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Facing the Mountain: A True Story of Japanese American Heroes in World War II
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March 2023: Japan > [Subdue]Facing the Mountain: A True Story of Japanese Amer. Heroes 3.5 stars

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NancyJ (nancyjjj) | 9582 comments This is an important non-fiction book about Japanese American families and soldiers during World War II. It provides extensive details about Japanese Americans in Mainland US and Hawaii following the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The fear and outrage over the bombing led some to fear or even hate Japanese Americans because they could be dangerous spies. Whole families were interned in prison camps. Many of the men wanted to fight in the war to protect America, and they were an extremely successful Unit. The most memorable parts of the story for me involved the cultural differences between the men from Hawaii versus the Mainland. The cultural differences between these two groups were more significant than the differences between either group and the Americans they grew up with.

Overall I didn't enjoy this book as much as Boys on the Boat, but I think it's a more informative and important book. The author provides a great deal of detailed information. Some of it I loved, and some I had to slog through, but it was worthwhile. I recommend the book.

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