Book Nerds Unite discussion

The Martian
This topic is about The Martian
BOTMs > May 2022 BOTM | The Martian

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message 1: by Asia | Adventures with Asia Minor, Creator, Head Mod, Book Nerd #1 (new)

Asia | Adventures with Asia Minor (booknerd117) | 3729 comments Mod
Here is the discussion thread for our May 2022 Adult BOTM.

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message 2: by violetderey (new)

violetderey I'm not signing up to be a leader; my activity here is erratic.
I am commenting to say I'm struggling with this book. I got to p. 61, saw how many pages left to read, and swore mildly but with clear irritability. Too much science-y computation! And not enough unique personality development. But I plan to read at least 100 more pages before giving up, maybe I expect too much at this point in the book.
I do want to know what happens so if I give up, I'll read the last chapter.

How people make themselves read an entire book that they don't like bewilders me. Why torture yourself?

Keli (motroth421) | 4 comments I am also not signing up to be a leader, but I had to answer violetderey.

@violetderey - I agree. I have not finished my share of books, but it never occurred to me to read the last chapter for any kind of "closure". Duh! Well I'm not going back, so moving forward, I will read the last chapter.

message 4: by Asia | Adventures with Asia Minor, Creator, Head Mod, Book Nerd #1 (new)

Asia | Adventures with Asia Minor (booknerd117) | 3729 comments Mod
@violetderey, @Keli,

You don't have to sign up if you don't want to! :)

message 5: by Asia | Adventures with Asia Minor, Creator, Head Mod, Book Nerd #1 (new)

Asia | Adventures with Asia Minor (booknerd117) | 3729 comments Mod
I haven't read the book, but the movie is sooo good!

Keli (motroth421) | 4 comments If you liked the movie I think you will love the book.

message 7: by Asia | Adventures with Asia Minor, Creator, Head Mod, Book Nerd #1 (new)

Asia | Adventures with Asia Minor (booknerd117) | 3729 comments Mod
I don't think I'll be reading The Martian for a while :(

I feel like Sci fi books can be a hit or miss for me. Like, I really liked the movie for Ender's Game, but the book was rather boring. . . . Is The Martian like that?

message 8: by violetderey (new)

violetderey I'm finding the Martian excruciatingly dull. I wonder if the author's editor was sleeping while at work cos the book could have been drastically pruned but wasn't, at least for me it wasn't.
Then again, I don't belong to its target audience.

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