Romance Readers Reading Challenges discussion

Archive (Team challenges) > PtP - Bookish Blooms (6)

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message 1: by Jane (PS), Moderator (last edited Sep 26, 2021 12:39AM) (new)

Jane (PS) | 23169 comments Team Members

Flower Power Rosebud
🌹 Diane

🌱 Bailey
🌱 Louise
Susan (jazz)
🌱 Dani
🌱 AliciaJ

message 2: by Jane (PS), Moderator (new)

Jane (PS) | 23169 comments 1. Introduce yourself to your team. Let your team members know where you are from. This is a 'nice to know' when categories are announced and when team-mates can expect other members to post their book choices.

2. Team Captain - reserve a couple of posts in this thread tracking your team's book selection and completion. (Alternatively they could convert a chat comment to the tracking post/s.)

3. Name your team. Using this round's theme of Spring, come up with a fun name. Given we are an open/public group with no age limit, so please make sure any chosen name is smart, not smutty ;)

Please PM your name to Jane(PS) by 10 September.

4. If you have a private profile, please 'friend' your team-mates. This is really important, because without this, your team-mates can't see your shelves to select a books under option 2. (It will also help with one of the categories in this round!)

5. Please post your book selections/completions in the format provided below. (This format is also posted in both the Q&A and Sign-Up threads.) We need to know the week that each book corresponds to, the page numbers, and how the book qualifies including links to lists/shelves (where applicable), etc. I can't stress this enough. When in doubt - link it*!

* don't link to your review in your completion post - reviews in your completion posts should be included in full in that post.

You don't want to start reading a book and then find it doesn't meet the requirements because some information (eg page count or theme link) was missing from your original post.

I will be monitoring this and your book will not be considered complete until I am satisfied that your selection and completion posts comply with the format rules of the challenge.

Remember - you can ONLY change your book selection in the week that the theme is called.

6. You MUST check in with your team each week, ideally once the theme is announced. Please let your team know if you expect to have spotty communication or are on holidays or having an operation, etc.

7. When you post the completion of your book, you must post a review; enough for us to know you have actually read the book. Please don't link to a review. You must post the review in this thread.

8. Re-reads are allowed but you can't read the same book twice within this challenge.

9. There is no prize for the winning team - bragging rights only :)

10. Each week, the theme will be announced in the Q&A/Announcement thread. The full list of themes announced during this round will be maintained in msg 1 of that thread.

The Rule on the Pass Option
* Each team can only have ONE member using their pass each week.
* Each member can only use that pass once each 5 weeks.
* This means that one or two team members (dependent upon the size of your team) will miss using a pass in each 5 week block.
* No-one can use the pass option in the last week of the challenge.
* In the final week Option 2 has altered and I will be allocating each team another team from which their book selection must be chosen :)

message 3: by Jane (PS), Moderator (new)

Jane (PS) | 23169 comments Key selection and completion post information. You must have ALL elements in your book posts.

For the initial selection post Option 1 I need:
Week #
Page numbers
How the book qualifies - please insert a link to the qualifying bookshelf/list.
If the theme is based off the bookcover or a letter in the title etc, please just repeat the theme.

For the initial selection post Option 2 I need:
Week #
Page numbers
Name of the team-member, their star rating, the date they read the book.

For the completion post I need:
Week #
Rating (1-5)

Please DO NOT CHAT in these selction/completion posts. It needs to be super clear.

If you 'waffle' about your decided book - please REPOST your selection once you decide. DO NOT go back and edit your waffling post.

message 4: by Jane (PS), Moderator (new)

Jane (PS) | 23169 comments I'll be tracking each team's progress separately, using the Captain's summary in each team's thread to check for accuracy.

A summary chart will be posted in the last week to let teams know their progress against other teams :)

message 5: by Diane (last edited Nov 19, 2021 12:05PM) (new)

Diane Dannenfeldt | 665 comments Themes

Week #1:
(view spoiler)

Week 2
(view spoiler)

Week #3:
(view spoiler)

Week #4:
(view spoiler)

Week #5:
(view spoiler)

Week #6:
(view spoiler)

Week #7:
(view spoiler)

Week #8:
(view spoiler)

Week #9:
(view spoiler)

Week #10:
(view spoiler)

Week #11:

Option 1
5. The southern hemisphere's spring season starts in September

* Read a book published in September, October or November.
any edition

Option 2
Key date: 14 May 2021

If you use this option, this week you must select your book from the team shelves immediately below your team in this list. The last team picks from the first team.

8 Too Lit Tulips
7 Bloomin' Romance Readers
10 Reading Roses
9 The Sakuras
6 Bookish Blooms
1 Spring into a Good Book
3 Happily Ever Asters
2 The Bad Seeds
5 Blossoning Bibliophiles
4 Spring has Sprung our Books are Brung

Eg. Team 8 picks from team 7's members bookshelves. Team 4 picks from team 8's members bookshelves.

DO NOT PICK from a team member who has left the team during the game. Picks must come from current members.

Option 3
Not available this week

message 6: by Diane (last edited Oct 24, 2021 06:53AM) (new)

Diane Dannenfeldt | 665 comments Week 1-4 Selection Posts

Week #1:
(view spoiler)

Week #2:
(view spoiler)

Week #3:
(view spoiler)

Week #4:
(view spoiler)

message 7: by Diane (last edited Oct 22, 2021 02:02PM) (new)

Diane Dannenfeldt | 665 comments Week 1-4 Completion Posts

Week #1:
Diane: msg #37
Bailey: msg #48
Louise: msg #55
Dani: msg #34
AliciaJ: msg #35

Week #2:
Diane: msg 44
Bailey: msg #57
Louise: msg #100
Dani: msg #50
AliciaJ: msg #46

Week #3:
Diane: msg #73
Bailey: msg #68
Louise: msg #76
Dani: msg #59
AliciaJ: msg #66

Week #4:
Diane: msg #79
Bailey: msg #75
Louise: msg 101
Dani: msg #91
AliciaJ: msg #81

message 8: by Diane (last edited Nov 12, 2021 01:33PM) (new)

Diane Dannenfeldt | 665 comments Week 5-8 Selection Posts

Week #5:
(view spoiler)

Week #6:
(view spoiler)

Week #7:
(view spoiler)

Week #8:
(view spoiler)

message 9: by Diane (last edited Nov 12, 2021 01:32PM) (new)

Diane Dannenfeldt | 665 comments Week 5-8 Completion Posts

Week #5:
Diane: msg #85
Bailey: Pass
Louise: msg #87
Dani: msg #93
AliciaJ: msg #86

Week #6:
Diane: msg 95
Bailey: msg #108
Louise: msg 102
Dani: msg 103
AliciaJ: msg #113

Week #7:
Diane: msg #117
Bailey: msg #126
Louise: msg #143
Dani: msg #111
AliciaJ: msg #120

Week #8:
Diane: msg #129
Bailey: msg #128
Louise: msg #145
Dani: msg #147
AliciaJ: msg #130

message 10: by Diane (last edited Nov 20, 2021 03:17AM) (new)

Diane Dannenfeldt | 665 comments Week 9-11 Selection Posts

Week #9:
(view spoiler)

Week #10:
(view spoiler)

Week #11:
Diane: True Order by Patricia Logan (Published November 17th 2021)
Bailey: Deep Desires by Charlotte Stein (Published September 27th 2012)
Louise: The Good Liar Nicholas Searle (Published Oct 3rd 2019)
Dani: Betting on His BF by Eli Easton (Published 9/14/21)
AliciaJ: Maybe This Time by Lauren Blakely (Published 10/27/20)

message 11: by Diane (last edited Nov 20, 2021 08:55AM) (new)

Diane Dannenfeldt | 665 comments Week 9-11 Completion Posts

Week #9:
Diane: msg #134
Bailey: msg #137
Louise: msg #163
Dani: msg #148
AliciaJ: msg #136

Week #10:
Diane: msg #153
Bailey: msg #155
Louise: msg #164
Dani: msg #156
AliciaJ: msg #172

Week #11:
Diane: msg #174
Bailey: msg #176/a>
msg #170
AliciaJ: msg #175/a>

message 12: by Diane (last edited Sep 07, 2021 08:52AM) (new)

Diane Dannenfeldt | 665 comments Hey all, welcome to another round of PTP. I'm Diane and I live in Northeast Ohio (which is eastern standard time) with my husband of 34 years. I am a mother of 2 daughters and a grandmother of 2 grandsons. I am a fur mommy to a very spoiled female cat named Angel and a fur grandmother to a very spoiled male cat named Skyler. I love to read and listen to audio books. During the day, and while I work on my diamond paintings, I listen to audio books. At the end of the day I love to read. I read mostly MM books of all kinds, but really I will read most anything except for historical; not a big fan of having to hide your love. I don't really care for YA where they are still in high school. But there are always exceptions.

First order of business, please introduce yourselves. Secondly, we have to come up with a name. I'm really horrible at this so I'm counting on y'all's input. I have listed some thoughts below. Just remember it has to be something related to Spring

Poolside readers
Blooming book gardeners
Spring break book club
Spring Bookers
Romance in the air
Springin’ into books
Blooming Books
Bookish Blooms

Please note in msg #3 above how Jane wants the layouts of the selection & completion posts. Please make sure you follow that. Also, please do not put both your selection & completion posts in the same posting. We have to submit our name by September 10th, which is also the first call. If this is your first round of PTP, please read Jane's rules very carefully, they are listed on the sign-up page.

I will list each weeks theme in msg #5. If for some reason I am not around when the theme is called, please note it in a post & I will add it when I do get on.

Most importantly, lets all have some fun & maybe we will find more books to add to our ever growing tbr shelves!

message 13: by Diane (new)

Diane Dannenfeldt | 665 comments xx

message 14: by Dani (new)

Dani (daniellesarabia) | 36 comments Hey guys 👋. I haven’t partaken in any challenge lately but I’m hoping this will get me out of my weird book funk. I’m in PA.

message 15: by Dani (new)

Dani (daniellesarabia) | 36 comments Diane wrote: "Hey all, welcome to another round of PTP. I'm Diane and I live in Northeast Ohio (which is eastern standard time) with my husband of 34 years. I am a mother of 2 daughters and a grandmother of 2 gr..."

Another MM reader 👋. Also not a fan of YA .

As for the name, I’m good with whatever you guys decide. I’m not so creative with names.

message 16: by AliciaJ (new)

AliciaJ | 1839 comments Hi everyone, I'm Alicia, also an MM reader, but I also read a lot of fantasy and MF romance. I live in CA, so I'm on Pacific time. I can usually come up with some names, so I'll see what comes to mind. Looking forward to getting started!

message 17: by Jane (PS), Moderator (new)

Jane (PS) | 23169 comments Your team has an even mix of MM and MF readers. I try to mix you all together otherwise you all end up playing with the same team mates 🤗

message 18: by Lisa (new)

Lisa (mooselover) | 2642 comments Dani, please can you check your PMs. There is a message regarding bingo thats urgent. Thanks

message 19: by Bailey (new)

Bailey (bailsreads) | 227 comments Hi everyone! I’m Bailey 🙂
Sorry I’m a bit late to introductions!
I’m in central NY (just moved here from TX!!) while my husband is going to law school. I’m in Eastern time.
I’m in school right now getting my Masters in Information & Library Science and I work part time at a community college in the Access and Equity department. I have a very sweet mini Aussie named Bobby who I absolutely adore, and in my spare time I love to read, craft, hike, and spend time with my family!
I’m really excited to play PtP again- I think this is my 3rd time around. I haven’t been reading as much since the semester started, but I’m hoping it’ll pick up more as I get used to this new schedule.
I read mostly MF romance but I enjoy just about every subgenre and try to switch it up every once in a while.

I am horrible at coming up with names, but I’ll start brainstorming.

Spring Bookers
Romance in the air
Springin’ into books
Blooming Books
Bookish Blooms

message 20: by Jane (PS), Moderator (new)

Jane (PS) | 23169 comments I've sent PMs to Louise and Susan so hopefully they will turn up soon!

Please go ahead and sort out your name without them.

message 21: by Diane (new)

Diane Dannenfeldt | 665 comments Okay guys, should I throw all the names into the randomizer? Or do we want to vote on the name?

message 22: by Louise (new)

Louise | 1070 comments Hi all I’m here, it’s been a bit hectic the last few days. I’m good with whatever name

message 23: by Diane (last edited Sep 08, 2021 03:11AM) (new)

Diane Dannenfeldt | 665 comments Okay the randomizer says: Bookish Blooms

message 24: by Louise (new)

Louise | 1070 comments Diane wrote: "Okay the randomizer says: Bookish Blooms"

Sounds great

message 25: by Bailey (new)

Bailey (bailsreads) | 227 comments Yay! I like Bookish Blooms.

message 26: by AliciaJ (new)

AliciaJ | 1839 comments I love the name! It's perfect 💖😊

message 27: by Dani (last edited Sep 09, 2021 06:13PM) (new)

Dani (daniellesarabia) | 36 comments Week 1: Option 1: The Earth has been slumbering but is now waking up!
The Island Dragon's Mate (Lonely Dragons Club #4) by Silvia Violet The Island Dragon's Mate by Silvia Violet
122 pages on GR
Number 49 on Gay MC with Amnesia

message 28: by Louise (last edited Sep 09, 2021 07:46PM) (new)

Louise | 1070 comments Selection Post - Week 1
Option 1
Ride Baby Ride (Thompson & Sons #1; Rocky Mountain House #7) by Vivian Arend
Ride Baby Ride by Vivian Arend
Pages: 191
How It Fits: #120 on Amnesia Themed Romance

message 29: by AliciaJ (new)

AliciaJ | 1839 comments Selection Post: Week 1
Option 1

Chrysalis (The Formicary Book 1) by S.E. Harmon
Chrysalis by S.E. Harmon
Pages: 274
How It Fits: #49 on the list Gay Romance Featuring a Main Character (MC) with Amnesia

message 30: by Diane (new)

Diane Dannenfeldt | 665 comments Louise wrote: "Selection Post - Week 1
Option 1
Ride Baby Ride (Thompson & Sons #1; Rocky Mountain House #7) by Vivian Arend
Ride Baby Ride by Vivian Arend
Pages: 191
How It Fits: #120 on Amnesia Themed Romance"

Hey Louise - Ride Baby Ride is not on the list. #120 is actually Baby, Be Mine. Do you want to change your book this one or pick a new one?

message 31: by Diane (new)

Diane Dannenfeldt | 665 comments Selection Post
Week #1
Read a book from one of the following lists:
Amnesia Themed Romance
Amnesia based Historical Romance
Gay MC with Amnesia
Amnesia in Harlequins
Qualification: your selected book MUST be on one of these lists
Bookcover/link: The Island Dragon's Mate by Silvia Violet
Page numbers: 122 pgs
How the book qualifies: #49 from Gay MC with Amnesia

message 32: by Louise (new)

Louise | 1070 comments Diane wrote: "Louise wrote: "Selection Post - Week 1
Option 1
Ride Baby Ride (Thompson & Sons #1; Rocky Mountain House #7) by Vivian Arend
Ride Baby Ride by Vivian Arend
Pages: 191
How It Fits: #120 on Amnesia Themed Ro..."

It’s an alternative edition.

message 33: by Diane (new)

Diane Dannenfeldt | 665 comments Louise wrote: "Diane wrote: "Louise wrote: "Selection Post - Week 1
Option 1
Ride Baby Ride (Thompson & Sons #1; Rocky Mountain House #7) by Vivian Arend
Ride Baby Ride by Vivian Arend
Pages: 191
How It Fits: #120 on Amn..."

Sorry, I didn't go in to look, just checked the list :)

message 34: by Dani (last edited Sep 10, 2021 04:56PM) (new)

Dani (daniellesarabia) | 36 comments Completion Post: Week 1

The Island Dragon's Mate by Silvia Violet
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

So I haven’t read any of her previous books but it said it could be read as a standalone so I gave it a chance. It’s cute and very short so a very fast read. Obviously, not a very believable with the whole dragon plus mpreg plot 😂, but still enjoyable enough.

message 35: by AliciaJ (new)

AliciaJ | 1839 comments Completion Post: Week 1
Option 1

Chrysalis (The Formicary Book 1) by S.E. Harmon
Chrysalis by S.E. Harmon
Pages: 274
How It Fits: #49 on the list Gay Romance Featuring a Main Character (MC) with Amnesia
Date Read:9/11
Rating:4 stars
Review: I enjoyed this for the most part, especially when Chris started learning more about who he was. But the snarky “humor” got old real quick, and it kept me from really feeling any empathy for either of the MCs. Anytime things would start to get just a little serious the author would throw in another one liner that would completely pull me out of the story. But like I said, the story picked up when Chris started finding out more about his past, which was very intriguing. I’m going to read the next book, but I probably won’t pre-order it this time around.

message 36: by Bailey (new)

Bailey (bailsreads) | 227 comments Selection Post: Week 1, Option 1
My Name Is Memory by Ann Brashares
Book: My Name Is Memory by Ann Brashares
Pages: 324
Qualification: #157 on Amnesia Themed Romance

message 37: by Diane (new)

Diane Dannenfeldt | 665 comments Completion Post

Week #1
Bookcover/link: The Island Dragon's Mate by Silvia Violet
Rating (1-5): 5
Review: It always saddens me when a series comes to an end. Desmond and Jonah made such a sweet couple. Desmond has decided that he is tired of being along & is very impatient in finding his mate. He finds Jonah on his beach with an amnesia. He has no idea what has happened to him or what his name is. He does know that he is gay & finds Desmond super hot. I liked that Jonah didn't freak when he finds out that Desmond is a dragon & his mate. I'm very happy that all the dragons have found their mates.

message 38: by Diane (new)

Diane Dannenfeldt | 665 comments Selection Post

Week #2

Option 2: Key date: 12 March 2021
Bookcover/link: Earth Husbands are Odd by Lyn Gala
Page numbers: 167
How the book qualifies: Dani read on 8/25/21 & rated it 4 stars

[*bookcover:Earth Husbands are Odd|54389386]

message 39: by Dani (new)

Dani (daniellesarabia) | 36 comments Diane wrote: "Selection Post

Week #2

Option 2: Key date: 12 March 2021
Bookcover/link: Earth Husbands are Odd by Lyn Gala
Page numbers: 167
How the book qualifies: Dani read o..."

I hope you enjoy it!! I can’t wait for the third book to come out.

message 40: by Diane (new)

Diane Dannenfeldt | 665 comments Dani wrote: "Diane wrote: "Selection Post

Week #2

Option 2: Key date: 12 March 2021
Bookcover/link: Earth Husbands are Odd by Lyn Gala
Page numbers: 167
How the book qualifie..."

I was so excited to see there was a second one as I loved the first one!

message 41: by Dani (last edited Sep 17, 2021 05:37PM) (new)

Dani (daniellesarabia) | 36 comments Selection Post: Week 2: Option 2

The Quiet House (Black and Blue, #2) by Lily Morton
The Quiet House by Lily Morton
272 pages GR
Read by Diane on April 15, 2021 and rated it 4 stars

message 42: by Louise (new)

Louise | 1070 comments I will get my selection post up tomorrow 😀

message 43: by AliciaJ (last edited Sep 19, 2021 02:39AM) (new)

AliciaJ | 1839 comments Selection Post: Week 2: Option 2

Just a Bit Bossy (Straight Guys, #12) by Alessandra Hazard
Just a Bit Bossy by Alessandra Hazard
315 pgs/GR
How it Fits: Read by Dani on August 19th, 2021, rated 3 stars

[*bookcover:Just a Bit Bossy|56238428]

message 44: by Diane (new)

Diane Dannenfeldt | 665 comments Completion Post

Week #2
Option 2: Key date: 12 March 2021
Bookcover/link: Earth Husbands are Odd by Lyn Gala
Rating (1-5): 5 stars
Review: This book takes place a few months after the ending of the first book & you really need to read that one first. Max is settling in to the day to day life aboard their ship & keeping an eye on the kids. When Rick tells him that he needs to sell the navigation problem as they are very low on funds, Rick has to admit that his "people" are not treated fairly. He can either try to sell it through an intermediary for a loss or through his homeworld. When Max finds out how much he would be ripped-off, he hatches a plan to get a better deal. Of course things don't always go as planned. A surprise pops up that I didn't see coming & we get our wedding between Rick & Max. The ending also leads you to believe that there is going to be another book & I can't wait.

[*bookcover:Earth Husbands are Odd|54389386]

message 45: by Louise (last edited Sep 19, 2021 01:49PM) (new)

Louise | 1070 comments Selection Post - Week 2
Option 1
Remedial Rocket Science (Chemistry Lessons, #1) by Susannah Nix
Remedial Rocket Science by Susannah Nix
How It Fits: #38 Romance Novels with STEM Heroines

message 46: by AliciaJ (last edited Sep 19, 2021 04:38PM) (new)

AliciaJ | 1839 comments Completion Post: Week 2: Option 2

Just a Bit Bossy (Straight Guys, #12) by Alessandra Hazard
Just a Bit Bossy by Alessandra Hazard
315 pgs/GR
How it Fits: Read by Dani on August 19th, 2021, rated 3 stars
Date Read: 9/19
Rating: 2 stars
Review: This one really skated the line for me. Some of the scenes got way too close to non-con for me and I almost dnf'd more than once, but then would get sucked in again, kinda like when you can't help looking when you see a car wreck or something. Of course, there is a happy ending, and it was super sweet and romantic, so that helped, but I think this is going to be the last one I read in this series.

[*bookcover:Just a Bit Bossy|56238428]

message 47: by Dani (new)

Dani (daniellesarabia) | 36 comments Diane wrote: "Completion Post

Week #2
Option 2: Key date: 12 March 2021
Bookcover/link: Earth Husbands are Odd by Lyn Gala
Rating (1-5): 5 stars
Review: This book takes place a..."

Yes, I loved the wedding! It could have been a bit more romantic but whatever 😂

message 48: by Bailey (last edited Sep 20, 2021 06:08PM) (new)

Bailey (bailsreads) | 227 comments Completion Post: Week 1, Option 1
My Name Is Memory by Ann Brashares
Book: My Name Is Memory by Ann Brashares
Pages: 324
Qualification: #157 on Amnesia Themed Romance
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 stars
I think I had read this when I was in highschool, maybe a bit older, but I remember feeling like it was the most magical book I'd ever read. A lot of its magic still held through this time around, but I would say a large part of my rating comes from my previous obsession with it. However, the book was beautifully written and had such a unique premise- two souls trying to be together across many many lives but only one of them remembered their past lives. There was very little of Daniel and Lucy actually being in the same place at the same time in their present day life, but when they were together, their chemistry blew me away. I wish that Brashares had decided to write the second book though, as this one leaves on a bit of a cliffhanger. Especially since there was so little of Daniel & Lucy actually together.

message 49: by Bailey (last edited Sep 20, 2021 06:12PM) (new)

Bailey (bailsreads) | 227 comments Selection Post: Week 2, Option 1
The List (The List, #1) by Tawna Fenske
Book: The List by Tawna Fenske
Pages: 178
Qualification: STEM Heroine- found in precis
"...she's not just a boring soil scientist."

message 50: by Dani (new)

Dani (daniellesarabia) | 36 comments Week 2: Option 2: Completion Post

The Quiet House by Lily Morton
Read: 9/22
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I had to reread the first book since it’s been almost 2 years. I love Blue, Levi, and Tom. It’s the perfect combination of humor, sappiness, and paranormal for me. I tend to dislike paranormal so that’s why I pushed this off but I’ll read anything Lily Morton writes. I read somewhere that this was the last book in the series and I really hope that’s not true or changes in the future.

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