ACPL Online Book Club discussion

The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine
This topic is about The Big Short
The Big Short by Michael Lewis > How much did you know before?

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message 1: by Mark (last edited Jan 17, 2019 11:02AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark Ueber | 255 comments Mod
How much did you know about the financial crisis before reading The Big Short? What have you learned since that confirmed, or deviated from, your prior understanding of the events of 2008?
Question by LitLovers:

Mark Ueber | 255 comments Mod
I knew the basics of what happened. I didn't know some people were betting on a catastrophe and were rewarded for it, but it makes sense. The fact that stands out is the sheer incompetence of those involved and that they paid so little a price, most were paid handsomely, not to mention the billions of dollars taxpayers shelled out to save them from the consequences of their actions.

It angers me that many people lost their homes, innocent people on Wall Street lost their jobs, but few of those responsible suffered in the same way.

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