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Past Discussions of Group Reads > WINNERS for November!

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message 1: by Jamie (The Perpetual Page-Turner), The Founding Bookworm (new)

Jamie (The Perpetual Page-Turner) (perpetualpageturner) | 4407 comments Mod
AHHH! Where have I been for the past few days?? Nominations are WAY past due. I apologize everyone. I have dropped the ball! Anyways..nominations for November will be accepted starting NOW! :)

For November we will be reading 2 books as usual. You are only able to nominate for one category. We will be having our "regular" fiction/non-fiction category (category 1) where you can nominate anything and then our "themed" category (category 2). The theme for the month of November is fantasy/science fiction. I'm sure alot of people will be feeling stressed with school in November and if you are anything like me..sometimes I like to just get out of my daily life and read about something WAY different.

Guidelines for Nominations:

-Only one nomination per person and you must choose one category.
-Please specify which category you are nominating for. The Themed category is always category 2. Your post should look something like this:
Category 1: "This Book" by An Author
- Please make sure you have the book and author in your nomination
- If you have nominated the same book more than 2 times and it has only ever received one or two votes..please try and pick another book! :)
-We will be taking the first 12 nominations for each category or we will close nominations on October 9th if not all categories are filled.
-Voting will begin soon after nominations are done and will be open for a week.
- If your books wins..please let us know whether or not you would like to lead the book discussion. It is not required by any means that you lead it.

message 2: by Jamie (The Perpetual Page-Turner), The Founding Bookworm (last edited Oct 04, 2009 05:17PM) (new)

Jamie (The Perpetual Page-Turner) (perpetualpageturner) | 4407 comments Mod
Category 1: Graceland by Chris Abani

message 3: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Elizabeth I have this book on my shelf here at school and I've wanted to read it for a a while. Maybe this'll get get me to read it. I think it would count best as fantasy.

Category 2: "Tigerheart" by Peter David.

message 4: by Katerina (new)

message 6: by Kayla (new)

Kayla | 604 comments Category 1:The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan

message 7: by Ashley (new)

Ashley (readerandwriter) Category 1: Crank-Ellen Hopkins

message 11: by Bree (new)

Bree (breezybaby) | 144 comments Category 2: The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

I've seen this categorized as such on various library I hope this is ok.

message 12: by Sara (new)

Sara Catagory 2: City of Bones-Cassandra Clare

I think this considered sci/fantasy :)

message 15: by Alfredo (new)

Alfredo Minero (alfredbm) | 2 comments The Gun Seller - hugh Laurie

message 16: by Jamie (The Perpetual Page-Turner), The Founding Bookworm (new)

Jamie (The Perpetual Page-Turner) (perpetualpageturner) | 4407 comments Mod
Alfredo..thanks for your nomination. Please specify which category this is for. :) Thanks!

message 17: by Alfredo (new)

Alfredo Minero (alfredbm) | 2 comments sorry
category 1 The Gun Seller - hugh Laurie

message 18: by Jamie (The Perpetual Page-Turner), The Founding Bookworm (new)

Jamie (The Perpetual Page-Turner) (perpetualpageturner) | 4407 comments Mod
thanks! :)

message 19: by Emily (new)

Emily  O (readingwhilefemale) | 487 comments Category 2
Snow Crash by Neil Stevenson

message 20: by Jamie (The Perpetual Page-Turner), The Founding Bookworm (new)

Jamie (The Perpetual Page-Turner) (perpetualpageturner) | 4407 comments Mod
We have 4 spots left for Category 1 and 5 spots left for Category 2. Nominations will close in 2 days or until all the spots are filled.

Thus far we have:

Category 1:

The Gun Seller
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
An Abundance of Katherines
The Joy Luck Club
Little Children

Category 2:

Snow Crash
Luck in the Shadows
City of Bones
The Handmaid's Tale
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Ender's Game

message 21: by Lydia (new)

Lydia (daisysinherhair) catagory 2- Midnighters- Scott Westerfield

message 22: by Tenderine (new)

Tenderine | 13 comments Have I missed the poll or havent it started yet?)))

message 23: by Lori (new)

Lori Walker Tenderine, It's not up yet.

But NOMINATIONS ARE CLOSED!!! A poll will be up soon.

message 24: by Jamie (The Perpetual Page-Turner), The Founding Bookworm (new)

Jamie (The Perpetual Page-Turner) (perpetualpageturner) | 4407 comments Mod
Sorrryy I wasn't near a computer all weekend. I was in NYC! :)

I'll be putting the polls up in a few moments.

message 25: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Elizabeth Yesss New York!! aka where I am right now. hahaha

message 26: by Spencer (new)

Spencer (spencerafreeman) New York!! I'm in NYC, Jamie! You could've helped me procrastinate on all the homework I have due! haha. Hope you had a good time!

message 27: by Jamie (The Perpetual Page-Turner), The Founding Bookworm (new)

Jamie (The Perpetual Page-Turner) (perpetualpageturner) | 4407 comments Mod
2 more days to vote..right now it looks like it will be The Handmaid's Tale & The Unbearable Lightness of Being

message 28: by Jamie (The Perpetual Page-Turner), The Founding Bookworm (new)

Jamie (The Perpetual Page-Turner) (perpetualpageturner) | 4407 comments Mod


Thanks to everyone who nominated and voted!

message 29: by Katerina (new)

Katerina | 252 comments I'm so excited to read both of these!

message 30: by Tami (new)

Tami | 3103 comments Mod
I am so behind on the CS reads. I really need to kick it in gear.

message 31: by Lauren (new)

Lauren Williams (misslaurenwilk) | 425 comments I can't wait to read The Handmaid's Tale!!! :)

message 32: by Tahleen (new)

Tahleen Ha, sweet! Those are both the books on the list that I already own!

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