2024 Reading Challenge discussion

ARCHIVE: Yearly Challenges > Let's Turn Pages Challenge - 2015

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message 1: by Cassandra (last edited Dec 09, 2014 12:50PM) (new)

Cassandra | 5832 comments LET'S TURN PAGES CHALLENGE
Duration: January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015

We are always making goals about how many books we want to read in a year. How about we make a goal for number of pages we want to read?

1. Make a goal of number of pages you would like to read.
2. Read as many pages as you can in one year.
3. Since you probably don’t know what you want to read for the entire year, make your list as you go. (Be sure to post the number of pages in your book!)

If your edition doesn't have page numbers (such as an audiobook), use the most popular edition of the book (that's not an audiobook) to determine what the number of pages should be. Rereads will count for this challenge, but you have to read the entire book…no skimming!

Have fun with this challenge--let's turn a bunch of pages this year!

The Flight of Gemma Hardy – 447 pages
The Yard – 432 pages
Total number of pages read so far: 879 pages – Just keep adding as you go!

This challenge will be led by Cassandra.

message 2: by Cassandra (last edited Jan 03, 2016 11:48AM) (new)

Cassandra | 5832 comments How to Participate
1. Post here telling the challenge leader that you'd like to join the challenge. You can choose your books for the challenge at the beginning, or add them as you go. You can join a challenge at any time, as long as the challenge is still active.

2. Whenever you finish a book for the challenge, post here and let the challenge leader know so they can update your progress.

Some members choose to update their original post with their progress to keep track of their challenge more easily, but make sure to also post a new message so the challenge leader knows to go look at your original post. You can look at how other members report their progress to find a strategy that works well for you.

For more information about how challenges work, check out this thread or ask your challenge leader.


Adriana | 37,306 / 25,000
Akash | 000 / 15,000
Alison | 3,537 / 10,000
Alissa | 10,508 / 20,000
Amanda | 15,482 / 40,000
Amanda [from CT] | 11,495 / 30,000
Amanda W | 1,557 / 25,000
Amy | 7,766 / 25,000
Angela | 33,563 / 33,000*
Angelique | 35,074 / 46,800
Anissa | 4,479 / 5,000
Anna | 7,913 / 30,000
Anne Hawn | 000 / 30,000
Antoinella | 1,094 / 20,000
Artemisia | 000 / 25,000
Arushi | 17,950 / 20,000
Ashish | 4,480 / 10,000
Ashley | 4,414 / 50,000
Auntie | 4,800 / 10,000
Aysegul | 653 / 15,000
Barry | 10,036 / 10,000
Bella | 56,315 / 125,000
Bernadette | 3,204 / 30,000
Blagica | 50,876 / 50,000
BookGirl | 000 / 20,000
Brenda | 000 / 30,000
Brianna | 22,216 / 55,000
Brianna C | 32,723 / 55,000
Brianna P | 1,200 / 50,000
Cami | 815 / 20,000
Caro | 13,525 / 15,000
Carrie | 10,659 / 10,000*
Cassandra | 51,397 / 40,000
CathWren | 7,979 / ?
Cathy | 28,458 / 60,000
Cindy | 10,951 / 12,500
Charity | 28,781 / 40,000
Chloé | 8,122 / 15,000
ChrisP | 37,540 / 40,000*
Christina | 18,204 / 18,000
Claire E | 5,478 / 15,000
Claire F | 1,617 / 10,000
Claire P | 13,754 / 30,000
Clare | 12,072 / 12,000
Courtney | 2,043 / 40,000
Courtney W | 2,238 / 25,000
Cristal | 7,598 / 30,000
Cubi | 1,045 / 10,000
Cynthia | 000 / 50,000
Daisya | 7,818 / 35,000
Danielle | 000 / 30,000
David | 72,258 / 50,000
Dessa | 215 / 15,000
Diana | 000 / 30,000
Dom | 31,732 / 30,000*
E | 000 / 30,000
Ebony | 26,343 / 22,000*
EggP | 51,373 / 40,000
Emma | 48,425 / 50,000
Erika [erikarae] | 7,835 / 30,000
Erika [EriLynneK] | 000 / 12,000
Erin | 000 / 20,000
EstaAmeliaR | 000 / 30,000
Felicia | 9,164 / 8,000*
Gil | 5,320 / 20,000
Greg | 29,516 / 40,000
Gwen | 29,241 / 35,000
Hanna | 45,330 / 30,000
Heather (Heatso) | 10,502 / 10,000
Helen | 30,391 / 30,000
Holli | 4,929 / 15,000
Ian | 3,360 / 12,000
Isa | 33,364 / 45,000
Izavel | 000 / 25,000
Jackie B | 35,065 / 30,000*
Jacqueline | 259 / 29,000
James | 000 / 30,000
Jane | 9,090 / 12,000
Janet | 19,579 / 18,250
Jave | 6,256 / 10,000
Jennifer | 9,059 / 25,000
Jenny*MM* | 3,600 / 20,000
Jess | 14,575 / 30,000
Jocelyn | 2,721 / 20,000
Joe | 10,343 / 10,000
Joey | 45 / 20,000
Joni | 000 / 25,000
Julia | 267 / 13,000
Julie | 000 / 15,000
Julie F | 19,155 / 25,000
June | 41,622 / 40,000
Kai | 000 / 10,000
Kari | 6,039 / 24,000
Karin | 8,734 / 10,000
Karina | 43,096 / 45,000
Kathryn | 3,284 / 20,000
Kayla | 000 / 15,000
Kelly | 13,064 / 15,000
Kelsi | 71,470 / 55,000*
Kendra | 2,665 / 20,000
Kim | 2,986 / 9,000
Kimberly | 562 / 1,000
Kiwi | 82,240 / 40,000
Krista | 4,173 / 30,000
Kristin | 000 / 25,000
Kristina | 000 / 30,000
Krystal | 000 / 30,000
Kylie C | 7,590 / 15,000
Kylie S | 5,873 / 15,000
Laura Jane | 3,109 / 15,000
Laurie | 32,496 / 32,000*
Leah | 49,598 / 45,000
Leisa | 8,357 / 10,000
Lilac | 000 / 30,000
Linda | 22,306 / TBD
Lisa B | 13,710 / 20,000
Lisa S | 000 / 20,000
Lois | 1,706 / 40,000
Lorelei | 5,651 / 7,000
Lynn | 67,003 / 50,000
Madalena | 8,576 / 20,000
Maiko | 50,057 / 50,000
Manar | 2,152 / 6,000
Mari | 000 / 30,000
Maria | 81,982 / 75,000*
Marina | 35,074 / 30,000
Martine | 2,558 / 50,000
Mary | 000 / 25,000
Mary-Ann | 933 / 25,000
Mary Pat | 20,601 / 26,000
Maureen | 3,559 / 20,000
Meg | 52,969 / 40,000
Megan | 15,338 / 25,000
Megan B | 000 / 30,000
Meimei | 000 / 40,000
Melissa | 27,593 / 27,000*
Michelle | 000 / 5,000
Michelle | 9,447 / 25,000
Nadia | 21,958 / 100,000
Nancy Marie | 000 / 10,000
Natalie | 35,126 / 35,000
Natalie S | 5,147 / 5,000
Natalie W | 000 / 40,000
Neville | 15,090 / 15,000*
Nicole | 30,709 / 30,000
Nicole W | 20,120 / 20,000
Nitya | 000 / 30,000
Nurai | 17,026 / 25,000
Odessa | 000 / 10,000
Paul | 88,036 / 67,500
Payten | 15,875 / 30,000
Piper | 12,180 / 25,000
Poppy | 5,310 / 25,000
Rebecca | 10,407 / TBD
Renée | 000 / 15,000
Robyn | 2,689 / 15,000
Roseena | 000 / 35,000
Rudra | 000 / 25,000
Sabari | 969 / 10,000
Sally | 35,298 / 35,000
Sarah | 26,909 / 10,000
Samantha | 10,483 / TBD
Sarah Lou | 000 / 30,000
Sarah M | 22,238 / 30,000
Scott | 38,047 / 35,000*
Sherry | 54,469 / 45,000
Silja | 31,385 / 30,000
Skylar Nicole | 000 / 20,000
Stacy | 4,444 / 30,000
Star | 2,574 / 20,000
Stefani - SpelingExpirt | 20,954 / 35,000
Stephanie | 000 / 20,000
Stephanie | 58,301 / 50,000
Stephen | 272 / 6,000
Susan [dalmation21] | 17,233 / 16,000*
Susan [sacorwin] | 40,664 / 40,000
Sydney | 000 / 10,000
Tania | 29,742 / 60,000
Tasha | 30,009 / 30,000
Tearsa | 000 / 10,000
Theresa~OctoberLace | 33,319 / 40,000
Tiina | 696 / 25,000
Timothy | 000 / 18,000
Traci | 21,030 / 25,000
Traci Y | TBD
Tracy | 3,562 / 25,000
Vanessa | 4,314 / 10,000
Voracious_reader | 304 / 10,000
Winter | 25,067 / 25,000
Zan | 1,304 / 6,029
Zara | 000 / 40,000
Zeinab | 000 / 14,000
Zita | 77,513 / 70,000*

message 3: by Lilac (new)

Lilac  (lilac_wales) | 910 comments My Goal is 30,000! I love these page count challenges because in 2015 I've got a lot of 1000+ page books planned so it means they count for more. :)

message 4: by Cassandra (new)

Cassandra | 5832 comments Wonderful! I'm looking forward to this challenge, since I like to read long books as well. I haven't decided what to set my goal at yet, though.

message 5: by [deleted user] (last edited Oct 03, 2015 03:38PM) (new)

29,516 / 40,000 pages
73.79% completed

00203 If This Is a Man by Primo Levi
00640 Being Nixon: A Man Divided by Evan Thomas
00305 The Reactionary Mind: Conservatism from Edmund Burke to Sarah Palin by Corey Robin
00280 Tales of Nevèrÿon by Samuel R. Delany
00336 Faith Versus Fact: Why Science and Religion Are Incompatible by Jerry A. Coyne
00203 Tyrant Banderas by Ramón María del Valle-Inclán
01286 Gai-Jin by James Clavell
00128 Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
0768 Ravensbrück: Life and Death in Hitler's Concentration Camp for Women by Sarah Helm
01376 The Dying Grass: A Novel of the Nez Perce War by William T. Vollmann
00192 Desperate Characters by Paula Fox
00290 Gilgamesh: A New English Version by Stephen Mitchell
00931 Terra Nostra by Carlos Fuentes
00512 The Vorrh by Brian Catling
00129 The Unfortunates by B.S. Johnson
00448 Nathan Bedford Forrest: A Biography by Jack Hurst
00384 Dreamland: The True Tale of America's Opiate Epidemic by Sam Quinones
00456 Take It or Leave It by Raymond Federman
00304 Stoner by John Williams
00384 One Man Against the World: The Tragedy of Richard Nixon by Tim Weiner
00599 The Lost Country by J.R. Salamanca
00164 Gila! by Kathryn Ptacek
00814 Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life by Jon Lee Anderson
00254 Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang by Kate Wilhelm
00152 Alphabetical Africa by Walter Abish
00368 Nabokov in America: On the Road to Lolita by Robert Roper
00736 Ecstatic Nation: Confidence, Crisis, and Compromise, 1848-1877 by Brenda Wineapple
00576 Five Days at Memorial: Life and Death in a Storm-Ravaged Hospital by Sheri Fink
00519 The Secret Place by Tana French
00536 The Snow Queen by Joan D. Vinge
00790 For the Sake of All Living Things by John M. Del Vecchio
00736 Call Me Burroughs: A Life by Barry Miles
00338 The Journey: A Novel by H.G. Adler
00360 The Dervish House by Ian McDonald
00528 Days of Rage: America's Radical Underground, the FBI, and the First Age of Terror by Bryan Burrough
00336 Notes from a Dead House by Fyodor Dostoevsky
00272 Girl in the Dark by Anna Lyndsey
00592 The Tin Drum by Günter Grass
00416 The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics by Daniel James Brown
00801 Dhalgren by Samuel R. Delany
00093 Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
00431 Alphabetical: How Every Letter Tells a Story by Michael Rosen
00353 Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel
00352 Heirs to Forgotten Kingdoms: Journeys Into the Disappearing Religions of the Middle East by Gerard Russell
00464 City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett
00208 The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
01306 Imperial by William T. Vollmann
00432 The Devil in Silver by Victor LaValle
00336 The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History by Elizabeth Kolbert
00432 The Marquis: Lafayette Reconsidered by Laura Auricchio
00165 Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino
00399 The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin
00092 The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
00887 Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon
00144 Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller
00437 The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America by George Packer
00187 The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks
00461 The Sheep Look Up by John Brunner
00331 Angel in the Forest by Marguerite Young
00880 The Invisible Bridge: The Fall of Nixon and the Rise of Reagan by Rick Perlstein
00208 The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating by Elisabeth Tova Bailey
00256 Return From the Stars by Stanislaw Lem
01276 The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas

message 7: by Canadian Dragon (last edited Nov 18, 2015 08:30AM) (new)

Canadian Dragon | 904 comments I am in for pages lets go with 30 000 I am close to that for this year so that sounds like a good goal

---Completed ✔

1) Every Day - 322
3) Kalona's Fallp160
4) Pretties p384
5)Days of Blood & Starlight p513
6)Eon: Dragoneye Reborn p544
7) Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone p 223
8) Specials p 384


9) Extras p 471
10) Dreams of Gods & Monsters p 506
11) Redeemed310
12) Timebound p 366
13) Two for the Dough p293
14) The Lightning Thief p377
15) First Grave on the Right p310
16) The Testing p336
17) Graceling p 471
18) Saga, Volume 1 p 160
19) Independent Study p 320

20) The Coldest Girl in Coldtown p308
21) Harry Potter The Prequel p 4
22) Graduation Day p 304
23) Scarlet p 452
24 In the Woods p 429
25 Locke & Key, Vol. 2: Head Games p 144


26) The Vampire Lestat p 550
27) Vision in Silver p 400
28) Asunder p406
29) Second Grave on the Left p 307
30) Locke & Key, Vol. 3: Crown of Shadowsp 152
31) The Warded Man p 416
32) The Sea of Monsters p279
33) Three to Get Deadly p321
34) The Titan's Curse p312


35)The Winner's Crime p402
36) The Ersatz Elevator p272
37) A Wrinkle in Time p216
38) Artemis Fowl p280
39) The Diviners p800
40) The Battle of the Labyrinth p361
41) The Last Olympianp 381


42) Cress p552
43) Glitches p32
44) The Little Android p35
45) The Queen's Army p18
46) Four to Score p304
47) Carswell's Guide to Being Lucky p42
48) Fairest p220
49) His Majesty's Dragon p356
50) Magyk p 576
51) Angelfall p325
52) The Graveyard Book p327
53) The Giver p192
54) Howl's Moving Castle p304
55) The Desert Spear p635
56) The Darke Toad p96
57) S. p457


58) Flyte p521
59) Throne of Jade p 398
60) Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder p436
61) The Magicians p 402
62) The Slow Regard of Silent Things p159
63) Locke & Key, Volume 4: Keys to the Kingdom p152
64) Ink and Bonep 352
65) Infinite p 448


66) Hex Hall p323
67)The Light Between Oceans p343
68) The Liar p501
69) E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial in His Adventure on Earth p 244
70) Virgin River p 400
71) Six Earlier Days p 47
72) Night of Cake & Puppets p100
73) Curses and Smoke p 336
74) Dark Witch p 342
75) Locke & Key, Vol. 5: Clockworks p 159


76) Armada p355
77) NOS4A2 p692
78) Ender's Game p324
79) Naked in Death p 306
80) Locke & Key, Vol. 6: Alpha & Omega p192
81) Glory in Death p 320


82) Another Day p327
83) Something Wicked This Way Comes p293
84) The Golem and the Jinni p496
85) Uprooted p448
86) The Witches p 208
87) Glass Houses p 239
88) The Maze Runner p 384
89) Z p 288


90) Storm Front p 336
91) Library of Souls p 458

message 8: by Cassandra (new)

Cassandra | 5832 comments I've added you all!

I decided to go in for 40,000 pages, which is slightly more than I've read this year.

message 9: by [deleted user] (last edited Apr 27, 2015 11:52AM) (new)

I'm in! I actually thought I'd challenge myself to read 15,000 pages in 2015, but I think I'm actually going to try for 20,000.

Let's Turn Pages Challenge

2,932 pages completed
Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak - 592 pages
Dark Places by Gillian Flynn - 349 pages
The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom - 241 pages
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou - 291 pages
Silas Marner by George Eliot - 262 pages
Their Eyes Were Watching God - 286 pages
Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens - 531 pages
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens - 380 pages

Antony and Cleopatra-280 pages
Still Alice-400 pages
Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption-500 pages
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn-493 pages
12 Years a Slave-240 pages
Nicholas Nickleby-817 pages
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man-290 pages

As You Like It - 105 pages
Othello - 239 pages
Of Human Bondage - 684 pages
The Screwtape Letters - 209 pages
Anna Karenina - 832 pages
A Doll's House and Other Plays - 336 pages

The Green Mile - 592 pages
The Women's Room - 466 pages
Maya Angelou: The Complete Poetry - 320 pages
The Yellow Wall-Paper, Herland, and Selected Writings - 384 pages
Richard II - 352 pages
Macbeth - 132 pages

message 10: by Cassandra (new)

Cassandra | 5832 comments Awesome, Alissa! I've added you for 20,000 but if you would like to change your goal at any time during the year, just let me know.

message 11: by Caro (new)

Caro (karopi) | 995 comments I do not read as many pages as the rest of the people here, but still want to participate.... If is not a minimum required to participate I will start with 15,000

message 12: by Megan BG (new)

Megan BG (meganbgreads) | 1496 comments Caro wrote: "I do not read as many pages as the rest of the people here, but still want to participate.... If is not a minimum required to participate I will start with 15,000"

I've only read 16,000 this year, so 25,000 is probably going to be a stretch for me!

Good luck to you!

message 13: by Theresa~OctoberLace (last edited Aug 02, 2015 10:19AM) (new)

Theresa~OctoberLace (octoberlace) | 773 comments Let's Turn Pages Challenge - Goal is 40,0000

Progress as of 8/2/15: 56 books, 23,145/40,000 pages

For links check my 2015 book shelf.

1. 01/04/15 Restoration by Tremain, Rose - 371 pp
2. 01/12/15 The Strange Library by Murakami, Haruki - 96 pp
3. 01/14/15 The King's Curse (The Cousins' War, #6) by Gregory, Philippa * - 610 pp
4. 01/18/15 The Book of Life (All Souls Trilogy, #3) by Harkness, Deborah * - 561 pp
5. 01/19/15 The Alchemist by Coelho, Paulo * - 197 pp
6. 01/24/15 The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty (Sleeping Beauty, #1) by Roquelaure, A.N. - 253 pp
7. 01/24/15 The Wolf Gift (The Wolf Gift Chronicles, #1) by Rice, Anne - 404 pp
8. 01/28/15 The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany by Shirer, William L. - 1,614 pp
9. 02/01/15 The Romanovs: The Final Chapter by Massie, Robert K. - 320 pp
10. 02/02/15 Prince Caspian (Chronicles of Narnia, #2) by Lewis, C.S. - 240 pp
11. 02/08/15 The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Chronicles of Narnia, #3) by Lewis, C.S. - 256 pp
12. 02/09/15 The Good Girl by Kubica, Mary * - 352 pp
13. 02/10/15 Stephanie Pearl-McPhee Casts Off: The Yarn Harlot's Guide to the Land of Knitting by Pearl-McPhee, Stephanie - 218 pp
14. 02/12/15 The Wolves of Midwinter (The Wolf Gift Chronicles, #2) by Rice, Anne - 388 pp
15. 02/14/15 A Small Indiscretion by Ellison, Jan * - 336 pp
16. 02/18/15 The Captive by Proust, Marcel - 289 pp
17. 02/21/15 The Girl on the Train by Hawkins, Paula * - 323 pp
18. 02/23/15 All the Light We Cannot See by Doerr, Anthony * - 531 pp
19. 02/28/15 Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Strayed, Cheryl * - 336 pp
20. 03/04/15 The Nightingale by Hannah, Kristin * - 438 pp
21. 03/05/15 The Silver Chair (Chronicles of Narnia, #4) by Lewis, C.S. - 243 pp
22. 03/14/15 The Buried Giant by Ishiguro, Kazuo - 317 pp
23. 03/22/15 The Gathering Storm (Wheel of Time, #12) by Jordan, Robert - 783 pp
24. 03/28/15 Beauty's Punishment (Sleeping Beauty, #2) by Roquelaure, A.N. - 256 pp
25. 04/03/15 The Poisoned Pilgrim (The Hangman's Daughter, #4) by Pötzsch, Oliver * - 512 pp
26. 04/06/15 The Horse and His Boy (Chronicles of Narnia, #5) by Lewis, C.S. - 224 pp
27. 04/08/15 Story of O by Réage, Pauline - 199 pp
28. 04/08/15 The Magician's Nephew (Chronicles of Narnia, #6) by Lewis, C.S. - 221 pp
29. 04/17/15 The Sweet Cheat Gone (In Search of Lost Time, #6) by Proust, Marcel - 256 pp
30. 04/19/15 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter, #2) by Rowling, J.K. - 352 pp
31. 04/21/15 Beauty's Release (Sleeping Beauty, #3) by Roquelaure, A.N. - 256 pp
32. 05/02/15 Towers of Midnight (Wheel of Time #13) by Jordan, Robert - 863 pp
33. 05/04/15 The Last Battle (Chronicles of Narnia, #7) by Lewis, C.S. - 224 pp
34. 05/07/15 The Secret (Highlands' Lairds #1) by Garwood, Julie * - 379 pp
35. 05/10/15 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter, #3) by Rowling, J.K. - 435 pp
36. 05/12/15 Ransom (Highlands' Lairds, #2) by Garwood, Julie * - 546 pp
37. 05/22/15 A Memory of Light (Wheel of Time, #14) by Jordan, Robert - 909 pp
38. 06/04/15 Time Regained (In Search of Lost Time, #7) by Proust, Marcel - 784 pp
39. 06/06/15 Shadow Music (Highlands' Lairds, #3) by Garwood, Julie * - 339 pp
40. 06/14/15 Ross Poldark (Poldark, #1) by Graham, Winston - 368 pp
41. 06/14/15 The Road by McCarthy, Cormac - 241 pp
42. 06/15/15 The Awakening by Chopin, Kate - 195 pp
43. 06/16/15 Far from the Madding Crowd by Hardy, Thomas - 433 pp
44. 06/19/15 Beauty's Kingdom by Roquelaure, A.N. - 368 pp
45. 06/20/15 Black Beauty by Sewell, Anna - 245 pp
46. 07/03/15 Les Misérables by Hugo, Victor - 1,463 pp
47. 07/06/15 Grey (Fifty Shades, #4) by James, E.L. * - 576 pp
48. 07/11/15 Demelza (Poldark, #2) by Graham, Winston - 521 pp
49. 07/12/15 The Tale of the Body Thief (The Vampire Chronicles, #4) by Rice, Anne - 464 pp
50. 07/15/15 Go Set a Watchman by Lee, Harper - 278 pp
51. 07/19/15 The Master of Rampling Gate by Rice, Anne - 68 pp
52. 07/23/15 Memnoch the Devil (The Vampire Chronicles, #5) by Rice, Anne - 354 pp
53. 07/25/15 Blindness (Blindness, #1) by Saramago, José - 379 pp
54. 07/26/15 Armada by Cline, Ernest * - 368 pp
55. 07/29/15 Violin by Rice, Anne - 289 pp
56. 08/01/15 The Other Daughter by Willig, Lauren * - 304 pp

message 14: by Erika (new)

Erika (erikarae) | 708 comments I'm in! I'm going for 30,000.

message 15: by Leah (new)

Leah Bayer (alphakitty) | 78 comments Oh, how interesting! It's like NaNoWriMo but with reading~ I'm trying to read some longer books this year so I'd be down for 45,000.

message 16: by Zara Dps & Reads (last edited Dec 09, 2014 01:45PM) (new)

Zara Dps & Reads | 2365 comments I'm in. I'm going to aim for 40,000 pages.

message 17: by Susan C (last edited Oct 21, 2015 09:25PM) (new)

Susan C (sacorwin) | 906 comments I'm in for 40,000 pages.

1. Montana 1948 read 1/1/2015, 169 pages
2. We Were Liars read 1/2/2015 228 pages
3. Cold Storage read 1/2/2015 400 pages
4. Sorrow Floats read 1/4/2015 399 pages
5. Social Blunders read 1/5/2015 278 pages
6. The Rosie Effect read 1/6/2015 352 pages
7. The Martian read 1/8/2015 369 pages
8. Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness read 1/9/2015 250 pages
9. The Girls from Ames: A Story of Women and a Forty-Year Friendship read 1/10/2015 339 pages
10. What now? read 1/10/2015 45 pages
11. The Middlesteins read 1/10/2015 201 pages
12. My Accidental Jihad read 1/11/2015 304 pages
13. Run read 1/12/2014 304 pages
14. A Pig in Provence: Good Food and Simple Pleasures in the South of France read 1/13/2015 228 pages
15. A Wedding in December read 1/14/2015 325 pages
16. The Pecan Man read 1/16/2015 144 pages
17. White Dog Fell from the Sky read 1/18/2015 368 pages
18. Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter read 1/19/2015 292 pages
19. Good Rockin' Tonight: Sun Records and the Birth of Rock 'N' Roll read 1/24/2015 242 pages
20. Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln read 1/25/2015 757 pages
21. Rosewater: A Family's Story of Love, Captivity, and Survival read 1/27/2015 299 pages
22. All the Light We Cannot See read 1/30/2015 544 pages
23. Still Alice read 1/30/2015 293 pages

24. Married to Distraction: Restoring Intimacy and Strengthening Your Marriage in an Age of Interruption read 2/1/2015 222 pages
25. The Time of My Life read 2/2/2015 310 pages
26. Landline read 2/3/2015 320 pages
27. Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking read 2/4/2015 254 pages
28. Taft read 2/9/2015 320 pages
29. Lost Lake read 2/10/2015 296 pages
30. Patron Saint of Liars read 2/12/2015 290 pages
31. Merle's Door: Lessons from a Freethinking Dog read 2/15/2015 302 pages
32. Divergent read 2/16/2015 284 pages
33. Sell the Pig read 2/16/2015 295 pages
34. Vintage read 2/17/2015 310 pages
35. Bel Canto read 2/18/2015 352 pages
36. Man in the Woods read 2/18/2015 320 pages
37. Son of a Gun: A Memoir read 2/19/2015 272 pages
38. Snow Flower and the Secret Fan read 2/19/2015 258 pages
39. The Amish Bride read 2/20/2015 352 pages
40. The History of Love read 2/22/2015 260 pages
41. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking read 2/23/2015 264 pages
42. Insurgent read 2/24/2015 302 pages
43. Friday Night Lights: A Town, a Team, and a Dream read 2/25/2015 366 pages
44. The Homecoming of Samuel Lake read 2/26/2015 334 pages

45. Dead Politician Society read 3/1/2015 273 pages
46. As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride read 3/2/2015 230 pages
47. A Short History of Nearly Everything read 3/10/2015 514 pages
48. We Need New Names read 3/13/2015 304 pages
49. Allegiant read 3/14/2014 323 pages
50. Painter of Silence read 3/14/2015 314 pages
51. Dance of the Winnebagos read 3/14/2015 392 pages
52. Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity read 3/17/2015 290 pages
53. Early Decision: Based on a True Frenzy read 3/17/2015 294 pages
54. The School of Essential Ingredients read 3/19/2015 240 pages
55. Starvation Lake read 3/23/2015 384 pages
56. The Bell Jar read 3/25/2015 288 pages
57. Back When We Were Grownups read 3/30/2015 336 pages
58. The Cabinet of Curiosities read 3/30/2015 656 pages

59. Sweet Tooth read 4/4/2015 261 pages
60. Heart-Shaped Box read 4/4/2015 376 pages
61. The Weight of Blood read 4/6/2015 243 pages
62. Shakespeare Saved My Life: Ten Years in Solitary with the Bard read 4/6/2015 251 pages
63. The Magician's Assistant read 4/8/2015 262 pages
64. Chocolat read 4/11/2015 246 pages
65. Stolen: A Letter to My Captor read 4/13/2015 232 pages
66. Soldier Girls: The Battles of Three Women at Home and at War read 4/14/2015 364 pages
67. Get What's Yours: The Secrets to Maxing Out Your Social Security read 4/16/2015 257 pages
68. The Getaway Car: A Practical Memoir About Writing and Life read 4/16/2015 47 pages
69. Carsick: John Waters Hitchhikes Across America read 4/18/2015 230 pages
70. Sybil Exposed: The Extraordinary Story Behind the Famous Multiple Personality Case read 4/19/2015 297 pages
71. Steve Jobs read 4/21/2015 574 pages
72. The Remains of the Day read 4/26/2015 183 pages
73. The Invention of Hugo Cabret read 4/27/2015 (not counting pages since book is mostly drawings)
74. The Good Luck of Right Now read 4/30/2015 336 pages

75. We Have Always Lived in the Castle read 5/4/2015 146 pages
76. The Secret Garden read 5/6/2015 247 pages
77. Cold Comfort Farm read 5/10/2015 233 pages
78. The Expats read 5/11/2015 350 pages
79. The Daughter of Time read 5/12/2015 206 pages
80. Watership Down read 5/22/2015 426 pages
81. Middlemarch read 5/29/2015 725 pages
82. All the Summer Girls read 5/30/2015 198 pages

83. The Art of Fielding read 6/2/2015 438 pages
84. Heading Out to Wonderful read 6/6/2015 239 pages
85. Adultery read 6/8/2015 194 pages
86. Beautiful Fools: The Last Affair of Zelda and Scott Fitzgerald read 6/11/2015 366 pages
87. Love Walked In read 6/12/2015 307 pages
88. Our Endless Numbered Days read 6/13/2015 386 pages
89. The Impossible Lives of Greta Wells read 6/14/2015 289 pages
90. Because of You read 6/15/2015 238 pages
91. The House on Mango Street read 6/15/2015 88 pages
92. Dearie: The Remarkable Life of Julia Child read 6/21/2015 526 pages
93. The Lost Boy read 6/21/2015 158 pages
94. NW read 6/22/2015 401 pages
95. Dirt Work: An Education in the Woods read 6/28/2015 229 pages

96. Knives at Dawn: America's Quest for Culinary Glory at the Legendary Bocuse d'Or Competition read 7/4/2015 304 pages
97. The Girl on the Train read 7/5/2015 269 pages
98. Bridge of Sighs read 7/12/2015 642 pages
99. A Town Like Alice read 7/13/2015 289 pages
100. Too Bright to Hear Too Loud to See read 7/15/2015 247 pages
101. Kabul Beauty School: An American Woman Goes Behind the Veil read 7/16/2015 211 pages
102. Ciao, America!: An Italian Discovers the U.S. read 7/18/2015 242 pages
103. Take Good Care of the Garden and the Dogs: A True Story of Bad Breaks and Small Miracles read 7/20/2015 220 pages
104. The Nightingale read 7/25/2015 438 pages
105. I Loved You More read 7/28/2015 370 pages
106. The Shack read 7/31/2015 252 pages

107. Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption read 8/3/2015 406 pages
108. State of Wonder read 8/4/2015 276 pages
109. The Silver Star read 8/5/2015 216 pages
110. The Liars' Club read 8/7/2015 280 pages
111. The Bookseller of Kabul read 8/17/2015 288 pages
112. The Orphan Master's Son read 8/24/2015 445 pages
113. The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared read 8/26/2015 384 pages
114. Go Set a Watchman read 8/27/2015 191 pages
115. The Widower's Tale read 8/31/2015 402 pages

116. Mastering the Art of French Eating: Lessons in Food and Love from a Year in Paris read 9/7/2015 218 pages
117. The Tennis Partner read 9/8/2015 342 pages
118. The Water is Wide: A Memoir read 9/10/2015 254 pages
119. Half a Life read 9/11/2015 205 pages
120. Where'd You Go, Bernadette 326 pages
121. Paris Letters read 9/13/2015 214 pages
122. Left Neglected read 9/14/2015 324 pages
123. A Moveable Feast read 9/17/2015 211 pages
124. Heidi read 9/18/2015 244 pages
125. Fumbling the Future: How Xerox Invented, Then Ignored, the First Personal Computer read 9/20/2015 258 pages
126. The Monuments Men: Allied Heroes, Nazi Thieves, and the Greatest Treasure Hunt in History read 9/24/2015 452 pages
127. The Perks of Being a Wallflower read 9/24/2015 172 pages
128. The Apartment read 9/28/2015 130 pages
129. Bird Cloud read 9/30/2015 234 pages

130. Truth and Beauty read 10/1/2015 272 pages
131. The Sky is Everywhere read 10/3/2015 288 pages
132. Take This Man: A Memoir read 10/7/2015 225 pages
133. Atonement read 10/12/2015 300 pages
134. The Blessings read 10/13/2015 191 pages
135. You Saved Me, Too: What a Holocaust Survivor Taught Me about Living, Dying, Fighting, Loving, and Swearing in Yiddish read 10/14/2015 201 pages
136. Catch Me If You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake read 10/16/2015 222 pages
137. Dear Life : Stories read 10/17/2015 221 pages
138. Yellow Crocus read 10/19/2015 242 pages

Finished 40,664/40,000 pages
Challenge completed!

message 18: by Kelsi (last edited Dec 31, 2015 03:47PM) (new)

Kelsi | 336 comments Yay! So excited for this one! So far I am at just under 36,000 for this year so I will make a goal of 35,000 for next year and see if I can beat it!

Pages Read: 71,470/35,000 55,000

Pages read in January: 5,149
Pages read in February: 5,151
Pages read in March: 6,500
Pages read in April: 8,102
Pages read in May: 8,208
Pages read in June: 8,971
Pages read in July: 8,126
Pages read in August: 5,604
Pages read in September: 4,148
Pages read in October: 2,496
Pages read in November: 5,430
Pages read in December: 3,585

message 19: by Janet (new)

Janet (goodreadscomjanetj) | 784 comments I'm in with the goal that my son and I set every year of 18,250 pages(50 pages a day, 365 days of the year). I attained it this year but I fell a bit short last year.

message 20: by Meg (new)

Meg (megscl) | 448 comments I'm going to set myself the goal of 40,000 pages. I think it will be a challenge, but that's the point right!?

message 21: by Adriana (new)

Adriana | 3888 comments I'm in for 25,000 pages. Thanks for hosting Cassandra (:

message 22: by Cassandra (new)

Cassandra | 5832 comments Glad to see so much participation already! I've added your goals.

message 23: by Krystal (last edited Feb 12, 2015 08:43AM) (new)

Krystal (crazylittlebookpage) | 100 comments I'll go in on this, I hope to read at least 30,000 pages!


The Mime Order (The Bone Season, #2) by Samantha Shannon Completed Jan 2, 2015 504 pages
The Conspiracy of Us (The Conspiracy of Us #1) by Maggie Hall Completed Jan 12, 2015 323 pages
Remote by Lisa Acerbo Completed Jan 16, 2015 287 pages
Senate Proof by Logan Snyder Completed January 23, 2015 288 Pages
The Reaper Autobiography of One of the Deadliest Special Ops Snipers by Nicholas Irving Completed January 29, 2015 320 pages
The Fifth Gospel by Ian Caldwell Completed February 10, 2015 427 pages
Guilt by Joan Ellis Completed February 11, 2015 196 pages

message 24: by Claire (last edited Sep 04, 2015 09:55PM) (new)

Claire  (claire6452) | 716 comments I have no idea what my average number of pages per book is, but I'll join in on this for 30,000 and see how it goes.

1. The Return of the Soldier 80
2. The Book of Strange New Things 512
3. Outlander 642
4. The King and The Kid 338
5. The Clout Of Gen 120
6. Becoming Abigail 120
7. Our Holocaust 404
8. Narwhals: Arctic Whales in a Melting World 188
9. Wax Dragon 312
10. In Papa's Shadow 262 pages
11. The Girl on the Train 336 pages
12. Station Eleven 333 pages
13. The Undertaking of Tess: A Novella 118 pages
14. Falling into Place 304 pages
15. Daybreak 224 pages
16. The Poisonwood Bible 543 pages
17. Everywhere That Mary Went 352 pages
18. Chasing the Butterfly 320 pages
19. The Notebook/The Wedding 214 pages
20. Brilliance 439 pages
21. Digital Fortress 377 pages
22. Night 109 pages
23. The Bell Jar 244 pages
24. The Year She Left Us 231 pages
25. I Am Pilgrim 607 pages
26. At Play in the Fields of the Lord 384 pages
27. Trespassers 344 pages
28. Scorched 222 pages
29. Drawing Amanda 309 pages
30. The Bone Clocks 624 pages
31. Lamentation 297 pages
32. Everything I Never Told You 292 pages
33. What She Left Behind 336
34. The King 150
35. Girl at War 336
36. Black Collar 356
37. Cold Black Earth 274
38. The Almost Moon 291
39. Down From the Mountain 256
40. The Daughter of the Sea and the Sky 290
41. A Man Called Ove 337
42. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas 224
43. Before The Clock Strikes 127
44. Walking Over Eggshells 203
45.The Boy Who Dared 202
46. The Gardener of Baghdad 151

Pages so far: 13,754/30,000

message 25: by Sabari (new)

Sabari Ragav (upfsabari) sounds interesting...!! I'm not sure how much I'll read so let me try with 10,000!!

Theresa~OctoberLace (octoberlace) | 773 comments Does everyone know that GR has Stats on the books you log? I logged all books I've read in 2014, and the Stats say I've read 156 books with a total of 56,507 pages. The longest was Kristin Lavransdatter by Sigrid Undset with 1,168 pages.

To get your stats, go to My Books, scroll down watching the left column where your shelves are listed. Below that you'll find Tools, one of which is Stats. You can check stats on other readers books, too, assuming that they haven't locked down who can view their books.

message 27: by Erika (new)

Erika (erikarae) | 708 comments For anyone who doesn't already know this, I thought it'd be helpful: To see how many pages you've read so far this year, so you can accurately gauge how many you want to read next year, you can go to "My Books" and then click on "Stats" over on the right. Then just selected "Pages" and it will tell you. :)

Theresa~OctoberLace (octoberlace) | 773 comments Erika, we think alike! The Stats like is actually in 2 places on the My Books page - under Tools on the left as I posted and on the upper right corner as Erika mentioned.

Theresa~OctoberLace (octoberlace) | 773 comments I think I'll go with the majority and start out with a goal of 40,000 pages. I'm assuming we can always bump it up later? Right now I have 12 books over 1,000 pages on my TBR list, most of which I already own.

1,534 pp Clarissa, or, the History of a Young Lady by Samuel Richardson
1,474 pp A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth
1,463 pp Les Misérables by Victor Hugo
1,276 pp The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
1,264 pp The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany by William L. Shirer
1,207 pp The Witching Hour by Anne Rice
1,168 pp Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
1,152 pp Shōgun by James Clavell
1,087 pp Love and War by John Jakes
1,087 pp Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson
1,056 pp Maia by Richard Adams
1,040 pp Dreadnought by Robert K. Massie

I figure if we share our longest books TBR, maybe we'll find some inspiration from each other.

message 30: by Claire (new)

Claire  (claire6452) | 716 comments Thanks for the information on finding how many pages we've read. I never noticed it before.

As it turns out, I have read just over 31,000 pages this year, so I guess my goal of 30,000 for next year is pretty reasonable.

message 31: by Angelique (last edited Jun 09, 2015 03:46AM) (new)

Angelique Count me in, please!

My goal for 2015 is to read 104 (or more) books for 2015, two for each week. And to avoid reading only small novella's, I want to read 104 books with an average of 450 pages, which would make 46800 pages in total.

The Shadow of the Wind - 453 pages
Mrs. Dalloway - 194 pages
Sleeping Beauty - 28 pages
Cinderella - 32 pages
Puss in Boots - 32 pages
The Witching Hour - 1207 pages
The Sun Also Rises - 251 pages
Agnes Grey - 251 pages
Bezonken rood - 132 pages
The Child Thief - 481 pages
Winter Solstice - 448 pages
Welcome to Dead House - 126 pages
Cinder - 390 pages
Alice's Adventure in Wonderland - 247 pages
Ghost Moon - 448 pages
The Count of Monte Cristo - 1276 pages
A Tale of Two Castles - 352 pages
The Maze Runner - 384 - pages
Lake in the Clouds- 651 pages
Playing for Keeps - 220 pages
Mystery Man - 512 pages
Zwaar Verliefd! - 256 pages
Backstage Pass - 344 pages
The Perfect Play - 324 pages
Own the Wind - 406 pages
The Gamble - 629 pages
Sweet Dreams - 562 pages
Lady Luck - 535 pages
Chocolat - 306 pages
Breathe - 554 pages
Jagged - 389 pages
Kaleidoscope - 406 pages
Oeroeg - 122 pages
Cut & Run - 348 pages
The Looking Glass Wars - 364 pages
Captive in the Dark - 276 pages
Seduced in the Dark - 505 pages
Gabriel's Inferno - 506 pages
Shadows and Strongholds - 568 pages
Rock Chick - 412 pages
Rock Chick Rescue - 500 pages
Rock Chick Redemption - 426 pages
Rock Chick Renegade - 449 pages
Street Kids - School is Cool!! - 16 pages
Black Hills - 480 pages
Rock Chick Revenge - 496 pages
Rock Chick Reckoning - 484 pages
Rock Chick Regret - 504 pages
Rock Chick Revolution - 530 pages
X Marks the Scot - 352 pages
Long Hard Ride - 287 pages
Rode Hard, Put Up Wet - 300 pages
Cowgirl Up and Ride - 298 pages
Vicious Cycle - 336 pages

Books read: 54
Total number of pages: 21475

Average: 397.69

message 32: by ChrisP (new)

ChrisP Poyner | 387 comments Put me down for 40,000

message 33: by Stefani - SpelingExpirt (last edited Jan 03, 2015 06:23PM) (new)

Stefani - SpelingExpirt (speling_expirt) | 585 comments I'm going to go for 35,000 which is about 12,000 more than I've read this year but I've got my sights set on some large fantasy series!


message 34: by Angelique (new)

Angelique Theresa~OctoberLace wrote: "I think I'll go with the majority and start out with a goal of 40,000 pages. I'm assuming we can always bump it up later? Right now I have 12 books over 1,000 pages on my TBR list, most of which I..."

There are 60 books on my TBR with more than 1000 pages, there is no way I'll be able to read them all next year.

However I am planning to read at least the following books from those 60:
The Stand 1153 pages
It 1090 pages
The Dark Tower 1050 pages

I'll be happy when I read at least 10 books of 800 pages or more.

message 35: by Lisa B (new)

Lisa B Buesing | 135 comments Sounds good to me. Put me down for 20,000. I have no idea if that is realistic or not, but it sounds like a good number.

message 36: by Cristal (last edited Mar 09, 2015 01:44PM) (new)

Cristal Punnett I am in for 30,000 words, I was surprised how many words I read this year, so hopefully this is achievable.

January Total 3551 pages.

Febrary total 4047 pages

Running total 7598 pages

message 37: by Cassandra (new)

Cassandra | 5832 comments Welcome to the challenge, everyone! I can't wait to see what sorts of books you all read.

message 38: by Traci (new)

Traci (traciinaz) | 69 comments I'm in. :) I read approximately 18,000 pages this year so I'll start off with 25,000. I've got some George R.R. Martin books to read so that should cover at least a couple of thousand pages. ;-)

message 39: by Diana (last edited Apr 15, 2015 07:25AM) (new)

Diana (ogranny) Tell the Wolves I'm Home (Carol Rifka Brunt) 360pgs
Montana 1948 (Larry Watson) 182pgs
Aberrations (Penelope Przekop) 240pgs
The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho) 197pgs
Still Alice (Lisa Genova) 292 pgs
Among the Missing (Morag Joss) 255 pgs
My Abandonment (Peter Rock)240 pgs
The Bean Trees (Barabara Kingsolver)232 pgs
Blame (Michelle Huneven) 304 pgs
Mazie Baby (Julie Frayn) 260 pgs
How to be a Woman (Caitlin Moran) 312 pgs.
So B. It (Sarah Weeks) 288 pgs.
A Caribbean Mystery (Agatha Christie) 244 pgs.
fourth of July Creek (Smith Henderson) 470 pgs.
chill Factor (Sandra Brown) 560 pgs.
Driving with Dead People (Monica Holloway) 327 pgs.
Just Desserts (Savannah Reid) 320 pgs
Other People's Dirt (Louise Rafkin) 208 pgs.
All the Light We Cannot See (Anthony Doerr) 531 pgs.
Self-Compassion (Kristin Neff) 302 pgs.
Fall of Giants (Ken Follet) 985 pgs.

7,590 total pages

message 40: by Dominique (last edited Nov 18, 2015 08:09AM) (new)

Dominique  | 1073 comments 2015 goal: 30,000 pages

To date: 31 732 pages

1. The Cabinet of Curiosities (Pendergast, #3) by Douglas Preston: 466 pages
2. Bossypants- Tina Fey: 277 pages
3. Dreams of Gods & MonstersLaini Taylor: 613 pages
4. Forever Odd - Dean Koontz: 364 pages
5. Batman: Earth One: 144 pages
6. City of Bones: 485 pages
7. A Discovery of Witches: 579 pages
8. Water for Elephants - Sara Gruen: 01/16/15 335 pages
9. Coraline - Neil Gaiman:01/18/15 162 pages
10. Landline- Rainbow Rowell: 01/19/15 310 pages
11. Shadow of Night - Deborah Harkness: 01/20/15 584 pages
12. Attachments - Rainbow Rowell: 01/21/15 323 pages
13. Bad Guys - Linwood Barclay 01/22/15 320 pages
14. The Surgeon - Tess Gerritsen: 01/25/15 359 pages
15. The Nightingale Circus- Ioana Visan
16. Station Eleven- Emily St. John Mandel: 01/28/15 333 pages
17. A Girl Is a Half-formed Thing - Eimear McBride: 01/30/15 205 pages
18. Nine Minutes - Beth Flynn: 02/04/15 317 pages
19. Roadside Crosses- Jeffery Deaver: 02/05/15 397 pages
20. Call Me GrimElizabeth Holloway - 02/06/15 262 pages
21. The Silver Linings Playbook- Matthew Quick: 02/11/15 304 pages
22. The Look of Love- Sarah Jio:02/12/15 286 pp
23. The Book Thief- Markus Zusak: 02/18/15 550p.
24. XO- Jeffery Deaver: 02/26/15 385 p.
25. The Cinderella Murder- Mary Higgins Clark: 02/26/15 320p
26. Mr. Mercedes- Stephen King: 02/27/15 436p
27. Brother Odd- Dean Koontz: 03/09/15 364p
28. Still Life With Crows- Douglas Preston: 03/10/15 575p
29. The Girl on the Train- Paula Hawkins: 03/11/15 336p
30. Brimstone- Douglas Preston: 03/22/15 775 p.
31. Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman Vol. 1- Gail Simone: 03/23/15 168 pages
32. Batman '66/Green Hornet- Kevin Smith: 03/23/15 144 pages
33. Dance of Death - Douglas Preston: 03/27/15 580 pages
34. It’s Not Me, It’s YouMhairi McFarlane -03/30/15 544 pages
35. THE BELIEF IN AngelsJ. Dylan Yates -04/05/15 314 pages
36. The Book of the DeadDouglas Preston -04/11/15 597 pages
37. I've Got You Under My SkinMary Higgins Clark -04/21/15 303 pages
38. The Wheel of DarknessDouglas Preston: 04/21/15 388 pages
39. Cemetery DanceDouglas Preston: 05/05/15 435 pages
40. Beautiful RuinsJess Walter -05/10/15 337 pages
41. Fever DreamDouglas Preston -05/17/15 416 pages
42. The Monkey's RaincoatRobert Crais -05/27/15 357 pages
43. Cold VengeanceDouglas Preston -05/29/15 545 pages
44. The Angel's GameCarlos Ruiz Zafón -06/04/15 504 pages
45. Two GravesDouglas Preston -06/12/15 484 pages
46. White FireDouglas Preston -07/14/15 368 pages
47. Blue LabyrinthDouglas Preston - 07/25/15 416 pages
48. The Demon King Cinda Williams Chima -07/29/15 506 pages
49. Out of Time (Nine Minutes) Beth Flynn: 457 pages
50. The Exiled Queen Cinda Williams Chima: 586 pages
51. Method 15/33Shannon Kirk 226 pages
52. The Paying GuestsSarah Waters 08/18/15 564 pages
53. Deadly Messengers Susan May: 08/22/15 450 pages
54. Cinder -Marissa Meyer 08/26/15 390 pages
55. Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children -08/30/15 352 pages
56. August: Osage County Tracy Letts 08/30/15 152 pages
57. The Book of Life 09/02/15 561 pp
58. Fahrenheit 451 -09/02/15 227 pages
59. The Gray Wolf Throne09/03/15 517 pp
60. Glitches -09/08/15 32 pages
61. Gone -09/08/15 560 pages
62. You -09/12/15 422 pages
63. The Crimson Crown -09/18/15 598 pages
64. Scarlet -09/23/15 09/23/15 452 pages
65. A Thousand Splendid Suns 09/30/15 372 pages
66. Moloka'i -10/01/15 384 pages
67. Cress - 15/10/04 550 pages
68. True Evil - 10/09/15 512 pages
69. American Gods - 10/12/15 656 pages
70. Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes- 10/15/15 67 pages
71. Carswell's Guide to Being Lucky -10/16/15 42 pages
72. Fifteen Dogs - 10/19/20 177 pages
73. A Pleasure and a Calling 10/21/15 288 pages
74. Pretty Girls - 10/25/15 397 pages
75. Every Dead Thing - 10/31/15 467 pages
76. Sycamore Row - 11/03/15 447 pages
77. Little Black Lies - 11/06/15 368 pages
78. The Cleaner - 11/08/15 384 pages
79. The Lake House - 11/13/15 593 pages
80. Crimson Shore - 11/17/15 352 pages

message 41: by Cassandra (last edited Dec 10, 2014 05:05PM) (new)

Cassandra | 5832 comments Sounds good, Dominique! It's perfectly fine to start out smaller and then you can increase your goal later if you like. Just let me know. :)

message 42: by Chloé (last edited Jan 04, 2015 06:20PM) (new)

Chloé (fullmetalclo) | 573 comments Count me in! 15'000 pages for a starter. Thank you Cassandra :)

message 43: by [deleted user] (new)

Theresa~OctoberLace wrote: "I figure if we share our longest books TBR, maybe we'll find some inspiration from each other."

I'd be game for either Les Misérables or The Count of Monte Cristo.

message 44: by Kara (new)

Kara (karaayako) | 3982 comments Theresa~OctoberLace wrote: "I figure if we share our longest books TBR, maybe we'll find some inspiration from each other."

This is a great idea and good fodder for some long buddy reads!

message 45: by Chloé (new)

Chloé (fullmetalclo) | 573 comments I would be down for Les Misérables. I started it when I was probably too young for it, and I got discouraged, so I didn't finish it.

message 46: by Theresa~OctoberLace (last edited Dec 10, 2014 07:23PM) (new)

Theresa~OctoberLace (octoberlace) | 773 comments Greg & Kara & Chloe,

A Buddy Read may be good for some of these long books. I own both Les Misérables and The Count of Monte Cristo in Kindle and audiobook formats. Les Misérables is 60 hrs 31 min and The Count of Monte Cristo 52 hrs 45 min in the versions I own. I'm be up for either one. When would you guys want to start a Buddy Read?

message 47: by Eggp (last edited Dec 31, 2015 03:59PM) (new)

Eggp | 487 comments Sign me up for 40,000 please, thanks Cassandra!

Let's Turn Pages Challenge, January 01 - December 31
Goal: 51,373/40,000, 128.43% - 175 total books.

January - 2,909 pages. (view spoiler) - 11 books, 2,909 total pages.
February - 4,076 pages. (view spoiler) - 15 books, 6,985 total pages.
March - 5,079 pages. (view spoiler) - 25 books, 12,064 total pages.
April - 4,386 pages. (view spoiler) - 14 books, 16,450 total pages.
May - 5,933 pages. (view spoiler) - 18 books, 22,383 total pages.
June - 4,647 pages. (view spoiler) - 13 books, 27,030 total pages.
July - 5,651 pages. (view spoiler) - 17 books, 32,681 total pages.
August - 3,830 pages. (view spoiler) - 13 books, 36,511 total pages.
September - 3,961 pages. (view spoiler) - 10 books, 40,472 total pages.
October - 4,155 pages. (view spoiler) - 15 books, 44,627 total pages.
November - 3,552 pages. (view spoiler) - 13 books, 48,179 total pages.
December - 3,194 pages. (view spoiler) - 11 books, 51,373 total pages.

message 48: by Karina (new)

Karina (karinargh) | 807 comments I'll do 45,000.

(I have some long TBRs too - maybe this would be good for a separate thread next to the regular buddy read one?)

message 49: by Cassandra (new)

Cassandra | 5832 comments I would love to read both Les Misérables and The Count of Monte Cristo as buddy reads. It's the perfect motivation to get through some of those longer classics.

message 50: by Dominique (new)

Dominique  | 1073 comments Cassandra wrote: "Sounds good, Dominique! It's perfectly fine to start out smaller and then you can increase your goal later if you like. Just let me know. :)"

I will thanks.

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