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message 2: by Plethora (last edited Jul 11, 2020 12:18PM) (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 487 comments For TCF's GISH Scavenger Hunt, you will have one week to read one book for a task from that week's list. You cannot begin reading your book until Monday morning (12:01 am). You have until the following Sunday night (midnight) to complete and report your book.

There are points given to each task. The points may be higher if the task is trickier.

Another way to earn points is the page count of the book you read.
140 - 199 pages = 3 points
200 - 299 pages = 6 points
300 - 399 pages = 9 points
400 - 499 pages = 12 points
500 - 599 pages = 15 points
600 - 699 pages = 18 points
700 - 799 pages = 21 points
800 - 899 pages = 24 points
900 - 999 pages = 27 points
a book with 1000+ pages is 30 points

How to Play:
* Each team member will need to read one book each week.
* The book must match a task from that week's list.
* Books must be at least 140 pages. Audio book page length is determined by the first paper version that shows up.

You may not start reading your book before Monday morning and you must finish reading your book by Sunday night (midnight).

The next week's tasks will be posted on Friday morning. There will be about 26 tasks each week to choose from. Team members can read the same task. Points for the previous week's tasks will be announced when everyone's Completion Posts are reported.

If a team has fewer members than the other teams, a member may read an extra book to make up the difference. That member is the Designated Double Book Reader (DDBR :). The DDBR may change from week to week.

If a team member has an emergency or has scheduled an absence, a DDBR can read 2 books so that the team will not lose points.

The game will begin on Monday, July 6 at 12:01 a.m. (Pacific Daylight Time)
*The game will conclude Sunday, Aug 30 at 12:59 p.m. (Pacific Daylight Time)

sample Selection or Completion post
Book and Author:
Date Read:
GISH task: #?

message 3: by Plethora (last edited Jul 04, 2020 01:32PM) (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 487 comments Housekeeping links/information

Team Spreadsheet

message 4: by Plethora (last edited Jul 11, 2020 01:08PM) (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 487 comments Week 1 tasks (July 6 - 12)

1. Make an Assbutt of yourself in public. Literally. - read a book that has tagged 'Humor" or 'Humorous'

2. Nothing caps off a good, hot summer day like a foot-long s'mores eaten by two, Lady and the Tramp style. (No hands may be used in the creation or eating of the s'mores.) - read a book with 'lady' or 'tramp' in the text of the book

3. They say stepping on a LEGO is the greatest pain one can experience. We Gishers laugh in the face of pain. Make shoes entirely from LEGOs (no fluffy socks or insoles allowed) and demonstrate them in use. - read a book that begins with 'L', 'E', 'G', 'O' (ignoring 'a', 'an', 'the')

4. Hula hooping is hard, and you're just not ready to go it alone yet. Create a hula-hoop with training wheels for beginners and show it in use. - read a book with only two people on the cover

5. At least 3 grownups working in an industrial mud-pie factory. They must be wearing hair nets. Supervising them is at least one tidy child under age 10 in a suit and carrying a clipboard. - read a book with a child under 10 as an important character

6. 7 out of 10 dentists and dental hygienists recommend flossing, and they practice what they preach. Show us 7 out of 10 real dentists and dental hygienists flossing (not tooth-flossing. Dance flossing.) - read a book with a person smiling on the cover

7. It's time for the most elegant and beautiful of all affairs: the paintball ballet! Five ballerinas playing paintball on pointe. They must all be pointe dancers; they can be wearing safety gear, but it must be pink and there must be tutus and pointe shoes. - read a book where the mc does ballet or watches ballet

8. It's summer, and that means it's time to do your civic duty. Take a swim in the jury pool, complete with flotation devices, snorkel, etc. - read a book set in the summertime

9. Bee-drinking poles are all the rage, but your neighborhood bees deserve to really unwind. Create a bee bar - a bee "saloon on a pole" using recycled bottle caps. Install it somewhere public. - read a book whose author's first or last name starts with 'B'

10. A real matador in a real bullfighting ring with any of our GISH "flapes" (these are flags some Gishers purchase during registration). The bull is a Gisher, convincingly dressed as a bull. - read a book set in Spain or with a Spanish character in it

11. Listerine Mouse Wash. - read a book on a device that you have to scroll

12. A child reading a bedtime story to the monster under their bed. The monster should be charmed and cozy and cuddled up. - read a cozy mystery

13. The machines are taking over, and now they're even infiltrating the dating sector. Your blind date tonight at a 4-star restaurant is a humanoid robot. - read a book that a Goodreads friend gave 4 stars to

14. Nothing can shake you up! Show us how you keep centered: meditating on a moving mechanical bull. Keep your chakras aligned! Fall off in less than 2 seconds and score 0 points. - read a book with the author's name in the middle of the cover

15. Create a "food truck" that sells something incongruous with food trucks. It could be delicious pesticides, microchips, shower caps or anything in between. Your truck must advertise its wares with flashy signage. - read a book with prepared food on the cover

16. Clowns were the original glad-iators. Prove it with Roman clowns fighting in an actual Colosseum or ancient amphitheater in a knock-down, drag-out pie fight. - read a book with all the letters 'G', 'L', 'A', 'D' in the title

17. Trip the light fantastic. Literally. - read a book with a source of light on the cover

18. You know that saying: "Christ on a paddle board!" Well, it's used for a reason - Jesus walked on water and was an innovator in the Stand-Up Paddle board world. Show Jesus on a stand-up paddle board, with at least 3 disciples following him in a rowboat, canoe, or scull. - read a book with a rowboat, canoe or scull (or similar) on the cover

19. The world is in desperate need of more Cheese Balls. Delivered as rapidly as possible. Build a functional Cheese Ball launching/delivery system and demonstrate it shooting cheese balls from a distance of least 30 feet away. You must be able to catch at least 1 in your mouth. - read a book set in Wisconsin, Switzerland, or the Netherlands

20. A house cat happily flaunting a stylish mustache. - read a book with a cat on the cover

21. You're a real dish. No, really. You and a friend, dressed as commemorative collector plates, donating platelets (that's what plates bleed :). - buddy- read a book with a teammate

22. People always say, "GISH lights up the night!" Prove it. Get a bunch of drones with lights on them to spell out the word "GISH" in the night sky. The drones must serve as pixels in the sky, so you will need a lot of them. Probably at least 40. - read a book where the main character is over 40

23. When baking, measurements are vital to the culinary success of your creation. Small missteps will ruin your souffle. Of course, measuring cups and spoons, over time, change size and volume due to humidity and aging. Let's use a measuring device that you trust and know intimately: your mouth. Grab whatever ingredients you use to make a cake and place them on your counter and then, without using your hands to measure or fill, fill your mouth with the appropriate amounts of each ingredient and then deposit in your cake dish. Once the ingredients are all safely in the mixing bowl, you are allowed to mix it with any device, as long as that device is a part of your face. Bake it and enjoy it with a loved one (without using your hands). - read a book with a recipe in it (but not a cookbook :)

24. Have a child under 8 years old create an original recipe. Record them inventing it, then executing their vision. It must be 100% child-led with an adult serving as sous chef. - read a book published in 1998

25. You've been bragging you can out-dunk a professional basketball player, and now it's time to prove it: go one-on-one for a 30-second milk-and-cookies dunk-off against a pro-baller. Your competitor must be a current or retired member of the NBA or WNBA. - read a book with a current or former professional athlete in it

26. Be a stand-in for me! Wearing a convincing Misha Collins mask, have a cup of tea with someone who still has a bonafide original Team 3 Rhino Hunt puzzle piece. The puzzle piece must be visible in the image. - read a book from Best Jane Austen FacFiction

message 5: by Plethora (last edited Jul 11, 2020 12:23PM) (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 487 comments Week 2 tasks (July 13 - 19)

27. Food waste is a real problem in many countries. At the same time, food deserts are a problem, making it difficult for some people to get fresh, nutritious food. We're helping both problems in one fell swoop with our GISH Mobile Free Grocers! Get a grocery store to donate the day's "ugly" produce, day-old bread, and any other still edible fresh foods to you, then go and distribute it. - read a book with fruit or vegetables on the cover

28. The tooth fairy is sick and tired of waiting around to collect the teeth under kids' pillows, so she's gone rogue and has started taking them right out of their mouths to meet her quota. Obviously, she needs to be stopped! Create an effective anti-tooth fairy nighttime mouth guard and show it in use, successfully stopping the thieving fairy. - read a book with all the letters of 'rogue' in the title

29. The big trend in experience-based restaurants has you eating in total darkness, but these gimmicky restaurants charge a fortune. We're bringing it to the masses: Take a dinner date to an upscale restaurant. Sit across from each other and feed each other dinner while both of you are blindfolded. You must be serving one another red wine or a similar dark beverage, too. - read a romance; the mc must eat at a restaurant

30. The recorder is an under appreciated instrument, with roots in ancient times. The depth of its mythical sirenic tones are magical and hypnotic. So what better place to play this divine woodwind than amongst the most beautiful sites in the world? Play the Kansas song "Carry on Wayward Son" on a recorder, overlooking one of the following: the Grand Canyon (Arizona, US), Angkor Wat (Cambodia), Machu Picchu (Peru), Great Wall of China, Taj Mahal (India), the Colosseum (Italy), Iguazu Falls (Brazil), Stonehenge (UK), Egyptian Pyramids or the Sphinx, Tikal (Guatemala), Angel Falls (Venezuela), Atacama Desert (Chile), Arashiyama Bamboo Grove (Japan), The Azores (Portugal), Boulders Beach (South Africa), Cappadocia (Turkey), Cliffs of Moher (Ireland), Disko Bay (Greenland), Lake Tekapo (New Zealand), Na Pali Coast (Hawaii, US), Sagrada Familia (Spain), Eiffel Tower (France), Reynisfjara (Iceland), Trolltunga (Norway), Ubud (Indonesia), Sydney Opera House (Australia), Banff National Park (Canada), Niagara Falls (New York or Ontario), Yellowstone (Wyoming), El Capitan (Yosemite), Statue of Liberty (Liberty Island), Eilean Donan Castle (Scotland), Neuschwanstein Castle (Germany), Matterhorn or Zermatt (Switzerland), or Chichen Itza (Mexico). - read a book where one of the 'beautiful sites' is mentioned

31. In the past, stained glass windows usually depicted flowers or devotional symbols like angels and saints. But modern culture venerates a different group. Create a stained glass window of a Kardashian or similar personality with more than 4 million followers. It must be someone who is worshiped simply for being worshiped, for being famous. You may not use anyone from the cast of Supernatural. - read a book written by famous person (other than for being a noted author)

32. We're putting you in charge of Supernatural canon for the day. Paint a cannon with an elaborate SPN mural showcasing something that you think should be canon, with a caption like, "It's #SPN Cannon!" - read a book with a supernatural main character (supernatural: of or relating to God or a god, demigod, spirit, ghost, or devil)

33. In the 2018 GISH Most Premiumerest Registration, we included a Misha Collins MishSqueezie stress ball. And though our concept artist did a great job, something got lost in translation and, well... Nailed it! But somewhere out there, there must be the guy that actually looks exactly like this stress ball. Find him and take a picture of him with the MishSqueezie. - read a book where the mc is under a lot of stress

34. The Federation of Stormtroopers has been officially sponsored by the X Games this year. Let's see a highlight from one of their competitions with a stormtrooper participating in an extreme sport. - read a book with a "x" in the title

35. A pop-up card that's for a blind child. Written in Braille, with pop-ups that can be understood completely by touch. Let's see it in action. - read a hardback or paperback book

36. Like many Americans, I've been trying to get supplies to the families and kids in detention centers along the US border, and despite my C-List celebrity status, it's been tough. But we found a way. Go to and follow the instructions there, then screenshot it and send that in as proof. - read a book where the mc is in jail or prison for 50% of the story

37. I keep losing my stuff. Invent a Misha-proof AirPod finding solution that is NOT a cord, because that defeats the entire point of AirPods. Show it in use. - listen to an audio book

38. Ugly Holiday sweaters are great, but with the climate crisis heating up the planet, we've got to branch out. Model your best ugly Holiday bathing suit or bikini made of re-purposed ugly holiday sweaters. Model it at the beach with a caption touting the virtues of your "Global Warming Holiday Sweater." - read a book set during a holiday

39. There's regular golf, and mini-golf, but where are all the maxi-golf courses? We want to see it all, the giant putters, the huge balls, and of course, the windmill. - read a book where the mc plays golf, or there is a windmill on the cover

40. The world is heating up! Time for an old-fashioned kids game that we all know: Hot Planet. With at least 8 people in a public place, play a game of Hot Potato with a reddened globe of the planet Earth. - read a book published in 2008

41. A high-speed giant game of red rover played by at least 50 wedding guests. The bride must be the one flung across the field. The groom must be running after her holding her train. - read a book with a red cover (must be 50% according to Tineye's Color Extraction Lab

42. I always feel a lot of guilt about the tattoo items in GISH. The first time I added one, I thought it was funny until I saw the tatts and then I felt a little bad. Of course, it gives me a rush of power when I see them in person, and many of them are actually very cool. So I have an idea that allows me to keep feeling powerful, but takes away all of my guilt: Get a tattoo of the encouraging message to get you through the tough times. Because I know many of you already have inspiring tattoos, you must submit two images. The first is an image of you getting the tattoo when you are halfway done at the tattoo parlor, in the chair, holding a sign that reads, "GISH made me do it." The second image is of the finished tattoo. - read a book with a sign on the cover

43. Choose a sport you’ve never played before. Go do it with your coach: a child under the age of 10 who is an experienced participant. - read a book where the mc goes to see an athletic event

44. (95) Recreate a Civil War-era photograph with Captain America, Iron Man, and/or their respective sides using the Woodbury-type photography technique. - read a book set during a war or battle

45. Why have chain letters, when you can have chain mail? Create an intricate medieval knight's suit of armor entirely out of junk mail, with chain mail comprised of chain letters. - read an epistolary novel

46. Someone turned your local parking lot into your favorite childhood board game! Using sidewalk chalk or removable tempera, transform at least 5000 square feet of pavement into an enlarged version of your favorite childhood board game. - read a book from the Top 100 Children's Books on Goodreads list

47. Garfield phones keep washing up on beaches in France. As you know, that's because mermaids love cats, so there's a mermaid call center operation down there selling these phones on QVSea. Show us the QVSea commercial for these phones, as pitched by a mer-spokesperson. Oh, and it should go without saying, but all of this is taking place underwater. - read a book with a character in it that is a mermaid

48. A real barbershop quartet singing a passage from the Mueller Report in front of a federally elected political leader's office. - read the 4th book of a series

49. Talk to an elderly person over 80 and learn all about the best day of their life so far. Then, create a diorama of their best day in a small empty tin or box and give it to them. - read a book with a mc that is over 80 (can be paranormal)

50. Write a formal, one-page letter to Gina Haspel, the current Director of the CIA. In it you must outline a plausible, one-page decoding of the fourth Kryptos. The letter must frame the description as an urgent matter and must seamlessly deploy the term “wild unicorn training centers around the globe”. - read a book whose title begins with 'C', 'I', or 'A' (ignoring 'a', 'an', 'the')

51. Conspiracy theorists need to get with the times! Update the tinfoil hat to reflect technological innovations. - read a book published in 2020

52. Create a MAILWHES (The Most Amazing, Intimidating Letterbox The World Has Ever Seen), a mailbox so amazing, so intimidating, so horrifying that your mail carrier will never dare leave you another piece of junk mail again. There must be teeth around the mail slot or opening. - read a book that has been tagged 'horror'

message 6: by Plethora (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 487 comments week 3 tasks

message 7: by Plethora (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 487 comments week 4 tasks

message 8: by Plethora (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 487 comments week 5 tasks

message 9: by Plethora (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 487 comments week 6 tasks

message 10: by Plethora (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 487 comments week 7 tasks

message 11: by Plethora (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 487 comments week 8 tasks

message 12: by Plethora (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 487 comments Hi Team -

I just have basics started in here. Will spoof up a bit this weekend before we start the game but wanted to get the thread up and open for everyone to have time to stop by and chat.

Share, suggest names, etc.

message 13: by Denise, Manufacturing Director (new)

Denise (destiny_chan) | 7072 comments Mod
Hi team, can't wait to get started on this game! :)

message 14: by Jammin Jenny (new)

Jammin Jenny (jamminjenny) | 1076 comments I am here! Looking forward to playing this game.

message 15: by Kellene (new)

Kellene | 324 comments Hello all! Looking forward to the game

message 16: by Jammin Jenny (new)

Jammin Jenny (jamminjenny) | 1076 comments Possible names:


message 17: by M (new)

M Beal | 138 comments Hello, I an looking forward to playing.

message 18: by Olawuyi (new)

Olawuyi (jesujuwonlo) | 189 comments Heyyy, can't wait to get started.

message 19: by Lanelle, Production Chief (new)

Lanelle | 19028 comments Mod
I found a typo :(

Task #16 should be: Clowns were the original glad-iators. Prove it with Roman clowns fighting in an actual Colosseum or ancient amphitheater in a knock-down, drag-out pie fight. - read a book with all the letters 'G', 'L', 'A', 'D' in the title

message 20: by Denise, Manufacturing Director (new)

Denise (destiny_chan) | 7072 comments Mod
So according to Lanelle "This week's task point spread is from 12 to 113." Anyone wanna join me in speculating which tasks might learn the most points? :)

message 21: by Jammin Jenny (new)

Jammin Jenny (jamminjenny) | 1076 comments I think maybe these have the most points:

5. At least 3 grownups working in an industrial mud-pie factory. They must be wearing hair nets. Supervising them is at least one tidy child under age 10 in a suit and carrying a clipboard. - read a book with a child under 10 as an important character

7. It's time for the most elegant and beautiful of all affairs: the paintball ballet! Five ballerinas playing paintball on pointe. They must all be pointe dancers; they can be wearing safety gear, but it must be pink and there must be tutus and pointe shoes. - read a book where the mc does ballet or watches ballet

10. A real matador in a real bullfighting ring with any of our GISH "flapes" (these are flags some Gishers purchase during registration). The bull is a Gisher, convincingly dressed as a bull. - read a book set in Spain or with a Spanish character in it

18. You know that saying: "Christ on a paddle board!" Well, it's used for a reason - Jesus walked on water and was an innovator in the Stand-Up Paddle board world. Show Jesus on a stand-up paddle board, with at least 3 disciples following him in a rowboat, canoe, or scull. - read a book with a rowboat, canoe or scull (or similar) on the cover

19. The world is in desperate need of more Cheese Balls. Delivered as rapidly as possible. Build a functional Cheese Ball launching/delivery system and demonstrate it shooting cheese balls from a distance of least 30 feet away. You must be able to catch at least 1 in your mouth. - read a book set in Wisconsin, Switzerland, or the Netherlands

22. People always say, "GISH lights up the night!" Prove it. Get a bunch of drones with lights on them to spell out the word "GISH" in the night sky. The drones must serve as pixels in the sky, so you will need a lot of them. Probably at least 40. - read a book where the main character is over 40

25. You've been bragging you can out-dunk a professional basketball player, and now it's time to prove it: go one-on-one for a 30-second milk-and-cookies dunk-off against a pro-baller. Your competitor must be a current or retired member of the NBA or WNBA. - read a book with a current or former professional athlete in it

26. Be a stand-in for me! Wearing a convincing Misha Collins mask, have a cup of tea with someone who still has a bonafide original Team 3 Rhino Hunt puzzle piece. The puzzle piece must be visible in the image. - read a book from Best Jane Austen FacFiction

message 22: by Olawuyi (new)

Olawuyi (jesujuwonlo) | 189 comments I think I agree with Jammin. That list contains the more tricky ones of the lot. We'll have to consider book-length too.

message 23: by Denise, Manufacturing Director (new)

Denise (destiny_chan) | 7072 comments Mod
I've already been browsing for the longest books I can find that correspond to something on the list... and now I'm wrestling with myself about whether I really want to be enough of an overachiever to force myself through 1000+ pages of Thomas Mann or Cervantes or settle for something slightly less arduous. XD

message 24: by Kellene (new)

Kellene | 324 comments I think Jenny is pretty much dead on with that list. And I know book length is important, but I'm not gonna bite off a longer book. 350 pages is a push for me these days with work. I'll get mine read and hope I chose a high point category, I guess.

message 25: by Jammin Jenny (last edited Jul 04, 2020 04:19AM) (new)

Jammin Jenny (jamminjenny) | 1076 comments I can try and find a 400-600 page book that meets one of these - let me delve around a bit

5. At least 3 grownups working in an industrial mud-pie factory. They must be wearing hair nets. Supervising them is at least one tidy child under age 10 in a suit and carrying a clipboard. - read a book with a child under 10 as an important character

I found a book that is 500-599 pages that fits this so I'll read for this one.

message 26: by Kellene (new)

Kellene | 324 comments I actually have a book for another challenge that will work for task #22. Poirot to the rescue! Only 335 p. though.

message 27: by Denise, Manufacturing Director (last edited Jul 04, 2020 04:35AM) (new)

Denise (destiny_chan) | 7072 comments Mod
I'm a crazy person who reads an average of two books a day, so I figure I might as well challenge myself. :D
And Don Quixote has been sitting on my shelf for years, so.... maybe?

message 28: by Jammin Jenny (new)

Jammin Jenny (jamminjenny) | 1076 comments Denise wrote: "I'm a crazy person who reads an average of two books a day, so I figure I might as well challenge myself. :D
And Don Quixote has been sitting on my shelf for years, so.... maybe?"

Go for it! It's a great book!

message 29: by Plethora (last edited Jul 04, 2020 12:57PM) (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 487 comments If I'm lucky and have a short audio and no meetings and disruptions at work I get in 1 short book a

But being a lead and one of the very few people that actually still is in office I don't always get that luxury.

I do have another challenge I am working on that needs longer books so I will certainly not pick a 200 page book for this.

I haven't taken the time to review the options yet for tasks. But wow, what a point spread to ponder.

I'll get a spreadsheet for us linked before the game kicks-off.

I worked late last night, go home at 2am. Work again this evening and tomorrow afternoon. (Thus limited weekend time, so much for holiday.)

message 30: by Plethora (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 487 comments Ok. I think I have the spreadsheet ready to go.

The only tab you will need to worry about is "Team Score".

If you aren't comfortable filling in I am happy to, it is fairly basic.

You only need to put book read (name | author), date read, task # and pages. If you need to throw in a comment on how it fits the tasks there is a spot for that as well.

Team Spreadsheet

message 31: by Lanelle, Production Chief (new)

Lanelle | 19028 comments Mod
lorii posted this on her team's thread. She's given me permission to share it:

"...this [challenge] is first and foremost about having fun, especially during this crazy and unpredictable time. Therefore, I don't want anyone to slog through or feel obliged to read something they aren't enjoying even if it may have more points..."

Well said!

message 32: by M (new)

M Beal | 138 comments I have 6 books matched up to different tasks and will probably roll a dice to decide which one I will poke my nose into.

Just to clarify, can we read more than one book a week?

message 33: by Kellene (new)

Kellene | 324 comments Lanelle wrote: "lorii posted this on her team's thread. She's given me permission to share it:

"...this [challenge] is first and foremost about having fun, especially during this crazy and unpredictable time. Th..."

Absolutely perfect! Sometimes with challenges, I think that the competition gets us away from enjoying the reads. I know I've been guilty.

message 34: by Kellene (new)

Kellene | 324 comments M wrote: "I have 6 books matched up to different tasks and will probably roll a dice to decide which one I will poke my nose into.

Just to clarify, can we read more than one book a week?"

"you will have one week to read one book for a task from that week's list." Just on book per week can count, but you can read as many as you want.

message 35: by M (new)

M Beal | 138 comments I think I finally found one. Going to read for Task number 19

message 36: by Olawuyi (new)

Olawuyi (jesujuwonlo) | 189 comments I'm going with #10 on this. Out of my comfort zone, but I hope I enjoy it.

message 37: by Lanelle, Production Chief (new)

Lanelle | 19028 comments Mod
The challenge begins in less than 12 hours. Captains, if you have a team member who hasn't checked in, feel free to send them a message. You many want to have a DDBR in case they don't show up.

Also, I've added a detail to the rules that I forgot: No graphic novels, poetry, or cookbooks.

message 38: by Plethora (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 487 comments Countdown to start do not beginning reading until this reaches zero.

message 39: by Plethora (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 487 comments Correct, you may only count one book a week.

If a team member is going to need a pass for the week for some reason another member can read for them. That would be the only time you would be reading more than 1 book for the week.

So chose wisely. (Lots of fingers crossed you pick a high point item.)

message 40: by Plethora (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 487 comments I wonder though if a super simple task would actually have high points thinking everyone would avoid it. lol

message 41: by Plethora (last edited Jul 11, 2020 12:58PM) (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 487 comments Besides the spreadsheet (if you chose to post to it) please remember each week to post your completion by Sunday midnight Pacific time (GR).

Completion Post
Book and Author:
Date Read:
GISH task: #?

message 42: by Plethora (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 487 comments Please check-in towards beginning of each new week so we know you've seen the new tasks and are able to read for the week.

If you need an absence for a week let us know so we can plan accordingly.

message 43: by Jammin Jenny (new)

Jammin Jenny (jamminjenny) | 1076 comments Plethora wrote: "I wonder though if a super simple task would actually have high points thinking everyone would avoid it. lol"

I could see that happening :)

message 44: by Kellene (last edited Jul 06, 2020 03:08AM) (new)

Kellene | 324 comments I'm going with task #19 and reading Scared Stiff (set in Wisconsin).

message 45: by M (new)

M Beal | 138 comments I am also reading for task #19 with American Gods part of the setting is Wisconsin. if this doesn't work I can change up my book.

message 46: by Denise, Manufacturing Director (new)

Denise (destiny_chan) | 7072 comments Mod
Started Don Quixote for task #10. Enjoying it so far, and finishing it by Sunday shouldn't be a problem.

message 47: by Plethora (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 487 comments I have a book I started this morning that works for a few of the tasks. Cozy Mystery, Author B, Device with scroll.

I'll see what else I pick up this week probably before I decide where to place my book. Decisions are hard with that unknown element.

message 48: by Kellene (new)

Kellene | 324 comments Finally got to the library to pick my book up today. Can't wait to get started.

message 49: by Jammin Jenny (new)

Jammin Jenny (jamminjenny) | 1076 comments Completion Post

Book and Author: The Institute by Stephen King
Date Read: July 8
Pages: 561
GISH task: #5 - read a book with a child under 10 as an important character
How it fits: one of the MCs is Avery Dixon, age 10, and two twin girls younger than that are important characters in the story

message 50: by M (new)

M Beal | 138 comments Completion post

Book and Author: American Gods by Neil Gaiman
Date Read: 7-8-20
Pages: 750
GISH task #: 19 read a book set in Wisconsin, Switzerland, or the Netherlands – Part of books setting is in Wisconsin

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