Reading Under the Lilacs discussion

Sea of Tranquility
This topic is about Sea of Tranquility
BOTM ♡ > September 2023 - Sea of Tranquility

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message 1: by Hina ♡, The Lilacs Leader (new) - added it

Hina ♡ | 753 comments Mod
Welcome to the BOTM discussion for September. We'll be reading Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel. Grab your copy and start reading!

Questions you may answer:
1. What was your favorite part of the book?
2. What was your least favorite part of the book?
3. Would you want to read another book by this author?
4. Would you recommend this book to someone?
5. Does the book remind you of any other books or writers?
6. If you could ask the author anything, what would it be?
7. Is this book overrated or underrated?
8. Would you ever consider re-reading it? Why or why not?
9. Which characters did you like best? Which did you like least?
10. Did you race to the end, or was it more of a slow burn?

Extra - Add a link to your review (or rating)

You can answer as many questions as you want OR not answer any at all and just discuss the book however you want!


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Sea of Tranquility (other topics)

Authors mentioned in this topic

Emily St. John Mandel (other topics)