2024 Reading Challenge discussion

The Martian
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ARCHIVE 2021 > The Martian #1

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message 1: by SarahKat, Buddy Reads (new) - rated it 5 stars

SarahKat | 5154 comments This thread is to discuss The Martian by Andy Weir the first book of the The Martian series.

Pages: 384 pages

Length: 1 Month (May)

Participants: Nicolas, Eirelyn, Asia .

Everyone reads at their own pace during a Buddy Read. Because participants can be at different parts of the book at different times, it is extremely important to mark spoilers so that the book is not ruined for someone who is not as far along as others!!!

Mark spoilers by placing {spoiler} before the text and {/spoiler} after the text but use the < and > instead of the { and }.

Eirelyn (ladyeirelyn) | 1244 comments Thanks for the thread, SarahKat. :D

Eirelyn (ladyeirelyn) | 1244 comments I've been wanting to read this one for a few years now, so I'm glad to finally be getting to it. :D

message 4: by Ashleigh, Challenges (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ashleigh Motbey (ashybear02) | 1685 comments I listened to this on audio in March (it was one of Audible's editors extras last year so free, and it has officially become one of my all time favourite reads... EVER.

A five star read (a 6 if I could give it 🤣) and it's rare that I say I want to reread something but this is officially on my list (the only other ones are Harry Potter).


Eirelyn (ladyeirelyn) | 1244 comments Wow, Ashleigh, what high praise! :D That makes me even more excited to get into this one!

message 6: by Karin (last edited May 01, 2021 01:52PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Karin | 53 comments I read this when it was quite new and loved it. Later I saw the movie, long enough after it that I forgot just enough to enjoy that as well.

I rounded this up to 5 stars and the ONLY reason it was rounded up was for one minor thing, and I give very few 5 stars.

I don't know if I have enough time this month to reread it, but will definitely try to join the conversation.

My review gives NO spoilers. I read it when I was on Shelfari, so this was moved here in 2016.


Eirelyn (ladyeirelyn) | 1244 comments I am about 30% of the way through this one, and I'm really enjoying it so far! :D

I thought it would have more of a (view spoiler)

It's been an intriguing read so far, and I look forward to finding out what happens!

message 8: by Eirelyn (last edited May 09, 2021 12:15PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Eirelyn (ladyeirelyn) | 1244 comments I'm through chapter 15.

Mark just (view spoiler)

Karin | 53 comments Eirelyn wrote: "I am about 30% of the way through this one, and I'm really enjoying it so far! :D

I thought it would have more of a heavy, dramatic feel to it, but while the subject matter is pretty dire for Mark..."

There is some excellent humour in this book, that's for sure :)

Eirelyn (ladyeirelyn) | 1244 comments I finished this a couple nights ago, and I just have to say that I am (view spoiler)

Eirelyn (ladyeirelyn) | 1244 comments I just watched the movie for the first time, and I was pleasantly surprised! Both by how accurately Matt Damon portrayed Mark Watney and by how closely the movie followed the book. There were a few things left out, especially towards the end, but even in a 2 1/2 hour movie, they can only put in so much, so that's okay. The movie still had all the great character development that the book had, and I really enjoyed it!

Karin | 53 comments Eirelyn wrote: "I just watched the movie for the first time, and I was pleasantly surprised! Both by how accurately Matt Damon portrayed Mark Watney and by how closely the movie followed the book. There were a few..."

The film was good, I agree. However, I'm still glad I had a gap between reading the book and seeing the film.

message 13: by Ashleigh, Challenges (last edited May 21, 2021 02:28PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ashleigh Motbey (ashybear02) | 1685 comments Eirelyn wrote: "I finished this a couple nights ago, and I just have to say that I am

I read this back in March but this is our I felt about it too. I felt as if I was right on Mars with him. I don't think I have ever felt like that about a book before. I was so immersed. I also gave it a 5 star rating for I couldn't really find anything wrong with it. It was... Perfect 😅

Okay I just had to physically remove the spoilers because Goodreads didn't when I quoted you 😅

Eirelyn (ladyeirelyn) | 1244 comments Karin, that makes sense, having a gap between reading & watching. For me, I was just so into the book & didn't want it to end...so when it did, I just wanted more! lol. I was glad I had the movie to watch then. XD

Ashleigh, that's exactly what it was for me too -- feeling so immersed! There have been very few books where I have felt completely immersed in it, but this was certainly one of them. I have been thinking about this book ever since I finished reading it. :D

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