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What Else Are You Reading? > What else are you reading in September 2009?

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message 1: by Peregrine (new)

Peregrine It's going to be quite the culture shock to go from The Briar King back to Middlemarch! I intend also to read Possession, by A.S. Byatt, and to begin Les Miserables.

message 2: by Kevis (last edited Sep 02, 2009 08:45PM) (new)

Kevis Hendrickson (kevishendrickson) I'm currently approaching the halfway point of Ravenshade A Tale of Alterra, The World that Is by C. S. Marks. Just in case you haven't heard of this series yet, Ravenshade is the third and final book of the the Elfhunter A Tale Of Alterra, The World That Is trilogy. Elfhunter is the story of two Elvish hunter-scouts name Gaelen and Nelywn who are charged with the dangerous task of stopping the evil creature named Gorgon Elfhunter whose sole purpose in life is to destroy the Elves. All I can say is that if you have not read this series you are missing out on one of the best fantasy stories out there.

message 3: by Bill (last edited Sep 03, 2009 07:24AM) (new)

Bill (kernos) | 426 comments I will finish up Multireal tonight, wishing that book 3 of the trilogy was written.

And then a treat! I finally found an affordable hardcover copy of When Worlds Collide / After Worlds Collide, this an omnibus edition of these 2 classics.

After that, I am not sure. I need to reorganize my physical to be read bookshelves to see what I have. I'm in the mood for something long and complex.

message 4: by Lianna (new)

Lianna Vigil (liannallama) | 40 comments I'm currently reading Offspringby Steven Harper and since I never got around to reading the Elfhunter A Tale Of Alterra, The World That Is series last month I will add it to my list. Finally, I will be reading the final book in the Jousters series, Aerie I am set up to get auto delivery of The Lost Symbol when it comes out next week and for my birthday (9/9/9) I think I will start The Law of Nines

sigh--so many books--so little time!

message 5: by Jon (last edited Sep 03, 2009 10:43AM) (new)

Jon (jonmoss) | 889 comments I finished Tea With the Black Dragon on Monday ( and Close Her Eyes on Tuesday ( I started The Dark Is Rising and The Winds of Marble Arch yesterday. This morning I started and half-finished before breakfast Smith of Wootton Major.

I'm playing it by ear this month as far as a reading plan. Decided to knock off quite a few short novels this week and next. I'll tackle something longer after the Labor Day weekend.

message 6: by Bronwyn (new)

Bronwyn (nzfriend) I'm currently reading The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane and Witches Abroad. I'm also technically in the middle of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and Bleak House, but I haven't touched them in awhile, so we'll see.

message 7: by Susanna (new)

Susanna (jb_slasher) Re-read for me: I'll be starting Stephen King's Cell when I'm done watching the pilot episode of Stargate Atlantis for the umpteenth time.

message 8: by David (last edited Sep 04, 2009 03:41AM) (new)

David (dfmjr) | 10 comments I am finishing up the Amber Spyglass currently and then The Shadow Year by Jeffrey Ford and World War Z. After that, who knows. I have yet to read Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell so I think that is coming up afterward.

message 9: by Marc (new)

Marc (authorguy) | 348 comments Old Man's War and The Ghost Brigades. Not completely satisfying but pretty good.

message 10: by Libby (new)

Libby | 270 comments Per usual- too many good books and not enough time to read :-)

Just finished The Gunslinger
Currently reading:
The Big Sleep (AUDIO)
Two Front War, The
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies The Big Sleep

I've got these planned for Sept:
The Book of Lost Things
Nine Princes in Amber

and of course - Zodiac and The Briar King

Most of these are groups reads but its nice variety of SciFi / Fantasy / Mystery. If only I could just leave work now and go home and read ;-)

message 11: by Marc (new)

Marc (authorguy) | 348 comments I don't see my books on that list. What happened? ;)

message 12: by Greyweather (new)

Greyweather | 231 comments Kernos wrote: "I will finish up Multireal tonight, wishing that book 3 of the trilogy was written."

I'm looking forward to Geosynchron as well. Multireal wasn't quite what I was hoping for as a sequel to Infoquake but I'm still hopeful for the last book.

I spent most of the week reading Tender Morsels by Margo Lanagan. It is a good book, but very much not the kind of book I'm into.

I'm looking at starting Peter S. Beagle's short story collection We Never Talk About My Brother next.

message 13: by Zachary (new)

Zachary (zacharymmkay) Finishing up The White Rose.

Probably read either Sunshine or Swordmage next.

message 14: by Silvana (new)

Silvana (silvaubrey) | 2702 comments I shall read, among others, I, Robot and Asimov's Mysteries.

@Jon: The Dark is Rising? Great, will be looking forward for your rating (and review, if any) then.

message 15: by Wes (last edited Sep 07, 2009 03:35PM) (new)

Wes I recently finished Matter by Iain M. Banks which was outstanding. I wish that I had found his books earlier.
Now I am reading Shadow & Claw by Gene Wolfe. Great so far.

After that... not sure. Thinking about reading Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. We will see.

message 16: by Stuart (new)

Stuart (asfus) | 183 comments Reading Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman, then what ever reasonable sci fi/fantasy book turns up cheap or second hand..

message 17: by Julia (new)

Julia | 957 comments Finally finished Persuasion by Austen. *Hated* it. Now I'm reading Dog Days by John Levitt.

message 18: by Marc (new)

Marc (authorguy) | 348 comments Julia wrote: "Finally finished Persuasion by Austen. *Hated* it. Now I'm reading Dog Days by John Levitt."

Check out a movie called The Lake House, with Sandra Bullock. The book Persuasion is a bit of a plot point in the story.

message 19: by Chris (new)

Chris OKennon (cokennon) | 5 comments I just finished Patient Zero. Enjoyed it (gotta love zombie terrorists). I may pick up the sequel to Niven and Pournelle's Inferno, but I'll wait until it crosses my used book pile.

Chris O'Kennon
The Mos Eisley Bookstore

message 20: by Arthur (new)

Arthur (astra) A few days ago finished the Tawny Man trilogy by Robin Hobb. I wish she never wrote it and I never read it. Big disappointment.

Started Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson. I must get to know a writer who is going to finish series that brought Fantasy to me.

message 21: by Julia (new)

Julia | 957 comments Dog Days was a delight- a new urban fantasy series -- not paranormal romance-- set in San Francisco about a Practitioner/ jazz musician and his ifrit/ dog farmiliar. Looking forward to the other books in the series!

Then read Tea Time for the Traditionally Built by Alexander McCall Smith a fun mystery, set in Botswana.

Now reading Impossible by Nancy Werlin.

message 22: by Cecile (new)

Cecile | 36 comments I'm reading Elantris by Brandon Sanderson. I was disappointed by two books in a row before that, but this one has broken the spell, it's a good read. It's the first book I read from this author, thanks to Jon for recommending him.
After that, The Briar King.

message 23: by Greyweather (new)

Greyweather | 231 comments Cecile wrote: "I'm reading Elantris by Brandon Sanderson. I was disappointed by two books in a row before that, but this one has broken the spell, it's a good read. It's the first book..."

Elantris is generally considered his weakest book, so if you like that you should love his other work.

message 24: by Cecile (new)

Cecile | 36 comments Greyweather wrote: "Elantris is generally considered his weakest book, so if you like that you should love his other work."

I certainly hope so, I already bought the three books of his Mistborn series.

message 25: by Steven (new)

Steven (skia) | 104 comments I didn't know that it was considered his weakest book. I did like it and I've been meaning to start the Mistborn series, but haven't yet. I'll have to look into it again.

message 26: by Dawn (new)

Dawn (dawn9655) I'm reading mostly urban fantasy right now. Finished "Prey" by Rachel Vincent the other day, and am in the middle of "A Touch of Hex" by Jes Battis and "Hunting Ground" by Patricia Briggs. I have Erin Hunter's first 'Warriors' series on deck and just started "Rampant" by Diana Peterfreund and "Atlantis Rising" by Alyssa Day. I tend to read at least 3 or 4 books at a time :)

I do have "The Briar King", which I'll start as soon as I finish one of the others, and I have to finish "The Strain" by Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan. I seem to have misplaced my copy....

message 27: by Lara Amber (new)

Lara Amber (laraamber) | 664 comments I just finished The Briar King and read The Light Fantastic last weekend. I've got no clue what's next.

Peregrine, I'm also reading Middlemarch and having the hardest time. I'm so tired all the time from this pregnancy I can't read more then a chapter or two without nodding off. The book isn't boring, but the writing style is definitely soothing. It may end up sitting quietly on my Kindle until I get my brain back.

Lara Amber

message 28: by Janny (new)

Janny (jannywurts) | 156 comments I've just picked up Treason's Shore Book Four of Inda and All the Windwracked Stars, so it's likely to be one of those two.

message 29: by Carolyn (new)

Carolyn (seeford) | 203 comments I just finished the Song of the Lioness YA series by Tamora Pierce.
Now I'm reading The Traveler by John Twelve Hawks, which is the first of a trilogy. I have the other two sitting on my shelves (the newest just came out this month), so my plan is to read through them all back to back.
It's slow going so far, though, not anything specific in the story except that I really am not liking the characters very much...

message 30: by Mary JL (new)

Mary JL (maryjl) | 181 comments Just finished Tara K. Harper;s Wolfwalker. Quite good.

message 32: by Jon (new)

Jon (jonmoss) | 889 comments I just finished Jaran and will be returning to Heroes Die at lunch. I'm also interspersing my novel reading with a Connie Willis anthology The Winds of Marble Arch.

message 33: by Julia (new)

Julia | 957 comments I just finished Ellen Hopkins Identical.Identical

I've a plethora of great books from the library, PBS and SFBC. I'm not sure what comes next!

Midnight Harvest (Saint-Germain series) by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro The Briar King (Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone, #1) by Greg Keyes [image error] The Stars Blue Yonder by Sandra McDonald Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay The Enchantment Emporium by Tanya Huff

message 34: by ajah (new)

ajah | 19 comments I'm reading Traitor's Gate by Kate Elliot. Also reading The Prodigal Mage by Karen Miller, which I'm not loving, but going to see in through.

message 35: by Steven (new)

Steven (skia) | 104 comments How is Traitor's Gate? I saw at the library yesterday and was going to pick it up, but ended up with a really quick read instead.

message 36: by ajah (new)

ajah | 19 comments You need to have read the first two books -- it's the third in a very intricate series, and so far it follows right on the heels of the first two, which I've quite enjoyed. I don't love it the way I loved the Crown of Stars series -- the characters aren't quite as appealing, but it's still entertaining.

message 37: by Nathan (last edited Sep 18, 2009 10:54PM) (new)

Nathan Daniels | 24 comments I have read Dune, Earth and Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom. I am looking for either a good quick fantasy book with some humor in it, or a good fantasy series. Seems I have read mainly Sci-fi lately and I think I need a change of pace.

message 38: by Greyweather (last edited Sep 18, 2009 11:08PM) (new)

Greyweather | 231 comments Nathan wrote: "I have read Dune, Earth and Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom. I am looking for either a good quick fantasy book with some humor in it ..."

If you're looking for a suggestion, might I recommend either The Princess Bride, The Anvil of the World, or Goblin Quest?

message 39: by Susanna (new)

Susanna (jb_slasher) I'll be starting Joe Hill's 20th Century Ghosts.

message 40: by Sandi (new)

Sandi (sandikal) Susanna wrote: "I'll be starting Joe Hill's 20th Century Ghosts."

I loved that book.

message 41: by Paul (new)

Paul (Billy_Pilgrim) | 2 comments I just finished Pattern Recognition and I'm thinking about reading something by Asimov but am unsure where to start with him. Suggestions?

message 42: by Julia (new)

Julia | 957 comments I, Robot!

message 43: by Bronwyn (new)

Bronwyn (nzfriend) I finished The Physick Book... and Witches Abroad. I'm now reading Interview With the Vampire and Lords and Ladies.

message 44: by Susanna (new)

Susanna (jb_slasher) Sandi wrote: "Susanna wrote: "I'll be starting Joe Hill's 20th Century Ghosts."

I loved that book."

Short stories aren't really my thing but I like exceptions that prove the rule :)

message 45: by Greyweather (new)

Greyweather | 231 comments Paul wrote: "I just finished Pattern Recognition and I'm thinking about reading something by Asimov but am unsure where to start with him. Suggestions?"


message 46: by Tayla36 (new)

Tayla36 | 52 comments I read Douglas Niles "Breach in the Watershed". Seems like a scenario right out of Dungeons and Dragons, that I used to play in High School. It was ok, I liked it. Now I just have to get my hands on the second book.

I am now reading "Young Miles" by Lois McMaster Bujold. It's an omnibus about her hero Miles Vorkosigan that I picked up at a Library book sale. I'm a few chapters into "Warriors Apprentice" and I already love Miles. I might have to get the whole series now.

message 47: by Stuart (new)

Stuart (asfus) | 183 comments I am reading Pretty Monsters by Kelly Link.

message 48: by Steven (new)

Steven (skia) | 104 comments Tayla36 wrote: "I read Douglas Niles "Breach in the Watershed". Seems like a scenario right out of Dungeons and Dragons, that I used to play in High School. It was ok, I liked it. Now I just have to get my hand..."

The Vorkosigan series is a good one and one that I think is worth it.
I'll have to check out Douglas Niles. It could be good.

message 49: by Tayla36 (new)

Tayla36 | 52 comments Steven wrote:The Vorkosigan series is a good one and one that I think is worth it.
I'll have to check out Douglas Niles. It could be good.

I listed all the Vorkosigan novels on my Bookmooch wishlist.

The Niles book was ok. It wasn't fantastic. I picked it up for a buck at a discount store, so I was satisfied with my purchase.
It was your classic good vs evil, with an evil god and and evil prince and his brother, the good prince. And the good mythical creatures and the evil mythical creatures (that Niles has made up his own names for instead of just calling them elves and dwarves and orcs)

message 50: by Greyweather (new)

Greyweather | 231 comments I am currently about halfway into The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell. This is one of those books where you wonder if it can really be as good as everyone says. The answer, so far, is a resounding YES!

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