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2015 Authors List

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message 7: by Deborah (new)

Deborah | 298 comments Mod
Who have I missed?
Anyone going to this year's dragon con that has a goodreads author profile is eligible, even if they aren't an official guest.
Please add anyone I missed.


message 8: by Laura (last edited Aug 11, 2015 03:43PM) (new)

message 9: by Deborah (new)

Deborah | 298 comments Mod
Laura Anne wrote: "Me!

- Laura Anne"

Thanks, but you are there, near the bottom of message 3.

I tried to get all of the authors from the official list, but I didn't get all of the artists, actors, comics writers or anyone not on the lists.

message 10: by David (new)

David Hayden (dahayden) I will be at Dragon Con this year. My 16th time at the con. I'm not a guest and I'm not on any panels this year. Going as just a fan this time, but readers are welcome and encouraged to track me down and say hi. :-)

message 11: by David (new)

David Hayden (dahayden) I will be at Dragon Con this year. My 16th time at the con. I'm not a guest and I'm not on any panels this year. Going as just a fan this time, but readers are welcome and encouraged to track me down and say hi. :-)

message 12: by Laura (new)

Laura Gilman (lauraanneg) | 5 comments Deborah wrote: "Laura Anne wrote: "Me!

- Laura Anne"

Thanks, but you are there, near the bottom of message 3.

Shows how good I am at stalking myself - I read through the lists twice and didn't see it...

message 13: by Deborah (new)

Deborah | 298 comments Mod
Laura Anne wrote: "Deborah wrote: "Laura Anne wrote: "Me!

- Laura Anne"

Thanks, but you are there, near the bottom of message 3.

Shows how good I am ..."

Running out the door right now, but I'll share a trick for that later.

message 14: by Deborah (last edited Aug 12, 2015 09:18AM) (new)

Deborah | 298 comments Mod
David wrote: "I will be at Dragon Con this year. My 16th time at the con. I'm not a guest and I'm not on any panels this year. Going as just a fan this time, but readers are welcome and encouraged to track me do..."

David Alastair Hayden

message 15: by Deborah (new)

Deborah | 298 comments Mod
Go to your author page and scroll down almost to the bottom. Just above your list of groups is "Topics Mentioning this Author." Unfortunately, it shows the earliest posts first, but you can change that by clicking on more.

This only works for links to your author page and I don't have links in for everyone yet. I add the names roughly in order of addition to the official list.

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