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Sea of Tranquility
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Group Reads - Fiction > May 2023 - Fiction Group Read - Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel (spoiler free thread)

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message 1: by Alannah (new)

Alannah Clarke (alannahclarke) | 13839 comments Mod
Please discuss our winner here.

message 2: by Alannah (new)

Alannah Clarke (alannahclarke) | 13839 comments Mod
If you have already read the book and wish to discuss spoilers, please do so here:

LauraT (laurata) | 14215 comments Mod
Have someone finished it?
I've finished listening right this morning, coming to work.
I have to say I don't particularly like Sci-fi, and more the time-travelling fiction.
I find them confused, and difficult to follow.
This has been no exception.
And the adding of a pandemic focus has, in my opinion, not clarified the matter...
Your ideas?

message 4: by Janice (JG) (new) - added it

Janice (JG) | 320 comments I'm watching a TV series called Class of '09, which flips back and forth between scenes in the Past, Present, and Future. This book flips between 1912, 2023, and 2200ish (? I don't have the book handy and I've forgotten the future dates). This morning I woke up in the future - it was Monday, and I was making my Monday schedule. Except, it wasn't Monday, it was Sunday.
I think this stuff is messing with my mind.

LauraT (laurata) | 14215 comments Mod
Janice (JG) wrote: "I'm watching a TV series called Class of '09, which flips back and forth between scenes in the Past, Present, and Future. This book flips between 1912, 2023, and 2200ish (? I don't have the book ha..."

You got it!!!

Leslie | 16369 comments LauraT wrote: "Have someone finished it?
I've finished listening right this morning, coming to work.
I have to say I don't particularly like Sci-fi, and more the time-travelling fiction.
I find them confused, and..."

I just finished and will post my impressions on the spoilers thread.

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