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Sea of Tranquility
This topic is about Sea of Tranquility
Let's Buddy! - Sci-Fi/Dystopia > Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel -> Restarting February 4th, 2023

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message 1: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new)

Aly (alyp_01) | 28313 comments Mod
A novel of art, time, love, and plague that takes the reader from Vancouver Island in 1912 to a dark colony on the moon three hundred years later, unfurling a story of humanity across centuries and space.

Edwin St. Andrew is eighteen years old when he crosses the Atlantic by steamship, exiled from polite society following an ill-conceived diatribe at a dinner party. He enters the forest, spellbound by the beauty of the Canadian wilderness, and suddenly hears the notes of a violin echoing in an airship terminal—an experience that shocks him to his core.

Two centuries later a famous writer named Olive Llewellyn is on a book tour. She's traveling all over Earth, but her home is the second moon colony, a place of white stone, spired towers, and artificial beauty. Within the text of Olive's bestselling pandemic novel lies a strange passage: a man plays his violin for change in the echoing corridor of an airship terminal as the trees of a forest rise around him.

When Gaspery-Jacques Roberts, a detective in the Night City, is hired to investigate an anomaly in the North American wilderness, he uncovers a series of lives upended: The exiled son of an earl driven to madness, a writer trapped far from home as a pandemic ravages Earth, and a childhood friend from the Night City who, like Gaspery himself, has glimpsed the chance to do something extraordinary that will disrupt the timeline of the universe.

Haley (haleymadd) | 800 comments thank you Trisha for requesting this! I'm intrigued to see how this book is!

Haley (haleymadd) | 800 comments I'll be starting tomorrow!!

message 4: by Trisha (last edited Sep 23, 2022 07:15PM) (new) - added it

Trisha | 4797 comments starting late, classes started this week and they are kicking my buns!

message 5: by Trisha (new) - added it

Trisha | 4797 comments Remittance -

(view spoiler)

message 6: by Trisha (new) - added it

Trisha | 4797 comments oh no. . .I just saw a comment from someone that this is a story tied to another book by this author: The Glass Hotel

I'm at the part of Mariella learning about Vincent - and it looks like it was in the first book. .

I'm going to stop on this one and wait until I read The Glass Hotel and then I'll pick this one back up.

Haley (haleymadd) | 800 comments Trisha wrote: "starting late, classes started this week and they are kicking my buns!"

I understand that completely!! I recently finished, but forgot to update my comments!! I listened to the audiobook while on a 6 hour car trip.

I've never read any other book by this author, but I do have The Glass Hotel on my shelf! I enjoyed how simplistic the writing is and makes it easy to follow along.

message 8: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new)

Aly (alyp_01) | 28313 comments Mod



Vicki (goodreadscomboobooper49) | 4787 comments I'm hoping to start this one within the next few days.

Catsalive | 989 comments Interesting & very easy to read. Time travel in pandemic lock-down, well, what better time to go a-travelling? I listened to part of this while I was on a train & read the rest to speed things up a bit. I enjoyed both media: the narration was excellent & the written-word clear & easily understood. I'd probably give it a 3.5* rating.

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