The Procrastinators Book Club discussion

The Martian
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★Buddy/Group Read Retirement★ > The Martian (July 2022) Buddy Read Discussion - Aliana & Edith

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message 1: by mina, Group/Buddy Reads Procrastinator (new) - rated it 3 stars

mina | 2887 comments Mod
Welcome to the The Martian Buddy Read Discussion thread! This thread officially opens on July 10th and anyone can join at any time. Please keep in mind that spoilers are allowed in this thread but only up to the group's current reading place. Do not spoil the book if you've read further than the group. Any extra days can be used to catch up!

Each day we will be reading by chapters or page numbers. Page numbers are an approximation based on the hardcover or paperback that is the default on Goodreads. The suggested Buddy Read discussion schedule is as follows:

Week of 07/10
10th July: Chapter 1 - 4

Week of 07/0
11th July: Chapter 5 - 9
12th July: Chapter 10 - 13
13th July: Chapter 14 - 17
14th July: Chapter 18 - 21
15th July: Chapter 22 - End

~ Aliana
~ Edith

Aliana (aliananana) | 81 comments Couldn't get my audiobook hold in time unfortunately, but was able to get the eBook version, so I'll be starting this tonight! Looking forward to reading with you and hearing your thoughts, can't wait to get started :D

message 3: by Edith, Group/Buddy Reads Procrastinator (new) - rated it 4 stars

Edith (xeesky) | 755 comments Mod
No worries! I did the free audible trial for this book 😂 I really liked the sample I heard so I thought why not! I’ll probably start sometime later this evening, I’m really excited too!

message 4: by Edith, Group/Buddy Reads Procrastinator (last edited Jul 12, 2022 06:49PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Edith (xeesky) | 755 comments Mod
I am soooo sorry I haven’t posted! I’ve been behind on so many things, this being one of them lol, but I at least managed to read the first chapter! I know it’s not much but I’ve gotten a feel for the book at least. Not going to lie I found myself a little spacey during some parts when he would explain the MAV and the Hab. Not sure if it’s because it’s my first real science fiction book or maybe it’s just Will Wheaton’s narration.
How are you liking it so far?

Aliana (aliananana) | 81 comments You're good! I'm a bit behind too (I think I'm on chapter 5?), studies have been more chaotic than I thought it'd be. No need for you to stress :)

Ooh, didn't know this is your first real sci-fi, feeling even more excited for you! I'm a bit of a science nerd, so I tend to enjoy all the little science-y parts aha. The MAV is the vehicle that brought them from the main ship (Hermes) to Mars, and the Hab is their little habitat in Mars.

I read/listened to Project Hail Mary by the same author just last month, so far this one seems to be a little less science-heavy, more sarcasm. Also Mark swears a lot more than the MC of PHM did, and definitely tons more impatient 😂

At the end of Chapter 2 (I think?) I love how he's just thinking about stuff and calculating his resources and then just gives up and heads to bed, huge mood on that

message 6: by Edith, Group/Buddy Reads Procrastinator (new) - rated it 4 stars

Edith (xeesky) | 755 comments Mod
Okay, I'm back! I took a break from reading because life got in the way. Now that I've read more (still not super far into it), I seem to still glaze over the sciencey parts of it and just find myself reading just to read it honestly. Though I will say it's not enough for it to be a DNF because I'm still very much interested in the story line. Lol, does that make sense?

Anyway, I just got to the part where Venkat, Teddy, and Annie are deciding to issue a statement to tell the public that Mark is still alive. The transition from the log entries to third person narration threw me off soooo bad and confused me a bit. But as soon as I figured out what was going on, I tore right through the chapter. I plan to read more later tonight and I'll keep you updated!

message 7: by Edith, Group/Buddy Reads Procrastinator (new) - rated it 4 stars

Edith (xeesky) | 755 comments Mod
So I'm roughly halfway done with the book now, and I've gotta say--it really picks up! Makes want to watch the movie lol

(view spoiler)

message 8: by Edith, Group/Buddy Reads Procrastinator (new) - rated it 4 stars

Edith (xeesky) | 755 comments Mod
I finished it finally! I know our reading schedules didn't always match up, but I'm really happy I read this book. It was a rocky start for at first but as soon as I found my pace I really enjoyed it. I'm really glad I read this with you! :)

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