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Sea of Tranquility
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Group Reads - Fiction > May 2023 - Fiction Group Read - Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel (spoiler s thread)

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message 1: by Alannah (new)

Alannah Clarke (alannahclarke) | 13839 comments Mod
Please discuss our winner here.
If you have not read the book yet, but still wish to talk about the book. The spoiler free thread is here:

LauraT (laurata) | 14215 comments Mod

Leslie | 16369 comments Well, it was probably not such a good choice to have 2 time travel books back to back... I think that this book suffered some in comparison to Kindred.

I did appreciate the fact that in this book, the time travel was the result of a technology developed in what is to us the future, making at least a pretense of being science fiction. Of course in fact Mandel doesn't explain the time travel any more than Butler did! But at least Gaspery knew when and why he was traveling (as opposed to Dana).

I really didn't care for the opening section of the book - in particular, the way it was written in present tense bothered me. Because of that it took me a while to make progress with the book. However, once I did make it to the second section, I enjoyed it more.

I didn't see the ending coming but I did find it quite satisfying. I was left wondering how much of that situation Gasprey's sister Zoey knew or even manipulated into being.

I also was intrigued by the question of whether Earth and its colonies were real or a simulation. Reminded me of the Matrix movies, so Mandel doesn't get originality points, but still an interesting question. I liked Gasprey's conclusion - that living life to the fullest and with a sense of humanity is what matters regardless of whether the life is "real" or a simulation.

message 4: by Greg (last edited May 24, 2023 06:38AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Greg | 8237 comments Mod
I liked this quite a bit when I read it, though I liked Station Eleven better. I'll have to go back to the book to discuss intelligently - it's been a while.

I remember appreciating how timelines fit together, fairly clever.

I'll take a look at my copy and try to remember details. :)

I read the whole thing on an international plane trip. I think I remember books better when I spend more time with them and discuss them. :)

LauraT (laurata) | 14215 comments Mod
Leslie wrote: "Well, it was probably not such a good choice to have 2 time travel books back to back... I think that this book suffered some in comparison to Kindred.


LauraT (laurata) | 14215 comments Mod
Leslie wrote: "I also was intrigued by the question of whether Earth and its colonies were real or a simulation. Reminded me of the Matrix movies, so Mandel doesn't get originality points, but still an interesting question. I liked Gasprey's conclusion - that living life to the fullest and with a sense of humanity is what matters regardless of whether the life is "real" or a simulation"

This is the issue that most interested me!!!

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