2024 Reading Challenge discussion

ARCHIVE: Yearly Challenges > The TBR Jar Challenge - 2018

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Kadijah Michelle (kadmich) | 2176 comments THE TBR JAR CHALLENGE
Duration: January 1 to December 31, 2018

The TBR Randomizer challenge was the big winner of our 2018 Challenge Poll, so we are bringing it back! But this year, we are giving it a twist to allow even more members to enjoy this challenge!

This year, we are asking you to make a JAR to pull your book choices from, and we are asking you to be creative on how to make it!

You can go with the traditional TBR Randomizer Challenge, and let Goodreads chose:
Step 1: Select the number of books you want to read for this challenge.
Step 2: Go to the “My Books” tab on the top of the Goodreads Page.
Step 3: Bring up your “To-Read” shelf.
Step 4: On the bottom of the page in the middle, go to the “sort” field and select “Random.”
Step 5: Goodreads will generate a random list of books for you.

OR, you can put your own list of TBR in the jar. Some examples are:
The BookRiot ReadHarder Challenge (our group will not be hosting this as an official challenge this year).
Any other reading challenge you have been wanting to try.
A list of classics, sci-fi, fantasy, mystery, nonfiction, and/or any other genre you have been dying to read.
You could even create your tasks and throw them in jar based on what you know you have on TBR list.

The best part of this challenge is you can even do a mix of all of the above and throw it all in the JAR and SHAKE

Just let us know how many slips of paper are going in your jar!

We love how creative you all are, and would love to see the pictures of your jars!

message 2: by Kadijah Michelle (last edited Apr 13, 2018 06:55AM) (new)

Kadijah Michelle (kadmich) | 2176 comments How to Participate

1. Post here telling the challenge leader that you'd like to join the challenge. You can choose your books for the challenge at the beginning, or add them as you go. You can join a challenge at any time, as long as the challenge is still active.

2. Whenever you finish a book for the challenge, post here and let the challenge leader know so they can update your progress.

Some members choose to update their original post with their progress to keep track of their challenge more easily, but make sure to also post a new message so the challenge leader knows to go look at your original post. You can look at how other members report their progress to find a strategy that works well for you.

For more information about how challenges work, check out this thread or ask your challenge leader.


Abby - 0 /12
Agnieszka - 3 /15
Alex - 1 /6
Alice - 9 /30
Alison - 0 /36
Amanda (m. 21) - 1 /10
Amanda (m. 23) - 3 /12
Amanda (m. 58) - 0 /12
Amber - 0 /10
Amie - 0 /10
Ann - 2 /24
Anna (m. 116) - 0 /20
Anna (m. 18) - 7 /18
Anne (m.113) - 5 /20
Annie - 0 /5
April - 3 /6
Arushi - 0 /10
Ashley - 0 /5
AttWaq - 0 /8
Audrey - 0 /10
Auntie Terror - 1 /6
Ben - 0 /5
Blagica - 0 /7
Brandy - 0 /12
Brianna - 0 /6
Brittany - 2 /6
Caitlin - 1 /17
Carri - 0 /10
Carrie - 0 /4
Cassandra - 5 /52
Chetara - 18 /30
Cindy lll - 0 /18
Claire (m. 115) - 1 /12
Claire (m. 141) - 0 /15
Clare - 0 /5
CrazyAsACupcake - 3 /24
Daph - 0 /20
Debra - 6 /24
Debra H - 0 /26
Diana - 0 /10
Dlyn - 1 /22
Doris - 6 /12
Eirelyn - 6 /10
Elaine - 0 /?
Erin - 1 /20
Esther - 2 /15
Eunice - 1 /20
Fatma - 0 /10
Gail - 0 /12
Gem - 0 /5
Greg - 4 /20
Gretchen - 2 /10
Heather (m. 244) - 3 /12
Heather (m. 48) - 1 /25
Heather (m. 62) - 19 /20
Heather Codename: Dutchess - 1 /10
Helen - 8 /10
Helen F - 0 /8
Heli - 4 /10
Ida - 0 /10
Ilona - 11 /20
Irene - 4 /12
IslandGirl - 0 /10
Jacki - 0 /20
Jayden - 0 /12
Jenn - 6 /32
Jennifer (m. 195) - 0 /16
Jennifer (m. 40) - 0 /20
Jennifer (m. 76) - 0 /15
Jenny - 0 /7
Jess (m. 240) - 0 /5
Jessica (m. 154) - 0 /6
Jill (m. 106) - 7 /15
Jill (m. 292) - 0 /12
Jinx - 0 /24
Joy D - 3 /10
Juana "Darkness" - 19 /30
Julie (m. 123) - 7 /10
Julie (m. 160) - 0 /150
Kacey - 1 /10
Kadijah Michelle - 5 /20
Kaleigh - 0 /5
Karen - 0 /40
Karina - 0 /20
Kate - 0 /5
Katherine - 9 /25
Kathy - 0 /50
Katie - 0 /10
Kay - 7 /30
Kelly (m. 155) - 1 /20
Kelly (m. 20) - 4 /12
Kim - 0 /4
Kiwi Begs2Differ - 19 /36
Kristin (m. 159) - 0 /15
Kristin (m. 5) - 9 /10
Kirsty - 5 /20
Kylie - 0 /25
Lady - 0 /10
Lara - 0 /3
Laura (m. 185) - 0 /15
Laura (m. 49) - 0 /20
Laura (m. 54) - 34 /40
Lauri - 0 /12
Laurie - 4 /12
Leah - 0 /12
Libby - 0 /4
Linda - 1 /4
Lindsay (m. 165) - 2 /6
Lindsay (m. 8) - 3 /12
Lois - 0 /?
Mar - 0 /8
Marelis - 2 /12
Margie - 6 /12
Maria - 1 /10
Maris - 0 /20
Martha - 2 /24
Mary Pat - 0 /12
Maureen - 2 /26
Maxine - 0 /10
Megan BG - 1 /12
Meghan - 0 /12
Mel (m. 360) - 0 /18
Mel (m. 153) - 0 /10
Michaela - 0 /6
Michelle - 0 /12
Mindy - 4 /10
Monica (m. 102) - 6 /10
Monica (m. 108) - 0 /10
Nadia - Bookish Book Nerd - 0 /12
Natalia - 0 /10
Nikki - 3 /13
Nina - 2 /12
Nisanka - 4 /15
Nurai - 3 /30
Pamela - 1 /15
Paula - 2 /100
Rachael - 4 /20
Rachel - 1 /10
Rashmi Kris - 3 /20
Rebecca - 2 /10
ReGina - 7 /20
Rina - 10 /30
Rique - 0 /12
Sarah c - 3 /10
SarahKat - 2 /6
Scott - 0 /7
Sherry - 0 /5
Stella - 0 /50
Stephanie - 1 /24
Stephanie (Chinchillita) - 0 /10
Susan (m. 121) - 1 /40
Susan (m. 79) - 4 /12
Susan C - 2 /20
Tea - 0 /10
Tessa - 0 /6
Tiffany - 2 /25
Tina - 0 /24
Tulika - 0 /20
Ula - 1 /5
Valerie - 0 /16
Vicki - 2 /24
Waco - 1 /8
Winter - 0 /5
Wolf (Alpha) - 0 /50

as of message 380 on April 13

message 3: by Gem (last edited Dec 01, 2017 02:07PM) (new)

Gem  | 214 comments I'm in for 5.


message 4: by Ilona (last edited Oct 06, 2018 11:39AM) (new)

Ilona | 4700 comments I'm in for 20 books. Will decide later which titles I note down on the slips.

Books from my physical TBR:

(view spoiler)

English Fiction
The Underground Railroad
The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet
Alias Grace (view spoiler)

Wordsworth classics
Mansfield Park
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Romeo and Juliet
A Study in Scarlet and The Sign of Four
(view spoiler)

Ebooks TBR:
The Hate U Give
Throne of Glass
The Circle
The Bear and the Nightingale
The Golden Compass
Kafka on the Shore
If I Stay
Out of the Easy
To The Bright Edge of the World
The Night Circus
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine
An Abundance of Katherines
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe

20/20 Completed!

message 5: by Maria (last edited Apr 03, 2018 09:00AM) (new)

Maria (mariah90602) | 2195 comments I'm in for 10.


The Lord of the Rings
A Room Of One's Own 4-2-18
The Woman in White
Don't You Cry
Peter Pan
Bleak House
The Bourne Identity
The Deep End of the Ocean

message 6: by Brianna (last edited Dec 05, 2017 09:16PM) (new)

Brianna (bebecburt) | 375 comments I didn't quite make my goal for 2017 so I'm going to downsize and aim for 6. I'll probably do a virtual jar - with tasks/specific books/prompts that are numbered and use random.org to pick for me.

I have the list of choices in my member's corner.

I'll generate the first random pick on the first of the year!

message 9: by Meghan L (new)

Meghan L | 369 comments I am in for 12.

message 10: by D.L. (last edited Dec 01, 2017 04:37PM) (new)

D.L. | 1341 comments I'm in for 20 books. :)

And here's my TBR Jar:

I made it about a year ago and it's a handy thing. I just need to fill it up which I will do today.

message 11: by Susy (new)

Susy (susysstories) Using my TBR-owned-for-a-long-time list (shelf now called to-read 2018) I’m in for 24 books (it’s actually 26 but 2 books on that shelf won’t count towards this challenge: one is a travel guide which I bought this year and the other one was recommended to me but I don’t own it).

message 12: by Martha (last edited Dec 13, 2018 01:19PM) (new)

Martha (marthag503) | 300 comments I'm in. I'm waiting to see what the Reading Harder challenge is like before I make my jar entries from my own list. In the meantime, the number of books I'd like to read will be 24.

Read: 13/24

1. City of Shadows✔ 4/5/2018
2. The Genius of Birds
3. No Country for Old Men✔ 3/29/2018
4. At Night We Walk in Circles✔ 7/17/2018
5. Rabbit Cake✔ 9/13/2018
6. The Death of Vishnu
7. Toms River: A Story of Science and Salvation
8. Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder
9. Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith
10. The Crystal Cave
11. The Summer Before the War
12. A Discovery of Witches✔ 12/5/18
13. A People's History of the United States
14. Bleak House
15. The Worst Hard Time: The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowl ✔ 10/5/18
16. Regeneration ✔ 4/28/18
17. The Three-Body Problem✔ 9/12/2018
18. Ordinary Grace✔ 11/12/2018
19. Go Tell It on the Mountain✔ 07/21/2018
20. Ragtime✔ 5/04/18
21. The Ghost Bride
22. Bless Me, Ultima
23. Men We Reaped ✔ 2/18/2018
24. The Snow Child ✔ 4/25/2018

message 13: by Maxine (new)

Maxine Robinson I’m in for 10 please

message 14: by Auntie Terror (last edited Dec 11, 2018 01:24AM) (new)

Auntie Terror (auntie_terror) | 486 comments I'm in for six. And this time I'll make it :-)

QualityLand by Marc-Uwe Kling El nombre del viento (Crónica del asesino de reyes, #1) by Patrick Rothfuss Der Schatz des Herrn Isakowitz by Danny Wattin Stadt der verschwundenen Köche by Gregor Weber Alice (The Chronicles of Alice, #1) by Christina Henry Wonder (Wonder, #1) by R.J. Palacio

P. S.: And the actual jar is adorable.


This is my virtual TBR-Jar as of now: .

message 15: by Rique (new)

Rique Santiestevan | 51 comments Loved this challenge. Made it this year and will double it for next.

In for 12 (1 per month), using Goodreads randomizer, randomizing each choice after the prior selection is read. I have self-imposed rules: No self-help, business books, poetry - and if from a series read the first in the series I've not read.

I'm in - again!

message 16: by [deleted user] (last edited Jul 14, 2018 06:12AM) (new)

I'm changing my plans. I wanted to read Shakespear plays for this challenge, but decided to do it for AN AUTHOR'S WORKS CHALLENGE.

Since I have a few books I want to reread, I decided to make a list of those. There are 18 books on this list.

✔ 1. Shirley by Charlotte Brontë 29.04.2018 ★★★★★
✔ 2. The Iliad by Homer 07.04.2018 ★★☆☆☆
✔ 3. Great Expectations by Charles Dickens 12.04.2018 ★☆☆☆☆
✔ 4. The Karamazov Brothers by Fyodor Dostoyevsky 24.03.2018 ★★★★☆
✔ 5. We by Yevgeny Zamyatin 29.04.2018 ★★★★☆
✔ 6. Moby-Dick or, The Whale by Herman Melville 20.04.2018 ★★☆☆☆
✔ 7. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov 14.07.2018 ★★★★★
✔ 8. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott 18.03.2018 ★☆☆☆☆
✔ 9. Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak 06.03.2018 ★★★☆☆
✔ 10. Dubrovsky by Alexander Pushkin 28.01.2018 ★★★★☆
✔ 11. Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray 10.04.2018 ★★☆☆☆
12. The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett
13. The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner
14. The Ghost Writer by John Harwood
15. The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
16. To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
17. The Metamorphosis and Other Stories by Franz Kafka
✔ 18. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath 09.05.2018 ★★★★☆


message 18: by Kelly (last edited Aug 31, 2018 06:56AM) (new)

Kelly (kellysrambles) | 1000 comments Please sign me up for 12.

TBR Jar Challenge
Duration: January 1 - December 31, 2018

I'm going to take the traditional TBR Randomizer route for this one and set my TBR for this challenge now (in an attempt to beat that backlist once more! I'm going to pick 12 books from my TBR shelf, one for each month! Books chosen 02.12.2017

1. The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli ✔
2. Second Best Friend by Non Pratt ✔
3. Seed by Lisa Heathfield ✔
4. Northern Lights by Philip Pullman ✔
5. The Power by Naomi Alderman
6. Remix by Non Pratt
7. The Explorer by Katherine Rundell ✔
8. S.T.A.G.S by M. A. Bennett ✔
9. Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli ✔
10. Final 7 by Kerry Drewery ✔
11. The Island at the End of Everything by Kiran Millwood Hargrave ✔
12. The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton ✔

Read: 10/12 books

message 19: by Amanda (last edited Jan 08, 2018 09:00PM) (new)

Amanda P. (amandapoland) | 70 comments I'm going for 10 this year.


1. The Burning Girl (010918)

message 20: by Maureen (last edited Dec 29, 2018 10:56AM) (new)

Maureen (maureencean) | 57 comments So excited to do this for the second year!! I'm in for 26. My challenge is limited to books I already own, chosen one at a time.


1. Fool Moon Done!
2. The Stolen Email Archives Of Feable Industries abandoned after 8%, life is too short!
3. The Children's Hospital Done!
4. The Chimera Sequence Done!
5. Empire Falls Done!
6. Rokitansky Done!
7. Tender at the Bone: Growing Up at the Table Done!
8. Connected Done!
9. Bowl of Fruit 1907 Done!
10. Ann Marie's Asylum Done!
11. Life Among Giants Done!
12. O Pioneers! Done!
13. Plainsong Done!
14. Seriously Mum, What's an Alpaca? Done!
15. We
16. The Lake House
17. Viral Done!
18. Halfskin Done!
19. The Alienist
20. City of Beads Done!

message 21: by Amanda (last edited Aug 22, 2018 08:36AM) (new)

Amanda R (fairyteapot) | 1559 comments The TBR Jar Challenge
Duration: January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018

I've got a wooden book I put my slips of paper in. I'm going to pick one at a time.

1. The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair by Joel Dicker
Completed 18/2/18 Rating 3 stars
2. The House Of The Spirits by Isabel Allende
Completed 15/3/18 Rating 3 stars
3. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum
Completed 26/3/18 Rating 5 stars
4. The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley
Completed 3/5/18 Rating 4 stars
5. How To Launch A Freelance Copywriting Business: Creative Writing For A Living by Jules Horne
Completed 21/5/18 Rating 4 stars
6. The Boy on the Bridge by M. R. Carey
Completed 4/8/18 Rating 4 stars
7. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
Completed 13/8/18 Rating 4 stars
8. Mother Courage and Her Children by Bertolt Brecht
Completed 17/8/18 Rating 3 stars


message 22: by Rachael (last edited Oct 27, 2018 02:02AM) (new)

Rachael (allons-y-bookworm) | 4275 comments I'm in for 20 books please :)
I'm going to do it the traditional way with a twist, if that's OK? Each quarter, I will randomly pick 5 books from my "want to read" shelf.

Q1 Picks
Good Omens read 15 March, **** with review
Iron Gold read 11 February, ***** with review
The Bone Season read 27 March, ****
Between the Lines read 21 March, ****
Vicious read 28 April, ***** with review

Q2 Picks
Windhaven read 19 April, *** with review
Oz: The Complete Collection read 23 June, **** with review
The Women Who Made Me a Feminist read 29 April, ****
The Merry Wives of Windsor read 13 May, ***
Harry Potter: A History of Magic read 29 April, ****

Q3 Picks
Pierce Brown's Red Rising: Sons Of Ares read 12 July, **** with review
The Fire Sermon read 18 September, **** with review
French Twist read 6 July, ****
Crazy House read 16 August, ****
Sidney Chambers and The Forgiveness of Sins read 29 September, ****

Q4 Picks
On the Other Side read 14 October, **** with review
Shutter Island read 21 October, ****
The Watchmaker of Filigree Street read 12 October, *** with review
Library of the Dead read 27 October, ****
The Hanging Club read 18 October, ****


message 23: by [deleted user] (last edited Nov 03, 2018 01:51PM) (new)

TBR Randomizer Challenge
Completed 9/24
I'm stopping this challenge to focus on other reading priorities.

✓ print: American War 4/12 ***
✓ ebook: Sing, Unburied, Sing 3/4 ***

✓print: Uncommon Type: Some Stories 3/9 ****
✓ebook: Neon in Daylight 2/25 **

print: Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine
ebook: Stay with Me

print: The Fireman
ebook: Astrophysics for People in a Hurry

print: The Maze at Windermere
ebook: Young Jane Young

✓ print: The Girl: Marilyn Monroe, The Seven Year Itch, and the Birth of an Unlikely Feminist 8/13 ** DNF
ebook: An American Marriage

✓print: Census 7/7 **
✓ ebook: Circe 7/26 ***

✓ print: Tangerine 8/13 ****
✓ ebook: The Third Hotel 8/10 **

print: The Wood Wife
✓ ebook: Christopher Hitchens: The Last Interview and Other Conversations 8/18 ***

print: The Lido
ebook: Domestic Violets

message 25: by Michaela (last edited Dec 26, 2017 10:46AM) (new)

Michaela | 35 comments It's the first time, that I try this challenge and I'm careful - I'm in for 6 :-)
I go with the traditional TBR Randomizer Challenge and I'll post my list after Christmas.

1. Frank Schätzing - The Swarm
2. Katia Fox - The Copper Sign
3. Alan Bradley - The Weed that strings the Hangman's bag
4. Angie Sage - Magyk
5. Bernhard Hennen - Nebenan
6. Dick Francis - Break In

Progress 0/6

message 27: by Mary Pat (new)

Mary Pat | 2186 comments I will read 12 books for this challenge with my own list.

1. Read a classic from my TBR List.
2. Read a book I own but have not read.
3. Read the oldest fiction book on my TBR List.
4. Read the newest fiction book on my TBR List.
5. Read the oldest non-fiction book on my TBR List.
6. Read the newest non-fiction book on my TBR List.
7. Pick any book I want from my TBR List.
8. Read the longest book on my TBR List.
9. Read the shortest book on my TBR List.
10. Read a book that is a Buddy Read that is NOT on my TBR List.
11. Read a book that is also on a friend’s TBR List.
12. Read a book on a friend’s list that is not on my TBR List.

message 28: by Scott (last edited Dec 03, 2017 07:59PM) (new)

Scott Flicker | 1191 comments I’ll try seven. I used an Excel sheet to generate my list. I put 53 books into a spreadsheet then put a random number formula in the column before each book. Then sorted to generate the list. I had to turn off auto recalculation to get it to work properly.

1. A Wizard of Earthsea - Ursula K Le Guin
2. Gabriel's Inferno - Sylvain Reynard
3. The Haunting of Hill House - Shirley Jackson
4. An Army at Dawn: The war in Africa - Rick Atkinson
5. The Blade Inself - Joe Abercrombie
6. The Covenant - James Michener
7. American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis

message 30: by Becca (new)

Becca Watts | 181 comments I'll go for 10 right now! Hopefully my random picks also work for other challenges lol😂

message 31: by Enne (new)

Enne (worldsofwords) I'll go for 12 .

message 32: by Sarah c (last edited Dec 27, 2018 03:43AM) (new)

message 33: by MJ Codename: ♕Duchess♕ (last edited May 15, 2018 09:26AM) (new)

MJ Codename: ♕Duchess♕ (heyitsthemj)

01. The Help
02. Persuasion
03. The Silent Boy
04. The Lovely Bones
05. Coraline
06. Psycho
07. The Ice Twins
The Help by Kathryn Stockett Persuasion by Jane Austen The Silent Boy by Lois Lowry The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold Coraline by Neil Gaiman Psycho (Psycho #1) by Robert Bloch The Ice Twins by S.K. Tremayne

The Alice Network, American Elsewhere, Anansi Boys, Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Call of Cthulhu, Catch-22, ✔ Coraline, Cuckoo Song, The Devil Crept In, Dolores Claiborne, Final Girls, Five Came Back, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Forget Me Not, Full Dark, No Stars, The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue, Girl Last Seen, ✔ The Help, ✔ The Ice Twins , The Iron Wyrm Affair, Lolita, ✔ The Lovely Bones, The Man in the High Castle, The Man in the Picture, Painting the Darkness, Parade's End, ✔ Persuasion, ✔ Psycho, Rebel Magisters,
✔ The Silent Boy, The Small Hand, Strange Weather, The Thing on the Doorstep, To the Ends of the Earth, Under the Black Flag, The Virgin Suicides, Washington's Spies, Washington: A Life, Whitechapel Gods, The Widows' Cafe, The Woman in Black

DNF The Killing Jar,Sense and Sensibility

message 34: by Valerie (new)

Valerie | 42 comments This sounds fun! Especially since my TBR list is out of control since I haven't made much time for reading this year.

I decided to put the titles of the 32 books I've owned the longest but haven't read in a jar, and plan to randomly draw 16 of them next year to read.

message 35: by Mama X (last edited Mar 24, 2018 06:26PM) (new)

Mama X (mamax) | 37 comments Randomized my TBR-2018 list (123 books, only plan to read 50 books this year sooo...)

1. The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson
2. The Forbidden Wish (The Forbidden Wish, #1) by Jessica Khoury
3. A Mad Zombie Party (White Rabbit Chronicles, #4) by Gena Showalter
4. Sapphire Blue (Precious Stone Trilogy, #2) by Kerstin Gier
5. Geekerella by Ashley Poston
6. Wonder by R.J. Palacio
7. Living the Good Death by Scott Baron
8. The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air, #1) by Holly Black
9. Wolf Hollow by Lauren Wolk
10. The Exiled Queen (Seven Realms, #2) by Cinda Williams Chima

Although I love this challenge, I have way too many challenges going on right now. I'd rather do the ones where I can just go on the fly instead of having a specific list right now. :)

message 36: by Tea (new)

Tea (prettylives) | 44 comments I'm in for 10, I've used the Goodreads randomiser, (I'm determined not to buy any more books so I'm trying to reduce my kindle pile).
List came out looking like this:

1. Kiss Me First
2, Anna Karenina
3. The Divine Comedy
4. 314
5. The Stepford Wives
6. The Boys From Brazil
7. A Kiss Before Dying
8. Exodus
9. The New York Trilogy
10. The Perks of Being a Wallflower

message 37: by Kim (new)

Kim | 151 comments Joining this for 4 books, will be picked after the Goodreads Choice Awards are announced as I want to add the winners of the 8 categories that interest me to the TBR-list before I pick.

message 38: by Jennifer (last edited Dec 04, 2017 08:42PM) (new)

message 39: by Katherine (last edited Jan 05, 2019 05:44AM) (new)

Katherine | 79 comments The TBR Jar Challenge - 2018

1. Heidi 15/1/18
2. Don of the Living Dead 9/3/18
3. The Indian In The Cupboard Trilogy February 11, 2018
4. Giant Days, Vol. 5 July 14, 2018
5. The Pirate's Witch February 21, 2018
6. How to Break a Dragon's Heart May 23, 2018
7. Taran Wanderer February 5, 2018
8. A Hero's Guide to Deadly Dragons February 22, 2018
9. The Wizard of Oz January 28, 2018
10. Spook's: A New Darkness February 9, 2018
11. Minnie 20/3/18
12. The Light Fantastic May 24, 2018
13. Barbarian's Hope January 11, 2018
14. Barbarian's Choice August 17, 2018
15. The Tenth Kingdom: Do You Believe in Magic? February 19, 2018
16. The Fellowship of the Ring October 16, 2018
17. OZ: The Complete Collection volume 3 November 5, 2018
18. The Alchemyst November 8, 2018
19. Descent 5th Jan 2019

message 40: by Joy D (last edited Oct 26, 2018 07:21PM) (new)

Joy D | 1120 comments 10 for me please! I used the Goodreads Randomizer to select 1 per month for 10 months from my TBR list, which at the time, contained 389 entries. I may not read them in order depending on availability and cost.

Challenge Completed: 10 of 10 as of 10/26/18

1. Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior by Ori Brafman - completed 1/6/18 - 5 stars

2. Reservoir 13 by Jon McGregor - completed 2/10/18 - 2 stars

3. The Kid by Ron Hansen - completed 3/10/18 - 3 stars

4. The Violinist of Venice: A Story of Vivaldi by Alyssa Palombo - completed 4/18/18 - 3 stars

5. The Good People by Hannah Kent - completed 5/17/18 - 4 stars

6. The Road by Cormac McCarthy - completed 6/7/18 - 4 stars

7. Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community, and War by Nathaniel Philbrick - completed 7/16/18 - My review (4 stars): https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...

8. North to the Night by Alvah Simon - completed 8/15/18 - My review (4 stars): https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...

9. The Last Voyage of the Karluk: A Survivor's Memoir of Arctic Disaster by William Laird McKinlay - completed 9/23/18 - My review (4 stars): https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...

10. The Life She Was Given by Ellen Marie Wiseman - completed 10/26/18 - My review (3 stars): https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...

message 41: by Brandy (new)

Brandy Walls (brandylatriece) | 6 comments I’m in for 12 books. I will choose titles soon and post them here. I will probably do the goodreads random selections just to keep it interesting.

message 42: by Kay (new)

Kay M (angeleyes003) | 65 comments Well, I done 20 books in 2017 so this year (2018) I'm going to increase it by 10 more. I don't know what books I'm going to read though :) But yeah, 30 is good enough for me.

message 44: by Ashley (new)

Ashley | 5 comments I'm in for 5

message 45: by Alex (last edited Jan 31, 2018 07:33PM) (new)

message 46: by Heather (last edited Jan 22, 2018 11:12AM) (new)

Heather (dustypork) | 24 comments I'm going for 25 books next year.
Nemesis by Philip Roth

message 47: by Laura (new)

Laura | 256 comments I'm in! I loved this one last year. I got some great reads off my to-do list thanks to the randomizer so I'm sticking with it this year and just did this the traditional (electronic) way. :)

20 books:

1. Chose the Wrong Guy, Gave Him the Wrong Finger by Beth Harbison
2. 206 Bones by Kathy Reichs
3. Once a Witch by Carolyn MacCullough
4. First Comes by Love Emily Griffin
5. Then Came You by Jennifer Weiner
6. Spider Bones by Kathy Reichs
7. Hidden Figures: The Untold Story of Four African-American Women Who Helped Launch Our Nation Into Space by Margot Lee Shetterly
8. The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan
9. Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult
10. Just a Girl, Standing in Front of a Boy by Lucy-Anne Holmes
11. Who do You Love by Jennifer Weiner
12. Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
13. The Right Thing by Amy Conner
14. Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas by James Patterson
15. Warriors of the Cross by T.R. Graves
16. Before Jamaica Lane by Samantha Young
17. Labor Day by Joyce Maynard
18. If I Stay by Gayle Forman
19. Takedown Twenty by Janet Evanovich
20. The Girl Before by J.P. Delaney

message 48: by Annie (last edited Sep 12, 2018 05:46AM) (new)

Annie (annieag) | 13 comments Update: Completed 1/5

I'm in this year too! Same as last year, I'll start with 5 random and will increment it when I finish them.

1. The Host by Stephenie Meyer
2. Marina de Buenos Aires by Ezequiel Szafir
3. The Dark-Eyed Girls by Judith Lennox
4. A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki
5. Lily and the Octopus by Steven Rowley

message 49: by Alison (last edited Dec 13, 2017 11:14AM) (new)

Alison Chorney-Dubien I'm in for 36 from my TBR list. I will make a jar with 36 titles I have chosen...



message 50: by Kate (last edited Nov 05, 2018 06:47AM) (new)

Kate I'm in for 5 since I failed horribly this year.


Red Rising
Girl in Snow

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