Pick-a-Shelf discussion

Pick-a-Shelf: Monthly -Archive > 2009-09 - Historical Fiction - What will you Read in September

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message 1: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer (JenJen1221) | 61 comments Here's the folder for September and also the link to find the shelf...

I can't wait for all the discussions : )

HAPPY readings friends!!!

message 2: by Sara (new)

Sara (hoot31) | 196 comments Yeah! Great pick Jennifer. I can definitely get through some of my TBR pile now!

message 3: by Lennie (new)

Lennie (wwwgoodreadscomprofilelennie) | 36 comments Great choice Jennifer! I think I'll read Loving Frank by Nancy Horan. I've heard a lot of good things about this book so I'm so looking forward to reading it!

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) | 2895 comments Mod
Jennifer, I love you!! Historical fiction is my fave. I can't wait to get started. Hmmm. What to read.

message 5: by Tara (last edited Sep 06, 2009 04:21PM) (new)

Tara | 742 comments I am going to read The Heretic's Daughter and one or two of Philippa Gregory's books.

I may also try to get to The Poisonwood Bible. It was one I wanted to get to this summer and was on this shelf.

I just realized one of the books I have been dying to read is also on this shelf.
The Luminous Life of Lilly Aphrodite

So I guess I will try to get to them all but I will at least read one or two of these.

Great Shelf pick, especially since I missed it the 1st time around and I have quite a few books on my TBR that fit.

message 6: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer (JenJen1221) | 61 comments YAY!!! I'm sooooooo happy the readers here are going to enjoy this topic...I was getting nervous that people weren't going to like it, but it seems it was a good pick!!!

message 7: by Cam (last edited Aug 24, 2009 04:34PM) (new)

Cam It's a great pick Jennifer of the sunset - LOURVE the Hist/Fict. & there is a couple I'm not going to get to & or finish this month that will fit for this too. Yay!

message 8: by Colleen (new)

Colleen (ossycolly) Thanks Jennifer, I have a lot of books on the list sitting on the shelf at home waiting to be read, so I'm thrilled. I'll let you all know once I've decided on one!

message 9: by Lauren (new)

Lauren | 247 comments We'll have to see how many I get through this month before I make my final selections for September!

message 10: by Lyn (Readinghearts) (last edited Sep 04, 2009 08:56AM) (new)

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) | 2895 comments Mod
Man Lauren - I gave up on this month. Too schizophrenic in my reading and ended up getting nothing done.

So - Jennifer of the sunset, here are my selections for September. We'll see how many I get through:

Innocent Traitor A Novel of Lady Jane Grey by Alison Weir
The Lady Elizabeth A Novel by Alison Weir
Gods and Generals by Jeff Shaara
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
Honolulu by Alan Brennert

These are only the ones that are on the top of my TBR list for now, and I am sure I will not make it through all of them, but my list could be WAY longer.

message 11: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer (JenJen1221) | 61 comments Oh, I have a feeling my TBR is just going to be getting longer this month...I'll for sure be adding books that you guys are all reading!!!

message 12: by Sara (new)

Sara (hoot31) | 196 comments I am going to start with three books, and we will see where the month takes me from there. I will definitely read more if I can. I am going to read...
The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See
The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield

message 13: by Laura (new)

Laura (lheeney) I never got around to Outlander for romance last month. Maybe this time. I might also try The Hummingbird's Daughter.

message 14: by Melissa (new)

Melissa (macyboston) I am very excited since I just started to read The Constant Princess by Philippa Gregory. This will give me an excuse to get through a few more of her titles.

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) | 2895 comments Mod
Laura wrote: "I never got around to Outlander for romance last month. Maybe this time. I might also try The Hummingbird's Daughter. "

This looks great. I just added it to my TBR pile.

message 16: by Tara (new)

Tara | 742 comments Laura wrote: "I never got around to Outlander for romance last month. Maybe this time. I might also try The Hummingbird's Daughter. "

Outlander is such a long book and I kept stalling on it as well, but it reads pretty fast and is a pretty good story. I hope you get to it so we can talk about it. I have several more in the series that I just have not gotten to as well.

message 17: by Tara (new)

Tara | 742 comments Sara wrote: "I am going to start with three books, and we will see where the month takes me from there. I will definitely read more if I can. I am going to read...
The Gargoyle by [author:Andrew..."

Oh Sara! The Gargoyle is one of my favorites! I hope you like it!

message 18: by Lynne (new)

Lynne (lmsindel) Lyn wrote: "Man Lauren - I gave up on this month. Too schizophrenic in my reading and ended up getting nothing done.

So - Jennifer of the sunset, here are my selections for September. We'll see how many I..."

You know that Honolulu is on the list too?

message 19: by Lynne (new)

Lynne (lmsindel) I love historical fiction. In fact, when I went to the link, I had read almost every book on the first 2 pages. That has never happened to me before. Here's the list of possible reads for the month:

The Good Earth
THe Agony and the Ecstasy
THrone of Jade
The Winter King
THe Physick Book of Deliverance Dane.

If anyone is looking for some rollicking action books, I would reccomend either the Sharpe's series or a Horatio Hornblower book (One of my favorites of all time!).

message 20: by Cam (last edited Aug 25, 2009 08:01PM) (new)

Cam I'm hoping to get back into Possession By A.S. Byatt (which I've struggled with this month & put aside).
The Summer Garden By Paullina Simons - I've run out of time for, so hopefully will read for hist-fic.
Others possibles are -
Affinity By Sarah Waters
The Madness of a Seduced Woman By Susan Fromberg Shaeffer
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn By Betty Smith
& I'd love to finally read one of the Philippa Gregory's I've got sitting on the Mt.

message 21: by Luann (new)

Luann (azbookgal) | 1011 comments I just noticed that BOTH of my August romance picks are also on the Historical Fiction shelf. I have them both sitting here in a stack of books from the library, so now it won't matter if I get to them this month or next:
* Pride and Prejudice (haven't read it since high school)
* Gone With The Wind (always wanted to read it, but it's SO long!)

message 22: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer (JenJen1221) | 61 comments Oh yay, everyone has great picks so far!!!

message 23: by Colleen (new)

Colleen (ossycolly) Luann wrote: "I just noticed that BOTH of my August romance picks are also on the Historical Fiction shelf. I have them both sitting here in a stack of books from the library, so now it won't matter if I get to ..."

I remember devouring Gone With the Wind when I was around 15, I'd sneak it into class behid the text books, I couldn't put it down. I have since read it again. It's one of those books that transports me.

Jennifer wrote: "Oh yay, everyone has great picks so far!!!"

message 24: by Luann (new)

Luann (azbookgal) | 1011 comments I also might not get to Mistress of the Art of Death until September, so that would work for historical fiction as well. It's the August book for the Crime and Thriller group, but I haven't had a chance to start it yet. I like it when one book can count for multiple purposes. :)

message 25: by Mita (new)

Mita (mitab) | 104 comments Ooooh interesting choice! I'm going to try to tackle Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth. I know it's a big book but it has such good reviews!

message 26: by Sunflower (new)

Sunflower | 174 comments I'm going to try and get my hands on Snowflower and the Secret Fan.

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) | 2895 comments Mod
Wow - I loved Pillars of the Earth, Gone With The Wind, and Snowflower and the Secret Fan.

Luanne - I agree, I love it when a book counts for a number of purposes.

message 28: by Lynne (new)

Lynne (lmsindel) Luann wrote: "I just noticed that BOTH of my August romance picks are also on the Historical Fiction shelf. I have them both sitting here in a stack of books from the library, so now it won't matter if I get to ..."

I also LOVE "Gone With THe Wind". It won't seem long. The first time I read it (I have read it 3 times and bought a hardback copy) I was 15 and in Hawaii for the first time. My dad got very frustrated because my nose was always in the book and not the scenery. He told me several times...I didn't spend all this $ for you to read a book! LOL

message 29: by Lynne (new)

Lynne (lmsindel) Mitzie wrote: "Ooooh interesting choice! I'm going to try to tackle Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth. I know it's a big book but it has such good reviews!"

Probably one of the best books I have EVER read. Enjoy!

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) | 2895 comments Mod
Lynne wrote: "Luann wrote: "I just noticed that BOTH of my August romance picks are also on the Historical Fiction shelf. I have them both sitting here in a stack of books from the library, so now it won't matte..."

Man - I can just hear him saying that. And - "Look there's a whale" and "cows in Ca have 2 legs shorter than the others because of the hills". What a guy.

message 31: by Lynne (new)

Lynne (lmsindel) Remember?!?

message 32: by Colleen (new)

Colleen (ossycolly) I cant believe how many books there are to choose from!!! I only scrolled through the first 10 pages and there are hundreds!! I found lots I have already read (and added to my books), but I also found a lot that I have at home already, waiting to be read, so I'll choose from these:

Memoirs of a Geisha
Girl With a Pearl Earing
People of the Book
To Kill a Mockingbird
The English Patient

message 33: by Meghan (new)

Meghan Lynne wrote: "I love historical fiction. In fact, when I went to the link, I had read almost every book on the first 2 pages. That has never happened to me before. Here's the list of possible reads for the mo..."

FYI - Throne of Jade is the second book in the Temeraire series. I highly recommend this book if you like fantasy (dragons here) set in historical times. It is a great YA read. However, if you're a little ocd, like me, and like to read things in order, you may want to read His Majesty's Dragon first. I did find that TOJ could be read as a stand alone book though if you don't have the time.

message 34: by Meghan (new)

Meghan Lynne wrote: "Mitzie wrote: "Ooooh interesting choice! I'm going to try to tackle Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth. I know it's a big book but it has such good reviews!"

Probably one of the best books I..."

Lynne - you have SUCH great taste! heh It's one of my all time favorite books. I can't recommend this enough.

message 35: by Meghan (new)

Meghan I'm going to attempt as these are already on my to-read pile and I own them:

1. World Without End
2. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
3. The Mists of Avalon
4. Water for Elephants
5. Outlander

message 36: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer (JenJen1221) | 61 comments The first book I plan on reading in September is...A Northern Light. I've had this on my TBR for a couple of months now & it is time to finally read it...I can't wait!!!

message 37: by Michelle (new)

Michelle (michelle154) | 5 comments This is my first time in the group, so for now I will start on one and maybe add more. I am going to read Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See. I am reading some other historical fiction for other groups but wasn't sure if I could count them for both groups.

message 38: by Cam (new)

Cam Michelle - If any of your other reads for the month elsewhere fall into historical-fiction do please tell us all about them &/or what you thought. The more reviews you do for the month, the more chances you've got at being drawn out of the hat for being shelf picker when the draw for this month takes place.

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) | 2895 comments Mod
Michelle - I really enjoyed Snow Flower and the Secret Fan and am looking forward to reading her new book. and FYI - on my list both Gods and Generals & The Shadow of the Wind are being read for other groups.

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) | 2895 comments Mod
So - I had to replace The Kite Runner with Water for Elephants on my list since some friends from another group talked me into getting it from the library. I pick it up today.

message 41: by Luann (new)

Luann (azbookgal) | 1011 comments I recently read A Northern Light with another group, Jennifer. I liked it a lot! Great historical fiction.

message 42: by Sara (new)

Sara (hoot31) | 196 comments Lyn wrote: "So - I had to replace The Kite Runner with Water for Elephants on my list since some friends from another group talked me into getting it from the library. I pick it up today. "

Lyn, you will love Water for Elephants. I couldn't put it down. Hope you enjoy it!

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) | 2895 comments Mod
That's what I hear. I'm really looking forward to it. Thanks Sara

Jim son of Jim (formerly PhotoJim) (jim_formerly_photojim) Lyn, I loved Water for Elephants. Great choice.

I'm going to start the September reads with The Pillars of the Earth. It has been in the stack for a few years, just never at the top. Here's some motivation to bring it to the top.

message 45: by Marsha (new)

Marsha | 2 comments Nice selection for September. Philippa Gregory and Diana Gabaldon are a couple of my faves. So, to try something new I'll be reading The Book Thief by Markus Zusak as it ties in with another club.

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) | 2895 comments Mod
Thanks Photojim, thats what everyone says. Incidentally, I feel the same way about Pillars of the Earth. Enjoy!

message 47: by Tara (new)

Tara | 742 comments Lyn wrote: "Michelle - I really enjoyed Snow Flower and the Secret Fan and am looking forward to reading her new book. and FYI - on my list both Gods and Generals & [book:The Shadow of..."

Michelle, I also am picking historical fiction that I am reading for other clubs too. I look forward to reading some of your reviews this month. Welcome to the group!

message 48: by Lynne (new)

Lynne (lmsindel) Meghan wrote: "Lynne wrote: "I love historical fiction. In fact, when I went to the link, I had read almost every book on the first 2 pages. That has never happened to me before. Here's the list of possible re..."

Already read and LOVED "His Majesty's Dragon" but thanks for the info just in case.

message 49: by Lynne (new)

Lynne (lmsindel) Lyn wrote: "Michelle - I really enjoyed Snow Flower and the Secret Fan and am looking forward to reading her new book. and FYI - on my list both Gods and Generals & [book:The Shadow of..."

What is the next book by the "Snowflower and the Secret Fan" lady?

message 50: by Lynne (new)

Lynne (lmsindel) Wow- this is a GREAT pick. People are reading some of my favorite books of all time! I loved:

Gone With the Wind
Pillars of the Earth
Snowflower and the Secret Fan
The Book Theif
Mists of Avalon...

So many good books, so little time! :)

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