit of overlap.

I also have a substack page where I'm slowly publishing chapters which I wrote as presentations at conferences.

So its not an easy thing for me to have finished commenting on HENRY discussion in May...and to commit to discussion here for Chimes At Midnight.

But my heart and desire is strong. So I will try to make more effort to visit here.

This group has given me endless inspiration for over 15 years! I want to keep our discussions and research as a group going! I care a great deal about this group.

message 7: by Candy (new)

Candy | 2796 comments Mod
Well... I see that I could get a subscription to the Criterion channel. I've always wanted to get one of these. I do have several...dozens of dads from Criterion but not the app.

If we are serious about the discussion...I will get it.

I'll check back in a. few days to see if anyone else is still interested.

I know I know...I'm biting off a lot to chew. Especially when I get focused on something then I lose track of coming in to check topics at this group. Ugh.

message 8: by Marlin (new)

Marlin Tyree | 162 comments Hey Candy. The Criterion Channel’s one of my most cherished subs. If I had to chuck most of my subscriptions, TCC and YouTube Premium would be the last two to go. And Chimes is a longtime fave. Have you ever considered a group watch? Outside of YouTube live chats I participated in a few online group viewings for the first time this past spring. Sometimes it was a lot of fun and sometimes, quite contentious, depending the group participants. We did them on the Discord server, which I recommend actually, as a sort of film-corollary to this forum if it sounds interesting. Younger people take to the platform like ducks. Older folks take a minute to get used to it but it’s a fairly straightforward interface. Just some good for thought if the idea of forming a movie sub group appeals to you.

But, yes, The Criterion Channel is loaded with cinematic treasures, including Chimes. And I actually like their new 24/7, round the clock streaming movie feature which is a kind of random rotation of films with no scheduled list or format. You can see the title of the film playing at the moment but not what’s coming or, for that matter, what just went off. LOL Fun, if you up for a surprise.

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