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Challenges > Follow the Clues - Reporting Thread

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message 1: by Nell (last edited Mar 07, 2018 04:10PM) (new)

Nell | 3209 comments Mod

Follow the Clues Mystery Challenge*
Duration: Open-ended
Starting any time after September 1, 2017

This is an open challenge. You are welcome to repeat the challenge as often as you like.

Goal - Follow clues from the mystery books you read to create a body of evidence and build a book court case. Each book clue leads you to your next read. (For example, if your first book takes place in a small town, then it can lead you to another book that also takes place in a small town).

Clues can be method of murder, an item on the cover, sub-genre/theme, number in series, MC's profession, location/setting, author's name, word in the title, or another connection. You must be able to make your case to the judge on your detective logic. If you're not sure about the clue, ask the judge.

You can ask any questions about the challenge or clues here

~All books must be mystery/crime/detective novels on GR book page.
~Books must be at least 150 pages.
~A full body of evidence must be read at the chosen level for a completed challenge.
~You can prosecute at a higher level if your evidence trail leads you to suspect a more serious crime.
~You can read books by the same author only if it is a different series or stand-alone.
~You cannot use the same series as the clue.
~One clue/link between the books is required, but there can be more than one link.
~The clue can be a cozy theme or sub-genre, but not simply a cozy mystery.

Levels of participation:
Infraction -- four books read in a single chain of evidence
Violation -- six books read in a single chain of evidence
Misdemeanor -- eight books read in a single chain of evidence
Felony -- ten books read in a single chain of evidence
Capital Offense -- twelve books in a single chain of evidence


Level = Misdemeanor

Chain of Evidence:
1. Die Like an Eagle by Donna Andrews
Clue = set in Virginia, set in small town; MC has a dog
2. Murder Most Howl by Krista Davis
Clue = set at an inn/hotel
3. Whispers Beyond the Veil by Jessica Estevao
Clue = set at a hotel; author uses pen name
4. Hot Button by Kylie Logan
Clue = Buttons on cover, fashion theme
5. Deadly Patterns by Melissa Bourbon
Clue = Paranormal/ghost
6. Ghost Gone Wild by Carolyn G. Hart
Clue = Same author (diff't series)
7. Engaged to Die by Carolyn G. Hart
Clue = 14th book in series
8. Murder of a Creped Suzette by Denise Swanson

Note: The clue is posted between the two books it connects.

*Thanks to Bev @ My Reader's Block for this challenge idea.

message 3: by Hilary (A Wytch's Book Review), Co-Moderator, Featured Series (last edited Sep 28, 2017 01:52PM) (new)

Hilary (A Wytch's Book Review) (knyttwytch) | 1175 comments Mod
Oh my! This looks interesting! I'll give it a go!

Capital Offense -- twelve books in a single chain of evidence

1. At Bertram's Hotel by Agatha Christie At Bertram's Hotel (Miss Marple #11) by Agatha Christie
Clue = Set in the UK

2. Murder at Merisham Lodge by Celina Grace Murder at Merisham Lodge (Miss Hart and Miss Hunter Investigate, #1) by Celina Grace
Clue - Historical

3. Monk's Hood by Ellis Peters Monk's Hood (The Chronicles of Brother Cadfael Book 3) by Ellis Peters
Clue = plants

4. The Red Book of Primrose House by Marty Wingate The Red Book of Primrose House (Potting Shed Mystery, #2) by Marty Wingate
Clue = SO of the main character is a Police Officer

5. Killer Party by Lynn Cahoon Killer Party (A Tourist Trap Mystery, #9) by Lynn Cahoon
Clue = MC owns/runs a book shop

6. Murder is Binding by Lorna Barrett Murder is Binding (Booktown Mystery, #1) by Lorna Barrett
Clue = MC has a cat

7. If the Haunting Fits, Wear It by Rose Pressey If the Haunting Fits, Wear It (Haunted Vintage Mystery #5) by Rose Pressey
Clue = MC involved with ghosts

8. Dead and Breakfast by Kate Kingsbury Dead and Breakfast (Merry Ghost Inn #1) by Kate Kingsbury
Clue = Guesthouse/hotel

9. Oh, Fudge! by Nancy CoCo Oh, Fudge! (Candy-Coated, #5) by Nancy CoCo
Clue = MC makes sweets

10. Assaulted Caramel by Amanda Flower Assaulted Caramel (Amish Candy Shop Mystery, #1) by Amanda Flower
Clue = Set in Amish country

11. A Churn for the Worse by Laura Bradford A Churn for the Worse (An Amish Mystery, #5) by Laura Bradford
Clue = Same author, different name!

12. Sew Deadly by Elizabeth Lynn Casey aka Laura Bradford Sew Deadly (A Southern Sewing Circle, #1) by Elizabeth Lynn Casey


message 4: by Mary (new)

Mary (mw8019) | 273 comments Nell wrote: "FOLLOW THE CLUES MYSTERY CHALLENGE

Follow the Clues Mystery Challenge*
Duration: Open-ended
Starting any time after September 1st

Goal - Follow clues from the mystery books you read to create a..."


It sounds like fun, I hope I can get to it. I am going to try. Two of my new book Clubs are coming to an end this month so I just might make it. I am keeping my fingers crossed.


message 5: by Nell (last edited Jan 13, 2018 03:01AM) (new)

Nell | 3209 comments Mod
Follow the Clues

Level: Violation 12/02/17
Misdemeanor 1/04/18

Chain of Evidence:
1. A Custom-Fit Crime by Melissa Bourbon
Clue = set in small town
2. A Dark and Stormy Murder by Julia Buckley
Clue = Victim is shot; set in small town
3. Ghost Gone Wild by Carolyn G. Hart
Clue = 4th in series; set in small town
4. A Good Day to Buy by Sherry Harris
Clue = Trees, lawn, shrubs, house & sky on cover
5. A Quiet Life In The Country by T E Kinsey
Clue = Victim strangled; setting at country estate, shown on cover
6. Death of a Greedy Woman by M.C. Beaton
Clue = Coastal setting and scene on cover
7. Devil's Breath by G.M. Malliet
Clue = Coastal setting and scene on the cover, method and scene of murder; 6th in series
8. Stowed Away by Barbara Ross

A Custom-Fit Crime (A Magical Dressmaking Mystery #4) by Melissa Bourbon A Dark and Stormy Murder (A Writer's Apprentice Mystery #1) by Julia Buckley Ghost Gone Wild (Bailey Ruth, #4) by Carolyn G. Hart A Good Day to Buy (Sarah Winston Garage Sale Mystery #4) by Sherry Harris A Quiet Life In The Country (Lady Hardcastle Mysteries #1) by T E Kinsey Death of a Greedy Woman by M.C. Beaton Devil's Breath (Max Tudor #6) by G.M. Malliet Stowed Away (A Maine Clambake Mystery, #6) by Barbara Ross

message 6: by Jeannie (new)

Jeannie Hasenkamp | 47 comments I am not sure I understand completely how to do this challenge but I am going to enter and do the best I can.

message 7: by Jeannie (new)

Jeannie Hasenkamp | 47 comments I will try for misdemeanor. Thanks Nell.

message 8: by Jess (last edited Mar 08, 2018 07:35PM) (new)

Jess (mividadulce) | 145 comments Thanks Nell for setting up a new challenge. I missed to enter for the September serial but now here is something else I can do next month.

I'm aiming for felony considering this is open ended.

Level: Felony
Progress: 10/10
Duration: Sep 1 to Dec 31

1. In For a Penny by Kelsey Browning & Nancy Naigle
Clue = MC being senior citizen
2. The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax by Dorothy Gilman
Clue = MC has one or more grandchild
3. Candy Corn Murder by Leslie Meier
Clue = based on small towns in New England
4. One Bad Apple by Sheila Connolly
Clue = victim
(view spoiler)
5. The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag by Alan Bradley
Clue = Canadian author
6. The Cruelest Month by Louise Penny
Clue = a supporting character named Hazel
7. Espresso Shot by Cleo Coyle
Clue = the investigation / mystery begins in April
8. Maisie Dobbs by Jacqueline Winspear
Clue = set in post-WW1 in England / MC has worked as a maid
9. Royal Flush by Rhys Bowen
Clue = first victim shot by gun
10. Mrs. Jeffries and the Three Wise Women by Emily Brightwell

In for a Penny (Granny #1) by Kelsey Browning The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax (Mrs. Pollifax #1) by Dorothy Gilman Candy Corn Murder (A Lucy Stone Mystery, #22) by Leslie Meier One Bad Apple (Orchard, #1) by Sheila Connolly The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag (Flavia de Luce, #2) by Alan Bradley The Cruelest Month (Chief Inspector Armand Gamache, #3) by Louise Penny Espresso Shot (Coffeehouse Mystery, #7) by Cleo Coyle Maisie Dobbs (Maisie Dobbs, #1) by Jacqueline Winspear Royal Flush (Her Royal Spyness Mysteries, #3) by Rhys Bowen Mrs. Jeffries and the Three Wise Women (Mrs. Jeffries #36) by Emily Brightwell

I’m finished! Felony level before 31 Dec! Will decide later if I would continue to next level or start a new one.

Ok, I decided to extend this chain to the next level!

Level: Capital Offense
Progress: 12/12
Duration: Jan 1 to Mar 31

10. Mrs. Jeffries and the Three Wise Women by Emily Brightwell
Clue = Christmas theme
11. Anne Perry's Merry Mysteries: Two Victorian Holiday Novels by Anne Perry
Clue = book with short stories
12. The Innocence of Father Brown by G.K. Chesterton

Anne Perry's Merry Mysteries Two Victorian Holiday Novels by Anne Perry The Innocence of Father Brown by G.K. Chesterton


message 9: by Julesy (last edited Nov 14, 2017 04:21PM) (new)

Julesy | 405 comments I'll try this. I'll start at the infraction level until I get the hang of it.

Follow the Clues challenge
Duration: September 1 - open ended COMPLETED
Chain of Evidence level: Infraction - 0/4 Violation - 6 books in a single chain
Capital Offense - 12 books in a single chain of evidence
Updated: Nov. 14
Progress: 4/4 6/6 12/12

1. Darkest Fear by Harlan Coben
Clue = MC owns a business
2. Sweetness and Light by J.A. Whiting
Clue = cake on the cover
3. Meet Your Baker by Ellie Alexander
Clue = takes place during July
4. Murder at Sunrise by Kathi Daley
Clue = mysteries occur on islands (Oahu and one of the Florida keys)
5. The Deep Blue Good-By by John D. MacDonald
Clue = name of John Mac/Mc___ (author and murder victim)
6. What Remains of Me by Alison Gaylin
Clue = suspect drives red sports car
7. Pineapple Mystery Box by Amy Vansant
Clue = wooden box on cover; MC born in Florida
8. Sew Deadly by Elizabeth Lynn Casey
Clue = MC has taken over a job position from an elderly woman who involuntarily retired; character with the name of Travis (one a suspect and one a victim); victims died from cyanide poisoning
9. Death of a Kitchen Diva by Lee Hollis
Clue = MC has a teenage daughter
10. Glue, Baby, Gone by Joanna Campbell Slan
Clue = character has a son named Ty
11. Éclair and Present Danger by Laura Bradford
Clue = paned window on the cover
12. Iced Under by Barbara Ross

message 10: by Marisa (new)

Marisa (moretta) | 421 comments Thank you very much, Nell. I'm going to begin with Infraction and I'll go from there. At any case, my goal will be the level I have at 12/31/2017.

message 11: by Helen (last edited Jan 19, 2018 05:28PM) (new)

Helen (helennn) | 892 comments This sounds like fun. I'll start with Violation level, and see where that leads me.
I finally have some books to report.
1. Tess Gerritsen, The Surgeon (Jane Rizzoli & Maura Isles, #1) by Tess Gerritsen
Clue: MC is a police officer.
2. Joan Hess, The Merry Wives of Maggody (Arly Hanks, #16) by Joan Hess
Clues: characters enjoy fishing; MC is another female police officer.
3. Victoria Houston, Dead Angler (A Loon Lake Mystery, #1) by Victoria Houston
Clues: major character is a dentist, small towns in neighbouring American states.
4. Joanne Fluke, Double Fudge Brownie Murder (Hannah Swensen, #18) by Joanne Fluke
Clues: MC runs a food shop and does catering for functions in a small American town and the book includes recipes.
5. Avery Aames, Lost and Fondue (A Cheese Shop Mystery, #2) by Avery Aames
Clue: major character is a lawyer
6. Sara Woods
Nor Live So Long (Antony Maitland, #47) by Sara Woods
This book led me to a series of British vintage murders, all written in the twentieth century, and I have now reached felony level.
I'm now hoping to reach capital offence.
Clues: English village setting, 1980s.
7. Ellis Peters
The Grass Widow's Tale (Felse, #7) by Ellis Peters
Clues: English village, female lead character.
8. T E Kinsey
A Quiet Life in the Country (A Lady Hardcastle Mystery Book 1) by T E Kinsey
Clues: English village, early 20 th century, upper classes
9. James Anderson
The Affair of the Thirty Nine-Cufflinks by James Anderson
Clues: English village, 20th century, funeral important to plot, author's first name.
10. James Runcie
Sidney Chambers and the Perils of the Night by James Runcie (Sidney Chambers and the Perils of the Night)

message 12: by Sharon (last edited Mar 17, 2018 07:58AM) (new)

Sharon PLB (sharonlpb) | 234 comments I love this idea. I'm in for 12, a Capital Offense.
And here I go.
book 1: Y is for Yesterday by Sue Grafton
clue = two of the characters are planning a wedding
book 2: The Diva Takes the Cake by Krista Davis
clue = setting is on the US east coast
book 3: The Spanish Cape Mystery by Ellery Queen
clue = characters transported by boat
book 4: Clammed Up by Barbara Ross
clue = characters from Quebec
book 5: The Brutal Telling by Louise Penny
clue = MC is in police
book 6: Death of a Hussy by M.C. Beaton
clue = sleuth lives in U.K.
book 7: Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie
clue = mobile crime scene (train, bookmobile)
book 8: Murder, Plainly Read by Isabella Alan
clue = murder involves books
book 9: One Book in the Grave by Kate Carlisle
clue = MC finds the dead body of a stabbing victim
book 10: A Medal for Murder by Frances Brody
clue = story opens with female disappearing, presumed kidnapped
book 11: What You See by Hank Phillipi Ryan
clue = MC is an unemployed former reporter in an eastern US city
book 12: Baltimore Blues by Laura Lippman
Case closed! On to the next ...

Inspired by Barbara's titled cases, I'm going for a Violation -- six books read in a single chain of evidence -- next. So here goes.

Rule Britannia (All sleuths have links to Great Britain)
book 1: Mrs. Jeffries Dusts for Clues by Emily Brightwell
clue: MC is an older woman in Britain
book 2: Murder at the Vicarage by Agatha Christie
clue: same author, different series
book 3: By the Pricking of My Thumbs by Agatha Christie
clue: duo of detectives
book 4: Busman's Honeymoon by Dorothy L. Sayers
book 5:
book 6:

Mrs. Jeffries Dusts for Clues by Emily Brightwell The Murder at the Vicarage (Miss Marple #1) by Agatha Christie By the Pricking of My Thumbs by Agatha Christie Busman's Honeymoon (Lord Peter Wimsey, #13) by Dorothy L. Sayers

message 13: by Patti (new)

Patti St (pattisaintmariewilson) | 12 comments I love a challenge. Count me in!

message 14: by Martha (new)

Martha | 25 comments Count me in. I'll start with violation.

message 15: by Marsha (new)

Marsha (marsha2c) | 41 comments How interesting! I think I can manage this even with my memory issues...

I'll start with Violation.

Follow the Clues Mystery Challenge*
Duration: Open-ended
Starting any time after September 1st

Goal - Follow clues from the mystery books you read to create a body of evidence and build a book court case. Each book clue leads you to your next read. (For example, if your first book takes place in a small town, then it can lead you to another book that also takes place in a small town).

Clues can be method of murder, an item on the cover, sub-genre/theme, number in series, MC's profession, location/setting, author's name, word in the title, or another connection. You must be able to make your case to the judge on your detective logic. If you're not sure about the clue, ask the judge.

You can ask any questions about the challenge or clues here

~All books must be mystery/crime/detective novels on GR book page.
~A full body of evidence must be read at the chosen level for a completed challenge.
~You can level up if your evidence trail leads you to suspect a more serious crime.
~You can read books by the same author only if it is a different series or stand-alone.
~You cannot use the same series as the clue.
~One clue/link between the books is required, but there can be more than one link.
~The clue can be a cozy theme or sub-genre, but not simply a cozy mystery.
~Books must be at least 150 pages.

Levels of participation:
Infraction -- four books read in a single chain of evidence
Violation -- six books read in a single chain of evidence
Misdemeanor -- eight books read in a single chain of evidence
Felony -- ten books read in a single chain of evidence
Capital Offense -- twelve books in a single chain of evidence


Level = Misdemeanor
1. Die Like an Eagle by Donna Andrews
Clue = set in Virginia, small town; MC has a dog
2. Murder Most Howl by Krista Davis
Clue = set at an inn/hotel
3. Whispers Beyond the Veil by Jessica Estevao
Clue = set at a hotel; author uses pen name
4. Hot Button by Kylie Logan
Clue = Buttons on cover, fashion theme
5. Deadly Patterns by Melissa Bourbon
Clue = Paranormal/ghost
6. Ghost Gone Wild by Carolyn G. Hart
Clue = Same author (diff't series)
7. Engaged to Die by Carolyn G. Hart
Clue = 14th book in series
8. Murder of a Creped Suzette by Denise Swanson

*Thanks to Bev @ My Reader's Block for this challenge idea.

message 16: by Anna Catharina (last edited Dec 17, 2017 04:47AM) (new)

Anna Catharina Follow the Clues
Duration: Sept 1 to Dec 31
Level: Felony
Progress: 10/10

Level: Capital Offense
Progress: 12/12

1. Der böse Ort (Peter Grant, #4) by Ben Aaronovitch Broken Homes by Ben Aaronovitch (Peter Grant #4)
Clue: fantastic and paranormal elements
2. Relatively Dead (Relatively Dead, #1) by Sheila Connolly Relatively Dead by Sheila Connolly (Relatively Dead #1)
Clue: small town in the US
3. Guidebook to Murder (A Tourist Trap Mystery, #1) by Lynn Cahoon Guidebook to Murder by Lynn Cahoon (A Tourist Trap Mystery #1)
Clue: victim was poisoned
4. The Apothecary Rose (Owen Archer, #1) by Candace Robb The Apothecary Rose by Candace Robb (Owen Archer #1)
Clue: historical setting in England
5. The Queen's Head (Nicholas Bracewell, #1) by Edward Marston The Queen's Head by Edward Marston (Nicholas Bracewell #1)
Clue: theatre theme
6. Show Time (A Dodie O'Dell Mystery #1) by Suzanne M. Trauth Show Time by Suzanne Trauth (Dodie O'Dell Mystery #1)
Clue: name of the town starts with the same letter (E: Etonville -> Emerald Springs)
7. Beware False Profits (Ministry is Murder Mystery, #3) by Emilie Richards Beware False Profits by Emilie Richards (Ministry is Murder #3)
Clue: church on the cover
8. Der Schatten des Todes Sidney Chambers ermittelt by James Runcie Sidney Chambers and the Shadow of Death by James Runcie (The Grantchester Mysteries #1)
Clue: Name of the author (first/last name: James)
9. Murder Past Due (Cat in the Stacks, #1) by Miranda James Murder Past Due by Miranda James (Cat in the Stacks #1)
Clue: MC has a cat and the same name (first/last name: Charles)
10. Crime and Catnip (Nick and Nora Mysteries, #3) by T.C. LoTempio Crime and Catnip by T.C.LoTempio (Nick & Nora #3)
Clue: MC has a business
11. Homicide in Hardcover (Bibliophile Mystery #1) by Kate Carlisle Homicide in Hardcover by Kate Carlisle (Bibliophile Mystery #1)
Clue: 1st book in series
12. A Dark and Stormy Murder (A Writer's Apprentice Mystery #1) by Julia Buckley A Dark and Stormy Murder by Julia Buckley (A Writer's Apprentice Mystery #1)

message 17: by Marisa (last edited Oct 01, 2017 03:37AM) (new)

Marisa (moretta) | 421 comments Follow the Clues

Duration: 09/01/2017 - 12/31/2017
Level: Violation
Progress: 5/6

1.- The Watcher by Jo Robertson (02/09/2017 - ★★★★)

Clue: The MC investigates a cold case (aside of the current one)

2.- First Case by Kathi Daley (13/09/2017 - ★★★★☆)

Clue: The story takes place in an island, MC has a pet, MC is an aspiring writer

3.- Writing All Wrongs by Ellery Adams (24/09/2017 - ★★★)

Clue: Same number in the series (7)

4.- Macarons and Mayhem by Agatha Frost (26/09/2017 - ★★★★)

Clue: MC in the first book shares the name with the second book writer (Julia)

5.- A Dark and Stormy Murder by Julia Buckley (29/09/2017 - ★★★★☆)

The Watcher (Bigler County #1) by Jo Robertson First Case (Writers Retreat Mystery #1) by Kathi Daley Writing All Wrongs (A Books By the Bay Mystery, #7) by Ellery Adams Macarons and Mayhem (Peridale Cafe Mystery #7) by Agatha Frost A Dark and Stormy Murder (A Writer's Apprentice Mystery) by Julia Buckley

message 18: by Karen (last edited Sep 07, 2017 12:37PM) (new)

Karen Miles (karbear1022) | 0 comments Follow the Clues challenge
Duration: September 1 - open ended
Level: Capital Offense-12 books
Progress: 0/12

1. Death of a Dreamer
Clue: MC is a police officer; story takes place in Europe, MC has a pet.

message 19: by Martha (last edited Sep 03, 2017 09:43AM) (new)

Martha | 25 comments Follow the Clues
Duration: Sept 1 to

Level: Violation

1. Death in High Heels by Christianna Brand Death in High Heels
Clue =

message 20: by Barbara (last edited Jun 30, 2018 08:50PM) (new)

Barbara Sousa | 500 comments Follow the Clues Challenge
September 1, 2017 - ??
Level: Violation (to start)

Like all good prosecutors, I will be working on more than one case at a time.

Case 1: First Cases - Progress: 12/12 - CONVICTION OBTAINED

1. Starboard Secrets by Hope Callaghan (finished 9/5/17)
Clue = MC is divorced due to husband's affair, MC is older, with grown children, first book in series, ship on cover of book
2. Murder on Bainbridge Island by Dianne Harman (finished 9/14/17)
Clue = crime set in the art world, first book in series, new series to me
3. A Fool and His Monet by Sandra Orchard (finished 10/5/17)
Clue = first book in series, new series to me, secondary character with the nickname "Pet" (Petra in A Fool and His Monet, Perpetua Grandy in The Big Chili); both novel titles are puns
4. The Big Chili by Julia Buckley (finished 10/14/17)
Clue = first book in series, new series to me, culinary theme, murders were committed using same method
5. Tastes Like Murder by Catherine Bruns (finished 11/7/17)
Clue = first book in series, new series to me, MC's ex cheated on her, published 2015, set in New York
6. Better Homes and Corpses by Kathleen Bridge (finished 12/9/17)
Clue = first book in series, new series to me, set in resort town (Montauk, NY and Star City, UT)
7. To Helvetica and Back by Paige Shelton (audio - finished 12/15/17)
Clue = first book in series, new series to me, MC discovers the victim
8. Snow Way Out by Christine Husom (finished 12/26/17)
Clue = first book in series, new series to me, set in small town (Brooks Landing, MN and Crystal Bay, WI)
9. On the Chopping Block by Jenny Kales (finished 1/17/18)
Clue = first book in series, new series to me, set in quaint small town (Crystal Bay, WI, West London on Cape Cod)
10. Elementary, She Read by Vicki Delany (finished 2/25/18)
Clue = first book in series, new series to me, sent in small town (West London, MA and River Vista, ID)
11. Who Moved My Goat Cheese? by Lynn Cahoon (audio - finished 3/18/18)
Clue = first book in series, new series to me, set in small town, MC recently opened/took over business
12. Mum's the Word by Kate Collins (audio - finished 3/29/18)

Starboard Secrets (Cruise Ship Christian Cozy Mysteries #1) by Hope Callaghan Murder on Bainbridge Island (Northwest Mystery #1) by Dianne Harman A Fool and His Monet (Serena Jones Mystery, #1) by Sandra Orchard The Big Chili (Undercover Dish Mystery #1) by Julia Buckley Tastes Like Murder (Cookies & Chance Mystery #1) by Catherine Bruns Better Homes and Corpses (Hamptons Home & Garden Mystery #1) by Kathleen Bridge To Helvetica and Back (A Dangerous Type Mystery, #1) by Paige Shelton Snow Way Out (Snow Globe Shop Mystery, #1) by Christine Husom On the Chopping Block (A Callie's Kitchen Mystery, #1) by Jenny Kales Elementary, She Read (A Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mystery #1) by Vicki Delany Who Moved My Goat Cheese? (Farm-to-Fork Mystery #1) by Lynn Cahoon Mum's the Word by Kate Collins

Case 2: Police Procedurals/Audio - Progress: 12/12 - CONVICTION OBTAINED

1. A Fatal Grace by Louise Penny (audio - finished 9/8/17)
Clue: MC is investigator in charge (Gamache, DD Warren), MC has to deal with trainee (Yvette Nichol & Robert Lemieux in A Fatal Grace, Carol Manley in Find Her)
2. Find Her by Lisa Gardner (audio - finished 9/22/17)
Clue: Authors have same first name (Lisa); investigation is conducted by federal law enforcement (FBI, ATF)
3. One Perfect Lie by Lisa Scottoline (audio - finished 10/6/17)
Clue: Same author (both standalones); both take place in Pennsylvania; MC in both is leading a double life
4. Dirty Blonde by Lisa Scottoline (audio - finished 10/12/17)
Clue: Set in Philadelphia, PA; MC is in legal profession (judge & lawyer, lawyer)
5. A Criminal Defense by William L. Myers Jr. (audio - finished 10/31/17)
Clue: MCs are defense attorneys; both involve two interconnected mysteries
6. Who Let the Dog Out? by David Rosenfelt (audio - finished 11/12/17)
Clue: Cases involve mistaken identities; MCs must work with computer professionals; cases rely heavily on tech
7. The Guise of Another by Allen Eskens (audio - finished 12/29/17)
Clue: MCs are both cops, plotline centers on MC and his brother
8. Don't Let Go by Harlan Coben (audio - finished 11/11/18)
Clue: MCs solve cold cases involving teens (MC's twin brother, UCLA coed)
9. The Cinderella Murder by Mary Higgins Clark and Alafair Burke (audio - finished 1/23/18)
Clue: MCs are amateurs who solve cold case murder of young woman
10. Threads of Evidence by Lea Wait (audio - finished 2/11/18)
Clue: Cold case murder of young girl
11. Y is for Yesterday by Sue Grafton (audio - finished 2/12/18)
Clue: Cold case murder decades old
12. No Man's Land by David Baldacci (audio - finished 2/25/18)

A Fatal Grace (Chief Inspector Armand Gamache, #2) by Louise Penny Find Her (Detective D.D. Warren, #8) by Lisa Gardner One Perfect Lie by Lisa Scottoline Dirty Blonde by Lisa Scottoline A Criminal Defense (Philadelphia Legal #1) by William L. Myers Jr. Who Let the Dog Out? (Andy Carpenter, #13) by David Rosenfelt The Guise of Another by Allen Eskens Don't Let Go by Harlan Coben The Cinderella Murder (Under Suspicion, #2) by Mary Higgins Clark Threads of Evidence (Mainely Needlepoint, #2) by Lea Wait Y is for Yesterday (Kinsey Millhone, #25) by Sue Grafton No Man's Land (John Puller, #4) by David Baldacci

Case 3: Cooking the Books - Progress 12/12 - CONVICTION OBTAINED

1. Lemon Meringue Pie Murder by Joanne Fluke (finished 10/30/17)
Clue: bakery/culinary theme; MC/MC's partner bake cookies
2. The Iced Princess by Christine Husom (finished 1/8/18)
Clue: MCs are proprietors of their own stores; baking/culinary theme; Christmas time
3. Spiced and Iced by Jenny Kales (finished 2/4/18)
Clue: culinary theme; both involve water
4. Lethal Lobster by Hope Callaghan (finished 3/2/18)
Clue: culinary theme, both MCs care for energetic young dogs
5. Who Moved My Goat Cheese? by Lynn Cahoon (audio - finished 3/18/18)
Clue: culinary theme; both MCs are running their own cafes
6. Margaritas, Marzipan, and Murder by Harper Lin (audio - finished 3/21/18)
Clue: culinary theme; small town/close knit community (Cape Bay, MA/Scottsdale, AZ)
7. Wedding Cake Crumble by Jenn McKinlay (finished 4/8/18)
Clue: baking theme, recipes at end of book
8. Lattes, Ladyfingers, and Lies by Harper Lin (audio - finished 5/12/18)
Clue: baking theme, recipes at end of book, dogs featured in book
9. The Uninvited Corpse by Debra Sennefelder (audio - finished 5/23/18)
Clue: culinary/baking theme; MC's sister is prominent character; MC's have pets
10. Fudge Cupcake Murder by Joanne Fluke (finished 5/26/18)
Clue: baking theme; both books have police detectives named Mike; both MCs have pets; 5th book in series
11. Americanos, Apple Pies, and Art Thieves by Harper Lin (audio - finished 5/28/18)
Clue: both MCs run establishments with emphasis on coffee, both MCs live in artsy small towns (Cape Bay, Greenwich Village), both MCs have dogs with coffee-themed names (Latte/Java)
12. On What Grounds by Cleo Coyle (audio - finished 6/29/18)

Lemon Meringue Pie Murder (Hannah Swensen, #4) by Joanne Fluke The Iced Princess (Snow Globe Shop Mystery, #2) by Christine Husom Spiced and Iced (A Callie's Kitchen Mystery #2) by Jenny Kales Lethal Lobster (Cruise Ship Christian Cozy Mysteries #3) by Hope Callaghan Who Moved My Goat Cheese? (Farm-to-Fork Mystery #1) by Lynn Cahoon Margaritas, Marzipan, and Murder (Cape Bay Cafe Mystery, #3) by Harper Lin Wedding Cake Crumble (Cupcake Bakery Mystery, #10) by Jenn McKinlay Lattes, Ladyfingers, and Lies (Cape Bay Cafe Mystery, #4) by Harper Lin The Uninvited Corpse (Food Blogger Mysteries #1) by Debra Sennefelder Fudge Cupcake Murder (Hannah Swensen, #5) by Joanne Fluke Americanos, Apple Pies, and Art Thieves (A Cape Bay Cafe Mystery #5) by Harper Lin On What Grounds (Coffeehouse Mystery, #1) by Cleo Coyle

Case 4: Doggone it, Cat Got Your Tongue? - Progress 12/12 - CONVICTION OBTAINED

1. Portside Peril by Hope Callaghan (finished 9/17/17)
Clue: MC is responsible for dog; dog helps with the mystery; dog on cover of book
2. Outfoxed by David Rosenfelt (audio - finished 12/5/17)
Clue: MC has dog; animals play a role in the story
3. The Cruelest Month by Louise Penny (audio - finished 12/8/17)
Clue: Crime occurs in small town outside the U.S. with townspeople as suspects; MC has pet (Gamache has a dog, Henri, and Agatha Raisin has 2 cats) which features in the storyline
4. The Vicious Vet by M.C. Beaton (audio - finished 1/22/18)
Clue: Pets figure prominently in the mystery (Agatha's cats & Roxy's dogs)
5. Look For Me by Lisa Gardner (finished 1/28/18)
Clue: Dogs reunited with their owner/caretaker after period of absence
6. Deadly Deception by Hope Callaghan (finished 3/4/18)
Clue: MC has responsibility for dog (Scout/Emma); MC has planned to go on cruise ship
7. Killer Run by Lynn Cahoon (audio - finished 4/7/18)
Clue: MCs own golden retriever; MCs have been to law school
8. Sudden Death by David Rosenfelt (audio-finished 4/18/18)
Clue: MCs are involved with rescue dogs (Andy Carpenter co-owns rescue/Francesca gets her dog from rescue shelter); both MCs own dogs
9. Tea, Tiramisu, and Tough Guys by Harper Lin (audio - finished 5/2/18)
Clue: MCs live in small, resort community (Cape Bay, MA/Star City, UT); MCs have pets; stories have character named Matt
10. Bookman Dead Style by Paige Shelton (audio - finished 6/6/18)
Clue: MCs both have cats; resort community; stories have rich/famous people coming to town
11. Dangling by a Thread by Lea Wait (finished 6/22/18)
Clue: seaside village setting (Maine, USA/England); MCs have cats; birds on cover
12. Agatha Raisin and the Witch of Wyckhadden by M.C. Beaton (audio - finished 6/24/18)

Portside Peril (Cruise Ship Christian Cozy Mysteries #2) by Hope Callaghan Outfoxed (Andy Carpenter, #14) by David Rosenfelt The Cruelest Month (Chief Inspector Armand Gamache, #3) by Louise Penny The Vicious Vet (Agatha Raisin, #2) by M.C. Beaton Look For Me (Detective D.D. Warren, #9) by Lisa Gardner Deadly Deception (Cruise Ship Mysteries, #4) by Hope Callaghan Killer Run (A Tourist Trap Mystery, #5) by Lynn Cahoon Sudden Death (Andy Carpenter Series, #4) by David Rosenfelt Tea, Tiramisu, and Tough Guys (Cape Bay Cafe Mystery, #2) by Harper Lin Bookman Dead Style (A Dangerous Type Mystery, #2) by Paige Shelton Dangling by a Thread (Mainely Needlepoint, #4) by Lea Wait Agatha Raisin and the Witch of Wyckhadden (Agatha Raisin, #9) by M.C. Beaton

message 21: by Meg (last edited May 18, 2018 10:54AM) (new)

Meg (makeli2) | 1386 comments Follow the Clues Mystery Challenge*
Duration: Open-ended
Starting any time after September 1st

Capital Offense #2: Twelve books in a single chain of evidence

1. Dawn Eastman - Be Careful What You Witch For
Clue = Failed Epipen
2. Karen MacInerney - Deadly Brew
Clue = Death at a fundraiser
3. Lynn Cahoon - Killer Run
Clue = MC has a very managing aunt
4. Amanda M. Lee - Make A Witch: A Wicked Witches of the Midwest Fantasy
Clue = MC is small town newspaper editor
5. Mary Nealy - Bury the Lead
Clue = Inherit a relative's run-down house
6. Gemma Halliday - Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Brash Blonde
Clue = Baker Street
7. Vicki Delany - Elementary, She Read
Clue = Greedy heirs
8. Anne R Tan - Raining Men and Corpses
Clue = Poison
9. Jeanne Quigley - All Things Murder
Clue = Displaced soap opera star
10. Mary Jane Clark - To Have and to Kill
Clue = MC works in bakery
11. Jenn McKinlay - Sprinkle with Murder
Clue = An upcoming wedding
12. Susan M. Boyer - Lowcountry Bordello

Be Careful What You Witch For (A Family Fortune Mystery, #2) by Dawn Eastman Deadly Brew (Dewberry Farm Mysteries, #3) by Karen MacInerney Killer Run (A Tourist Trap Mystery, #5) by Lynn Cahoon Make A Witch A Wicked Witches of the Midwest Fantasy by Amanda M. Lee Bury the Lead (Historical Society Murders #1) by Mary Nealy Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Brash Blonde (Marty Hudson Mysteries Book 1) by Gemma Halliday Elementary, She Read (A Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mystery #1) by Vicki Delany Raining Men and Corpses (Raina Sun Mystery #1) by Anne R. Tan All Things Murder (Veronica Walsh Mystery, #1) by Jeanne Quigley To Have and to Kill (Wedding Cake Mystery, #1) by Mary Jane Clark Sprinkle with Murder (Cupcake Bakery Mystery, #1) by Jenn McKinlay Lowcountry Bordello (Liz Talbot Mystery #4) by Susan M. Boyer

Capital Offense #1: Twelve books in a single chain of evidence

1. Amanda M Lee - Murder Most Witchy
Clue = ghosts
2. Jennifer Fischetto - Lipstick, Lies & Dead Guys
Clue = beach town setting
3. Shawn Reilley Simmons - Murder on the Half Shell
Clue = with film celebrities
4. Gemma Halliday - Hollywood Secrets
Clue = in L. A./Hollywood
5. Chelsea Field - Poison and Prejudice
Clue = missing girls
6. Stephanie Bond - In Deep Voodoo
Clue = set in Louisiana
7. Ellen Byron - Body on the Bayou
Clue = chief of police is a central character
8. Amy Vansant - Pineapple Lies
Clue = Author has same first name
9. Amy Boyles - Scared Witchless
Clue = MC is a witch
10. Raven Snow - Counterfeits and Cauldrons
Clue = business owner with detective bf
11. Deborah Brown - Lottery in Paradise
Clue = one of the MCs is a PI
12. Jamie Lee Scott - Let Us Prey

Murder Most Witchy (Wicked Witches of the Midwest #10) by Amanda M. Lee Lipstick, Lies & Dead Guys (Gianna Mancini Mysteries #1) by Jennifer Fischetto Murder on the Half Shell (A Red Carpet Catering Mystery, #2) by Shawn Reilly Simmons Hollywood Secrets (Hollywood Headlines, #2) by Gemma Halliday Poison and Prejudice (An Eat, Pray, Die Humorous Mystery #4) by Chelsea Field In Deep Voodoo (Voodoo in Mojo, #1) by Stephanie Bond Body on the Bayou (Cajun Country Mystery, #2) by Ellen Byron Pineapple Lies (Pineapple Port Mystery #1) by Amy Vansant Scared Witchless (Bless Your Witch, #1) by Amy Boyles Counterfeits and Cauldrons (Harper “Foxxy” Beck #6) by Raven Snow Lottery in Paradise (Paradise #11) by Deborah Brown Let Us Prey (Gotcha Detective Agency Mysteries #1) by Jamie Lee Scott

message 22: by Linda (last edited Oct 24, 2017 04:55AM) (new)

Linda (rudylkr) | 637 comments I'm going to start out at -
Misdemeanor -- eight books read in a single chain of evidence
Start 9/1/17 - 12/31/17

1. Murder is a Piece of Cake by Elaine Viets
Clue = both MCs have secret jobs - mystery shopper and undercover cook
2. The Big Chili by Julia Buckley
Clue = both have foods in the title
3. Affairs of Steak by Julie Hyzy
Clue = both set in Washington DC
4. Murder on K Street by Margaret Truman
Clue = red covers
5. Endangered Species by Nevada Barr
Clue = Takes place in summer
6. Death al Dente
Clue = takes place in tourist towns
7. Twisted Threads
Clue = Needlework theme
8. Hanging by a Thread

Murder is a Piece of Cake (Josie Marcus, Mystery Shopper, #8) by Elaine Viets The Big Chili (Undercover Dish Mystery #1) by Julia Buckley Affairs of Steak (A White House Chef Mystery, #5) by Julie Hyzy Murder on K Street (Capital Crimes, #23) by Margaret Truman Endangered Species (Anna Pigeon, #5) by Nevada Barr Death al Dente (Food Lovers' Village Mystery, #1) by Leslie Budewitz Twisted Threads (Mainely Needlepoint, #1) by Lea Wait Hanging by a Thread (A Needlecraft Mystery, #6) by Monica Ferris

message 23: by Patti (last edited Sep 24, 2017 10:23AM) (new)

Patti St (pattisaintmariewilson) | 12 comments Misdemeanor
8/8 Done!

1. Just Follow The Money by Jinx Schwartz
clue: location - France
2. Death on the Seine by Evan Hirst
clue: Author's first name is the same as MC
3. Evans Above by Rhys Bowen
clue: Same Author - different series
4. Hush Now, Don't You Cry by Rhys Bowen
clue: Time period - set in early 1900's
5. Murder on the SS Rosa by Lee Strauss
clue: crime - murdered with pickles
6. Pickled by Elaine Macko
clue: Senior Sleuth
7. The Invisible Code: A Peculiar Crimes Unit Mystery by Christopher Fowler
clue: witchcraft
8.Charmed Again by Rose Pressey
Just Follow The Money (Hetta Coffey Series Book 9) by Jinx Schwartz Death on the Seine (A Paris Booksellers Mystery Book 1) by Evan Hirst Evans Above (Constable Evans, #1) by Rhys Bowen Hush Now, Don't You Cry (Molly Murphy, #11) by Rhys Bowen Murder on the SS Rosa (Ginger Gold Mysteries #1) by Lee Strauss Pickled (The Alex Harris Mystery #6) by Elaine Macko The Invisible Code A Peculiar Crimes Unit Mystery (Bryant & May, #10) by Christopher Fowler Charmed Again (Halloween LaVeau, #2) by Rose Pressey

message 24: by Anne (last edited Sep 30, 2017 08:01PM) (new)

Anne Pichette | 146 comments I am going to try this at the misdemeanor

1. Dead Broke by Bruce Borders
Clue: MCs police officers
2. Prime Cut
Clue: Victim was in construction
3. Crowned and Moldering by Kate Carlisle
Clue: small town on the water
4. A Killer Plot by Ellery Adams
Clue: MC has dog
5. Bless Her Dead Little Heartby Miranda Jones

message 25: by Julesy (new)

Julesy | 405 comments I think I got the hang of this and managed to complete the Infraction level. So, I'm promoting myself to Violation level. :-D

message 26: by Nell (new)

Nell | 3209 comments Mod
Good job Julesy!

message 27: by Meg (last edited Sep 25, 2017 05:35PM) (new)

Meg (makeli2) | 1386 comments Okay, this is getting easier, I think, so I'm going for the max:

Capital Offense -- twelve books in a single chain of evidence.

Nell, let me know if I should change or even drop anything in the string I currently have.

message 28: by Meg (new)

Meg (makeli2) | 1386 comments Hooray, Patti!

message 29: by Marisa (new)

Marisa (moretta) | 421 comments Congrats, Patti!

message 30: by Nell (new)

Nell | 3209 comments Mod
Congratulations Patti!

Amazed that you found two books where the victim was murdered by pickles!!

message 31: by Jess (new)

Jess (mividadulce) | 145 comments Congrats Patti and completely agree with Nell, don't know how you could find two books with pickles as murder weapons.
Now thay Im reading the clues of others, it is quite interesting! Fun challenge indeed.

message 32: by Hilary (A Wytch's Book Review), Co-Moderator, Featured Series (new)

Hilary (A Wytch's Book Review) (knyttwytch) | 1175 comments Mod
Well done Patti!

message 33: by Julesy (new)

Julesy | 405 comments Congratulations, Patti! I laughed when I saw the pickle clue. :-D

message 34: by Anna Catharina (last edited Sep 27, 2017 09:57AM) (new)

Anna Catharina Congratulation, Patti!

message 35: by Hilary (A Wytch's Book Review), Co-Moderator, Featured Series (new)

Hilary (A Wytch's Book Review) (knyttwytch) | 1175 comments Mod
Phew one book to finish the chain!

message 36: by Hilary (A Wytch's Book Review), Co-Moderator, Featured Series (new)

Hilary (A Wytch's Book Review) (knyttwytch) | 1175 comments Mod
Woo hoo all done (and some new to me books/series found as well!

message 37: by Meg (new)

Meg (makeli2) | 1386 comments Hilary S wrote: "Woo hoo all done (and some new to me books/series found as well!"

Wow, Hilary, awesome!

message 38: by Nell (new)

Nell | 3209 comments Mod
Good job Hilary!

I'm just on my third book for this one. You guys are fast!

message 39: by Julesy (new)

Julesy | 405 comments My goodness, Hilary, you are quick! Good job.

message 40: by Marisa (new)

Marisa (moretta) | 421 comments Congrats, Hilary! Yes, you're quite fast.

message 41: by Hilary (A Wytch's Book Review), Co-Moderator, Featured Series (new)

Hilary (A Wytch's Book Review) (knyttwytch) | 1175 comments Mod
Err it helps to be disabled and unable to work/cook/clean! So drat it I need to fill my time with something (ooooh new books!)

message 42: by Sharon (last edited Sep 29, 2017 08:03AM) (new)

Sharon PLB (sharonlpb) | 234 comments Congrats to Hilary and Patti. I, too, am only on book 3 and my clue connections are pretty mundane when you compare them to pickles!

message 43: by Helen (new)

Helen (helennn) | 892 comments I've added my first two books and have a third ready to go.

message 44: by Meg (new)

Meg (makeli2) | 1386 comments Sharon wrote: "Congrats to Hilary and Patti. I, too, am only on book 3 and my clue connections are pretty mundane when you compare them to pickles!"

I know, how can one beat the pickles thing? lol. Good job finding those, Patti!

message 45: by Jess (new)

Jess (mividadulce) | 145 comments Just a quick rant / update on my challenge:
Had a hard time to find my next book. I had a few clues in my mind, but the ones fit in were either in the middle of series that I want to read in order or not available from my library. Well, I think I finally set the next book to read, so once I'm done with my current book, will go for it!

message 46: by Nell (last edited Oct 24, 2017 05:43AM) (new)

Nell | 3209 comments Mod
Glad you found your next book Jess.

Remember that there is no time limit on this challenge. You are free to read other books in between the ones that fit this challenge.

Sometimes the clue/connection is obvious, other times it's not apparent until you read the book. For example, I didn't know both victims were shot until I read the next book. But I know a ghost connects the book I will be reading next.

message 47: by Meg (new)

Meg (makeli2) | 1386 comments Finished my 12 (msg 21)! This was a fun one; thanks, Nell! I want to start another case once I've had a chance to organize the TBR.

message 48: by Nell (new)

Nell | 3209 comments Mod
Congrats Meg.

Feel free to build another case. You can do this challenge as many times as you want.

message 49: by Meg (new)

Meg (makeli2) | 1386 comments Thanks, Nell!

message 50: by Jess (new)

Jess (mividadulce) | 145 comments Yup, you are right. I might find a next clue from unexpected books!

I know there is no time limit but can't stop thinking about the clue. I guess that's the fun part of doing a challenge.

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