The Seasonal Reading Challenge discussion


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message 1: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer (jentubbs) | 9 comments Anybody know any other good Civil War books for 10.9? I saw that most people have decided on Gone With the Wind, Jacob's Ladder, or Little Women. Gone With the Wind and Jacob's Ladder just don't really interest me and Little Women I'm already using for another challenge. Any suggestions?

message 2: by Dionisia (new)

Dionisia (therabidreader) | 329 comments I decided to go with nonfiction and read This Republic of Suffering Death and the American Civil War. I heard it was quite a good read.

message 3: by Ellen (new)

Ellen | 22 comments Jennifer wrote: "Anybody know any other good Civil War books for 10.9? I saw that most people have decided on Gone With the Wind, Jacob's Ladder, or Little Women. Gone With the Wind and Jacob's Ladder just don't ..."


Since you're reading Little Women, you might want to check out March by Geraldine Brooks. It's the story of what happens to Mr. March when he leaves to be a chaplain with the army.

I'm reading Killer Angels, which is a fictional account of the battle of Gettysburg.

message 4: by El (new)

El The Killer Angels, Michael Shaara (his son, Jeff Shaara, also wrote books about the Civil War, and also works then for the blood relation task if you choose another set of their books).
Cold Mountain, Charles Frazier (I've not read it myself, but have heard people like it).
The Unvanquished, William Faulkner (I'm not a Faulkner fan, but I'm throwing out all sorts of titles here).
The Red Badge of Courage, Stephen Crane.
The March A Novel, E.L. Doctorow.

If you decide to go nonfiction, you should check out Bruce Catton or Shelby Foote as good places to start.

message 5: by Ellen (new)

Ellen | 22 comments El wrote: "The Killer Angels, Michael Shaara (his son, Jeff Shaara, also wrote books about the Civil War, and also works then for the blood relation task if you choose another set of their books..."

Oh Shelby Foote! Thanks for suggesting him, El. I think I may change my original selection to Shiloh. I've had it in my "to be read" stack for while.

message 6: by Lisa (new)

Lisa Hickman (lbhick) | 1279 comments I'll be reading Song Yet Sung by James McBride Song Yet Sung by James McBride. I have to read it for my real book club in October.

message 7: by Wendy (new)

Wendy | 583 comments excellent list of civil war historical fiction on amazon

message 8: by Julia (new)

Julia (bambbles) | 114 comments I dont know if you like romance novels, but Ashes in the Wind is a brilliant novel by Kathleen E Woodiwiss. It reads less like what one would term "romance novel" and more like a romantic novel, if i remember correctly. I read it quite some time ago, and am excited to have this opportunity to reread it.

message 9: by Dawn (new)

Dawn | 11 comments Also along the same line of romance novels- the John Jakes series North and South.

message 10: by Manday (new)

Manday | 307 comments Well the obvious classical choice is The Red Badge of Courage by Stephan Crane. I am reading Love and War by John Jakes, but that is a sequel and over 1K pages long... so probably not the most popular choice :-)

message 11: by Shannon SA (new)

Shannon SA I found The Black Flower by Howard Bahr that attracted me.

Sarah (Mood Reader) (bookworm1887) | 458 comments For 10.9 I will be reading Dead March by Ann McMillan.

message 13: by Nicki (new)

Nicki (luluminstrel) | 279 comments Bernard Cornwell wrote a series of Civil War books if you fancy something more along the battle lines. I'm going to give the first a try (Rebel) - I've read a lot of his others and liked them.

message 14: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Brand (pixieauthoress) I was going to try to use Beloved by Toni Morrison as, technically, some of the flashbacks take place during the civil war... But I may just have to reread Little Women, which I'm sure I'll cope with :) I'll be reading Beloved anyway for my course so either way it'll work out.

message 15: by Krista (new)

Krista (kacey14) Owen Parry has written a series of mysteries set during the Civli War. I haven't read any yet, but I own one of the them (Bold Sons of Erin) that I think I'll read for this challenge.

message 16: by Jenna (new)

Jenna | 82 comments Does anyone know if Rhett Butler's People would be ok? I assume it would because of the Gone with the WInd connection, but I don't know if a lot of the book takes place during the civil war.

message 17: by Katie (last edited Aug 21, 2009 06:23AM) (new)

Katie (katieisallbooked) | 260 comments I'm going to use March by Geraldine Brooks. If you liked Little Women, this might be one to consider.

The Widow of the South by Robert Hicks is an excellent read!

message 18: by Candace (new)

Candace (candacerenee) I'm reading a book called A Dangerous Promise which is from the Orphan Train series and about a boy who lies about his age to enlist in the Union army as a drummer boy. Its one of the books I've never read from that series so I thought I'd give it a shot.

message 19: by Candace (new)

Candace (candacerenee) Jenna wrote: "Does anyone know if Rhett Butler's People would be ok? I assume it would because of the Gone with the WInd connection, but I don't know if a lot of the book takes place during the civil war."

Jenna, I THINK (but I'm not positive) that Rhett Butler's People may actually take place BEFORE the civil war because I think its about his life before he met Scarlett (growing up in Charleston, etc).

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) As for Jeff and Micheal Shara's books, there are three about the Civil War, the most recognized one is Gods and Generals by Jeff. It is also the first of the trilogy, with his father's book Killer Angels as the middle, and the final being The Last Full Measure by Jeff. They are all quite good.

message 21: by Sara ♥ (last edited Aug 21, 2009 03:18PM) (new)

Sara ♥ (saranicole) | 1114 comments Julia wrote: "I dont know if you like romance novels, but Ashes in the Wind is a brilliant novel by Kathleen E Woodiwiss."

Fabulous. I've only read one of Kathleen E. Woodiwiss's books before, and I quite enjoyed it. SO LONG, though! Geesh, woman!

message 22: by Lindsey (new)

Lindsey (mamamunky) | 185 comments Rhett Butler's People is set before, during AND after the Civil War, so I would think it would work.

message 23: by Bonnie (last edited Aug 22, 2009 10:32AM) (new)

Bonnie | 110 comments Can anyone tell if Angels Watching Over Me is a Civil War book or a post-Civil War book (or a little of both)? I can't tell. I mean, almost all the books people listed take place at least partly before/after the war (Gone With the Wind, Little Women, etc) so I'm guessing it doesn't have to take place exclusively during the war. I got it from a friend and I want to clear it off my TBR list.

message 24: by Abigail (new)

Abigail | 315 comments If you like YA, I'm going to try A Light in the Storm by Karen Hesse. She won the Newbery for one of her other books and is an amazing author.

I was thinking of Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All if I was feeling ambitious, but I'm not sure it counts since it's more of a flashback and covers more than just the Civil War. Thoughts?

message 25: by Emily (new)

Emily | 130 comments If you haven't read Cold Mountain, I highly suggest it! I am planning to read Harriet Tubman The Road to Freedom.

message 26: by Teresa (new)

Teresa (teresainohio) Red RiverThis takes place during the reconstruction period BUT is the ongoing story of a family that the book Cane River began, which covers the civil war,

does red river count?

message 27: by El (new)

El Teresa wrote: "Red RiverThis takes place during the reconstruction period BUT is the ongoing story of a family that the book Cane River began, which covers the civil war,

does red river count?"

The task reads for the book to take place "during" the war.

message 28: by Teresa (new)

Teresa (teresainohio) El wrote: "Teresa wrote: "Red RiverThis takes place during the reconstruction period BUT is the ongoing story of a family that the book Cane River began, which covers the civil war,

does red ..."

thanks, I was afraid of that, off to think some more

message 29: by Julia (new)

Julia (bambbles) | 114 comments Sara wrote: "Fabulous. I've only read one of Kathleen E. Woodiwiss's books before, and I quite enjoyed it. SO LONG, though! Geesh, woman! "

They are soo long... but this one is good. I remember really liking it but it was so long ago (I was maybe 15? 14? now 22.) that I can't remember it at all!

I am really looking forward to reading it again!

message 30: by Sara ♥ (new)

Sara ♥ (saranicole) | 1114 comments Cool!

message 31: by Lindsey (new)

Lindsey (mamamunky) | 185 comments I'm reading On the Occasion of My Last Afternoon A Novel by Kaye Gibbons. I'm not sure what it's about but its set during the Civil War and it's written by the lady who wrote this book Ellen Foster that I absolutely loved, so it should be good.

message 32: by Siobhan (new)

Siobhan | 3 comments Are there any YA/chick lit books set during the civil war? That's mostly what I read.

message 33: by El (new)

El Siobhan wrote: "Are there any YA/chick lit books set during the civil war? That's mostly what I read."

Across Five Aprils, Irene Hunt.

message 34: by Siobhan (new)

Siobhan | 3 comments El wrote: "Siobhan wrote: "Are there any YA/chick lit books set during the civil war? That's mostly what I read."

Across Five Aprils, Irene Hunt."

Lovely, thanks!!

message 35: by Candace (new)

Candace (candacerenee) Siobhan wrote: "Are there any YA/chick lit books set during the civil war? That's mostly what I read."

You could also try A Dangerous Promise by Joan Lowery Nixon. Its about a young boy (too young for enlistment) who joins as a drummer boy.

message 36: by Krista (last edited Aug 30, 2009 12:34PM) (new)

Krista (kacey14) The River Between Us is set in the Civil War. I'm not sure if it's categorized YA though. I just got it for my 12 year-old niece, but she's an advanced reader.

message 37: by Kay (new)

Kay (neenamara) | 71 comments I thought we had to do a novel for this one? If nonfiction works I really want to do This Republic of Suffering Death and the American Civil War. I read her other book, Mothers of Invention Women of the Slaveholding South in the American Civil War and it was amazing!

message 38: by Krista (last edited Aug 30, 2009 12:34PM) (new)

Krista (kacey14) Kristina wrote: "I thought we had to do a novel for this one? If nonfiction works I really want to do This Republic of Suffering Death and the American Civil War. I read her other book, [book:Mother..."

Hi Kristina: You're right this should be a novel for this task.

Quoting from Cynthia's task description, "- Read A Novel Set During The U.S. Civil War."

message 39: by [deleted user] (new)

Was it ever decided whether or not Rhett Butler's People would be accepted as a Civil War book?

message 40: by Teresa (new)

Teresa (teresainohio) now I am getting paranoid LOL

I chose solider's heart gary paulsen is this okay

message 41: by Jenna (new)

Jenna | 82 comments Gina wrote: "Was it ever decided whether or not Rhett Butler's People would be accepted as a Civil War book?"

I asked Cynthia about Rhett Butler's People in the Questions Thread and she said it was fine. I'm reading it also!

message 42: by [deleted user] (new)

Jenna wrote: "Gina wrote: "Was it ever decided whether or not Rhett Butler's People would be accepted as a Civil War book?"

I asked Cynthia about Rhett Butler's People in the Questions Thread and she said..."

Thanks Jenna!

message 43: by El (new)

El Teresa wrote: "now I am getting paranoid LOL

I chose solider's heart gary paulsen is this okay "

Looks to me to be about the American Civil War, so I can't see why it wouldn't work.

message 44: by Kay (new)

Kay (neenamara) | 71 comments I'm thinking of reading March for this task. If anyone has read it, do you think it'll still be enjoyable if you haven't read Little Women in decades?

message 45: by Diane (new)

Diane  | 741 comments I read Stonewall's Gold A Novel of the Civil War by Robert J. Mrazek for the summer challenge. It is a fairly light read for a war book. It isn't a YA book per se, but the protagonist is a 15-year old boy.

message 46: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer  (jml_417) Kristina wrote: "I'm thinking of reading March for this task. If anyone has read it, do you think it'll still be enjoyable if you haven't read Little Women in decades?"

I read it a few years ago and loved it! Don't worry about how long it's been since you read Little Women - it'll come back to you, like it did for me. Hope you enjoy it! :)

message 47: by Juniper (new)

Juniper (jooniperd) Diane wrote: "I read Stonewall's Gold A Novel of the Civil War by Robert J. Mrazek for the summer challenge. It is a fairly light read for a war book. It isn't a YA book per se, bu..."

Hi Kristina!

"March", to me, is a wonderful book. You don't need fresh "Little Women" references to enjoy it. I haven't read LW since I was a girl and I was fine. I am not generally a fan of historical fiction but I was really caught up with Brooks' novel. If you choose "March", I would love to know your thoughts.

message 48: by Krista (new)

Krista (kacey14) Kristina wrote: "I'm thinking of reading March for this task. If anyone has read it, do you think it'll still be enjoyable if you haven't read Little Women in decades?"

March would also work for Donna Jo's task (25.2) if you paired it with something her husband (Tony Horwitz) wrote. I'm always looking for those versatile books. :-)

message 49: by Bridgit (new)

Bridgit | 505 comments Kristina wrote: "I'm thinking of reading March for this task. If anyone has read it, do you think it'll still be enjoyable if you haven't read Little Women in decades?"

Same here. I read March for the Spring challenge and hadnt read Little Women in a very long time. Very little of the story actually involves the 'women' of little women. It is pretty much all when he is away from them.

On the other hand, I didnt like March at all. I found it very boring and had to force myself to finish it.

message 50: by Katie (new)

Katie (katieisallbooked) | 260 comments Jennifer wrote: "Diane wrote: "I read Stonewall's Gold A Novel of the Civil War by Robert J. Mrazek for the summer challenge. It is a fairly light read for a war book. It isn't a YA b..."

Oh good. I was worried about this, too. I'm planning to use March for this task. I loved LW, but it's been years and years since I read it.

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