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The Martian
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January 2022: Science > The Martian by Andy Weir - 5 stars

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message 1: by Theresa (last edited Jan 13, 2022 08:36PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Theresa | 13207 comments Holy mackeral! What a fantabulous reading adventure! I loved every page, every word, of Mark's survival adventure on Mars (view spoiler). I didn't even mind all the science and math that was over my head - I just rolled with it. There was so much life, wit, humor to Mark, you just cheered him on and kept reading to see what happens next. Plus I do love a grand adventure where one has to survive on one's wits and skills.

I'm not a SciFi fan, though I've in recent years read a fair bit. I've only twice before given 5 stars to a SciFi read because I always find somethging lacking or problematic: N.K. Jemisen earned one for The City We Became and Martha Wells' Murderbot earned one with Rogue Protocol. Those 5 stars have been well- earned here.

Now I need to stream the movie adaptation. I just hope Matt Damon doesn't disappoint.

Booknblues | 10425 comments I had a feeling you were going to like it.

I loved it when I read it. I've been trying to talk my husband into watching it with me.

message 3: by forsanolim (last edited Jan 13, 2022 08:54PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

forsanolim | 523 comments I'm glad you liked it!

The Martian is actually one of the few (maybe actually the only?) books where I watched the adaptation before reading the book - I really liked the movie and think it's a pretty good adaptation, as far as I can remember, though I can't really compare the two all that well.

message 4: by Robin P (last edited Jan 14, 2022 07:53AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Robin P | 4532 comments It's such a positive message, not only about his will and ingenuity, but the collaboration of others. Plus very funny!

KateNZ | 3698 comments So glad you liked it! This was a completely unexpected delight for me too. I do like sci fi but the tone of this one was just so novel

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